TI{L M IC ILIA'(4N DAILY ___-.. OPEN TO.- Enir Cost of Iniprovi to Exceed $IS9,900 Aid Give - SHORT STRETCH RED *FOR SPRIN' SAnnouncement .was1 bby E. G. Willemin, di .of the. State highway, d Washtenaw road is ope The pavin~g is entirel a.1 but a mile and a rcenter of the road. 0 pleted portion the basE so that it will take car until next spring whey facing will be done. The estimated cost o. be about $189,000 wb 'The cost of cement aloe '$43,000. The road is including the sections within the city limits and Ypsilanti. This ,,the city limits of both of sheet asphal~t on bi: mainder of the pavem( concrete. An unusual situation construction due to th4 12o:gg-Wb avid klage plur"s tak- .11 ydrograp hers of eiiin Rentschler's SudorJ-lo i * orld Is Re ort~ Union reading roomz. 3:4-Mal biee 3Mtisicaio program' In 4:0)-Scabbard andi Blade iiietl , se Bluent Expected ,a., nd floor, 01(1 engineering shops. 0i; Federal -4 :40.6 :00-peu 1house. Harris ball. e.n*.. 4:15-Organ re ita,, Hill auditorium. :00J-Glee club meets in Union read-! MAINSin g room. SLIRFCIM ~ -* 7:15-Liberal club mteets, roommi 306. ~ ;.:X., ,Union, ..:::<;::: 7:W.--Roind-Ip i., clb ees n oo made yesterday j .:: ........ 302, Union. istrict engineer _. lepartment that : :> ...." . . 7 :45-Delolay meets iHarris bal. n to traffic~ onfL. -OIE y completed o' J~OIE quarter in the ., An exblition of paintings by western )nti no-~.artists as well as bLeon Bakst is " ha"benlad now hanging in the opper gallery of ~e ofs bhentraidc Alumni Memorial hall. The exhibit +n the top sur- 4 , is open daily from 1 :30 to 5 o'clock. ' ~All organizations. And fraternities , this road will must have their group .pictures tak- ren completed . en during the month of January. n~ s more than . : Al-lseI apssoite, n r sto be paved Rear ,Admiral' A.:P.. Nilack i.h ihgnnsa eoeJn of Ann ArborI Rear Admiral; A. P. Niblack,.-U. S. 28. porton wthinN., retired, 'is slated ,to bead the hy- Organization. space is still available at citiess t b is tohicbbeau _r tgraphic a te bureauesin oflc.thetacwo11Ined.Tatreshoonaold cbeig signeds fomatoudonceigndforoce thishi ent Is to be of1 Washington. Admiral Niblack' s name spc yIg~iatoawihhv leads to date in balloting for mem- not already done 50. n arose in the bership on the board' of directors of eo fact that the the bureau .. It~Is, expected his op- f l1 '1 CI P fl'WT .1R U~ I ---------------------------- -- aL 11322i39n Pre Ciderta ing mentioned as a possible choice of T'rrsitlnt Coolidg e for cihai ian of th-e M ay Be ead OfY1. S. shipping board to suncceed Ed- Shipping Board wardl P. Farley. .The senate o- merce committee refused to confirm the appointment of Farley. New Orleans, Jan. 14.-4,000 tear gas bombs consigned to revolutions in Mexico were stopped in transit here {Thursday, the' Daily States said to-. day. When Noses ivas in Egypi AKHNA TON Tas probably rule;'. He attemp,,te to establish a newv idealistic religion and 11;aS knioi.n as ii; heretic king Tuankilhamen succeedingq to the throne restore the former religion. I HEAR ARTHUR WIALTELL ,THlE SOY E)IS ORATORICAL. ASSOCIATION PROGRAN WHIINE THEAPEJANUARY 19 I- "What was the matter with Professor Henry this morning? I've never seen him so peeved. He seemhed to be boiling Over." P'ythbias- "Boiling over is good. He was. Didn't you notice why? The old boy had mis- laid his, Eldorado pencil." Eliiwb MAIL NO p MR. WALKER WTEIND T. V. O'Connor T. V. O'Connor, of Buffalo,.president If the Longshoremen's Union and long active in marine labor affairs, is be- A THRILLING MYSTERY PLA 1'. F n. ' THE WIL Y WA YS OF INDIA ALL SEATS RESERVED' W Prices $1.1O-1.65-__$2.20--$2.; r r r i a city limits of Ypsilanti .runs through portenits will °withdraw. the center of Washtenaw road, this"+ y" "} making it~ necessary that the city of --' Ypsilanti pay for one, half -of this portion of the road and the state the WH TS G IG O other half.{T1A I40I LTO The entire cost will be shared by 'the federal government, the state, andj the county. The federal government 'TiJESIAY under what is known as the Federal aid plan, will furnish roads in coun- ties. MUSSC, AND MUSICIANS Members of the University 'Sym- ph'ony Orchestra under the direction of S. P. Lockwood gave; their open- ing concert of the season .Sunday in Hill auditorium, :playing before a large audience. Miss Ora Lorthard, in her perform- ance of Boeliman's well known "Symphonic Variations", displayed, a thorough knowledge of her instrif- mient and its tonal possibilities. Her technique was of the highest calibre but, unfortunately the- brilliant .pass- age~ requiring all of the artist's skill were usually, submerged by, her ac- conipanist. A' keen rythmic sense bringing out to their best. advantage. the. broad mel- odies of the ever popular "Je Veaux vivre"'from "'Romeo et Julliette", wol for' Mrs. Grace Johnson.Konold an ex- cepitional appreciation'. of h'er voice by the audience. The orchestra, under the capable direction of Samuel P. Lockwoodl, es- tablishedl a. high, standard, of. perform- ance for the' season. While rather weird in thieir coordinatio'n during the opening number, .,,they- soon found themselves, approaching professional brillance in the Intermezzo movemeblt of ;"Sigurd Jorsalfar" by Grieg. Es- pecially noteworthy was the perform- ance' of the string section who, by their solid tone, good technique anid understanding of their scores more than made up for' some poor work by the wood winds. F''. K. S, .Bonner's Father * Dies In San Juan, Prof. Campbell Bonner of the aGreek department received word by cable from Porto Rico yesterday of the' death. of his father, J. W. Bon-{ ,'ner, insular treasurer of Porto Rico.1 :Mr Bonner was found dead at his dect at 8. o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Bonner is survived by a, widow, residing In San. Juan, Porto Rico, Mrs. 'A. lo,. Hopkins of Cambridge, Mass., ~who was graduated fromi the tnvr Uie-sity in 1912, M. H. Bonner of Houston, Texas', and Professor Bonner of Ann 11 :00-Sinor. engineers' assembly.I room .340, Engineering building. 11:00.12 :00--c4hick tests for, immun- ity from diphtheria given at H4ealth service. 12:10--Medical faculty lunch, Union. I 12:10-1larristers, hmncli,room t319, Union. 2;:0---..Hop tiet.s on sale at desk lit lobby, Union. 3:00-Plays' club tryots W for "The Dover Road,", room 205, Masan hell. 4 :00-.J4lop cominull 'e m'ets in roo II! 304, IUnioni. tp nr 4 :013-1Inion cow0ed1111-iroadsiinro 302, Union . J cmu 4:00-R1epresentatives o ale iu groups who were not relpresented at. Sunday's meeting to discuss thee. Fair, 'will- meet in Union, re ading room. 4:00.5:00---Schicek tests atIie: lf I erg vice. 4:00--Graduate Wonmen's ,club meets14 in type play roomt, Betsy B~arbourI house.E 4:00-Last tryopts for tihe annuaj French play held in room 202 S. W. 4 :30- 60~rlsW Glee, cllub meets , in lRar.* Ibo r'g m a i . i7:15--Cercle Francals meets i Bar- jbour gymnasium' parlors. 7 :14 -Mr. Thomnas Iden's Bible classc meeting in Upper room, Lane hall.' Subject: "Thle Bible and Miracles." 7 :15--Alpha Delta Sigma meets in room 323, Union.! 7:30-A. S. X. IE.' smoker, rooms '318. 20, Union., 7 :30-Les Vyagers meet In room 304, Union. 7:30--Freshman. assemnbly and vande. ville in Union assembly hall. 7 :30-Aipha Rapna Psi meets In room 306, .Union. 8:00-Hock-ey at tire, coliseum. Am. eflcan School of Osteopathy vs. Mlichigan., 8 :0)0--Miclulgan Dames- meet at time Faculty Women's clubhouse. 10:00-PI Deta Epsilon meets in room ( 302, 'Union.; Read the Wan t Ad s rfltirib UuRJ VORJL REPORTED HULL UPWARD Seattle, Washington, Jan. 14.-Thre coast guard -cutter Halda left Port Ang- lea yesterday to serve a large wooden sailing vessel, =reported hull upward off the Washington coast.' The derelict may be, the five-masted schooner'Ecola which left Cape Town, South Africe, Aug. 27 for Astoria, Ore. and has not been, seen since. Sh( carries 30 men in her crew, no wood- en vessel has been reportedI as missing in these waters. La1ndon, Jail. 14.---Frankt B. Kellog, tnew American amtbassador fus s re- ceived in audience by' King George yesterday-nmorning t+o iresent his dip- lomatic credentials. Pocket Malted Milk!1 Like to drink malted milks? j Sure thing, Old Top ! Then why not eat em--. here's your chance. I THOMPSON'S Pure Malted Milk Bars. contain..nto cane or beet sugar Safe for Athletes In Training Right size or your pocket. Go great at the game-at the show--on hikes--at school or in your room. 5cr- At All dealers - 5e Send a nickel for a sample. Thompson's Malted Food Company Makers of HEMO the incomparable fountain drink 710 RIVERSIDE Wankeshia, Wisconsin SEMI-ANN UAL Clerance Sale! Suits, Overicoats, To p Coats, Hats, Caps, Bath Robes, at Superior Foods 1 I at. 25% Reduction- Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 Nla nand St,, South of Ma Jestic Brushed Wool Mufflers and Sweaters at '331/3% Reduction 1_ I HaAf-.,-eloln Havy Unon Suits,, Flainnel1 Shirts Swveater's, Lined Gloves, AUi COIjt Attached, Shirts At 20% oRed uction Wa ..dhams & C. The Home of Society Bread Clothes The best prep arallon® we have found to kel the hands Soil and white Men use it after shavin and wvomen" like, Itz as a batse for' lace powder.. Itls cheap at the regularxprice This Iveek we offer it as, a STATE ST. AWN ST. SPECIAL 11 wrnr ri ' ' + 'THEFIRST NATIONAL BANK TH ORGANIZED 1863 You will ,find-; Our-service courteous and pleasing in every way OLDEST BANK, IN ANN ARBO MAIN STREET AT HURtON CalkinsmFletche 30c Bottl e for, 19c TILL SATURDAY NIGUlT DRUG 31.4 S. State St. State E. and S. Universily Al *bor. 9 Its *,ru3 efficency to use Dalip M Neatly combed, well apt hair is a business anid social asset. STPACOMB makes the hair stay combed fi any style you like ;even after it has just been washed. ) STACOMIB-tkc original--has- been used for years by stars of stage and screen-leaders of style. ,_Write today for free trial tube4 .r.) Y-Tubes 35cWJars-7c,%, t Insist on STACOMB-inm the black. 'vrti...w ....A.gold .arira a'. TASM elhe al scant 'S .e }ever ailing action.f -r , 8 4 .,5 I ,. I. /1 I I / acliri st isf C cr STET S ON ) . C6---'.- © 0. . GO.The Iecksher Building, New York City Warren & Wetmnore, Architects .Architecture-Today and Tomorrow Pr1HE great buildings of today, designed in masses which rear rug- . I.