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January 19, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-19

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members o
thie University. Copy received by the Assistant tc the rresrdert until
3:3 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdxavr.
:itlei4 'l1U l¢ ,fi JANLTARtY 19, T1804Numiber 85
iivrsity LibrarU Sunday service:
The main Reading Room and the Periodical Room only are open on Sun-
,y from 2 to 9 p. in. Books desired for Sunday use, will be reserved in
e Main Reading Room Saturday evening for use on Sunday upon a per-
'nal request presented at the desk where such hooks are usually drawn.
Win. W. Bishop, Librarian.
iculty of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:
There will he a mieeting oft_ the fac ulty of these colleges on Monday, Jan-
ry 21, at 3 o'clock p. in., in Room 411 West' Engineering Building.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
tention Aero Student~s
There will he a meeting of the S. A. E. in Detroit in the Geneyal Motors
uilding at 2 p. mn., Tuesday, January 22, which should be of interest to
1 Aero students.
Messrs. A. J. Lyon and Samuel Daniels will read a paper on Light
Mlr. G. J. Mcad on Ae-ronautical Engines.
Mr. Starr Truscott on the "Shenandoah."
Aero students who desire to attend this meeting may be cxcu- ced from
Jesday afternoon classes, if they will apply to Assistant Don( G .
Aterson. F. W. Piwlcm-41d
nior Engineers:
Dean M. E~. Cooley will address the Junior Engineers on Monday, Jan-
ry 21, 1924, at 10:00 a. mn. in room 348 Engineering building. It is im-
rtant that all juniors attend this assembly.
G. E. Wilson, Class Mentor.
eicii 7a:
C~ourse 27a will he offered again in the second semester if a sufficient
:tuber desire to elect it. The course would be given at 9:00 o'clock, Tugs-
,y and Thursday. Mr. Hootkins, instructor. A. G~. Canfield.
gtwl 1:.rxa iatioiis-('alleg;es of E'iigiiieering and Architeture:
]n crdler thant proper :adjutment may lbe made in all cases of conflicts
ttween signed examilnation periods, the conflicts must be reported by the
uddents involved befocre the evening of Saturday, January 19th.
C. 11. Fessenden.
aty Prodtictioii Election-, For Second Reniester:
Advanced students who wish permission to elect Public Speaking 14a,
ay Production, 14g, Play Direction, or 141, Play Presentation may consult
ein the office at the south end of the stage in University hall at the fob-
cving 'hours:
Monday, January 21, 4 p. ni.
Tuesday, January 22, 11l a. mn.
Wednesday, January 23, 4 p. in.
Friday, January 25, 2 p. in.
Description of these courses may ho found in the announcement. A
nited number of those qualified to pursuc work in stage-craft or in .or-.
fnal plays will be admitted to course 141. B. D. T. Hollister.
There will be no meeting of The Cr-,ft+,,ni tonight.
_R. C. Coutts, Pres.
omwen's League:
All women on the campus are cordially invited to 'the Annual Fancy
ess Party at Barbour Gymnasium, Saturday, Jan. 19, at .7:30. Prizes
11 be awarded for the best individual as well as the best group costumes.
Helen Deibridge, President.
ih-esIty of fllchlgan BRand:
Formation tonight at 7:45 p. mn. at Yost Field House for Iowa +basket-
11 game. Full uniform, no capes. By order of the Director,
William Graulich, Jr., Asst. Mgr.

This applies to those not entered i
the Western Conference tournament, I
scores made In. this tournament count-I
ing as the preliminary round figure
for the local tournament.
Basketball for the independent, so-
ciety, and church teams will not start
until after the examinations. Entries'
Swill be received any time until thel
first Monday after school starts. Thesej
teams can: practice on the courts at
Waterman gymnasium any night be-
tween 6 and 7 o'clock, by calling the
Intramural office and having a spacej
reserved for them.
Propose Congressionl Sift
Washington, JAV. 18.--Congre ioa-I
al ilnvesthgatien of the administration
of Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood as govern-
or generalI of the Philippines aned of the.
stock transactions of his son, Lieut.
OMbrne C. Wood. U. S. A., is propos-
edl in a resolution °by Senator ljad1,l
Republican, North Dakota.:
E A'!' ,l '#i{ U, '#'" oA'i' I.i
Sf'r ePt--i1 oda j
i1I II
1 arcade-"Potaslh and lPerliunt-
Majestic---"The Age of Desire." I
Wnerth-- Jacques Gretillat in
Orpheumn-1-arry Carey in "The{
Canyon of Pools."


Where .Derts ill Hold
Their NationalLConventioni

Stage--This Week.
IWhitney -- Tonight -- Walker
I W'hiteside's mystery play,
"The Hindu."'
Garirick -(Detroit)--"The Love
j Child," with Janet" Beecher
and Lee Blaer ini the leadingI

Vivev of Maison Square Carden ludt its fauaow4 tower
The offer of New Yorkers to rodecorate andI rent the historic Madison
Square Garden for the coinventlion was one of the factors in swinging the
Iselection of the metropolis as te sito of the Democratic National conven-
tion at which the party vriil choo 117, presidential candidate.. The garden
is internationally knowvn as the senofiporting events, exhibitions and

1 w":
1= ''
at SAVE..o
(This 20%a~
Fanyne Letuc 12
beres.;... q...
K 35cCcar(onem.Poud)ljes
-~~n (NtthShAVkid)..om

IBread! Bread25
3 for Zknl~
~25c Fried
Cakes wt"w"..s.".s ;,%

!-Fvper Room Bibe class tn Up.
r room, Lane hall.
-Haters club mieets In Foresitryi
mlnar. L. I. Barrett, '23, will
--W o en's famicy dress part y
rbour gy-mnasium.
-Btakntlj:I In taYotfield htoi,
ichigan vs. Iowa.

is: meets in Upper

nees lBible
room, Lane

10:4--Prisid ot Voeker, of Olivet
colleg.e, speaks at the Congregation-
al church.
1 :00-S,1ttudent class in Pl.resby teramh
1-2:00--student (thu eliiOwssinl B list
Guild house.
4 :dl1-- ; ta DeilaChl inepls in roont
304, Union.
4:20--sopli Prom 11coiulan1ittee mieets in
i :h)-ongega loialSi udent , oela I
hour. Topic: "Why So Many
:34-Soc. al l hiour andopeit houe at
P'resbyterian church.
1, :0-ulleran s 1I Iidnt forum n iu,
Luther chapel. Professor Kirkpat-
rick sneaks ont University self-gov-
ernm ent .
6 :04-Bophtlst st.ade'itsl' guldj social
lhalf hour followved by regular eve-
ning meeting.
6 0-titilenls' >: mper at Harris-hail.
C'. L. D3ibblle, '0C, -will speak. Topic:
"Opening' the Oyster."
6:90-Presbyterian (Chrisa'tiu'i Edeav-
or. Alex. Burr, grad, leading,
7 :1,1-Jewisli Student oongregation
meets in Lane hall. L. B. Wolf en-
sen sp)ealis onl "Religion in the
World Today."
An exhibition of paintings by western
artists as well as by Lcon Bakst is
now hanging in the opper gallery of
Alumni Mlemorial hail. The exhibit

flihganenslan subscriptions may be
paid from 2 to 5 o'clock: any after-
noon this week, or from 9 to 12 on
this morning in the Ensian ot-
flee in the Press buildinag. Atten-
tion is called to the fact that sub-
scription rates for those who have
signed up are $5 while the rate forj
those who sign up from this time
forward will be $5.50.
Intramural itemss
(Continued from 1Page. Six)
fresh engineers vs. senior lits, educa-
tion vs. junior engineers.
The schedule for Wednesday is a';
follows: 7 o'clock, Alpha Rho Chi vs.
Kappa Sigma, Theta Xi vs. Cygnus,
Phi Sigma Kappa ivs. Delta Upsilon.
Alpha Chi Rho vs. Sigma Phi; 7:45
o'clock. Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Pi,
Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Kappa Tac,
Seta Phi Delta vs. Phi Upsilon, Delta
Theta Phi vs. Theta Clhi; 8,: 30 o'clock,
Zeta Psi vs. Sigma Nui, Phi Sigmca Del-
ta vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Clhi Psi
vs. Tau Delta Phis, Acacia vs. Tri-
An Intramural wrestling tourna-
ment for all men who are niot on the
Varsity squad or hiave not participated
in professional circles will be held
soon after the end of the February
examinations. All men who intendl
competing in the event 'would do well
to begin and get in trim for the
events. Coach Botcher is in the west
end of (Waterman gymnasium every
day and will coach all men who sg
nify their intention of wrestling.

v a
$1 -T EPI
ESTO ____
a WAHR'S University oktr o
ill I' ' .

Loin (Sugar


Cured) Bacon . .

The changed schedule for the fra-'
ternities participating in the Western
Conference bowing tournament is ast
follows: 7 o'clock, Monday night, Kap-
pa Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi
Kappa Tau, 8 o'clock, Alpha Chi Sig-
ma, Sigma Alpha Mu, Chi Phi, 91I
o'clock, Cygnus, Hermitage, Lambdal
Chi Alpha, 7 o'clock Tuesday night,'i
Theta Xi, Phi Chi, Nu Sigma Nu, 8
o'clock, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Theta
Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, 9 o'clock, Delta{
Chi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta,,
7 o'clock, Wednesday night, Sigma
Chi, Gamma Eta Gamma, Delta; Tau
Delta, 8 o'clock, Phi Rho Sigma, Psi,

You like to grasp a pen like this. It's
big. It's husky.' It looks strong, reliable,
long-lived. And it is.
This new Wahl Signature Pen is a won-
der for college work. It never needs prompt-
ing. You don't have to shake it. Touch
that flexible point to paper and the ink
starts with your thought.
The Wahl Comb Feed regulates the flow
so perfectly that the ink never floods. The
ink capacity is enormous.
And the everlasting nib-it's a marvel.
It suits itself to any writing style.. Just
seems made for your hand. It is heavy
Made in the U. S. A. by TiI.

14-k-arat gold. Tipped with the hardest
and finest grade of iridium that money
can buy. Experts say this everlasting nib,
is the finest made.
Another big idea-clipped in pocket,
purse, shirt-front, or notebook, the Wahl
Signature Pcn will not leak. The patented
cap-construction assures this. The gold
band, you see around1'the cap prevents
There are two big sizes at $7 and $5-
one for men, one for women. Ask for the
Wahl Signature Pen. Other Wahl Pens
from $2.50 up.
EE WAHL CO., Chicago





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