____ ____ ____ ____THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TilE LFIERSITY OF MIC II 1kN Published every morning c i \ '"ay during i ' niversit.1 1 ~ i,,dint Contru1cfstudent I'v 1 . _H The Associated Press is ,3y en- titled to the u'se for republiei , i alliinews 7 dispatches ert-dited to it ii~~ therwiss credited in this paper. xad*t , bws pub- lished therein. Entered at th : << t >f'i 'icz\rbor,f Michigan, as second claws ! Jcr Subscription by crawler, b' y maili, $400. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176M; :Jusi- ness, 96o. Signed commiun ications, not exceeding 300 vvol ds, wil1be1published in '[he Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Upon request,3 the identity of ;coinnpunicants will be re-I, garded as confidont a1. Telephlones, 2414 and i"14$. j MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAHUE ings of a community nature, on sub- was unable to do last .Year for lack jects about which they had an inti- o cf funds. mate knowledge. A committee willl be appointed in the near future whose Of the five members of the :National duty it will be to select the men ;who Peace Commssion, two of thew., Ex- are to serve in the capacity of Speak-: Secretary Day and Senator Cushman ers for "1 coming year. K. Davis are Michigan alumni. t "_ ~ a wond F); .Ii opportunity ~ ifl -indents whou WHY SOIIO3THOIES AlONE l To the Editor, In an ed ton~al entitled, "The a2orlhe- more Na i..Nuce,'' \vhich appearcd in' the lich igan Bail'r of Sept: nmber 'l, reference ,'1, nmld(1:0tothe hbavo f freshmen.rThis blmzin-, a ccsr(Mi. ;toa the etditor'al, was olmoxioiis to the upper classmen, and blame' is laid to the sophomore class. We want iD known before proceedling that we are as anxious to uphold01(1 ichigan's I rm- ditions, and the dignity of the school, as anyone on the campus, and wve be- lieve that the greater part of tie soph- omore class, is of the s:ame olpinion and desires only what is best for AMichigan. We are awiare of t110 fact that the sophomore is the proverbialE hazer of the freshman, therefore it prob~ably seemed most convenient; forI the Situdent council to lay the blame- for the (disturbances at the door of the second year men. We (10 not belimee ainyone will accuse us of era wfishig when we .are endeavoring to upholdj justice along with the name of our class. While we do not presume to; criticize our superiors who are sup-! posed to set the example for under-r classmen, we absolutely know that as, many juniors and senwors took part in the demonstratIions, wichb were so 130TH p TI) Aj1 r WAL ship and 1,1e l'ecPt fit. tht~e 111111,' brainl will lle~ver 1liridage. fen eken express,-s thoeiidleafa is I I o ,l' "'1. Thie (0osmos5is aa' iltic f1 xwheel making 10,000()revolutions1 T122111ftC. 2. Man is a picek fly takhmng a di-: ride on it. 3. Religion is the theory that I V whee~rl was diesignedl and scat siltlil1 lto give himt the ride." Govoiument reports ;say the c I I(t livin- has (droppedl 1 per cent ill I13' paist year. If A.t(lid, it dropiped vc, , lightly. Nobody heard it. Mr. Jack Walton seems to lie s eer- :ng the Oklahoma Dshli)of slate into; a, ' I{ :1 / \ . ti I . ti . _ ) i PQUIR-EMENS an~CC dfl excellent quality lines of T !CMATERIALS TOILET ARTICLES %I3AH & SON CO. :,:j. LIBERTY ST. J i a i 1 News Editor ..............Julian E. Mack standlards who wish to engage in City Editor....................II arry I11'.ey Editorial Board Chairman... .R. C. Moriarty some activity beneficial to Michigan Night Editorsf and who at the same time desire some I;. H. Arles A. 13. Connable experience in civil life. A worthy en-f R. .Bingtou 1r. E. Fiske terprise such as the Stuadent Christian I Harry C.C(' ilark J. G. Garlinghouse1 P. M. Wagner Association program merits the sup- Sports lpdt, . ............ Ralph N. Byers port of the entre student body. V~ omen's .Jia;........... Winona Hibbard Telegraph ,.ditor................ R. B. Tarr ----- - Sunday Magazine Editor......F. L. Tilden Music Editor...........Ruth A. Ilowell, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Editorial Board Nothing has brought Michigan more Paul Iinstein -Ruhtrt Ramsay Andr,:xv Propper fame abroad than her accomplish- B. G. Baetcke R<. R. McGregor, Jr. mnsI ievrosfed fudr Marion M~arlow. 1-. McGinnis graduate activity. As a school which 3. N. Berkman R S. Mansfield 1-elen Brown E. C. Mack encourages every student to interest Bernadette Cote S. J. Schnitz Harold Ehrlich W. L Sc:atch himself in something outside the E. C. Fingerle S. L. Smith T. P. Henry W. H-. Stoneman daily scholastic curriculum, Michigan Dorothy Kacnin 11. R. Stone K.' C. Kellar N. R. Thai has aroused the student body to in- Toseph Kruger S: B. Tremble ter'est in every sphere. Elizabeth Tiehei irmn W. J. Walttisour ___________ 1 In athletics, no school has been the BUSI2 i SS STAFF recipient of constant support and loy- Telephone (4 al backing as has Michigan. With fighting men on every team, never BUSINESS MANAGER downed in spirit and but seldom' in LAURENCE IH. FAVRQT fact, she has not only won the. praise -~ due to victors, b)ut also that becoming Advertising .............E. L. Dunne mhen of courage and platriotic enthus- Advertising............Perry 31\. Hayden Advertisng.......................C.Purdy am. Advertising................. W. lRoesserrth Advertising............WV . I.Scherer For mnan e C. 's rc-en:',me t inth Accounts .....................,VChristierealm < i. e Circulation..... .......Jno. Haskins Publication................Lawrence Pierce 5D(an tt \~-, ,~ Assistants li i i ' . i E lroee t iho _aoj Bennie Caplan E-dw. D. lI~cdemakcr ;; 4'hj t"_ j t_'I c e : , John ('o-.in $1I-e'rt :. \Iaric, Alin ! -nc 11 i (ear the tour embraces five of the Louis to riC ~ ~~(A , gest cities of the country, as well Joseph 3.,rni._ H" .L. lc az; a number of smaller ones. Glee David A. Fox wilt Weise Lauren Haight C. r. White clubs, orchestra and Varsity band are E. IH. Hale R. C. Winter also important units in this field. As a center for student pub~lications, Michigan can claim five magazines,, -a year book and a daily paper whvlich TUESDY, OCOBER_,_192 concern themselves with almost every Night Editor--A. B. CONNABLE, JR. subject of political, social, and Indus- --- - trial import. Those endowed,' with WHAT WILL °LIE PEOPLE DOT literary talents have ample opportun- GovenorJ. C Waton oesnotity to get their work before tile pub- wantthepeole f Okahoa t 111(1lic and their efforts are not unnoticed a special election today 1le'ezae he bthos en ho an estevauat is almost certain to lose h i; t'git for telmrt Still further, are opportunities whatever he is fighting ffo:'. ,I.4'has wihsio ugs hmevst some important ;.e' ~u 'eh to wih t co u~e*#hn;evst tile in eacquaintcA with the inside base bi-i enrt t.: . ". !,,j1v.~,,.,,.. . o vn- i i{ { .i In Spite of All Tihis- Religon in Ann Arbor is at last getting down to the level of the stu- dents. The Unitarian Church an- nounces as its Sunday sermon sb su-ject, in "Where to Go", this fetching theme: aDEIn'MiDR. If this doesn't bring crowds, we don't know what will. 12ACltYNOLOGY 42 . . .additional seats to be added in higher tears later on." G1 C D, 9-29-23. Climb Mt. Pleasant-higher gears.1 Visit W ndsor-higher beers. Ypsilanti-higher dears. Hoosier Stadium-higher tears. ACK Honest now, Jason, didn't that make you weep? Art in Advertising There are thmose who decry the (de- cadenge of modern literature. We don't think so. When an illy begot-1 ten short story has been finished, when a half baked essay has been startedl but not finished, we beg the f isecern~ng but disillusioned critic of o eontemporary literature to turn a ta ' =tertising section. Here. he nin kiu prose to warm the cockles of a Matt Arnold's hleart. We inclose the following excerpt from an over- coat ad as proof: "All summer sheep herders of the great wool country guide their bands up mountain, sides following the grass from snow line to snow l'ne. In the lower valleys a coveredl wagon is With them, but as the warm, days drive the+ snow up and up, tile wagon returns, to tihe home ranch. Around the firej every evening time lay's happenings' are discussed. As the pile of glowingI coals lbecomes smaller andl smaller, the murmur of voices,' too, dies (down. I Towering, snow-capped peaks stand1 guard. Whisperings winds in the. severe.ly assailed, as did sonlooores. ;eatre es As we understand it, the Student coun- cil is an impartial body which is seeking to mfaintain law andI order,' and respect for traditions on Miclh*- gam's campus; consequently if thisE body is to function as it should, all 1 offenders sl; iild kneet equal ;judg- mnlt and criticism, and 110oone class shouldl be labeled "The Campus Nuis- ance". No mention whatever was madle in this editorial of a far more importants question than the harmless d~sporting of the freshmen, namely thme uncalled for razzing of Michigan women. We have mnade inquiry of several upper- classmen, and in all cases been unmuis- takeably informed that only upper-; classmen are pcrmitted to occupy the Senior, benches. During the recent hazing mentioned in the editorial,' these benches were filled with "raz- zers" so we, will leave it to public opinion as to what class the tormen- ' tors of the frosh and tile women stu- dents belonged. During' these per- iods of disturbance, any woman vwho' passedl by the benches was humiliat- ed b~y embarrassing remarks andi gym- nastic performances by tile occupants' of these benches, surely this is not replresentative of true Michigan men, whletiler upperclassmen or not. Ini the editorial of which we speak the Student council was welcomed in their action of disciplining time of- fenders. We also heartily welcome any action that the Student council may take against unruly action on tile campus, bint we feel that thorough' investigation should' be made and all . ic Trr ln rn n n n .,h ; r P -ad the Want Ads Leave Chanbhr of C ifce VCO, Days 6 :45 a. Mi. t 5a. ;m. r1: 45 P. rn. 6:45 P. ro. q.: 4 P. gyn. Jt'S. 11. ELLIOTT, Pronrricti- { Pho-e gs6-M Adrian, Mich, - FERN I' Iouzse( cc )11 t'ng tor .I lt c oum'l C . i 61Q F- UNIVEII SI'°TY A1 t I I 1$ '110,JOY OF TI1 SEASON "RDAY, OCIT. 12 Ii cr 1Writtenl L r i t i i d..0 -._ f 'i7Kh ie ~4'-e1' 4~agmigCho 4) f Fluttering Femininity of Fas.- mu eeci ;:my Comilc Opera Copmany V VC~d'F 1em .IP1i A 'T WEEK(S IN BALTIORE *Vl fi 14 . ','0g ,d in, the order receivedl when accom-; I K b. ; uiowv. r Ir together with self-addressed sap ci~~~~~sap ;;t(!,. oa o evr d 10 per cent-tax. 'ii 1110 [i olfISij~l a~lhis remarkable company is to miss the Slo:e ~mwl (f i t -,ete.BL Il~-EVENING SUN. L- i s, par ties aT) weiienoea berore public ac pines lull herders and shleep to sleep." usation is madie. i Sinerely vYours T U 0a e hu.i.525,00" : 'izens in kk~i.'.~ 0 .tIV~ 13 l A22, there were 280,311.4 4of - cast i-,0,1 un for governor and 230,411 r WCelds, his Republican adverse;,:- ' Vsocialist candidate, received i i t'eevotes. -The slim, margin hry w~ii i-Dem- ocratic candidate v. as : +.,., 0ii i his -own territory must mean something to the Governor at the present mo- mnent. He undoubtedly owes his elec- tion to tile fimness- of party politics, and even then, it appears that one year ago the people of Oklahoma had some doubt a'bout 1Ws>Ilr Regardless oF th.Ve-i eevents today, it is'inc -uhaole 'o-Im 'Vila the legislature and the courts d: termined -to break the dictatorship of tihe gov- ernor an(! tihe citizens of the state still to be heard from,, that Walton will lose. Hiebhas no time for ,campaigning and the people need that before he would be satisfy-I to have them vote ait a roferendurm election. They are the uncm'ta n element that he must avoid cakixng into tile battle. The avowked purpose of his fight is a worthy one, but it has led! to a fac- tional war and the original issue has been buried under martial law, court rulings and legislative revolts. It be- gan as a war of time Klan and has evolved into a 1, ' W for prerogatives. It would be reasor;2!re to believe that' -such a battle was being sincerely *waged if Walton were the President of the United states, bult as a governor h's action now looks like a political i ;I ,l i i , t it C i,.'. ar-d the Union. In the admin- . osbY Gordon M. Chambers, '26. lcr~nof the latter there are manyG Perhaps the 'freshman who wished] Hboward Williams, '26. interesting tasks aw aiting those Who to purchase an "M" sweater recently!- ~~~~~~~Vare willing to exert their energies in - can find one his size at the Baby Shop I__________________ that direction.; in the Arcade. Participation in campus affairs, ev-GA t J en if it. be only a casual° interest ill! By SMYTIJE s,,,oeognztov'leret Phlspygreatly enliven the routine of each *Wien I am broke, and out of cash _______________________ I sometimes cry. day. Certainly with an ab~undance of Pu I ilhaesm moeoe-IVANIT1S, VANITATLIN variegated fields from which to choose. IBuIwilhvsoemrsm- Man is ever icie ovnt.Fr everyone can find something whmchtiehnrdofyrsmnasegdd1 will fit his liking.' So why should I? hundedf s otheasrsmn sretonof * * * the cosmos. In fact it ihas b~een an ac- .Our clients may recall our Para- cet her lattlioso a grajh ellngof he xpeiece f sv-created for him.' That theory hasi l. tenty-J lVe Yearsp been umade absurd by modern "biology. eral reps of the lrC5in - aias1oAt h t detsotrofc rewdythegPresi-'A miml o a smr rls A g A Alhig n dnt' oteroffce fe das ao.To- ofs a poor specimen, ldefective lespt fcel3day we met this great man again, and e ohsevromnwaadaOpt were ihorribly shocked to find that this to more diseases. The braimn, or the Fron thIle files of the IT. of 3t. Dlly, great man, who secures the Presi- nervoums systeum, in which man really October 2, 1898. Idebt's ear with tile merest waggle of excels over tihe rest of the animlal his mouth, to whom time great b)ody of kingdom, still gives him an immnense Michigan won time frst game of tihe 'lress representat'ves deferred in- avnae season yesterday afternoon against satya~ ubyti ra a vantage* tile Ypsilanti Normals by the score is (lnly the janitor in the Clemnents Conceit is like love or humnger, i% of 21 to 0. Neil Snow was time star Library. And quite a nasty janitor attacks all men. An aeroplane jump of the game snaking miany tackles too. acr'oss a continent bletweenl dawn andi from his position at end. A friend and we deci(ded to inspect dusk; a ship as b~ig as a small city X ! 1 A new fraternity, the Phi Beta Pi, has made its appearance in the Medi- cal department. The society was or- gani7.ed last year anmd, during the past summer secured the residence of thec I late Pmrof. W. S. Perry on Washing- ton St. Jlames L. High, the dist'nguishied? go.9ture--a "corn hither" to the press- fCihicago jurist, and for a number of d~incy or sellloi ;lisp. years a lecturer in time Lawe depart- If adequate ;Aoration of time hap- ment here, died yesterday in Chicago. penings around tinhe polls ref Oklahoma Ile was a gradiuate of tile law depart- is contained in tihe h'- dispatches mnent in 1866. te-day, time governor's question will L,.ive been settled. fir. Warthmin who 1has be'n in Mir- ope during theC stmmmer, is expected to A WORTHY C.it U sE: I return today. Seigtlikteniestmoe1closely withth~e people of the state, Time Universit- Whist cli whlich the Student Christian Association ,scoredtl<