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October 02, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-02

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Radicals Increase Pressure Towards
Control of Government;
Munich Quiet
London, Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-A rev-
olptionary movement originated by
Nationalists organizations has broken
out at Kuestrin, 50 miles from Ber-
lin, says a Reuters' dispatch from the
German capitol.
The insurgents attempted to disarm
the garrison and occupy but the com-1
mander of the Reichswehr arrested the
Nationalist leaders and drove back the=
attackers. As a result of the insur-;
rection, Dr. Geissler, the minister of
defen'se, has imposed a censorship of;
all news of a military character. ,
Revolution Put Down7
Berlin, Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-The rev-
olutionary movement originated by
.nationalists organizations at Kuestrin
has been put down, says a commin-
ique issued by the ministry of defense.
and the reinforcements requested wili
not be required.
The communique says that the com-
mander of the red Reichwehr troops'
by energetic action was speedily the'
master of the situation. The Reichs-
wehr garrison forced its way into the
two surrounded by the rebels in the
arsenal and arrested several of their
The situation now is such that the'
reenforcemnts which were called
need not be sent to the scene.
Face Many Problems
Berlin, Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-Produc-
tion, and still more production,
abandonment of the eight hour fet-
ish and drastic curtailment of gov-
ernment job constitute some of the is-
sues on which chancellor Stresemann
and the socialists ar'e likely to disa-
gree in the near future.
The Bavarian situation also has
furnished an unexpected supply, of
combustibles, which threatens the
present solidarity of Stresemann's so-
cialist bourgeoise cabinet.1
Although the cabinet held a long
session today, at which the outlines I
of the chancellor's declaration to the
Reichstag tomorrow were formulated
parliamentary circles believe that the
socialist members of the cabinet will
be forced to retire under the increas-
ing pressure of the party's radical
Munich Quiet
Munish, Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-Quiet
prevailed in Munich and other points
in Bavaria today. A decree issued to-
day by Dr. Von Karh, the military
dictator prohibits strikes and pro-
vides for penitentiary sentences to
persons interfering with the opera-
tion of public utilities or who carry
out acts of sabotage, incite to strike
or perform acts of terror.
In case violation of the decree re-
sults in loss of life the death penalty
will be imposed.
New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1-(By A.
P.)-Decision to limit the freshman
class of Yale university to 850 stu-

dents is one of the most signficant
changes which marks the opening of
the university for its two hundred and
twenty-third year.
Other important changes include
the creation of a single undergradu-
ate faculty of arts and sciences, the
arrangement of 4 common time table
for the college, scientific school and
the freshman year, the offering of
university extension courses in strict-
ly academic subjects and the addition
of the school of nursing.

Athletic Officials Work Nights
Refunding 0. S. U. Ticket Money

Athletic association officials are
working nights returning more than
$1,000 a day to students who con-
tinue to send in applications for ex-
tra tickets to the Ohio State game,
Harry A. Tillotson, assistant to the
director of intercollegiate athletics,
stated last night.v The office announc-
ed that no applications for extra tick-
ets could be filled after September 25.
Office Swamped.
Officials in charge of the ticket dis-
tribution stated last night that the
work required in returning applica-
tions for extra seats has almost
swamped the office and seriously in-

Cheerleader tryouts will meet in the
upper reading room of the Union at
7 o'clock tomorrow evening. It will
be the final tryout session before the
Case game. All men in the Univer-
sity, except first year men, are eligi-
ble for places on the squad and may
try out at this time.
In order to insure a practiced squad
at the Case game the Student council
desires that the tryouts have an audi-j
ence tomorrow night. The men will
be given actual experience in leading
cheers at this time. It is the intent
of the council to place the final six
men on the field at the Case game
and after the game these men will
elect the Varsity cheerleader for this
Reorganization of the cheering sys-
tem has been effected by the Student
council. New formations and different
uniforms will probably be seen at the
first game of the season.
Any new men who intend to try out
for the squad for the first time to-
morrow night are requested to hand
their names to James A. Rice, '24,
chairman of the Student council com-
mittee in charge.
London, Oct. 1--(By A.P.)-An ath-
letic meet similar to the Pennsylvania
relay carnival with American athletes
pitted against British Empire stars
will be staged in an English setting
July 19 next year according to the
present plans of the British Amateur
A. A. The committee which reached
this dec'sion favors an alliance be-
tween the English and the amateur
athletic union of America.
The pledges of the American A. A,
U. for cooperation in holding the meet
here has been received by cable from
F. W. Reubin, but the B. A. A. A. offi-
cials are awaiting a letter from the
American organization before com-
pleting any arrangements. If agree-
able to the A. A. U. the American
track athletes after competing in the
Olympic games in Paris will come to'
London for their games here.
Woman Victor In
Qualifying Round
Rye, N. Y., Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-In a
gale that made play difficult, the
qualifying rounds for the women's na-
tional championship over the West
Chester-Biltmore country club course
developed into an unexpected contest
for the 32 places of honor.
Miss Alexa Stirling, of New York
a native Georgian and a three time
winner, was the medalist with an 84
and the other 31 qualifiers netted the
scores of 95 or more. Numerous pro-
fessionals had predicted at the open-
ing of the round that cards of 100
would get in.
Appointments to three research fel-
lowships in chemical subjects have
been announced by Prof. A. E. White
director of the engineering research
department. Maurice Van Loo, grad
was appointed to the Acme White
Lead and Color Works fellowship, L
W. Kempf, grad, was appointed to the
Detroit Edison fellowship in metal-
lurgy, and Howard G. Chamberlain
grad, was appointed to the Michigar
Gas association fellowship. Each o
the fellowships is for a year, $750 0:
the $1,000, of which the fellowshi

consists, going to its holder. Mr. Vai
Loo was the holder of the Acme fel
lowship last year also.
Westbury, N. Y., Oct. 1-(By A.P.

terferes with the progress of distri-
An urgent request for students to
send in their applications for the
Minnesota game was also made by
Mr. Tillotson. ie stated that the
alumni allotment is certain to be sold
out within a short time with appli-
cations for 350 tickets being received
daily and that when thij supply is
exhausted, alumni and their friends
will call upon the students to get ex-
tra tickets for them, with the result
that many members of the student
body will find their individual sup-
ply curtailed.
Marine Tickets Going Fast
Students who have not yet filed ap-
plications for the Vanderbilt, Marine
and Minnesota games will be allowed
three extra tickets for each contest.
Indications are that if'the applications
continue to come in for the Marine'
game at the rate that they have the
past few weeks the seats will be all
sold out far in advance of the game.
Tryouts for the Varsity Glee club3
were held yesterday afternoon in the
upper reading room of the Union and
those men who did not report at that
time will be given another opportun-
ity to do so between 7 and 9 o'clock1
tonight and between 3 and 5 o'clock
today. George Oscar Bowen, director
of the club, announced that many men
have already sung for him, but there
are still many vacancies in the club
as the membership this year will bef
picked totally from the new men.
Quartette practice will be given
the new men this week. They club is
also in need of an accompanist and
pianists are asked to report.
John M. Russel, '24, manager of the
Glee club, left last night for Chicago
to enter the club in the mid-western
competitions to be held in that city.
The winner will be sent to New York
wherehthe eastern schools will com-
pete for the honor of sponsoring the
best school glee club.j
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 1.-(By A.
P.)-A movement by the four railroad
transportation brotherhoods to re-
gain the wages in effect on the various
railroads of the United States in 1920,
-an increase of approximately 12 1-2
percent over the present scale is in
full swing, the engineers having join-
ed with the firemen, trainmen and
conductors today. In addition the en-
gineers are seeking an eight hour a

Plan to Stimulate Y 4rlin' to Enter
Athlin and taumpus
A (liVi1es,
Professor William 'D. Henderson,
of the University extension depart-
ment, will be the principal speaker at
the freshman smoker to he held al
7:15 o'clock tomorrow night in the
Assembly hall of the Uion.
The smoker is being given with the
view of arousing the interest of the
freshman class in atthletics and cam-
pus activities. Howard A. Donahue,
'24, editor of the Michigan Daily, will
give a resume of the field of tlhe pub--
lications of the IUniversitly and itarry
Ripke, '2=4, captam of the 192> foot-
ball team, will talk on University ath-
letics. Thomas J. Lynch, '25,L pres-
ident ofsthe Union, will speak on the
activities of that organiza!in. An
orchestra will play throughout theI
The smoker is under the direction
of the Upperelass Avi sory Comnmitt-
tee, of the Union, of which Cha rles
A. Merriam, '25, is chairman. It is
a part of a ,ene ral cam inn wich
the Union is supporting of keeping
the freshmen in close contact with the
upperclassmen and getting them start-
ed in public activities,
San Francsco, Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-
Leaders of the United States, both in
government and fraternal circles, and
many distinguished foreigners will at-I
tend the 192' annual convention of the
American Legion, to be held here Oct.
15-19, according to Legion officials,
Among those who will either be pres-
ent personally, or represented official-
ly, are:j
David Lloyd George and Sir Doug-
las H.ag of Great Britain; Lord'Byng
of Canada; Marshal Petain and Gen-
oral Mangin of France; General Hal-
ler of Poland; President Obregon of
Mexico, and Premier Miussolini of It-
The American list includes: Presi-
dent Calvin Coolidge, General John
J. Pershing, Admiral Robert E.I
Coontz, commander-in-chief, United
States battle fleet; Major-General
John A. LJ.jeune, commandant, U. S.
M. C.; Secretary of the Navy Edward
Denhy; Secretary of War John W.
Weeks; General Frank T. lIfines;, di-
rector, United States Veteransi Iureau
and Samuel Compers, president, Amer-
ican Federation of Lahor.

Oklahoma Head
Facing Crisis

Gov. J. C. Walton
Contention concerning the preroga-
tives of Gov. J. C. Walton of Oklahoma
has reached such a height that armed
forces may be necessary to keep
(down the rioting. The question to
be decided at the polls today is wheth-
er officers acting under the orders of
the governor-can prevent the elector-
ate of the state from going to the polls
to ballot at a special election at which
one of the matters for decision would
be whether the lower house could
meet on; its own initiative.
London, Oct. 1.-(By A. P.)-It took
George Carpentier, the French fight-
or just about 20 seconds today to
quiet the championshipaspirations of
Joe Beckett, who holds the heavy-
weight title in Great Britain. Carpen-
tier used both lefts and rights in a
brief series of exchanges and Beckett
remained on the floor for the final
Beckett led with a light left to his
opponent's jaw but there was no
power in the blow and Carpentier
shot over a left followed by a right to
Beekett's jaw, and Beckett *went down
for the count of five. The Englishman
got to his feet and the Frechman
dashed in and ripped with a right and
lift. He beat Beckett down againj
near Ae ropes falling on top of him.

Yesterday's Gainest
Detroit 17; Chicago 5.
Cleveland 13; St. Louis 5.
Washington 3; Philadelphia 4.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 1.-(By A. P)
-The declaration that the child labor
question is the vital one of the hour
was emphasized by President Samuel
Gompers in his annual address at the
opening of the 43rd annual convention
of the American Federation of Labor
here today.
He discussed this question before he
turned his attention to radicals.
He said "There can be no greater
menace to the civilization of our time
than the sacrifice of the citizens upon
the altar of Mammon. The child life
of our country must be conserved at
all hazards. To say that the consti-
tution of the United States is impot-
ent to protect the children of our time
is begging the question.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct 1-(By A.P.)-
A ten year program of building air-
planes to meet the deficit in machines
needed for purely training and de-
fensive purposes was advanced in an
address here tonight by Dwight F. Da-
vis, assistant secretary of War.
Speaking before the St. Louis Aero-
nautic Cooperation, and the Flyng
club of St. Louis, Mr. Davis said the
U. S. had no desire to enter aero com-
petition with other nations and that
such a program could not be consid-
ered as such by other nations, which
"already are doing all in their power,
to build up their air fleet".
"Today," he' sa'd, "we are showing
the same supineness, the same failure
to appreciate the necessity for pre-
paration which we have exhibited in
every period between war in which.
we have been forced to engage. This.
in spite of the fact that the recent
world war should have brought home
to us the utter folly of the course
which we have pursued."
Repertory Play
Repeats Success
The Michigan Repertory theater re-I
peated its success of Saturday night
in the second performance of Hubert
Henry Davies' comedy "The Mollus"
last night at the Whitney theater.
The company will use this comedy
as a vehicle for their efforts for the
last time in Ann Arbor tonight at the
same playhouse. Commencing tomor-
roy they will present "Mixed Mar-
riages" by St. John Ervine.
Kalamazoo, Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-Ten-
tative plans for a memorial service in
honor of Dean Clark B. Williams and
his wife are being considered at Kala-
mazoo college, following receipt of a
dispatch from Kobe, Japan, stating
that in all probability the kalamazoc
educator and his wife were k led in
the collapse of the Grand Hotel a'
Yokohama during the earthquake
Sept. 1.
Kalamazoo, Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-
Professor D. T. Quirk, of Michigan
State Normal college, a leading au-
thority upon little theaters, has ac-
cepted the invitation of Professor
Simpson, of Kalamazoo college, to
look over the Stockbridge stable upon
the local campus, with a view to giv-
ing suggestions for its remodeling in-
to the Little theater that long has been
the dream of the Kazoo thespians.

State A sks Fire Preventioni
f Lansing, Mich., Oct. 1-(By A.P.)-
A proclamation issued Monday by the
- state department of Public safety ask-
t ed citizens of the state to remove all
fire hazards from their property prior
to fire prevention week Oct. 7 to 13
According to the proclamation th
fire loss in Michigan is $15,000,000 a

AtfIU 1A

Arrned Citizens 'arry Forth Plans to
Show People's Attitude In
Waurika, Okla., Oct. 1--(By A.
P.)---Defying; tlection officials to
hold tomriorrow's special election
hfere, seven mien, headed by J. H.
Q. Dillard, a Carter county oil
operator, seized the ballot boxes
today and declared they would
not allow femm to be taken to the
ieting pre(inems. The men said
they 'were acding under orders of
Got'. lalton.
Oklahoma City, Oct. 1-Preparations
for the opening tomorrow of polls in
Oklahoma moved apace tonight as the
hour for an election unprecedented in
the nation, drew near.
Court action, sustained by armed
citizens who volunteered for service
under county authorities, carried for-
ward the preparation for registering
the will of the people as to whether
the legislature shall be empowered to
meet to consider the official acts of
. C. Walton without his sanction.
The governor tonight reset the date
for the election as Pecember 6 after
declaring the national guard would
not be used tomorrow.
Election Looks Certain
Parred by the governor through
proclanmations and hampered by his
eleventh hour maneuvering of state
and county election boards, the elec-
tion tonight nevertheless appeared to .
be a virtual certainty.
lEvenm Gov. Walton's action tonight
in calling a new election for Decem-
ber failed to halt preparations for
the balloting tomorrow. le declared
that he did not want to be governor Itf
the people want to amend their con-
stitution to enable the members of the
Ku Klux Klan to impeach him, there-
by renmoving all legal restraint on the
lawlessness of the ian. The execu-
tive reiterated his charge that the
election tomorrow will be illegal, but
said he is willing to submit the ques-
tion in a fair and legal election.
Take (moo ernors ('hallenge
Only the initiative bill empowering
members of the lower house to con-
vene at their own call will be voted
upon at the Deecember election. Tak-
ing up the challenge of tie governor
that lie would use 22.000 special police
tomorrow to prevent the election, op-
onentof the executive, vwith the au-
thority or an official opimion from At-
torney General George F. Short hold-
ing the governor without power to
I postpone the election, obtained from
the state at large today what they
termed an expresion of sentiment
on the part of citizens and officials
ithat constituted a strong denial of the
executive course.
From one county after another
came the report that the authorities,
ordered by the governor to prevent
the election had announced that they
would ignore his instuctions.
The governor denied the statement
attrilbuted to him yesterday that the
entird national guard would be mob-
ilized to prevent the election.
Stodeit Arres frnn Quake Area
Marie Lanzar of the University of
the Phihippines arrived in Ann Arbor
Saturday after being held up 12 days
in Yokohama on account of the earth-
Miss Lanzar is a holder of the Bar-
hour fellowship, the first Filipino girl
to have this distinction. She is stay-
ing at the Ilelen Newberry residence.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1.-With the
international air races postponed un-
IiI Thursday on account of heavy rains
yeosterday, the annual meetings of the
National Aeronautical congress and
ithe Air Institute of the Aeronautical
Cliammer of Congress began scheduled
Calgary, Alta, Oct. 1.-Nearly 150
students from the two normal schools
in Calgary have volunteered for work
j in the harvest fields of the province

and have been granted leave for a
month from their studies for that pur-
Calexico, Calif., Oct. 1-(By A. P.)-
A light earthquake shock traversed
the Imperial valley, both above and
a, b low the Mexican border Sunday af-
tmernoon. No damage was (lone.



clay mnimumu pay.
Through a circular instructions1
were sent to the general chairmanA
and secretary treasurer of all general
committees of adjustment of the bro-
therhood of locomotive engineers to
present 30 days notice of the intention
of the brotherhood members to amend
their schedules of pay to railroads
where the contracts have expired. 1
Ceremony Delayed t
By Berkeley Fire'
President Campbell of the Univer-
sity of (California will not be inaugur-
ated this month, according to word;
received from Dean A. H. Lloyd of'
the graduate school who was to have
attended the ceremony as the repre-
sentative from Michigan.j
The inauguration was to takej
place at Berkeley on Oct. 11 but hasj
been postponed unti next March. The
reasons given were that the recent4
great fire which swept Berkeley made
the ceremony an impossibility.

Sigma Delta Chi.

To M eet Tonight j All freshmen who attended the
freshman reception under the auspic-
. es of the S.C.A. on Sept. 22 and all
Sigma Delta Clil will hold a )1sio ther first year men who are inter-
ness mnceting at 7:15 o'cloca tonight. I ested are invited to attend a fresh-
in room 202, of the Union. This s the I man meeting to be held at 7 o'clock in
first meeting of the year and several the auditorium of Lane hall Thursday
matters will be considered, including night. Discussions relating to the
the initial arraingnments for the an freshmen will be held at the meeting
nual l1hichigan Interscholastic Press and campus problems will be discuss-
association bancujmet and the 1llichigan ed at this time.
Gridiron banquet to be held some- The freshmen will be divided into
dine next spring. A delegate will be groups under the leadership of about
selected at this time to attend the na- fifteen upperclassmen who will lead
tional Sigma Delta Chi conventionat the discussions. Preceding this gen-
Minneapolis, Minn., on Nov. 18. e ral meeting a few short talks will
-_--_--- -he given, one by flarry Kipke, '24. Af-
Yale Sophoinores Sign Pledge ter the talks the men will gather in
New haven, Conn., Oct. 1-(By A. thei
P.)-Yale sophomores were asked Fri- rgous
day to sign a pledge of exemplary be- British Ministers Meet.
havior dur'ng the year as a step to-
Landon, Oct. 1.--(13y A. P.)I-

ward anllehio at ionof isqualilieation
conmditions Which l1ave been impos(led
by reason of the freshman class dis-
turbances of last June. The }ledge


Prime Ministerstrom the far corners
of the British Empire met at 10,
Downing street today for the inaugur-{
al session of the imperial conference
of 1923, which will consider problems

submitted to theim 'as as follows:

We are living in the age of science.
Every day we hear of a wonderful
discovery in scientific fields. Me-
chanical devices are being invented to
cut down the amount of manual labor.
Jimmie has stepped to the front in
the field of scientific advertising. He

1. I shall not take part in any noi- o
Legion Investigates for TRones syor riotous actions or denonstra-of foreign policy, preferential tariffs,
Washington, Oct. 1.-(By .A. P.)- tions m te streets or other public emigration reparations, imperial de-
Tme American Legion has completed Igrounds of te city of New aven, nor ifense and the economie and constitu-
a poll of the sixty-eighth congress, commit any offense against the peace tional (eveloment o com-
which indicates that a soldiers' bonus s monwealth of nations.
or prosperityofiscizms.________________
will be passed by large majorities inI 2. 1 sha oi all in my power to
both houses, and that there will be prevent my fellow steats troum - IEdmomson Addresses Men's Club
enough votes to eact the legislation eaceorprop Professor J. B. Edmonson, faculty
over a possible presidential veto, it adim asty or ios -advisor of the Men's Educational club
was learned here Saturday. The poll ty of this city or its citizen.outlined te purposes of the club at
was conducted by the legislative com- . - I the opening meeting of the year in
mittee of the legion as the basis for at tme ot g.-(nyeA. ha)-Av- room 302 of the Union last evening
report to be made t the organization's Ithough the soviet government hasan-
national convention in San Francisco nounced that -Russia would be facilit- I F. L. Bailey, grad. was elected a
next month on the bonus situation. 1aoed for the nurose 1 accommodat- schirman of a committee of three to
ing visitors to the coommercial expo- arve as the committee in charge o1
sit-on in Moscow, Americans desiring the club for the coming year. Plans
M. A. C. Enrollment Increases toi cter tecot Actm rehilr1icstill smd .o bring prominent men in the educa-
Lansing, Oct. 1.-(iny A. P.)-De- it ifficult to obti permission from tional field to speak to the club at
spite early dications that there is unable to grant Pemissio io m ngs - held during the year were
would be a marked falling off in the lei t discussed.
attendance at the Michigan Agricul-_ _s unable t orantpermissionii__o
etisy ue to the con- communication with the central gov-
troversies, which yaye raged around ernmnet in Moscow animd delays are as Detroit, Oct. 1.-Francis Reynolds
the instituon, aiate agricultural prcloniged as they were before the an- former football player at Canisius col
board, its governing body, Miss Anna 'iouncenment of a change in policy. loge, Buffalo, and Niagara university
Ferle. acting registrar, Friday, an- - wo cane here to enter the Univer


year. The national fire loss it claims
is $975 a minute.


1 nvIiintrfnn not 1-(P,,A P)-A 1 T

r A




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