r SUNDAY, JAUARY 13, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY F TH'il V 11 FOR-Better Foods Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 Maynard St. South of estic x\ aa" jI he ROBERT BARTRON HENDERSON THE MORALITY OF EMOTIONS peace dull and maddening, and who John Galsworthy's "Loyalties" is commits a daring and partially justi- admittedly realism at its best-pro- fled crime to sooth his protesting found, Ii tminative, and searching. It spirit-and incidentally to pay his for- possesses all the earmarzks of great men mistress heart balm. literature and a compelling theory- - Finally it seems to me that Gals- but even above and perhaps in spite of worthy has curiously missed the point this it isgood theater, and to many r"F his play in the title. It is true that his most truly dramatic play. the characters prattle a bit on the The cast,. with the exception of the criss-cross of friendships and class leading lady, was imported from Eng- distinctions, generally ignoring th- land, and directed by Basil Dean, a ! fact that these loyalties often react 10 kind of a continental Arthur Hopkins. the favor of the thief. Actually the I The acting, needless, to say, was quite play concerns the hectic boredom and faultless if you look for perfect photo- unrest e:et I)whee apparoit since thl graphic-realism. _ The other outstand wild days of he v.ar and the sutse- ing feature was the positive genius quent outlterst of unreasonable im- of the leading man and. the almost morality. it is indeed a dissertatia1 ridiculous gawkiness of the women, aon our jaso pg:, ither than a second To a certain extent, it is quite what "Merchant of Venice," as the critics its advertisements claim it to be, "a have been content to call it, thrilling expose of crime and detec- The ironic comment with wbich: the lion," It tells a story of a theft in play ends. comes back. "Loyalty!" a conventional English manor house. cries a woman and her cry can be and with steady and compelling force beard from London to New York and untWists the mystery until the guilty even to our minature Main street- man is found. Unlike the usual de-1 "We've all been loyal. But it's not tective "drama" the gentleman is rec- enough." ognized at the very outset. The story. in short, utilizes the crime only as a While still on Galsworthy, you may skeleton on which to display subtil be interested to know that during the and finite characterization. It deals. week of the twnty-first the Ypsilanti rather, with the social conflicts that Players will present an all-Gals- arise because the theif is a soldier and duction of the season. The. perform- a gentleman and his victim one of the ance will include among other things "nouveau riche" and a Jew. There is "The First and Last" which I have particular significance in the charac- mentioned before and which, in my ter of the thief-a brave and galant humble opinion, is the author's great- lieutenant during the war, who, liki" est play, along with "The Silver Box" so many otheri, finds the routine of ' qnd "Strife." A bower of exquisitely colored spring flowers- Jonquils, Yellow Narcis- sus, Tulips, Sterra, Scotch Heather, Freesia, Pussy Willow, artistically ar- ranged-can you picture' a prettier setting? P25 E Liber t 5 Phone 139 1 AF 1 ', THE LAST SUPPER JAZZ (Continued from Page Onei (Continued from Page One) conscience, though even at the time she That's the type that's crazy about hoped, she was certain . . . Each jazz. night she had waited for him, but to- Next we have the "high-brows"- night was the evening before the wed- great old word, isn't it? Oh, they ding, it was his last free night, and simply despise jazz! They just can't she knew he would come. stand it! They plug up their ears It was quite unnecessary for the when they hear it; they say it's wick- nobleman to remind her that she ed and ought to be suppressed; they could never hope to fornally marry even go so far as to declare that they the Due. Both, even in their closest would far rather hear "classical mu- moments, mutely recognized the fact.sic." Yes, they're a great bunch, It was something fixed and inviolable. these azz razzer It'gt god . sport to get them howling at this des- She could understand why the Duo picable din which surely means the was attracted to her, why he wanted ruin of the nation. her even on his wedding night. The Musicians, as a whole, and those Lady Trenton, he had told her, had who have the gift of getting at the been p'cked for his bride in her child- truth of things are those who are hood. She was beautiful, but like all merely amused by jazz. EmersonWhi- English from across the channel, she thorne strikes it about right in an was cold and impersonal. She was article written for the Musical Di- tall, blue-eyed. Her hair was flaxen, gest some time last summer. He says but she was cold and impersonal, that it is mighty clever stuff, not so While she . . and the girl ran much the pieces themselves, but the her hands over her body and over her way they are orchestrated. Also, he full hips. says that when he has been working, * She had set the table in the center it is a relief to"turn on a jazz record of the room and placed on it food. She or two and let a bit of innocent folly had placed the pewter tea pot in the play upon the mind. center and the brass plate filled with There are some whose minds are bread and fruit, so purely aesthetic or so totally in- There were some glowing embers in volved that jazz music never enters the. fireplace, and a candle burned n them. This type is rare indeed. But the corner of the room. the average person who never turns a thought toward jazz is the kind Once more she glanced at the tiny who never turns a thought toward clock, and then she heard footsteps anything else either. These are, for at the door and a knock. She smiled instance, the unemotional business and opened the door. man, the typical society crowd, blase fraternity men and sorority women "When Samson ran off with the of our colleges and universities. gate-posts of Gaza, if he ever did so, They're the ones who are perfectly or when he visited his Delilah, or safe. They can't hurt anybody's feel- caught his foxes, or did anything else, ings by saying that they like Beetho- what has revelation to do with these ven. and Chopin much better than things?" Paul Whiteman, or on the contrary, Paine, "The Age of Reason" that jazz is simply wonderful.