THE MICHIGAN DFAILY fbe [ autcru sbop TYPE~WRITER REP.AIRIX( ISCELLANEOUJS I SI IE Tod~ ICOLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P4M. A DVIERTI SING LOST TRAVELING bag by Fred ner, 509 Division, name on Reward, phone 371. A~PPA Alpha fraternity pin. engraved oan back. Phone J-HOP ticket number 497. Please call 467-J. Rewardl. A SILVER wrist watch with silver'l links. 'Finder please call 2166-1V. FRIDAY afternoon between 4 and 6. Browvn handbag containing bank book and valuable receipts.. Phone 2873-J. Reward. FO;NTAIN FENS Touintain Pens and Pencil insur- ante. Hlave your name embossed on them. Price 25 cents. 0. 1). MORRILL 3 7? Nickels Avcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. r ~CLEARANCE 'SALE Eversharp arnd brokenX lines of mech- anical pencils Plso Gift Sets oif Fourntain Pens and Pencils one-halfEl off. 0. 1). MTORRILL, 17 Ni&(els Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. -I- Waffles, and Special Lunch- es served daily. OIpen from 7:30 A. 'N. to 7:30 V~. l. Phone 703 E. University MUSICAL KEEP PHYSICALLY fit by the daily use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen on Records. Complete outfits sold by Schaeberle, & Son. ALL~ MAKES. Agency Woodstock and } TypIewrijung and imJieograpibng Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand acd-~ promptly and neatly done. ing achie, Lne-aTini~ ~ Theses, stu~dent notes and college holders, rubber stamps, ribnonis, ! work a specialty f~or fifteen years cushion keys, type cleaners and slip-I The 'Typewriter & Stationery Store. plies. Machines rented. ;. D.MORILL, ANN ARBOR TYPE~WRITER 17 1iciels Aran EXCHANGE. Phone 8$6, doawnto~wn PENTB TRSadihssoe FOUNTAIN PENIS thing new and different, 56c. Gren- - - nan's Cakes, every bite a. delight. RIDER'S PEN SHOP ! Open evenings and Sundays. OL. Exchange-that misfit pen for a LEGE GROCERY, 516 E. Williams. Rider Master Pen plus Rider Service ITi? OING IN Greek and Latin, Unij- at versity graduate. Greek: Couirses 302 State St ! A. C and I. Latin: Courses, Y and RIDE'S EN HOP I 131. Phone 3327-R., 915 E.,IHgron. SKATfES hollow ground '25c. The Get you examination pen now so l Sharp Shop, 306 S. Ashley. that you will be sure that it works as!---; you wish it to. We have ten kindsI STUDENT desiring lessons in~ Span- including Wahl's New Signature Pen ish to perpare for~ exams call 1104. and The Rider Master Pen. 1100 ENRAEDSYE CALLING We fit and service every pen we " A~,8c elm fnsds sell. This insures you better value nCAIN" 5. Velmfnsd- at incie Samples free. Agents 302 State 'St wanted. Retteir, 2219 Allen, E: 1 Chattanooga, Tenn. RIDER'S PEN. SHOP MOD~EL MIEjXIBIit EVERHAR PECIL NOVEL DEVICE OF+ UPPER P19NIN- Our stock of Eversharp Pencils is 1 SULA RANGE MAN AT- ti still large and complete. Take advan- TRIACTS ATTENION tags of the special price now at The One of the most inter'esting exhib Wahl Service Station. its ever seen here and undoubtedlyj RIDERS PEN SHOP{ ever constructed is the exhiAtioin 302 State St. of the Maynes model mine and city w jvhich is being exhibited starting this Daily Want Ads always bring goo 1 week at 609 Church st. results. (Continued on Page Eight) ; * -!+ i r ~11 .' 22 i k' Z Master fountain pen. Name 1Strohm on barrel. Call 2024- WEDNESDAY, a pair of glasses in leather case some place' between Library and University Hi-gh School Call Miss Dow, 3237. FOR SALE- ~TUXCEDO. Practically new. Call 15- 05. COMPLETE set of Lu~dwig drums. Nearly new. Cheap for cash. P~honae 2540-W. A NINE room house, to trade as a down payment for a large income property. Call 617. ROOMS for eight, nine, or twelve boys for second semester. ,leani and warm. Located only three blocks from campus. Box W. G. ONE NICELY furnished single room. Call 1300 Geddes. Phone 2310-M. SEVERAL GOOD orchestras left for your 7-Hop party, Feb. 9. Call 'Folk, 751-W evenings 7-9. VANTEb TWO PLEiASANT rooms for girls at 1020 Church st. Phone 1405-W. 'ROOM suitable for two, madern con- veniences, quiet surroundings, pri- vate family.' 346 E. Kitigsley. 1 DOU'BE room, new house, shower bath. 334 E. Jefferson. SUITE FOR three. Preferrably En- gineers. -Price resaonable. 1 block from college. Phone Cameron or Thompson after. 6:30, 2809-R. 3 FURNISHED light. housekeeping }rooms. Reasonable. 1340 Vollard SPENCE'R Miscroipe, excellent dition~. Mechanical stage. House Physican, t'University pital con- Call Ilos- 6 ROOM House. Ik'4odern in every, way. $1000 down payment. See this place a once. Call +617. A ROOM for two boys, board if de- sired, in private home. 916 Mary St. LIVE ENERGETIC salesman. Easi est selling specialty on marke 904-R. Miss Wood. BY BUSINESS girl : Furnished lig]it housekeeping apartment, one or tw+I rooms near Campus. 'First floe preferred. Call 1555-R. THESES neatly typed. 10c per sheet. Call 3359-J. ROOMMATE for congenial student in private family. 346 E. Kins ley. A WELL furnished suite Hof rooms for three men 'students, location option- al. Call 1328, ask for Tolle or Har- ley. FIVE YOUNG men students for next semester to fill vacancy. SingleI Simmon's beds, single desks, show-! er baths, steam heat, and dorm- itory. Call 523 Packard or phone 2866-M. TWO SINGLE rooms for next semes- ter. Box R. H. ROOM for one or two girls in 'private home next semester. Board if de- sired. Can tutor high school girl for part pay. 744 Packard st.a Phone 1528-M. GIRL wants single rooms wit~h private family within 2 or 3 blocks of cam'.- pus. Call 1657-W.4 I WILL get that these out on time, Typing done at reasonable rates. Call 3067-J, noon or after 7 p. im. FUAMILY and student washings; Work guaranteed. Phone 1171-M.l 1t 11 I (Y Y i ,YAL.4F 0 ,.. ., x _. r. NINE~ ROOM house, just south of camr-I pus, excellent condition, $1000 down payment.: Call 661-W, 52 ACRE farms; 1 1-2 miles fromi the campus, only $14,000. Also 60 acres, 2 miles from the Court House overlooking the Huron River at $13,000 will take Ann Arbor prop- erty i echange. John Huss, The Land Man, Phone 2258-R. COSMETIC SFR1CE Superfluous FACIAL lHAIR~S Rem oved Perman~ently by ELECTROLYS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE 224 Nickel's Arcade By Appointment only Phone 116i7-R. 3-$ p. M. TYPE WRITING4 TYPING. Accurate work on. manu- scripts, letters etc. Would take TYFEWRITERtS of all makes Sold, rented cleaned exchanged and repaired. 0. D..31OURRILLI 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. Your these and notes will be promnptly and neatly TYPE WRITTEN at BUSINESS SERVICE CO., over "M" Lunch, 322 South State Street. LARGE ROOM, steam heat, fire place, for two gentlemen or ladies. Kitch- en privileges if desired. Phone I 1069-J. GARAGE, cement floors, lights. 1234 fProspect. Call 3414. NICELY furnished room for 2 girls, $4.00 each. 511 Cheever Court, .phocne v16-. ONE SINGLE and one double room, very resoniable, price right. Two blocks from campus. Phone 468-J, SONE NICJELY furnished single room, also double front room, 1300 Geddes, 1phone 2310-M. TWO LARGE suites or single room. Can accommodate five or six boys Opposite "Sleepy Hollow", beauti-, ful view, ideal neighborhood to study. Hot water and hot air. Rates resaonable. 1426 Washington 4Heights. Phone 781-M. DOUBLE 'room with sleeping porch, 3 blocks from campus, call 3056-R COMFORTABLE two room suite, near State St. "524 ~Hill st. LARGE WARM single room, 3 blocks from campus. No other roomers. Phone 826-J. ROOMS FOR Rent, double or single, One block from campus. 1011 Mon- roe. BOAR]) WILL I3OARD six to eight young men; private family;' convenient to campus. Phone 468-J. WHI1TN'EY THEATRE MONDAY, JANUARY 28 YEAz (SUN A ''a'aUR LTHEATRIE. A NEW \OIU n _________ MRrLE AAF 13REC/SELW 77iE SAME 13?LL/A7r CAST and P20oou0Y/MN45 /f{N. N V." I }It~1 LIKE the sturdy, i1 that stands the I shockcs and stresses a of traffic year in and v 9 rout, the Yale loc i built to en-c Sledge-hammer I bloswill not iice 4 iope p~or can a crow "bar. 'N own key isthe4 .E glish Model-- WUide TrouserĀ§ SCSIU MACHER HAR1DWARE COWPA A Store of Individu~al Sho 08 W-13 S.1M a' Special at $35 11 T UXEDO-- Also SHIRTS STUDS & LINKS HOSIERY, and DERBIES SUNDAY SPECIAL 5 too8 Hot buttered biscuits with creamed chickeni 35c Creamed salmon and Riche- lien pleas 25c Bread and; pure creamery butter 5c Richelieu Coffee Sc Hot, tender, buttermilk waf- fles, with pure creamery butter and all the hot maple syrup you want 25c' SERVICE-QUIK QUALITY-THE BEST If you don't agree, it's free. ARBOR FOUNTAIN 313 S. STATE ST. Lutz Clothiung S towonw MIAIL '0 IV ALL, SEATS JRESERVED) 'ARCHT. $2.7 11 ill _ a . .4 .... ................................. ..Y.Y. ....YYY....YYY................ ;f. TAILORED AT FAS HION PARKI i. - ;; 7 * -- N I' i . - x . - -- it i 1 AWider ni Safest for your Ex1aLms Now is the time to cor- rec't your pen troubles. It will be too late .after exams start to make sure your 'pen is work- ing 'so it will not annoy you. Come to us now. Ex- amination is free and J -i ]Extra I .........f ........................r.... 1f.....................p ......... r The Michigan Daily will issue a J-Hop Extra, Saturday Morning, February 8th. This extra will : contain a group picture of those attend ing the Hop, lists of booths and guests present, -and a com- plete resumze of the previous . L ii :, TUXEDOS night's gaieties. Re s~rvations A new shipment just received may save trouble. $35.00 and up to *60 "00 The newest in Vests, Shirts, Ties and. s+aev.' ovwttr rt 7TED i I for copies may be made by call- ing the Business Department of The Daily---call '960 ra~ri~r......rrrrrr~rs+rralrrr rrarxaaayisr++rra.5....rrsar :xraxr.sxrr ~a Jewelry, etc., at