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January 20, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-20

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f9c l n'Pinchot's Wife's
"Bwetter Man" On
3990 A~!!!!. StumHSy
ollenl Collect _lMore Than $700 From
First Payments on Sub- J


More than 200 memberships wer
secured for the University of Michi
gan Leaue in the campaign of tha
organization which closed on Frida3
of last week and approximately $70
was collected on first payments for th
This is the largest number of mem
berships that have been secured it
any one campaign since the projec
was begun. All women who did no
make first payments will do so befor
May 1 and in this way the committee
is assured that the entire number
will be paid before the end of the
school year. This money is to be ap-
plied directly to the building fund
and will not be used to meet cam-
paign expenses.
A chart is to be compiled by Char-
lotte Blagdon, '25, chairman of the
campaign, early next semester, which
will show the relative rating of all
organized houses in regardto mem-
bership. While the drive has closed
officially, women who feel that they
would Ilike to increase the rating of
their group by subscribitg, may do so
before the second semester by apply-
ing to Miss Blagdon.

q- I

Copies of the Bok- peace plan ar6Zrt
A complete review of the results of Stressing the ideal of service for the office of the dean of women and
the first round of the inter-house bas-. which the profession has always stood, will be given to University women
ketball games played within the last Dean Hugh Cabot of the medical upon request
week finds 10 victorious teams ready school addressed the freshmen medi-
to enter the second round of the cal students at a smoker in the Union
tourney in the struggle to match the rid ihMembers of Mortarboard society
speed and accurate shooting of their In the course of his short informalwill meet at noon tomorrow, at Dey's
opponents. talk, Dean Cabot touched upon the studio to have their picture taken for
Competition among the teams whothe Michiganensian.
survived the first round of the tourna- f history of surgery as it has developed
ment is close as none of the teams from its pioneer days and pointed out W
are considered weak in any phase of the great advances in recent years. In) Women who expect credit in phys-
the game. The coming week promises explaining his disapproval of the es- ical education this semester must take
much in the way of court exhibitions. tablishment of a course in the medical week of Jan. 21, in Barbour gymnas-
Pollowing are the pairings for the school looking to instruction of stu- k.y
second round of the tournament which dents in the administration of a phys- ium.
will be played off Tuesday and Thurs- ician's office, Dean Cabot said, "As a
day afternoons in Barbour gymnas- profession medicine has no equal, but The cast of the Junior Girls' play
ium: Tuesday, Delta Delta Delta vs. as a trade it is below contempt. The will meet for rehearsal at 4 o'clock
Phi Beta Phi, Zeta Tau Alpha vs. Kap- tendency to pay more and more at- timbrrow in Sarah Caswell Angell
pa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma tention to the economic phase of a hall.
vs. Delta Gamma, Thursday, Alpha physician's work and to overlook the
Gamma Delta vs. Alpha Omicron Pi standard of service for which the pro- Senior society will meet at 7:15 o'-
Martha Cook vs. Newberry residence. fession has always stood is one to be clock tomorrow night' at Martha Cook
The victors of the second roundbulig
will play the last third of the tourna- considered seriously by students who building.
ment shortly after the beginning of Intend to enter the profession. When-
the second semester. services becomes a secondary purpose A special meeting of IMortarboard
! then medicine ceases to be a profes- society will be held at 10:30 o'clock
sion and is no longer worth the time today in Martha . Cook building,
Clai s Invention and effort put into preparation for it." instead of this morning as was pre-
Will T D i usly announced.
Wil T ue of which is purely conventional. v
From Human Voice 11 Finally I found a device by means of it's true efficiency to use. Daily
r hih- - hnof .i. Classied-Ac


.. .

~tfld~Ie in~etthne On All Our
bXa10 ud tron
c otch am on a Men's Shoe
stew d wtrnchve,
En~iish ast.

Read The Daily "Classified" Colt


CAhf . sJiRUBY lInc.
Ann Arbor. Micb.



Funeral services for Miss Anne
Fowler, executive secretary of the
Family Welfare bureau, who died
suddenly Friday, were held at 4:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon at the
Dolph undertaking parlors. The Rev.
Arthur W. Stalker read the service,
following which the body was taken
to Zain esville, 0., for burial by S. W.
Fowler of Columbus, brother of the
Miss Fowler was at her office on!
Thursday and feeling well. Friday
morning she was found unconscious
on her bed, and died early that after-
noon. An autopsy revealed that a,
'needle had punctured the foramen
magnus and caused paralysis.
Miss Fowler became secretary of
the Family Welfare bureau last Sep-m
tember, coming from Jacksonville,
Ill, where she held a similar position.
She was a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan
college, and received her A. M. degree!
at Columbia university in 1918. She
also spent a year at the New Yorkf
school for social work. Miss Fowler
lived at 1137 Michigan ave. while in
Ann Arbor.
Swarthmore: P.. Jan. iI9.-JohnsI
Hopkins defeated SwarThmore in a
dual swimming mee here to(ay, 47
Patronize The Daily Advertisers.

i Mrs . 1('orneIu ea Aycs 'I' cit which the short intervals of s
Mrs. Gifford Pinchot, wife of the Martin Bandli, a Swiss inventor, which in every case take plac
governor of Pennsylvania, has an Un- has invented a machine which he as- tween two words, or distinct syll
usually strong influence in the pol- serts will type direct from the human are used to guide the distributo
itics of the state. The governor v tomatically to the right letter con
franly aniit sheis "he b tte voice, doing away with the necessity ations."
frankly admiits she is "the better ofdcain is t hnorp.n
man" as a campaigner. She plans of dictating first to a phonograph and The problem of writing numb
to become a stump speaker in the then passing the recod on to a typ- figures, when desired, instead
coming state and national campaign. ist for transcription. So far the in-'words, is solved by a considerable
vention has only reached the stage of ering of the voice when figure
"patent applied for" but the agents wanted.
swear it is a business proposition and
that it will do what the inventdr An u1eanC Enggement
)"i claims, namely, "write from dictation Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Reiner, 251
tILUO1ML Iwith a speed of 90 to 100 words per Kinson, Detroit, announce the en
The machine is in a case 16 by 16 Elizabeth to Anthony Lewis Os
club he tesen Psical seduaton inches, weighs 60 pounds and is mount-. '24L, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
entertainments Friday night in Bar- ed on a small table such as is used Wald, of Hutchinson, Kans.
bour gymnasium. A dancing recital,1for phonographs or ordinary type- Miss Reiner received her A.B
including clogging, folk and natural writers. In the upper part of this gree in 1922 and is a membe
dances, was given by the Misses Heg- table are a small electromoter of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
henion, Albert and Lobenstein, grad- 1-16 horsepower, and a battery which wold is a member of Beta The
uates of Teacher's college, Columbia in full use would have to be charged and Phi Alpha Delta fraternitie
university. Miss Ruth Remin Schnei- everytwo years.
der contributed several vocal select- The user talks. distinctly and in a Announce Club hostesses
ions to the program and songs were medium pitched voice, into a spe- Mrs. Hobart Arthur will be ho
sung by the members of the club in cially bitlt microphone arrangement this week at the Faculty Wox
ihonor of the alumre of the Univer- in which every sound wave creates a club house, 226 South Ingalls s
sity h eepeet
owergte prsen. d corresponding alternating current She will be ssisted by Mrs. Willia
was feld in the gymnasium for the which is amplified In a small but very Carpenter, Mrs. William W. Lou
guests and supper was served in the efficient amplifying device. Mrs. W. Hoorn, Mrs. Forest E
parlors of the building. The guests 'The amplifying currents enter a lins, Mrs. John A. Brooks, and
included: Prof. John Sundwall, of the series of distributors which, in com- George W. Dunn.
hygiene department and Mrs. Sund- bination with a series of synchronized__
wall, Dean Allen S. Whitney of the printing devices produce the typrewrit-
school of education, and M rs. Whit- ing on the paper. As many copies can]Dean Hamilton to Speak
ney, Prof. Warren E. Forsythe, of the be made as with an ordinary typewrit- Dean Jean Hamilton will ad
hygiene department and Mrs. Forsythe er. the Michigan Dames at a special m
Dr. Margaret Bell, of the physical The inventor states, "Correct orth- ing at 8 o'clock Tuesday evenin

rs au-
ers in
of in
e low-
s are
0 At-
V. Os-
. de j
er of
ta Pi
am T..
ag at


4 ;


f e


t4p ttg dui#s


The striking appeal

and the remarkable

values of our Spring Suits now on display far out-
shadow price reductions on leftovers of Fall and

Winter Clothing.

The shrewd man buys for the

coming season an* not for the past.



arm A rhr


education department and Miss Mar- ography for a long time proved to be
garet Cameron, of the school of edu- an almost insurmountable obstacle
cation. becaus!, especiay 'in the English
language, there are in some cases
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything about half a dozen different letter
quickly. -Adv.
comlbinations for one single sound, the

the Faculty's Women's .club house.!
-ler subject will probably be on her
travels abroad last year.


t. ..

It's true efficiency to use



. : .. 'i

_. ..l

Fur ilcadquarters

Tead ana Pro it
Th Gretes Fur ae in Yars


' ld lllllll fill1111111 I iil lllll11 t1tilw H l il i11'li{lINIf 19lll i tlllitttitlll
I *
e a
I evW / .y a
eitu.s+" 0eonyeod ooe
ne. .
- r-
he ePctuorsqu ae, DanyceainyFpockl
r Pictr esqr ouaiywhtheen brwighto dte.
scib the newydafok. Ateoh-.
1he Ptour-opiec aern roc
The IewsithoetewespatcStrylecmn -I!
scrbthe ynewhudance-tfrocks.tAndgtheafth-s
coing rufoun ofkprti e cafrinewows.
I- _I
The colors too are lovely. Dainty pastel ri
shades vie for popularity with the brighter tints.
and the always dependable black is here.
"Choose your J-Hop gown here. S

a ti 3 y .
j r

Evening gowns of chiffon,
velvet, satin, Lace, metal
clotl and moire, the last ,
word in style, are in alI
colors.. As inexpensive as
$25. Others to $89.50.

G . :.

* *

A costume slip of rich silk
is necessary if one's gown
3s to hang properly. These
are in white, flesh and
black. $4.50 to $8.50.


* *


This is a most important event whith you cannot afford to
During my last trip to New York 1 was fortunate enough to
purchase the muiost exquisite furs of every type at prices which
enable vie to dispose of same at less than the original manufac-
twrer's cost,
lludson Seal Coa, Full Le FWgth PRC.
Reduced to..... . ................2,0.0 4
Northern Seal Coat, Fitt-i Trimmned, $ 350.
Reduced to. . . . ..
JapMInk Coats, Ful length, $4Th.
Reduced to........ ........... . . .,. ..200
Muskrat Coats, latest Style, $.1..
Reduced to7...................... ... . . 50
Narob)ib Coats, Full Length, Two Year Guaramntee, x.10:
Reduced to...................................95.00


fairyland . . . trimmings
of gorgeous splendor . . be-
witching music... hundreds
of graceful couples... wom-v
en gowned beautifully in
fashion s newest array .
the Junior Hop-
You need not envy the
attire of anyone there, for at
costs exceedingly modest you
can procure a gown and all
accessories. New. Smart!


As, for gloves, they'll be
of the finest French kid,
to be sure. Sixteen-but-
ton lengths, in black and
white. $6.50 the pair.

Glittering headbands will
add distinction to the love-
lest coiffures. Numerous
r delightful styles. $1 to
What opportunities for be-
coming coquetry an ostrich
fan affords. Single plume
andt spread shapes, in all
colors. $7.50 to $18.

* *

Superb hose for evening
wer are these of pure
thread slilk by Cortileeli.
In gold, silver and gray.
All sizes. $2.75 and $3.

* *




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