A ATHER PP, CLOUDY AND SOMEWHAT WARMER litr t a IaiI LEASED WIRE SE] MEMBIER WESTERN CONFER] EDITORIAL ASSOCI. VOL. XXXIV. No. 81 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE C 7 MN TO CONTINUE WESTRN ADVANCE OPPOSITION SAID TO HAVE HAD HEAVY LOSSES IN DEFEAT AT PANCIIUA REBEL LEADER ORDERS} BLOCADE OF TAMPICO Reports Show All Parts of Republic. Furnish Adequate Supplies of Munitions BULLETIN Vera Cruz, Jan. 14.-Ado fo de la Huerta, leader of the revolu- tionary movement In Mexico, In a decree published today, ordeed a blockade of Tampico, effective January 16. The blockade will be undertaken by the squadron' of the "revolutionlary liberators which has sufficient vessels to en- force it." Washington, Jan. 14.-The advance' by Mexican federal troops against the revolutionary army on 'the western front began yesterday and will con- tinue until the issue is decided, the Mexican embassy said in a statement today giving advices from Mexico City. "The rebels who attacked Pachuca have been driven back and suffered heavy losses," 'the statement contin- ued. Various Statements "Tehacuan was recaptured by fed- eral troops advancing toward ester- anda. The precipate retreat was halt- ed near El Carnen Plantations and a battle has been in progress there since yesterday afternoon. "Federal troops have launched a general attack on the city of Oaxaca and its capture is momentarily ex- pected. The civilian population of' the state of Oaxaca has pledged its loyalty to the Obregon government' and has begun hostilities against Gen- eral Maycotte, the rebel leader. Rebels Suffer 1 "Rebel forces under General Fig- ueroa have made a stand at Tuenteq de Ixtla where they will be attackedI by government forces. In all engage- ments so far the forces of Figueroa have been defeated. They have been constantly falling back upon Guer- rero, but have always been hard pressed and forced to fight and have suffered heavy losses. They now are completely demoralized and in need of munitions." "The remainder of the republic re- mains normal with the public ser- vices in all parts performing in such a way as to maintain an adequate supply of munitions for the federals. January Chimes. Clad In New Year's Garb To Appear Today, DAWES DENOUNCES DELAY EXPECTED DE[MA9GO0GUES IN' IN DISMANTLING OPENING ADDRESS SIIRINEOFTOMB Clad in a New Years cover the January number of Chimes, campus opinion monthly, will appear on the campus this morning. Much space will be given in this issue to the expression of campus op- inion both through communication and illustrations. The frontispiece, drawn by John C. Clarke, '24, will have as its subject professionalism as ap- plied to conference schools. Two communications will deal with the S. C. A.' and the Union. "Skipper" Contributes Coach E. J. Mather has written "Tips from the Skipper" which will appear with the subtitle "Being a Few Interesting Sidelights On A Game of Basketball." Carleton W. Angell, instructor in Modeling is the author of an illustrated article which will appear as "A Guide to Campus Scultpure." Donal Hamilton Haines, instructor in Journalism has contributed "Break- fast for Two," a short story dealing with the adventures of the French inn-keeper who was the central char- acter in Mr. Haines' recent novel "Skyline Inn." The story will be il- lustrated by Angus Babcock, '26. New Year's Resolution A page of New Years resol tions illustrated by pen sketches will also be found in this months chimes. Other contributions will include a play by Edward S. Everett, assistant professor of rhetoric, an article on University women by Thelma An- drews, '24 and 'The Legend of Li Tiang and Two Maidens" by Ruth t Von Bach Sherer. John Willis Abbot, '84L, editor of the Christian Science Monitor has contributed "The Stu- dent Friendship Fund." TRACK PEP MEET' 'SET FOR TONIGHT, Farrel, Johnston, Carver, Hoyt, Isbell And Hattendorf To Address Gathering COACH FARREL WILL ISSUE FORMAL CALL FOR TRYOUTS! MELLON BILL HIT' BY HOUSE ACTION Green, Ways and Means Chairman, Fears Unrestricted Parley Jeopardizes Plan UNDERWOOD RULE, BARRING DISCUSSION; IS REPEALED Coach Steve Farrel will issue his Washington, Jan. 14.-Passage of tax formal call for track tryouts at 8 legislation at this session of congress o'clock tonight at a pep meeting of has been jeopardized in the opinion enthusiasts of this sport which will be of Chairman Green, of the House ways held in the Natural Science auditor- and means committee by the action lum. The committee in charge is of the house today in repealing the urging students to turn out for this Underwood rule which sought to re- meeting and has arranged what it be- strict amendments from the floor tol lieves to be an interesting program.- revenue bills and to curb debate. Besides Coach Farrel other speak- Atfer the House had revoked the ers for the occasion will be Prof rule Mr. Green expressed the opin- Clarence T. Johnston, member of the ion that such a flood of amendments Board in Control of Athletics, Coach might be offered to the revenue bill,t George Little, Prof. I-arry C. Carver. once it reaches the House, that actiona of the mathematics department, might be indefinitely delayed.+ Trainer Hoyt, freshman track coach, The ways and means committee dur- Egbert R. Isbell, '24L, last year's Var- ing the day began public hearings on sity two-miler, and William H. Hat- changes sought in the present revenue+ tendorf, '24, Varsity track captain. law, a number of business repre- All of these speakers will give their sentatives appearing to argue for re-+ views of track and the advantages peal of various taxes. Further draft- that they believe this sport has, it is ing of the bill by the committee will. said. Professor Carver was awarded be suspended pending completion ofr a complimentary letter in track two the harings which Chairman Green+ years ago and is known by the track hopes will be accomplished by the end team as one of their most ardent fac- of the week. ulty supporters. He will tell of his Three weeks remain then before experiences with this sport. the bill is scheduled to be reported During the past two years more in- as directed by the House Republican terest has been stimulated in track af caucus. Democrats continued today Michigan than ever before. This has to. bombard the Mellon tax revision been largely due to Coach Farrel's plan, Senator Harrison, democrat, great aggregation of last year, called Mississippi, charging in the Senate the "Wonder Track Team" which cap- that the banks and the railroads have tured the National Intercollegiate joined with the motion picture in- track title at Chicago, and both the dustry and certain newspapers in a Western Conference indoor and out- campaign of propaganda for the tax door championships. The Olympic plan. The democratic national com- games of next summer have placed mittee also issued a statement at- a 'great amount of emphasis on the tacking the surtax features of the field of intercollegiate track the coun- Mellon proposal. try over. This year, according t:, the tract j coaches,thechanceslo ighOR the needed support is given. More than 50 men are already working out for places on the team. It is hoped rU U BOOTH LOUTIONS that a great many more men will come, out and enter. their names on' the tryout list. A drawing to determine the location The pep meeting held tonight is an of the booths at the J-Hop will beC annual affair and comes at the be- held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon ginning of track practice each year. in the reading room of the Union.' It is held for freshmen and all stu- Each fraternity or group intendingI dents in the University. Last year to have a booth at the Hop must have more than 20 men signified their de-;a representative there at this meet- sire of trying out for the squad at the ing.y close of the meeting. All men inter- Fifty three booths located around' ese in thramckin.any wayarenurger-the sides of both gymnasiums will be I etd in tratk in any way ae ure sold to the groups. The booths are' by the committee to come to the meet- numbered and the numbers placed in ing as it is believed that this will giv a hat, each group representative I an added stimulus to the work of the i aht ahgoprpeettv tam. drawing a number representing the team. booth. ! It will be necessary to pay for thei nfl m11booth at /the time of drawing. A S uv I NObLo t a t e t e f d wn1EGcharge of $40 is m ade for each booth. If payment is made by check, checks should be made out to "The 1925 J- TO LnmnITmn L U Fl Hop Committee. AMERICAN REPARATIONS HEAD IN CHARACTERISTIC WAY FORCES ISSUE OUTLINES PLAN FOR STABILIZING CURRENCY Feels that Only with German Finances Sound Will She Reach Desired Capacity to Pay Paris, Jan. 14.-BrIgadier General Charles G. Dawes, U. S. A. chairman of the first committee of experts ap- pointed by the Reparations commis- sion to consider the resources and capacity of Germany, 'looking to a so- lution of the reparations problem, de- livered a straightforward, hard hit- ting speech at the opening of that body today. With characteristic forcefulness General Dawes denounced "the in cessant misrepi-eeenataons and in-- tolerable interjections of those foul and carrion living vultures--the na- tionalistic demogagues of all coun- tries-who would exploit their pitiful personalities out of a common mis- fortune." American Plan The American plan, as briefly out- li1ned by thle chairman, consists of stabilization of German currency and balancing the German budget and he declared: "As the economic processes of Germany under a stable currency and with a balanced budget are revived there will be demonstrated the ca- pacity of Germany to pay. Let us first help Germany to get well." The impression made by General Dawes' speech was in every way fav- orable, inside and outside of repara- tion circles, excepting in extreme na- tionalist quarters, where his refer- ence to "nationalistic demogagues" caused some slight emotion. In his speech general Dawes ask- ed: "What is the question of today? Upon what does the success, of this committee depend?" , Repeat Epigran "It depends chiefly, aupon whetler in the publr mind. and conscien'ce' of the allies and of the world there is an adequate conception of the great disaster which faces each ally in Europe uless common sense is crowned king."I This was the part of his speech most commented upon. A French de- legate compared this pronouncement with the epigram voiced at the sign- I ing of the American Declaration. of Independence, "If we don't hang to- gether we shall hang separately." It is understood that the committee hopes by holding three sessions daily to reach a point where it can leave for Berlin Saturday. After a three and a half hour ses- sion this afternoon the meeting ad- journed until tomorrow at ten o'clock. The committee adopted a resolution providing th.t the records of the pro- ceedings be kept absolutely confi- dential. The secretary alone is au- thorized to give out statements when approved by the members. The ex- perts themselves have been pledged to give no interviews. Senate Renames Catholic Chapel- IAt its meeting held yesterday after-I :_ _ a.. TT. - ,-4< 0 4. m i FULLY THREE WEEKS MUST ELAPSED BEFORE "TUT'S" SAR- COPHAGUS CAN BE REACHED CARTER THINKS JOINERY WILL CHANGE PLANS Raising Of Lid From Huge Quartz Coffin Will Be Delicate Oper- ation In Confined Space Luxor, Egypt, Jan. 14.-Fully three weeks, perhaps months, must elaspe before the shrine in the tomb of Tut- ankhamen can be dismantled and the pharaoh's sarcophagus reached. How- ard Carter, in charge of the work, made this known today, saying it was possible that the joinery of the shrine might compel him to alter the scaf- folding and the whole plan of dis- mantling operations. The raising of the lid of this im- mense quartz coffin, which Mr. Car- ter estimates may weigh a ton or two, will be an operation of the great- est delicacy in the confined space in Swhich the excavators mustr work. Mr. Carter describes the sarcophagus as very large and long. The protective goddesses on each corner are executed in high relief with arms estended around either side. The removal of the roof of the outer canopy enabled a better view to be obtained of the mural paintings, disclosing the fact thatapes are de- -pited on tile wall at the foot of the shrine ,recalling similar mural paint- ings on the tomb of Tutankhamen's successor who decorated his prede- cessors tomb as shown by his image on one of the walls. U16IPON "KING TUT" Lecture, Eighth On Oratorical Course, Will Be Illustrated By I Moving Pictures EGYPTOLOGIST WAS PRESENT AT OPIENiNG OF FAMOUS TOMB King Tutankhamen and the costly 1 treasures which have long remained buried in Egypt will be discussed and illustrated at 8 o'clock tomorrow night when Arthur Weigall, noted Egyptol- ogist, will deliver .his lecture, "The Recent Discoveries in Upper Egypt" in Hill auditorium. .This illustrated talk by the Inspector-General of An- tiquities of the Egyptian government will be given as the eighth number on the Oratorical lecture course pro- gram for this year. Mr. Weigal is consideredtas one of the greatest authorities on the Egypt- ian discoveries. He was present at the opening of the tomb of Tutank- hamen as special correspondent for the London Daily Mail and the North American newspaper alliance. In his lecture he will tell of his personal connection with the locating, excavating, and opening of the tomb of, Tutankhamen, as well as some- thing of the lives and times of the Pharaohs As illustration for his lectures, Mr. Weigall will show moving pictures and still pictures of many scenes tak- en In the Valley of Kings and -espec- ially around the tomb of King Tut- ankhamen. The Day's News At The Capitol Victor Murdock of Kansas resigned from the Federal trade commission. The House ways and means com- mittee began hearings on the tax bill. Democrats and insurgents in the House combined and overthrew the Underwoodrule limiting amendments, to tariff and revenue bills. A senate sub-committee began an investigation "of diploma mills." Senator Robinson, the Democrat leader, delivered a democratic pro- nouncement on railroaod legislation. Senator Bursum, Republican, NewI Mexico, threw another bonus bill intot the legislative hopper. "Foreign control" was charged1 against the Alabama power company by Senator McKellar, Democrat, Ten- nessee in opposing the bid of seven power interests for Muscle Shoals. The Teapot Dome Oil investigationt was debated in the Senate, with Sen- ator Heslin, Democrat, Alabama, charging the case constituted the - "worst scandal ever perpetatedt against the government." Presidential prospects and choice! of a convention city were discussed' by Democratic National committee- men preliminary to the committee' meeting tomorrow. FRESH M EN TOGIBYE FIVE VDILAT Sketches Will Be Presented Tonight In Union; Best Three Will Be . Entered In Finals REGULAR GROUP MEETINGS TO V BE HELD FOLLOWING PLAYS Five acts of vaudeville will be pres-j ented by members of the freshmanI class at 7:30 o'clock tonight in thej Assembly hall of the ,Uion. The . acts will constitute the first prelimin- ary in the Freshman Vaudeville tournament to be held under the aus- pices of the Freshman Activities com.- mittee of the Union. . Three acts will be chosen by Mimes judges to be entered in the finals of the tournament to be held soon after the opening of the new semester. Ini the finals they will compete with three acts chosen from another bill to be offered by the freshmen Wednesday, Jan. 23. The finals of the tournament: will be held in the Mimes theatre and the winning act will be presented with a silver cup. Following the regular assembly to- night at which the vaudeville acts will be presented, the freshman groups will hold their regular group meetings. At these meetings the acts to be given next week will be organ- ized.i WOLVERINES OPEN CONFE SEASON WITH HARD-FOU VICTORY VARSITY LOOKS BET" THAN AGAINST AC - Haggerty and Kipke High Score with 14 Points Between Them, Potter Counts Eight Michigan opened her Big Ten ba ketball season last night with a vi tory, a victory over Illinois, whic came after a long hard fight tb brought out everything in every ma The Wolverine margin of -victo was one solitary point with the ,fin score, 24-23, and this was the marg of difference between the two tear throughout the entire game. Varsity Improves The Varsity displayed much bett form and all around playing abill than was evidenced in the Aggie gai last week and their ability to fig made possible the winning of the fiu Big Ten contest. From the first fe minutes of play the two teams we neck and neck, first one aggregatic getting the lead only to lose it a fe seconds later when someone on t opposing team counted. Most of the scoring came in the fir period which ended with the MaL and Blue two point in ihe load, cxcep' ialy (u guar!iding 1i.ah t result that Michigan was held to fi points while the Suckers totaled s points in the period. - k Deng Starts Scoring Deng started the scoring for Mich gan when, early in the first half, dropped in a field goal after the Wo verines took the ball down the flo on some pretty team play. Illini forged to the front soon, however, a free throw by Popkin and a si from the field. Michigan came ba and field goals by Haggerty, Kip and Deng together with a foul Doyle gave Michigan her biggest le of the game, 7-3. The Illini aga came back and tied it up at 7 all i did not stop and were soon leadi the Wolverines, 11-15. Deng scor again for Michigan and Cherry du licated the feat again tying the sco Potter, the Illinois captain, follow with a basket but Haggerty again ti it up'and Kipke, gave the Varsity the two point lead by a neat field go just before the half ended. The second half produced some the fastest basketball seen here. years. Both teams stressed th guarding and the shots carne less s dom than in the opening half. De added another point to the Wolveri total soon' after the period opew from the foul line but field goals Potter and Mauer gave the lead Illinois again. Haggerty once, mo put Michigan ahead with a beauti shot and after a few seconds Mai again came through 'with a bask giving his team a point lead. On more George Haggerty proved - mettle when he caged his fourth b kept fn th V V tn J.i W t hinha h MICHIGAN DEFEATE ILLINOIS IN CLOS g[SH14 ICE CARNIVAL PLANNED WITH WISCONSIN' GAME Fancy skating and racing will fea- ture. the ice carnival to be held next Saturday night at Weinberg's col- iseum in connection with the Wiscon- sin hockey-game. Professional skat- ers will perform on tie ice. Prizes will be given the winners of the two races to be held. This is the second of these affairs to be given by the Athletic associ- ation. A carnival was held last. year at the time of the Notre Dame hockey. game and was given a big response by students, officials said. The at- tendance, which proved to be large, was an -indication, they said, of the unusual rapid growth of this sport, and outdoor athletics in general in Ann Arbor during the last few years. Prize Offered By Junior Girls' Play' Cover designs or the programs of the Junior Girls' play, to be produced March 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, will be entered in a contest ending Saturday. Jan. 19 for which a prize of $15 is offered. The chosen design will be used for posters and general adver- tising as well as for the program cover. Informnation. concerning the requirements for the design and sug- gestions for it may be obtained from Margaret Barnum, phone 2325. OLD COMPANION When Greek meets Greek a lunch counter evolves. When' Chinese mpet Chinese there is a Mah Jongg game. When you meet Jimmie there is results. Ask S. C a ERFINA 1190 1 noon, the University Senate council' passed a recommendation that the old Catholic chapel, situated on the coi- ner of State and Jefferson, be here- after known as Morris hall, in honor of the Late Prof. George Sylvester! Morris, of the philosophy department, o I who died here in 1889. E _. _. . . . .a71- r T-1 E[STIIGITING BODYI R. Effinger of the liter- eturned yesterday morn- York where he has been etenth annual meeting of OR O FNNIR RIE Mcignir oe wo p nLS wnc g Michigan her victory. Varsity Defense Good This last basket came when the With approximately $1,000 to go, In': lod was about two thirds gone reaching the $5000 mark which has the remainder of the game sho been set, the Student Christian associ- both teams fighting fiercely. I ation will reopen its drive for the ,- teams would rush the ball into en final day this morning following a territory only to find the guardini temporary secession of soliciting yes- close that they could not make terday. The campaign will close at open shot at the basket. The Wol midnight, after which time, sub- isInes' five man defense stood up scriptions brought in will not count under the Illini onslaught and toward the competition for the Ste- though Illinois put up a strong ba phens trophy. they could not chalk up the neces: Donald Williams, '25L, was an- points. 'f !!! I i 4 The Catholic chapel was originally remodeled from Professor Morris' residence. It is being used at pros- tent for class work and for storage of Dean John ary college r ing from Ne,% nC to ounced to be still high man. 'The ams which were leading when the the overflow from the zoological mu- - the association of American colleges. drive closed temporarilySaturday serm.tHe attended the convention acting as s a representative of the literary coll- night, are also still leading: team. MI number six. captained by Wilihms Ten high schools have been added { to the list of accredited secondary1 schools in Michigan, the recommended graduates of which are received into the University without entrance ex- aminations. These include, Lakeview Springwell, Litchfield, Pinconning, White Cloud, Morley, Hazel Park, Halfway, New Haven, and Armada.. President Marion L. Burton is chair- man of the committee on Diploma, schools which has inspected these schools and placed them in that class. Michigan was the first higher in- stitution in the United States to accredit high schools. The accredit- ing plan had its origin in the resolu- tion adopted by the faculty in 1871 and confirmed by the Board of Regents the following year. Ther weekly tea iven for T regularwekytaivnfr Last M inute Rall, 'yrLIILK)iaA1 kaL4UVYTlAAl57! lyege and in that capacity was appoint- fis' emnme wcpandb .;Em bur Will Speak ed chairman of a commission which first team number two, captained by wis For BadgersBwll consider the academic freedom1Egert Isbell, 25L, second and team WBefore Architects and tenure of office of professors in1 number five, captained by Rensi By Radio to The Daily America. I'Lickert, '26, third. : Madison, Jan. 14.-Wisconsin's var- 1 Mr. Ayamar Embury II, of New This commission according to Dean I'A meein wil be hl a1: sity quintette coming from behind in York City, and one of the leading au- Effinger hopes to be able, by working ball for 50 workers in the drive who a last minute rally defeated the In- thorities in this country on the grin- in conjunction with other commissions are leading in the campaign. diana five here tonight by a 28-27; ciples of House design will speak to- of the same nature of other organi- -arladnginhecapagn score. The Badger aggregation trail- I morrow afternoon before the students ations to solve problems of this type ed behind until the last few minutes of the architectural college, on "Do- and perhaps to establish general Naval Reserves To of play when they showed a great mestic Architecture". The hour for principles, which will govern in such B Gi burst of form and put in the neces- the address has not yet been decided. cases.BeGiven Uniforms' sary baskets for a victory. Mr. Embury comes to Ann Arbor as the guest of the Detroit Institute Twilight Organ Recital Postponed I'«1 n je eing of 'he Navil'Re_ of Arts, where he will make another The regular Wednesday afternoon serve unit will be held at 7:30 o'clock TAPPING LEA Eaddress tomorrow night. He is an ' twilight organ recital will be postpon- tomorrow night in room 304 of the architect of repute throughout the I ed this week until Sunday afternoon, Union, when the signing of appli- Hawley Tapping, '16L, field secre- United States, and is said to have had on acount of the absence of Mr. Chris- I cation blanks and other forms will be tary of the Alumni association, left a great influence in the development I tian, University organist, from the completed. Also the official uni- Sunday for a two weeks' trip into of American Colonial design in its city. Mr. Christian is booked under form of the Naval Reserve have arriv- the Unner Peninsula. He will snend annlication to nresent day needs. Ithe universit tansinsevn -icr toh'A t I o h p- dPt r-i A ,. d A bi +h Coach Mather's men played game which could show little provement except in caging the t Their teamplay was quite good the defense displayed especially in last. period will be equalled by teams in the Big Ten. It seems - possible to pick any outstanding p er. Haggerty and -Deng both sho up well on the forward berths. change in the Michigan line-up I Deng to forward, shi ?d Birks guard and Doyle to .. -off r tion. Captain Birks wu, 3ph 'early in the fracas by Cherry who up perhaps the best game of an: the team. His big problem upon ing io tho conIes t w;as to stop | fssi ilnim forward. ('aufain Po | and this lie did in a most stisfac manner, the Sucker star making one basket after Cherry was pus his trail. Both Kipke and D played a stellar game. "Kip" was sponsible for six of his team's ti while Doyle held the highly to