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January 16, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-16

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___. _ T

Lecturer Resided In Luxor as Inspee,
for of Antiquities for
Many Years
Arthur Weigall, noted Egyptologist
author and lecturer, will speak at F
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium on
"The Recent Discoveries in Upper
Egypt" under the auspices of the Ora-
torical association. The lecture will
be illustrated by moving and still pic-
tures taken in Egypt at the tinie of
the opening of the tomb of Tutankha-
Is X-Ray Artist
Speaking of Mr. Weigal in referring
to his books on Egypt the late Theo-
dore Roosevelt once said, "He has
that supreme quality of seeing through
the dry bones of the mummy and then I
making others see too."
In 1905 Mr. Weigall was appointed
by Lord Cromer to the position of In-
spector General of Antiquities of Eg-
ypt with official residence at Luxor
He held this post until 1914 when he.
had to resign because of overwork
Returning to England, he wrote sev-
eral books on Egyptian history which
are said to throw new light on the
Pharoahs' times. They are said tr.
have aroused a great interest in Egyp-
tion affairs even before the recent ex-
cavations which.have revealed the vast
treasures tat have contributed so
much to scientific research and the
history of that period.j
On the finding of the tomb of Tut-
ankhamen Mr. Weigall journeyed tc
Egypt as special correspondent for
the London Daily 'Mail and the North
American newspaper alliance and hiI
articles appeared in. many of the lead-
in. nowspaper. of this nntry.. r-'
cause of his former high position in
the Egyptian government, he was pres-
ent at the opening of the tomb and
privileged to enter it.
Noted Author
Although not one of the actual ex-'
cavators Mr. Weigall was regarded as
so great an authority on this entire
period that it was he who was after-
wards commissioned to reconstruct the
tomb of Tutankhamen for the British
Empire exhibition to be held next
summer. .
Mr. Weigall is the author of quite a
number of books on Egypt some of
which are "The Life and Times of
Aknaton, Pharoai of Egypt", "The
Glory of the Pharoahs", and "The
Treasury of Ancient Egypt". He is al-
so the writer of several novels, among
the most popular being "Burning
Sands" which has recently been filmed

January Chimes Exhibits
Better Choice Of Articles
Chimes bids fair to establish its lished novel "Skyline Inn". The short
identity as a campus opinion magaz- story has as its central figure the
ine if the ;January issue, is any indi- same eccentric, bambastic, lovable
cation. Commient among Chimes little french chef who kept the Inn.
readers about the campus yesterday ' Chimes devotes its frontispiece
centered about the communications this month to one of its enterprises,
relative to the S. C. A. and the Un- and from the pen of John C. Clarke,
ion. If the expressions of a desire '24 comes an illustration of one of
to contribute communications of a the things to be considered in deal-
like manner to the next Issue bear j ing with professionalism amdng col-
fruit Chimes should have material for lege athletes. There can be no of-
many more pages than were devoted fense in saying that the cartoon car-
to campus opinion this month. 1 ries the desired message to a far
A reader of Chimes this month greater number than if it were con-
would naturally turn first to "Break- tained in a lengthy article on the sub-
fast for Two" by Donald hamilton j ject. I It is a very effective way of
Haines of the journalism department drawing attention to this particular
because of the success which Mr. enterprise at least.-

Original Bid Was Raised By $65,000
To Cover Radio An Motion
Picture Privileges


Constitutionality of the Kansas In-
dustrial court was argued in the Sup-
reme court.

Haines attained with his recently pub-
DRAW tS 200 ME

Johnston, Carver, Little, Farrell,
Chief Speakers of



B. G. B. Washington, Jan. 15-(By AP)-
New York was selected today as the
III meeting' place of the 1924 national,
lemocratic convention.
so 6 go The vote on the third and deciding
FLballot in the national committee was
( New York, 67; San Francisco, 40, and
St. Louis, 6.
New York won when George E.
Indleations Point To Campaign I Brennan, Illinois democratic leader,
Reaching iPreviously Set
Goal of $5,000 withdrew Chicago and threw a large
part of Chicago's strength to New
WILIAMS, '5L, INDICATED York. Cash was the potent factor in
LEADING IN FIGHT FOR CUP the committee's decision. In the pre-
sentation of New York's invitation its
Computations of the amount of sub- original bid of $150,000 was raised to
scriptions was obtained by midnight $205,000 through a guarantee of $65,-
yesterday, when the Student Christian 000 given the committee for conven-
association formally closed -its fi- tion privileges such as radio, moving
nancial campaign, promises that this rIctures and other concessions.
drive has probably raised its quota .o.n
of $5,000. This amount can be com- The democratic national convention
pared with the sum of $2000 which awarded to New York today, will be
was yielded in last. year's campaign. held in Madison Square garden one1
All computations that could be made of the most famous auditoriums in

More than 200 men turned out for
the track pep meeting held last night
in Natural Science auditorium. Mem-
bers of the track and cross country
squads and prospective candidates for
both were present, as well as those
interested in the sport.
Arthur O. Graves, '24, manager of

the track team was chairma~n of the

metig andtina the first immediately after the drive was clos-~ the country
meeting, and in uced as ted last night indicated that Donald June 24 was set as the convention
speaker Prof. C. T. Johnston of the t Williams, '25L, is high man in the date.
engineering college. competition for the Stephens trophy The convention to be held in New
i and TheoconventionftohbelheldnIntNem
Outlines Rules and also captai of the leading team. York will be its first in 56 years, a
Professor Johnston outlined the el- Special subscriptions as high as $50 point emphasized by acting Mayor
egibility rules pertaining to track each, have been received by the as-J Hulbert, Norman E. Mack, the New
men, and spoke of the work of the sociation from numerous students York committeeman, Joseph E. Day,
Board of jControl of Athletics of which through the mail. chairman of the civic committee, and
he is a member. Egbert R. Isbell All fraternities were addressed and Judge Morgan J. O'Brien in present-
'2L, the chairman of the campaign cm-ing the New York invitation. Mr.
track team was the next speaker. Is- I mede d h anner In which they M1ack promised thlat Newy York's ad-
bell told of the indomitable spirit of ditioal ch of voClbe
!k ith timeasociatho's acti itite were sent mn I-lull as the minimum guarantee
to be the characteristic of the Mich- to all fraternities at meal hours turi to covethe onmini m cnesns.#
igan teams i all athletics. ing the past week at which time they _
Coach George E. Little Outlined the deiviered short talks and made solic- I1TABLE
prospective material for the track itations. '24 CLASS TA
squad next year in the present fresh- A meeting was held at 12:15 o'clock' SE 0 7AP RO
man class, and advocated the united yesterday for the 50 workers leading E IN T1PROiO
working of the football and track de- in the drive and each was given the
partments. -Trainer Charles Hoyt fol- names of 10 students not seen up to The 1924 class table has been placed
lowed Coach Little in an address in that time, whom they were asked to in the tap room of the Union and is
which he praised Coach Farrell's solicit before the drive closed at mid- ready for the names of members o
splendid work in developing Michi- night. The definite amount which the class.
gan's track teams. has been obtained in the drive will It is a custom at Michigan to have
Prof. H. C. Carver of the mathema- be announced Friday. such a table as a momento of the
tics department, a devoted follower of -----------
°--- Lradurating classes each year. Back

Declares England Must Play Greater
Part in Restoration of Normal
Life of Europe
London, Jan. 15-(By A.P.)-The
session of the new triangular parlia-
ment which is a novel and compicat.
ed experiment in British political his-
tory did much to clear away the cloud
of doubt which has overhung it. For
the first time In history the house of
Commons listened attentively to the
pronouncement of a labor leader while
the heads of the two older parties
could only be rated among those whc
also spoke.
J. Ramsey McDonald on the aims of
labor, and whatever gleams of light
he cast upon his party's policies was
the important feature of the day. Dav-
id Lloyd George spoke for the liber-
als because Mr. Asquith has not yet
recovered from his illness although he
was able to appear in the house and
seconded Mr. MacDonald's criticism of
the conservative government which is
about to retire but the former pre-
mier did so with little of his old time
spirit while Premier Bald/in made
the best defense lie could on behalf
of his government.
Foreign affairs monopolized a
great part of the speech. He declared
that Great Britain must play a great-
er part than she had been doing for
restoration of the normal life of Eur-
ope, but did not explain how this was
to be done.
So far as the policies of the extrem-
ist element of his party were con-
cerned he was silent, but he denied
that labor cherished any secret inten-
tions which had been accredited tc
that party.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 15.-Declaring "1
am emperor of the Knights of the
Ku Klux Klan," William Joseph Sim-
mons, founder of the organization, last
night in a signed statement called on
fellow Klansmen to pay no attention
to the order signed by H. W. Evans
imperial wizard, banishing him and E
Y. C'arke, imperial giant, from the
"Invisible Empire".
The two high officials were ousted
last week, because, it was charged
they were hostile to the Evans admin-
istration. It was claimed that the 1e-
cision was reached during a meeting
I of grand dragons in Washington.
"Dr. Hiram Wesley Evans having
through pretended friendship to me,'
the emperor stated, "gained the posi-
tion of imperial wizard, has issued an
unauthorized order attempting to ban-
e ish me from the Knights of the Ku
# Klux Klan, of which I am the sole
founder. He assigned as an excuse a
I request from several of his grand
dragons, who, under the constitution
l~ Ioa f tho kln hAVe nothin


The house military committee in-
dicated it would take quick action
on the Muscle Shoals question.
The Democratic national committee
selected New York as the place and
June 24 as the date for its national
During public hearings -on sugar
duties, the tariff commission necame
involved in an internal row over par-
ticipation of Commissioner Glassie.
Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin,
leader of the Republican insurgents
introduced a resolution to reduce
freight rates on farm products and im-
plements to substantially pre-war
Department of Commerce figures
made public showed a foreign trade
balance in favor of the United States
for the calender year of 1923 of $375,-

Railway Service West of Tokio S
pended Due to Damage Done
to Road Beds
Tokio, Jan. 15-(By A.P.)-A nu
ber of lives were lost, many persc
seriously injured and heavy prope
.damage caused early today by the s
ond great earthquake which has stri
en Japan within five months. '
victims of today's shock, so far as
known, were all Japanese. Most
the casualities, it is believed, w
confined to the vicinities of Tokio
Yokohama where the tremor expe

The state department instructed ed its greatest force.
Charge Sunnerlin at Mexico City to The shock came this morning at 5
open negotiations on the order re- o'clock, approaching those of last S
stricting cable communications with tember in intensity but was compa
the United States via Vera Cruz and tively brief in duration. It awake
Galveston. I the inhabitants of Tokio and Yoko
ma and caused them to flee to
The Washington government, it was streets in alarm. Thousands of r
disclosed at the state department, is idents ate their breakfast in
preparing to inform Adolfo de la streets, not daring to return to tl
Huerta that proper American com- homes.
merce with the port of Tampico must The Imperial hotel of Tokio, fi
not be interfered with. with American travelers and ott
----__:who are here on reconstruction we
was quickly emptied as the hosti
trembled and shook during the tr(
or. Most of the guests hurried to
streets but no panic ensued.
There were no casualities here
little damage to the hotel except
smashed windows, loosened play
and broken roof tiles.
Organization to Attempt New Policy Railways Stop
in Coming Pre-Contest Railway service west of Tokio
Concert suspended immediately following
shock as the result of damage d
TTLT'RA-CLASSICA1L, POPU ARto the road beds. Local street r
MUSIC TO BE GIVEN BY CLUB way lines also suspended service
half an hour but resumed when
dwas found that the lines had
Offering a wide variety of musical!been permanently damaged.
groups including violin and organ so-. A number of fires brole out t
los, club and quartet selections, string j in Tokio and Yokohama, but the r,
quartet and banjo quintet music, a- I work of the Japanese fire figh
long with other features now under prevented them from spreading.
consideration, the University Glee clut The central observatory announ
concert at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in that today's tremor was a "follow-
Hill auditorium is expected to reveal of the great one last September
one of the best programs ever offered a number more similar, of even
by the club. great intensity, may be expected.
The Glee Club, as announced, will
.give a program of an ultra-classical
nature, and in so doing will radically 11 13 1
change its former policy when a vau-
deville type of entertainment was the j UIl
object of the organization. AnotherT
recital wil be given in Ypsilanti on
the following Wednesday, and on Feb Students interested in wti
28, the club will journey to Chicage Stoukent iteres rting
where the inter-collegiate competitions opera which will be presented
for mid-western school glee clubs yea wich wib tresente
will b held.year will meet with the commi
will be held, from the Union in charge of book
Mr. Bowen will direct the newly or- ,clock today in room 304 of
ganized club in several numbers of a Uncoc
more classical nature, but has als DUnion.
placd o theproramseveal f a Due to the fact that a careful
placed on the program several -of a lection process will be used in cli
lighter calibre, notably college songs ing the book and music for the o
Robert Berman, '26M, violinist, who next year the meeting has been
studied three years in New York cityne a the e te.
under Leopold Auer, and who was;edt the earlysdats
soloist with the club in its out of The Alumni association is cond
town performances, will play several ing a campaign to raise $250 w
I 'will be presented to the author of
selections. Philip E. LaRowe, '25, will l. be resented to is the aut*
UVU i ± bI kJL~1 P~i


all of Michigan's track activities spoke
of the wave-like manner in which dif-
ferent colleges came to the front in
various athletic branches. Professor
Carver also spoke of the detriment tc
the team which the lack of a dirt
track for winter practice has proven,


I i

Dr. A. S. Warthin, Director of the1
Pathological laboratory, leaves to-
morrow for Montreal, Canada, where
he is to attend a meeting of a com-

in past gears.
Tells Experiences.
W. H Hattendorf, '24, captain of the
track team spoke for the team. His
address consisted of accounts of ex-
periences on Michigan's track teams.
Coach Stephen J. Farrell was the
last speaker of the evening, and was
enthusiastically received. He deplor-
ed the lack of interest in track but

{ In 'the days of "Joe's and the Orient".
CHIMES O WA S I91If students who gathered around the
tables began to carve their initials and
names in the table tops. They carved
[0110019 TRYUTS!not only their names and numerals i
but the great historical events as
Due to a re-organization of the When prohibition did away withj
Chimes staff last spring, the number these gathering places, the Tap room
of men who were taken into the staff of the Union started a similar custom
was limited. Since then increased Tables are provided by the Union and
work has necessitated aimincrease placed in the Tap, room. The. foot-
in the size of the staff. ball scores of the year are carved
At the present time there is room in the table together with the noti-
on the magazine for two, or three jun- fication of the class.
iors and eight or ten sophomores.-
Men who have ability in writing are
particularly desired by the editors , of#
Chimes, although there are some posi-i
tions open for men who wish to learn n i li rt nvinw;


prophecied its expan
unwillingness of se
teams to meet Mic

3 C%.. L 11 Ll 442', VU
sion. Despite the
veral Conference
higan, said Coach


mittee to consider the relative po- Farrell, the Wolverines will get bigathesgeneral makeup work of a naga- anarjawsLL Jn I II!LIIvII I 4'l ' give an organ solo and will at as ac winnin
sition of internal medicine, Aurgery, seasons if we have to go to both coasts zinc U L A IAIU1U act is unwarranted, illegal and beyond sented b
and medical specialties in the medi- to get them. A sp mottg pin-to do with such matters. The whole coipanist for the other soloists. The to give
clcriua an intetain___________Al sophomores getting appoint- ! Varsity Quartet will be heard in two
cal hroanduintthe teaching ments to the staff this year may com- Professor Brand Blanshard, of the his power. of songs, and a y organ- ity to h
hospitals throughout th on ry.n r pete next year for the managing edi- philosophy department, will be the The Klan is my dream child ized string quartet, made up of some years p
Dr. Warthin epects to return to Ann I tor's position. speaker for the evening at a meeting my youth and I love it from every of the best musicaltalent on the cam-sked to
The meeting in Montreal is at the of Cosmopolitan Club at 7:30 Friday good impulse of my soul. My feeling,.
T mngn ne snhnight in room 110 University library, toward it are likened to that of a fa- pus, will render several selections. H
Invitationh both the Internal ndte1hen he will nmake an address up Ither for his child. I am only 43 years Winfield Adams, S. of M., baritone I
cine and the Magill clinics and the IUON HUII I !on "Life at Oxford". Prof, Blanshard,I of age and willing to lead the fight tc gonp
otee organiatons bta dgnese went to Merton College, the oldest of save the Klan to its original purposes I gram.
of these organizations at a dinner Robert Bridges,hEnglishePoetwLarr-htyI a hsl bemeror.l t -I
Friday ight. Gatherings of this type whol haCcetdte elwli LUBD EEI !te Oxford group front the University from which it has been willfully turn--
Frdycot ahrig fti yeete, who has accepted the fellowship as a.Rhoades scholar, but due to the ed away-I am still emperor. .ifgg g
are frequently held by different mcdi- n World War, his courses were inter- The fact is evident that they are at- I'
Cal organizations in an effort to fos incetv"r tteUiest hs WrdWr i ore eeitr To Give Recital I Sno
,o na o ertoyear, will sail March 22 from Liver The Cercle Francais gave a recep- rupted in 1915, and it was not until tempting to crucify me."
ter professional cooperation. pool on the White Star liner "Celtic" tion last night in the Women's League 1919-20 that he was able to complete r7the pre
according to word received recently by parlors at Barbour gymnasium for in- his work there. His talk will con- A rchitect U r es Maud Okkelberg, pianist of the gnerin
a , Jan.le .- The directorate President Marion L. Burton vited guests who are interested in the sist of explanations of typical under- School of Music faculty, and Annis closing
has dissolved all the provincial leg It was originally panned to bring IFench club but have never had the graduate life at this oldest of British M ore Cooperation Dexter Gray, contralto, of the Ypsi.. the con
Mr. Bridges to Ann Arbor last Do- opportunity to join it. 1 Universities. The public is cordially Ilanti conservatory, will appear at the at 11 o'
Basque provinces and in Navarre. comber, but upon the advice of phy- Prof. ene Talamon of the Romance invited.tt January program of Matinee Musical The q
sicians, it- was decided to postpone languages department, gave a little Present day conditions in the pro- anu:0 ary irogram o atielMclroTheono
Munich, Jan.-15.-Dr. Ernst Schwen- his armriva uniwamer weae. mtrmTtakinFenh 'hIojctfession of architecture demand more Te3:30itoa-winte no balrooinHoopr
roer 7 eas ldlor.,arthepe- noralTheinFrnc.Th ojeti Theerecialewill eooftparicular i- prapdr
ingere 73 years old, forlnhes e per soafth nos et hath des-o at aehied Junior Engineer than vr b re an nel nt a terest to musical circles in Ann Ar and cla
sonal physician of the Iron.Chancel pite his eighty years, but it was deem- wi the other French students on the 1 Arrive"friendly copreratonein he rel ons
lor, Prince Bismarck, is dead. AeY y-, withthewther aenchstudets onthehcmet Ibuilde re as both artists are well known mte
!______ ed unwise to expose him to the rigors camtpus. i lbetweedngacietadhm ule ee The afternoon program fo- the eon
of a Michigan winter. He and Mrs I camus- according to Aramar Embury, prom- I . public,
DORHP H B i wilr int the Uni rsy Hunting jackets, the distinctive dress inent New York architect, speaking Three Bergerettes (arranged by should
AuntilBr after re mn eement saling Mak elsky To Give chosen by the Junior Engineering class before the students of the architec- Wedkerin): Venez, agreable Prin present
POfrom New York June 28 on the "Col- *" Jthis year, are available at the Wuertb tural college yesterday afternoon. Mr d'Exaudet; J The las
tic". NwCrticalYArtrklJClothing company on Main street. Embury is considered as one of the Fillette, Aria: Ah, Mon Fils, from Le
Due to mistaken arrangements, 1 . These jackets are of blue corduroy foremost designers of country houses Prophete (Meyerbeer) Mrs. Gray.
the drawing for J-Hop booths Mr. Leon F. Makielsky, of the arch-j with brown eather sleeves. Orders in the United States.
tawatohvbenhlthsiPi D la p Z n(itectraleo .Mkesy ftm rh ihbonlate lee.Odr i h ntdSae.Ballade, Opus 52 (Chopin) Mrs. Ok-'I
that was to have been held this P Delta Eps ' Iitectural school will give a gallery can now be placed for the jackets by "One of the greatest needs of the kelberg. Trees (Rasbach), Hills areUUII IJ
afternoon has been indefinitely talk at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in men who have not done so previous- architectural schools of the United so Steep; The Little Duck; Dusk in
I nostnoned. The drawing will Ii n nnaol re11ue leryof Alumni Memor- ly. States is the teaching of a correct in- June (Russell Gee) Mrs. Gray.- Tam-

OOK. Thne prize is Dein
y the association in an
Michigan the best opp
ave a successful book fo
roduction. All interest
attend the meeting tod
r Engineers voted to
sent system used by tb
g Honor committee of n
any of the proceedings
nmittee at the meeting
clock yesterday morninj
[uestion of whether or n
committee was funct
y was thoroughly disc
ss representatives on th
put the questions of si
nmittee acion should be
whether names and o
be disclosed, or wheth
plan, should be main
t was decided upon.


ar r


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