-AGE FOLUR~ THE- MICIG6AN DAILY ineetdintewlar n ucesjM-_-- '1 ' - ofthe Prohibition Law are no excep-t teetdich elaeadscesEDITORIAL COMMENT ,_~1L~1SPPR ~ TL On the eve of the fouth anniversary-"--- FFItroL fSNEVt PblicatOF THE n ve h eiedscesta OREUAINA YTMC- UN ESIYO MHG N of constitutional prohibition the dry OTEOREUAINLSSE advocates, with Prohibition CommL;- nKT (X The Freeman) Pubahishwd every mrorn logeY~ept Mo'nday sioner Haynes as spokesman, are re-i ring thec Utiivi-rsity Y-ar by the Board in KA u l redtepeieto o prohibition has made in the Unitedi When the great Cowles got back to lumbia University has come forward ysociaiorJ !States. According to Haynes, four; his old haunts, which is to say his Mcmer8of estrn onfrene Eitoiasbeoreathen Pd ennylaiaeduc ation things have been accomplished, all; nifty little office, he found many greatasoitnndwreictoayht Th soitdPesi xlsere-vital to the general welfare of our' he delivered hmefo some o h ied to the ue for republication of ail ne-s changes, There was, a giant and ex- sonetad!s acreosra iatcaes cre.,itcd to it or not otlherwL ecColt ;1'. Nationatl Prohibition has'suds n.ms cuaeosra edited in th~ paper antithe local rnews pub- tntcoso h uKu lni loso, h tt f;mrcneu ~~d ~~Swi~~. i~brougoht happiness into the homes tntcosootfK lxKa n in n h tteo mrcneu --I thous ands of Anserics , it has helpedl his corner-a flaming one, with burlap ,cation that we have read in years.: FErterd ..t the pstoflice at Ann) Arbor. osrv ?lrt~olct rbes t and a stench of turpentine; and the There is moreover an accent of sin- e ,ar, as second c~v.La~ ntr TSeri'Ta ~to ov emly n.polmi p9~~g gatd~~ ty 'I~ Ai~t'ft '~'t usi.crease consumrption of home- office was flooded with pink, copy, cerity i his words which leads us to__ ~ubcriiio bycarie, $~so b onilmad podutsandithaslentheedpaper, reversing the 'precedent of believe that for once in. a way he per- I 0, termis of eaduciation and cleaned up years in favor of a chaste cream color. 'imitted the real Mr. Butler to emerge ; _ tr ,-.~ An iie rf iiug Min ,,greet." 34e continules by say- Flipping a ooin, Cowles quickly de- and speak. We wish that this might I'l( h sl~toiai 214andx7-M Ihsi ig thtat becaulse of these four accom- i ided to dedicate the col' to the Klan, happen oftener, but no .doubt It, hap-' - plif:ments prohibition ba erae not teppr pens fully as often with him as it1 Sindemnuian, not Peedriq t, 0>asdceseuh apr * would with us if we were in Presi- otlol w >1 i., r~ T eg alst bdunkenness, lessen''e ipoet and6"PE T Elf dent Butler's place. Measured by cost, Li e '. J :t1 W;A be 1i~r l~.n r e. ! tnmewas jus' plain "Pete"' he asb h ubro uiso rle !n"'n'f BonnIofboveaboar-Freichkstocof by physical equipment, our system is - - --- ug anyx herte. (On cevery street jzn1 naeIndanFechso , esys yth ube fpuiso citlgtmat bsi clumsy bulk to be breb et impressive; but it is not so impress-1 140 ! .. -1A1 STrF e ,s p;lac es where offce were saloons1 And as so~id as a cement block. ilye "when we seek for those sureri e T~~atis,244 nd17-M ~ n (ivsevidences: of education which areI 1 ANAIG IIORIn reality, there is little else thati lie came from a mining town marked by correctness and precision' l HARY D ~OEY'cohibe ame i an grupor r