AILY - ~- ~-- ~- ~ . Fl THIS ICOLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M FOUNTAIN PENS Fountain Pens and Pencil insur- ance. Have your name embossod on them. Price 25 cents. 0. 1). MORRILL 1~7 Nickels A wade I MISCELLANEOUS Typewrlting and imeographing promptly and neatly done. Theses, student notes and' college work a specialty for fifteen years Tha rvn,,,r - .2 tn n,-., Oecn. ADVERTISING LOST FUR NECKPIECE on Washtenaw be- tween Wilmot and Hill. Call 1325. BLACK AND Tan puppy, white collar. _.,__ -s"r . nei ~w r ac neriy r The Typewriter & Stationery Store. .IlIOK .l () CLEARANCE SALE 17 Nickels Arcade FOR Rl;T Eversharp and broken lines of mech- anical pencils also Gift Sets of SHOES REPAIRED while you wait. ROOMS FOR three girl students or Fourntain Pens and Pencils one-half Full soles a specialty. 0. 0. Andres business women. 511 Cheever 2225. State. Court; Phone 516-J. 0. D. MORRILL ml 7 Nniral AnssldWILL GIVE reliable older girl good al public. The charge made against them is receiving stolen goods. Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) Richard club, Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Ac- acia, Kappa Sigma vs. Theta Xi, Sig- ma Alpha Mu vs. Alpha Rho Chi; 7:45j o'clock, Kappa Nu vs. Delta Upsilon, Theta Delta Chi vs. Sigma Chi, Xi Psi Phi vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Phi, vs. Phi Chi; 8:30 o'clock, Nu Sigma' Nu vs. Delta Sigma Pi, Zeta Beta Tau I. ,, Answers to, --U5pig am ieaLUVNEXT SEMESTER, pleasant double collar. Return to Phi Pi House 555, S. iviion Reard room, warm, well furnished. Stu- S. Division. Reward._(lent would like roommate.' 3277-J, WANTED' 510 E. Jefferson. DESIRABLE rooms for several Up-_ A FURNISI-ED apartment, four or per clansmen, one block from cam- five rooms, near campus. Coffman, s Phone 777-M.\pus. Reasonable rates. Box C. R. Pone Michigan Daily. j i 1 ,' 1( I~e s Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery SI COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVI 224 Nickel's Arcade By Appointment only Phone 1167-R. 3-6 p. m. tore. room to stay with ten year old girlI sevral evenings a week. MichiganI Daily Box F. J. D.P STUDENT to work for board at fra- ternity house. Phone 779. THESES to type. Phone 3431-J. TWO SALESMEN. Full or part time. Permanent connection if desired. Opportunity for advancement. Box X. J-HOP ticket by Junior engineer. Call E. E. Vadakin, 1052 Oliva, 467-J. ROOMING HOUSE that can be boughtI with $1500 down by box A. T. G. Michigan Daily. REAL ESTATE FRATERNiTY OR SORORITY ! STOP-LOOK-READ We have for sale a" very desirable property, for either a fraternity or. sorority. Will accommodate 25 or more, located within four blocks of campus,on a very good street Prick veneer house nearly new, oak floors and finished throughout. Large lot. Can handle with small down payment with easy terms. Shown by appoint- ment. POMMERING & BLAESS 506 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 3091 LARGE and very modern 12 room house with furniture for sale or trade for smaller house. Phone 661-W. A VERY large house, new and well located, suitable for sorority or fra- ternity. Very easy terms given. Immediate action necessary. Call 661-W._ Choose yourlifoe-work among big men. Every college graduate has ideals concerning his future business career. There is one wise choice open to you. This choice will not only be a business of standing in itself but it will put you in touch with every business and prove a gateway to countless opportunities. Scores of the highest ranking graduates of every college are yearly entering the insurance business. They find in Insurance-Fire, Marine and Casualty -ideal surroundings, ideal conditions and ideal, business contacts. The Insurance Company of North America is a national,'historical institution-founded in 1792- with over a century and a quarter of well earned prestige. Conservative policies and dependable service have been responsible for the growth and for the constructive activities of the Compay in the development of the entire insurance profession. ROOMS for girl students for rest of4 semester. Warm and comfortable. Accommodations for five or six. Phone 2578-J. Board if desired., 2 NICELY furnished double rooms, 2 single rooms, one half block from, Icampus. Call 1300 Geddes. Phone 2310-M.. WE HAVE a splendid suite for three men, preferably engineers. One block from college. Phone Camer- on or Thompson, 2809-R after 6:30.1 TYPEWRITER REPAIRING -__ ALL MAKES.. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add-( Ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, x lfboons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies, Machines rented E ANN ARBOR TYPEWRTTER EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown TYPEWRITING T Y P E W R I T E R S of all makes Sold, rented cleaned exchanged and repaired. 0. 1). MORRRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. WOMEN'S SHOPPE All package goods, Hair ornam and bead necklaces at 1-4 off. PALAIS ROYAL USED CARS. 1919 Hudson Touring, good cond 1918 Oldsmobile-6 touring. 1921 Nash Touring-4, A-1 conditi 1918 Oakland Touring. ANN ARBOR NASH CO. 310 Maynard, Phone A. C. Marquardt -vs. Phi Pi, Delta Tau Delta vs. Zeta MUSICAL Psi, Sigma Nu vs. Phi Rho Sigma; 9:15 o'clock, fresh engineers vy. fresh IKEEP PHYSICALLY it by the daily laws, senior lits (Crawforth) vs. soph. use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen engineers, education vs. architects, CE on Records. Complete outfits sold n ieersdai vs. irmeitcs, by Schaeberle & Son junior engineers vs. senior medics. by________________ Thursday's schedule is as follows: FOB4r SALEI7 o'clock, Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Delta Chi, Delta Alpha Epsilon vs., IRISH Wolf hound. Cheap. Phone Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Sigma vs. Sig-{ 1328. na Club; 7:45 o'clock, group 1 vs. nentsA group 5, group 4 vs. group 6, group 10 A ULL dress suit, size 37. Call !vs. gmoup 8, group 3 vs. group 7; 8:30 Lyons 779. lc, junior laws vs. freshmen lits, junior lits vs. soph lits, senior engin. GOOD Tuxedo. Call Reynolds 1719 R Geers vs. soph medics, senior lits vs.I ition. Mystery of Lost Pets 8lvedy: soph engineers (Eddy); 9:15 o'clock,. Hamburg, Jan. 14.-(By A.P.)-Resi- Phi Delta Epsilon vs. Delta Sigma Phi, dents of Hamburg and the adjoining Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Beta Theta Pi,I on. city of Altona have found the #skins of Delta igma Delta vs. Psi Omega, Beta so many of their pet cats and dogs for Phi Delta vs. Theta Chi. 1927 sale in fur-shops that the police hav begun a general prosecution of fur- Tt's true efficiency to use Daily dealers who buy skins from the gener- I Classifeds.-Adv. II Insuran t North Company of America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insurance Company of North America write practically every formof insurance except life. s1 I N ' .! .. .. i I L CA.-_5 I Your these and notes wil promptly and neatly TYPEWRITTEN be at BUSINESS SERVICE CO., over "M" Lunch, 3'2 South State Street. ,: N I. CHANGE NOF NAME For the Balance 0of h' ohool Year I I A FFECTIVE January i, 1924, the name of this Company was changed to Michigan Bell Telephone Company. The Michigan Bell Tele- phone Company is a Michi- gan corporation, organized in Michigan for the purpose of furnishing Michigan people with Universal Telephone Service. Change of name was made in order to identify this Com- pany in name with the Bell System, of which it is a part. Through the Company's association in the Bell System, telephone users in Michigan are assured the highest standard of service Bell Service. (Z F ARWt~ta AL Your own newspaper! If there are not enough papers to go around, order more today. This is a season of bargains. Get yours! Pone theCirculation Manager . +.jy Call 960 Delivery will start tomorrow I MTV.RTT*T RP1211L 11 .,