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January 15, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-15

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.. .. --r---..........

-- ----

pi! t

tana direct expression from under- //ro
;4r tr~ nl al'Ig gadutesas to their attitude toward
_________ --prohibition. Answers to three quies- A T L
EFICIAI4 NIIWSPAPER OF THE tions will be sought:
1. Do you favor an amendment!>
1JNIEST 1 IJG1i to the Constitution, repealing the T H
Published every morning except Monday present prohibition amendment? " POLIZEI!
ring the University y~ar by the Board in'
ntc'ol of Student Publications. 2. Do you 'favor modification of I
- ----ofWetrnCofeene _7': the Volstead Act, to" permit the THIS col is dedicated to the armed
socaton Etoia sale of light wines and beer? and uniformed forces of the Univer-
--- ---- 3. Do you favor more rigorous; sity without reservations. They are
The Associated press is exclusi-,ely en enforcement of the prohibition gallant gentlemen; they know their
led to the use for republication of all news "
patcles cre.Iited to it or not other wise amendment and the Volstead Act, !duty; and perform it with all the
edited in this paper an-d the local news pub- tomk rhbtina cult?I courtesy, finesse and skill of a Paris-
liad thereiJn.tomkprhbtoanculiy
--- - --- ----° --' What is planned by those placed in ian Prefect. Further, they wbar their
i~ntercd :,t the p stoffece at Ann Arbor, ; charge of carrying out.'this particuar uniforms with an~f elan unequ~alled out-;
iciaas se'cond clas's matter. Special rate
postagte graictd by 'thirdi As>3sit~ut Pcst-I referendum seems on the whole' a side the ranks of- the boys :Of' the B '
SuS i by carrier, $3.50; by mail, 'athet, soundl idea. In view of the adG
Okfr'~: An Ai~o 1'e~sl~ulaig, afct that the people nlow enrolled, in*
d v feet. our universities are to be our leaders' HE W K IN V~S
Ptc ,ss 91dioil,21 nd16NI.s Iii a day not .at all remote, they have, Sin~ge 'a song- of Michigan .
- '~----- -- it appears , at least a partial righ~t to A poktflo wes
Signed conmmunic:tions, not exceeding So300t,'ln neran'yusal
i ~ ~ ~ h ds, will hr Jpublished i n The Daily at Zoice their opinions in regard to cep - Jseda a a~~o s~l
er'is -retion of the E'ditor. Uplon reqtuest, tain national laws that are -objectional hear
re ascid s cony oidCollmu1jiai k iants will be re- osc ubro esn nor Where all your money, goes.:
country. ubro erosi u Sunday buy a poppy red"
EDITORIAL ST1AFF Very few, if any, of the persons now To celebrate the day.
2414~ 1~..M attndig th unveritie ofthi Monday give a sum or two
'elp~lau~c,2 44 nd 74- Ccountry were able toetakeepartfintthe' To send the band away.
MANAGING EDITOR voting for or against the prohibition' Tuesday if you are a sport
H-ARRY D. HOEY 'amendment because of age limits., As An 'Ensian you'll buy;
- ' I.a result, the sentiments of these And if you fail to do your part,
ews irdutor............. Julian E.'lya~k pol r o nont h onr 'Twill again be Wednesday's cry.
litoia Ba dChairman... .R. C. Moriaty
Mighit Ba~ Edtws at large, and if the referendum does Thursday you must buy a Chimes,
11. Aile9 A. t5. Conipable nothing else, whichathi moment, But don't think that is all-
A. Ittmi arun . E arusk seems a matter to be doubted, it will, For Friday tickets will be Bold
rry C. llarK j G. Garijughoause IT h rdgahgm fbl
P~ . l.Wagnter at least set at rest the minds of the Totegi-rpxaeo al
witjs 1ritor............ Ralpht N. Bjers many people interested in the pros Saturday offers many ways
un~m's Y£dt qu.........ina II ibbard
legral h Editor .... ......<.B. 'iarr I and cons of this question which has'T ped yu adere
asic} e Editor........uth A. Ti1 e become one of the most pregnant; in dough-
3,ithtitm City Edlitor. Kenneth C. Kellor the history of our legislature. Programs,, mums, and 'peanuts,
Eliorial Boardz The whole question of prohibition Or tickets to a show.,
tilEiatit R,~~t aia we 1Andrew Proppei 'today is one of relative viewpoints in " warn you,,we these drives
Assistants reference to its success or failure. a r(-.on-.fl, .
r. Ilatetke R. S. Mansfield There are any number of prominent It's darn hard to get by 'em-
lN B3ronVeK na Morank' men and leaders who take views di- But if you can, support them all,
rnadlette C(.te Regina Reichmtatn redly opposite to, each, other. To You' re a better' man 'than I am-~-
\V". Dais 'A'. it, S'onemzan I UG DN
'rold Fhalic'i It. 1< Stu . . I many, prohibition is a vital matter,GNADI
'ep r. eruh( W 1: Salyer C Such h r i sdiverse opinions in regard to one'' I U ITB R IO IJS L A klE N T t
ipl rahti Lr W.J.ermantor of our highest laws makes for dial-! I can't study in the Library. My
-- - ------- ° ----" astrous results as is daily evident'E Brain-mind refuses to function unless
'.WSINESS ST~AFFP when it comes to enforcement of such. 'my legs are crossed and the archi-
Telephone 9601 Referendums amongst a select group, tect who designed the tables has made
such as university students or any I hat process well-nigh exasperating.
BUSNES MAAG! other confined and limited group ist Try it. While I am futilely attempt-
LARNCE H. FyAVROT perhaps one of the fairest ways of ing, my off ankle collides with the ad-
ive~iing..............E.L. uineobtaining goodl results in undertak-' jacent coed's ivory tipped purple silk
dvtisitg ............ .....Durde ings of such a nature. umbrella, and I stoop to retrieve it,
dvertisintg............W. Rtoesser _ receiving a frigid gracia. During the
dvet rsing.........W. K Schierei
couits................. ...A. S. Marton LAIJI)ES ATQIJE CARMNINA' next page or so, the grad across the'
rcuiaiion...........kerry Mv. Hayden Once more the time arrives whenl bench swishes off, and a bimette de-'
ubbh.xtion ................La~vretnce Pierce *r_ . _e__ ..s r.. . .s. _:s.-.... ",---------------- rrnen1.....n


EXTRA CHO. Hot og!
References: Keats-
"Ode on Melancholy."
"La Belle Dame Sans Merci."
Yesterday' kiddies, the great Cwles l
wvas sick. And so, since the great man
could not stir from his couch to visit
haunt of coot and fern as is his genial
wont, he feels quite sure that his
indulgent public will pardon the some-
what impersonal character of these
Rolls.Mr. ason Cowles
:s(Nem York T~~
T~e "burst of sispiclofl ands of rage
which'th'i" Bolt peace plan has. drawn
from icura Ye enenies of te League
of Nations was inevitable, we suppose,
but it surely is comic. A plain and
straightforward thing has happened,
but these men will not have it so.
There must have been some sort of,
plot. They see the air thick with con-
spiracies. Who bought whom? What
was the bribe, and who took it? To
the mystery men in the Senate noth-
lng is what it 'seems. They lay wise
fingers along wise noses and declare
that they are bound to get at the
wick~ed :realities behind the plausible1,
appearances. They angrily assert that e ildadbre h ege
and that - now they are resolved to
find out who are the sacrilegious res-.
urrectionists that with-dark lanterns
and at dead of night venture to bring
back., the abhorrent 'tin into the
breathli world. Hence' the Sena-
torial demand for a rigid investlga ,
tlobfi It.d. Sleuth can easily get a job
from "the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee if he~whispers into hushed
ears that he has evidence to prove
that Lloyd George left behind him in
this country a lot of British gold in
order to get America to think and talk
again about the League of Nations.
The cause of this irreconcilable1
wrath it requires no detective to lo-
cate. The voting on the peace plan is .
a sort of lese-majeste, or flying in the
face of Providence, to' those, who
thought,~ that they had forever dis-
posed of the League. They never tire
of asserting. that it is a judged and
condemned thing. Americans put it
finally 1away from them in 1920 by a
rnajc~it3y of 7,000,000. If any one'now
dares to question that verdict he Is no
Ul pa rtt amcid l a probability is
a' bireqtr taitor. 'th~e mere challengel
of this srrp gant assertion by the thou-
'silt that are being set in
every day in favor of the peace i a
i's ar Ifatis° o who plunned
tbe lP~A on-ha d ne the be,4gue
to death.
T4 ~tIs ,always a hollow pretense
onl~thia art, an now that fat is
being demonstrated. The renewed in-
.terest .in the League. of Nations !all
over the country is naturally gal; and.
wormw9d to them ut they ougt t
s~l t~e~ec~~tIQ'sof the puzl not'
in ;any artful and external popa-
ganda but within -their own bosoms,
full of .anger,, wrath, malice and all

I Diaries and Desk Calendars




. ,.,

:: - --'

'Limiiteds;: 65 a. in., 9.10 a:. n. ndi
every two hours toi 9:10 p. m-'
Express: 7 a.:in., S a mn. and every
'two hours to 8 p. mn.
Locals: 7 a. na., 8:55 a im, and
every two hours to 8:56~ p. mn.,
11 p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4(,
p. mn., 12 ::: a. mn. andl 1:1, a. mn.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to 8:47 p im.
Express (mnaking local stops): '9: 5U
a. m. and every two hours to %:50
P. M.a
L ocals: 7:50 a.,im., 12:10 a. m.



Eniginecers' and Architects' Materials
Stationery, Fountain Pen's, .Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
Candies, Laundry' Agency, Tobaccos

., i




"&'Valley of the Kings"I

-- - 1


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13 I14 '1r 16; 17 18 19
1.0 21 22,.2t3 24 25 260
27 28 2:? 30) R1' _
017 Packard St.' Pholle f
(WThere D. i. IR. Stops at State)
-Central Time (Slow Time)
;Leave Chamber of Commerce
Week Days Sundays -
6:45 a. m. 6.45 Rnrm.
12--45 P. m. 6:45 p. M.
4A Ap Mf.
JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M Adrian. Mich.
Chiropodist :ad Orthopediist
77 North Ui1vercy P~hone 2652 '
Tick its. Travelers Checks, Letters of Credit, Tour-
ist J'suwance, exc. Passport, visaes, clearance
tiapers, readmIition affidavits, etr. Information..
;, Europe, Orient, Cruises, Tours, etc.
otir legalized papers tDring relatives and friends to
T7 $: from foreign countries. f NSURANCE.a All
kinds, Best Co's. for your b~usiness, home, auto, ete..I
E. G. fKUEBLER, 601 E. Huron St.
Phone 1384 ANN 4AF5OR, IiCif.

The romance of mnode~rn ~archaeology., The story) of Tut-
ankliamcnr and heis limes, of his fatlher-in-law' A4hnaton, k~nown
uas the. heretic lolIg i 3risfling with human interest as told by'


-WED., JAN~. 16




{ .r
,. ' '
. "' ' ' t e
" '
'' ,
a Y t.

skits oxford

~,W. Campblfl Fdw. P_ ifoedlen aler
has. Cha.-ilion, M. 'L. Ireland 1
onConlin llaruid A . iMarks'I
,(),is . Dxte Byon Parke,
osep T.F~n 11 M. Rockwell
)avid A. Fox 11. F.. Ro~se
.auren Haight A. 3. Seidman
R.I.Hale Will Vveise
. E. Hiawkinson C. V. White
R. C. Winter - - - -
ig;ht Edilo--A. B. CONNABLE:, JR.
Bringing boldly before his audi-
uce the failure of democracy to ful-
11l the purpose for, which it was call-'
sd into being ini the so-called "great'
lemocratic nations of the world",
tabbi Abba Hillel Silver interpreted ,

thle Tjniversity Glee cdub wilappear!
locally and sing "Landes atque Car-
mina" before an Ann Arbor' audience.
On previous o'ccasions songs of vari-t1
ou~s and sundry vaileties have been4
provided, but praises following the!
concert have been noticeably lacking.
Probably as a result of this At-,
tude a complete reorganization of the']
club' has been accomplished. Vautde-
ville of the cheapest sort is giving'
away to what the directors choose to
call classical music. The direction of
the organization has been entrusted-
t'a span who has established : na-1
tional reputation for himself in workc
of this sort. And what is more thes
club is sufficiently confident of ltsef
to enter for the first time the In~ter-
collegiate Glee club association.
All of this is commendable. The
Glee club at Michigan on the basis of
age is one of the most firmly estab-

! luxe miakes smeIlterpresencu vio
lently, to the accompaniment of a
released armful of notebook, vanity
trunk, Masterpen, and assorted sun-
dries, making noisorr e cont~ct oqn the
merry greenwood. I groan in agony
as the struggle-between mny curiofity
and the absorption o'f Fiske's "Comic
Phil grows fiercer, reaches a climax,
and I tear my eyes fromn the printod
page to gaze with eager orbs upon a
-hat. Intrigue! How do they con-
trive to exhibit only the _ vltemst
curves of the chin and cheek, and
tantalise the imagination by conceal-
ing the rest undler a~ bat! iske"
again; but the stra'inii s oo great. The
next, glance discloses a fractional nose
Egracefully poised above full-blossoin-
ing lips-two of them. Fiske-Fiske!
What might the ey'e be like? Fijske~
brown, to match? No-Fiske! Eyes!'
For Sunday Dally
Suggested heading for Daily's open
forum; "Colonel Miller's Wet Blank-
et (see F'riday's Daily) Aired "and
Thoroly Dried by Bates, Dickinson,
Tilley, Crane ,and Maniy Others."




We Deliver RemningtonI
P l b e T k I er.S A Y R-604 . M adi on St. :I'ho e 109


Scuff 4through, aftsof autun
leaves in this Wailk-Over oxford.
Stamp through winter snows.~ Theni
stroll out on th~e first day of sprin~g,
still- proud of the style of these
sturdy shoes. F~or the active wonr
who'-iust be smartly shod, this
Walk-Over. 'oxford in its. winter
s'hadeof Russia calfskin is ideal.


the ideal of democracy as "the gift of lished college organizationsy of its
every child to pursue his fullest and indi'h1nie tts.Peiu
frest e~pesson. Whle he rga-'to this year, however, it has been in
ization of our government is built up debt, not only financi'ally, but to those'
on a foundation of machinery which who supported its concerts. The or-
properly subscribes to the democratic ganization has not been on a par with
ideal, in the course of a century and like organizations who sing with sync-
a -half of expansion and alteration,, phony orchestras, whose popularityI
little but the machinery itself remains. has rested on the firm foundation of
Es sentially a nation~ in which the so- real musical wv~orth.
cial aims of democracy are crowded The Univer sity should support the
off the stage by autocratic and anti-'Ge lbadass nisr~vn-
social organizations and institutions, tion. That it has a real function in
the United States is a democracy in Urniversity Jife cannot be doub1ted.


(Without Breakfast),
Near Lane Hall-


115 S. Mlh St.

'p- ~- -




* -

171115 Vl OI Y XIVU 1:G61111V4, uu tAVUPtIU.

amie only,
"Democracy is a religion with a.
eed, philosophy, and soul." Thus,
abbi Silver sought to impress the'
)vial significance which a democracy!
ust assume in order to project" its
fluence among the masses. As a
,achine, it defeats the purpose which
purports to assist; as a creed and;
ailosophy, it works for the exalta-1
on of personality and the ultimate'
hievement of happiness among all
asses. Insofar as the United States i;
governed throu'gh the mechanism
bosses, lobbyists, and demagogues,
e falls short of becoming a true
mocracy of airing individuality andi
ailing the poorer citizens of the 'r

The concert Thursday is a good op-
portunity for. the organization to es-
tablish itself anew.
j Twenty-Five Years
Ago At Michigan
From tile files of the U. of M. IDaily,
January 15, 1899.
Probably but few around colege are
aware that the literary class of '96
left a memorial in the shape of plaster
casts in ti~e shape of the Arch of


aIt is not often that Cowles receives
'contribution via Uncle Sam's super-
service (i. e., Special Delivery), but
this one here is of that sort. It was
intended for the Sunday Daily, but asl
you can see, dear reader, it got' here
too late. -
If you want 'to insure ;prompt puibli-
cation, telegraph.
CHO. I say, old, chap, u~pon myr word,
These poets are the Indians brave.
They are as jolly ichops as . 'er-"I.
!And gee, my gee, the advice they l
CHO. Just listen to this, and it's hot


Lovers of quiet power are
gotten. "

soonlfor- I

But they learn to 'enjoy their power'
so inudl.the- more because it is quiet,
The joy 'of manipulating men and af-
fairs behind the scenes, unseen and
unknown, but all-seeing and omnisci-
ent-the sense of such, power more
than m~akes up' for >the loss of name
and notoriety.


Such a man was Francis Place, of
whom few have ever heard. Francis
Place was a Londoner; he was born
In the yea~r 1771, in a "sponging
house," or debtor's prison kept by his
father Simon Place. who was a bailiff.

opportunity which has become syn- Trajan. They have been piled away
onomouis with "America." in the basement 'of the main building
The conscience of every self-re-1 owing to there being no suitable place
sheeting American should rebel at the'in which they could be set up. But
id'ea' wbhic-is preconceived in the the new addition to the library has
ininds of thousands of immigrants,' obviated this difficulty and the casts
Expecting -to final here a land of op- will be mounted there as soon as the
portunity. Many of us are sufficiently' addition is completed. There they
self-satisfied to see only opportunity will probably remain until the long-
for all who come to these shores, but projected art building is assured.
looking into the lower strata of our
nmetropolitan communities today, just Dartmouth, Cornell, Chicago, Penn-
leow much opportunity is there? More xSylvania and Michigan are five uni-,
VI~an in many stricken nations of Eu- versities to each of which the New
rop:e and the East possibly, but is, England Free Trade ;League offers
th'e maximum of .freedom achieved' prizes of $100 and $50 for essays on
e ien here? It is neither reached nor 1 the subject, "Whom does protection
asipired under the present order of I protect?"
thlings. Therein lies the failure of f
Oemoccracy. Prof. Trueblood entertained Mr.'
Bryan and a few members of the
mR t., LlrFlrYTflfl 'rfn 1Dd C1Q nirfl'r" C... t..t 't.

'Cause I'vp tried it out on a Lady] The story of his life is amazing as
Fair, well as interesting. Place started out
And gee, m~y gee, it worked enough, by being a journeyman breeches-mak-
The .gink that wrote it was sure all er. In this old and honorable trade,
there. he organized the first recorded work-
EXTRA CHO. Bow Wow! ' inginen's strike-which :failed. Os-
CHO. Said this wise old owl from1 tracized from his first trade, Place at
Poet's row length opened a tailor shop which
f"If thy Lady some rich anger proved, successful in a financial way
show-"E and left him considerable tine to de-
Mly Lady did just that and so vote to the affairs of the day.,
I trusted 'by hs advice to go! From this time on, Place became
EXTRA 0110. Bow bow grow! widely known as "the Radical tailor
CHO0. "Emprison her soft, hand and of "Charing Cross." He 'collected a.
let. her rave," large "library in the back' of his tailor
But feed deep, deep upon her peer-' shop, cultivated acquaintances among.
less eyes." ' members of Parliament and men of
'Twas this advice that poet chapI affairs, and soon became a power in
gave, the House of Commons. although he
'Twas this I did and gee, what a was never a' member of that august
rise! body. To Francis Place are attributed'
EXTRA CHO. Bow! Wow! (:row! such great reforms as the repeal of
-Chow! the Combination laws, the Anti-Corn-'
CHO, She jerked impatiently away, Law agitation, and (-greatest of all)

W~nr--s O,- iner,
afe of: th vlues
PUMP PUM S OX ORDSScotch Grain Oxfords
$7.65 Oine lot of Women's.-
On oto l'rnns$8 and, $8.50 Oxfords $9.65 in heavy effects, $9 and
On o fWmnsand ]Pumps in Satin and$80'aus v-
~uedc, Pateit and Kid Kidj, big values at--
P'ump~s, $J, $10 and $11 ",$lt values, Deal Bar-$76
values go at---- ;- t$7-
:den's Smooth Leather
'Women's Kid and Pat- One lot of Women's, O' fords. Brown 'or' One 'lot of Men's Ox-
ent Strap Slippers alid $8, $J a:_ $10 Oxfords Black, $8 and $7.50 ,va'- od n Sos d
1'umps, $7 and $7.50 and P 1umps, broke. ford 'size dS-os, d
vaue, ow ony- ' i- sizesedat ,'-
,, l e , n w o l -s z s , _ r cd$5 . 6 5 ' $ 2 .6 5 '? $ 6 . 6 5 $ 3 . 6 5-

1 1

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