41v 4r, an allr Section Two j, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923 PRICE, F'IVEC INTU THE FUTU "If we can think and plan and will a war, surely we can will and achieve so simple a thing as peace." Out of this belief the idea of the American Peace Award, created by Edward W. Bok, editor, student of the times. Now the prize-winning plan has been selected and placed before the American people for their approv- al; and at this time, while it is still the subject for hot debate, Mr. Bok discloses that he contemplates an- other and even broader campaign to make the peace plan effective. In a remarkable interview he describes what he feels has been accomplished already by the discussion of the plan and suggests what can be done for the future. And what he has to say is emphasized by the record of the progress of the movement thus far. Amazing, indeed, is the interest that has been called forth from every part of the country and from every walk of life. There has been no parallel to it in the history of popular appeals. The number of plans submitted-22,- 165-is one indication of the interest aroused. Another, and more import- ant, is the cordial reception which is being given the referendum. For the referendum, now well uiderway, is' the largest which has ever been held on a public question. Complete plans have been provided for obtaining an expression of na- tional opinion on the ' merit of the winning peace program. Daily news- papers, weekly papers, magazines and scores of national organizations are1 co-operating in the undertaking. It is expected that the vote cast will approximate the vote for President of the United States. , r. Bok's Expect atoi s' "Never before have the people of America had such an opportunity to raise the tribunal above the battle- field. That is what the plan means," says Mr. Bok. "And when the Ameri- can people have spoken, it will be time for the other nations of the world to register their opinion. "Of the many impressions which' stand out from this effort the most vivid, I think, is the determination to end war," said Mr. Bok. "In a long contact with the American peo- pie I have never seen them so reso- lute. This decision runs through all classes, from the highest to .the low- est. We have perceived the light and it is our national resolution to end War. I am certain of it. And once we have reached that milestone the rest is not impossible. If we can think and plan and will a war, surely we can will and achieve so simple a thing as peace. "An interesting reflection in this spirit is the widespread suggestion, contained in a large percentage of the peace plans, that the manufac- ture of guns and ammunition be con- trolled or prohibited. If we may take the plans received as an indication. of national thought-Land I believe we can-it Is evident that a host of people have reached the same con-' clusion by Individual reasoning: that the way to stop war is to cut off the readiest source of war. "Another element that entered strongly into the striving for a peace plan was the opportunity for self- expression offered to the "inarticulate, rmass." "Men and women everywere told me that it was the. first chance that they ever had to express their opin- ions on this question," continued Mr. Bok. "I asked sme of them, out of curiosity, 'if they had not voted upon it through . their representatives in State and Nation. But most of them gave me an emphatic 'No,' saying that they had never had any real voice in the making of war, and that what they wanted was a clear road to Washington, a chance to be heard with their own voices expressing their own ideas." Few men ever had a better oppor- f i 9 " i 1 a 1 I i 1 1 tunity to know the temper and men- Th I tal processes of the American people than Mr. Bok. As editor of a maga TE P L A zicreaching eviery remote corner OL the country, he should understand its psychology. And this is the way he , ' I Promises Rope. summed up the public attitude on war DEAN H. M. BATES, of the law and peace. school: In considering the merits of E rt athe winning plan proposed for the "A man's opinion is like a snow- Bok Peace Prize, one should keep flake," he.observed. "It may fall upon .. steadily in mind the exact purpose oustcadilylinvminddthe eaactipurpose our coat sleeve and we may lightly .: which the plan seeks to accomplish. brush it away; but if it is a real t As stated in the offer of the prize by snowall anyother flakes follow :. r;f snowfall m ..............k.s......Mr. Bok, that purpose is "the best until soon they cover our coat, the I 'rpractical plan by which the United roads, the whole countryside; and States may co-operate with other na- even the most powerful locomotive tions to achieve and preserye the cannot burrow a way through. That peace of the world." Mr. Bok did is what world opinion will do one X.' not call for political and legal pan- of these days with the engine of war. aceas of any kind, nor for mere ideal- I I hope that our plan is the first snow-a-istic programs. It is essentially a flake, at least.", practical purpose and practical meth- "How did you arrive at the idea of ods which the conditions of the prize offering the peace award?" competition suggested. "Well, the last election profoundly impressed me," answered Mr. Bok. In the language of the ballot which "I did not think that the people truly we are asked to send to the other understood conditions or all of the committeein charge of this cmpeti- things which have been going on in the tion, "I approve the plan in sub- world. The political reaction suggest- I stance." One already hears some ed a vain striving to get away from criticism to the effect that there is the sad facts of life-facts made sad nothing original 'in the winning plan. for Americans principally by the war. If by that is meant that no a priori So I had a careful personal canvass Edward W. Bok creation, promising absolute world made which brought the question be~ Mr. .Bok, the founder of the Ameri tpeasuch a seme dcriticisn i juh fore several hundred thousands of can Peace Award, is now the center mantpschahemeyould n aclchi Americans, to learn what they were Ifatn oh*t man probab(illpy hami no pilactuca! thinking. And everywhere there was o attention both in this country and value whatever. Perhaps the chief thining Andeveywhre terewasabroad, as a result of his vision inmrto h tnlisi h atta much confusion about facts, but gen- Conceiving and executing his enter- merit of the plan lies in the fact that eral agreement on one principle-- prie g itis a skillful combination of exist- war must be ended. prise._ ing organizations, plans' and func- "Right there the agreement disap- IItions, all tending toward international peared. Nobody seemed to have "Practically the entire press of the co-operation and agreement and thus plan, even an inkling of one, to bring country is assisting us in getting a against war. Unhappily, there is little about this longed-for result. And Y public referendum on our plan. Vot- reason to believe that the last war thought of all the millions of people ing coupons are being inserted in has been fought. It is improbable throughout the world-especially over thousands of publications. We shall that a method of settling interna-' there in Europe-who were thinking obtain the broadest referendum ever tional controversies, however irra- the same thing. Why, if a man paused held on a public question. The vote tional, brutal and inexcusable it may to listen he could almost hear the cry will run into millions. And when the be, which has persisted so long in of humanity to end war. I listened ballots are counted we shall have an destroying the happiness of the hu- intently and the cry was painful. expression of opinion that cannot be man race, can be eliminated by any "But still there was no plan. Then denied- plan or any organization in the im- I determined to enlist the best thought The next step should be the intro- mediate future. No experienced and of the whole nation-which is the duction of a bill in Congress officially, wise supporter of the League of Na- mind of its commonalty-on this one putting the peace plan before the na- tions believed that its adoption, even vital subject of how we should go tion's legislators. I have been warned by all powers, would result in the about ending war for all time. Mind that it never will get any farther, but immediate extermination of war; you, I don't expect to do it at once. I have my own views about that. Our though unfortunately, some unwise We cannot achieve a miracle. But legislators are just as much interested supporters have claimed that for it. we can make 'a beginning. That is asthe rest of us in guarding the fu- and others have sometimes thought- what I hope our plan will do." ture ceraiat theops ceeani lessly used language indicating a be- Once this conception had fired Mr.w eeive lief to that effect. This has enabled Bok with the resolution to undertake deserves. emotional opponents of the League to a national competion he grappled with "I br ave in mind another and even set it up as a straw man, with claims the details. It was a gigantic under- broader campaign to make the peace which its best friends have never taking, and nothing of the sort had plan eetai s Naturally, catI made for it, and then proceed to .ever been done before. As finally dics the tal at bectme, butI destroy it. Unfortunately, the utter- worked out, th plan resembled a na- hope to have the plan become a basis ance of half-truth, of catch phrAses tionl eecton, itha prty onvn-for international negotiation. My sec-'n tional election, with a party conve- ond plan will carry an award larger andappeals to emotion, have enabled tion thrown in, and none of the ma-thlanhwillarsCrtain yawdlare-enemies of the League to persuade chinery to handle either. thant firsterutakin g wil e people that because it probably could Mr. Bok selected a woman to run present a greater undertaking with a not actually prevent war therefore it the competion, Miss Esther Everett world goal for its aim."was wholly bad Lape, a writer, and she carried it out Is Time For Peace It is a merit of the Bok peace plan in three little rooms of a Madison Mr. Bok was asked if he believed that neither its proposals nor its Avenue office building. Through her, this a propitious time for a world ( phrasing subjects it to this kind of fron nJulyn the contonsocoaward peace move. unfair criticism. It is avowedly mere- plan on July 2, the conditions of com- "I cannot conceive of a more fa- I ly a plan by which we may co-oper- petition have been supplied to 250,- vorable moment," he said. "Assured- ate with other nations in measures 000 applicants. ly the world needs peace more thati tending.to prevent war. This is the Represent Nation's Thought any other one thing. A new war like only safe and promising kind of plan.! When the plan was first announced, (Continued on Page Twelve) The plan, however, does not propose the percentage of cranks who re-I AS REFLECTED IN THE CAMPUS 1such important moves as our joining foundations. We know equally well attempts to improve a dangerous situ- the so-called World Court and co- that another world war must neces-ation. operating in many international un- sarily be infinitely more ferocious, The argument that the plan pro- dertakings for the betterment of man- more destructive and more compre- posed is but a method of getting us kind and the settlement of differences hensive; and many of us feel that our into the League of Nations by a back of opinion among nations. No experi-' civilization cannot stand the shock of order seems to me very weak and large- enced observer, trained in the social such a war. Ily without merit. The plan as sub- sciences, can doubt that the adoption ยข The proposed plan, in making use mitted clearly states that we do not of the plan as proposed would tend of organizations, methods and func-: propose to enter the League as at to prevent the rise of some contro-.' tions that have all been tried, prom- present constituted and suggests or versies which wuld otherwise de- laes' at least some hope. That several implies that important changes would velop and to settle some which, never- of the methods suggested may be have to be made before we should theless, do arise. No one can doubt carried out has been shown, I think, consider complete participation it its that in bringing representatives of the by Professor Manley 0. Hudson, 'who work. It is true that if such changes nations of the world together in the has been working along the lines sug- were made, it would tend to trans- effort to secure desirable ends, great- gested in this plan. form the League of Nations into an er understanding, greater sympathy international debating society, but I and greater desire to avert war will "We Waited." am not sure that such a society might follow. If these things be true, then not be of great value. In general the even though the plan does not prom- PROF. BRAND BLANSHARD, of behavior of nations is not so very df- ise absolute peace from now on; even the philosophy department, secretary ferent form the behavior of indvidu- though we may be fairly certain that of the League of Nations Non-Parti- Ythat, o fNtosNnPri als, and I have observed that it is unfortunately, wars may still arise; san Association: I am heartily in fa- much easier to quarrelwith people it is a movement in the right direc- vor of Mr. Bok's plan and shall cer- we do not know than with people we tion, certain to have beneficent re- tainly vote for it. are in the habit of dining with. sults, to decrease the number and per- In the first place, it gives us a Given a reasonable desire to solve haps the scope of future wars, and chance to rectify a great wrong. At a problem, conference willgerally possibly finally to lead to their utter jthe last election the League of Na- fidbletho.eThis plan generally eliminationi. tions was an issue, and it happened is in fact an attempt to substitute Neurotic or emotional opponents of that the party supporting it was de- conference for making faces at eachI any and all measures for world co- feated.t was at once noised about other. It is a step forward along a by League opponents that the people difficult and unknown road. We shall operation seem to assume, naively' had spoken clearly and that they had dfiutadukonra.W hl that the world has the choice be- had toe n n eyad require faith, patience and courage- 1given their decision unequivocally alhoeyA rinvrts.Iop tween going on with the type of wars all homely American virtues. Ihope of the past, which, after all, have left' Tat ineratinali cogertin.!we may have a chance to display civilizations still struggling on, or on Thgat was certainly false in logic, and them. I shall vote for the plan. I thing it was false in fact. You can- ___ the other hand, some kind of world not argue that if a platform is re- organization which shall attempt to Jected as a whole, every plank in it Forget r. Wson. prevent them; and because they think is being separately condemned. And PROF. R. T CRANE, of the 'poi- that ~~i preenioniga t stepafatelamconvimnedtAt that prevention Is impossible, they tical science department: Both urge our continuing the "safe and from the very beginning the people friends and oppenents of the League sane way," originating in the ages of have been in favor, if not . of the of Nations have jumped to the con- savagery and barbarism. It is tragic- League, then of something that will lusion that the Bok peace plan em-' ally untrue that these choices aretk braces the entry of the United States offered to us. We know that the late take its place in the sphere of inter- into the League. The plan does not world war shook to national organs of finding out. Through immediately provide for such entry this informal referendum we can get and does not necessarily lead to It. It what there is no governmental ma- is quite true that the course of ac- And The chinery to secure, a conclusive state- tion outlined seems tb lead lgicaly The manner in which the Bok peace ment of popular opinion on a quite todultimate membership in the plan is being taken in Washington is specific point. League; but so does every oter tea- 9 "is ein taeedi d~ahintonst In the second place, the plan is a sonable course of action -open to our much as was predicted. The great gonvheseonrpacmheplnts. majority of the senators, with the cx- step toward the only possible a- government. ception of irreconciliables who are rangement which will effectively pre- Is the first place, the eplan siny almost unanimously against it, hesi- vent war. Mr. Bok is quite right; sets forth the facts of the fsti tate to give any opinion on the matter. "there are only two ways to settle situation. The League is a fact.reit Political dopesters attribute this reti- a quarrel, to fight it out or to talk is a fact offarsdIt i eosn cence to the fact that they don't know it over," and if nations are to. have in foreign affairs. It is the chosen who wiote the plan and are afraid 'a chance to "talk it over," there must and successful agency of fiftyfour of declaring themselves either for an be some international machinery for nations for the handling of many enemy or against a friend. Here are so doing. Personally, I should go phases of international relations. The several statements which indicate the much farther than this plan. I fa- only practicable method of reaching general trend of the Senatorial mind vor the League with no reservations, understandings with other nations on Senator Wadsworth, New York-I Iand with full power of arms and ththemany subjects is in conjunction with have not read it and that probably in- economic boycott behind it, so that if League. The League is now a success dicates my interest in it. a nation refuses to talk it over, it can Lithut the Led be prevented from running amuck. without the United States. The United Senator Moses, New Hampshire- But any co-operation is better than States desires international arrange- The mountain labored and broughtn nyiments of various types of which co- forth a mouse, and it is the same Thirdly, like many thousands of operation in regard to public health mouse we trapped in 1920. ter I have personal reasons for and the white salve trade are but two Senator Shipstead, Minnesota-This Iweloming this move, and so am per- examples. Fifty-four nations have es- is a thinly veiled propaganda to get haps a prejudiced witness. The war ntablished a mode of getting together the United States into the League. I cost three years of my life. Those on such questions and it is a mde am surprised that grown men should! of us who watched from the ranks in that is of precisely thecharacter attempt to obtain the peace of the France while 'the business in Paris (that of international conferencel world with a money prize. was going on let our hopes soar. We that the United States desires except' felt that, however much It had cost, that it bears the awful stigma of the perhaps after all the new order would League! be worth it. Te were young enough It is no longer possible to sanction and naive enough to think that per-'the scrapping of this plan at the be- est of Americans whose sole reasn h inks haps we were making the world a for opposition is hatred for ex-Prei- little safer for the next crop of can- dent Wilson. If the United States de- non-fodder. There was a burst ofdntWsn.IteUiedtasd- gnnde nTheres waths ay rt of sires to conduct many foreign rela- genuine enthusiasm in those day thatwon .ions that are desirable if not essen- '~ n~1~r~inW looked as if it might work wonders. I ,. tht .r.dsialei- -~ ssn Mi--.--.,-'.--.'. n-- e se n -314,_4 --- 1 sponded was fairly high. But these dropped out as the idea gained hold,~ and, there probably has never been a' more representative group of Ameri- W h a cans than the ultimate contestants for' the award. As the competition drew to a close interest heightened and- fast minute entrants hurried their pa- Press comment, as compared with pers into the hopper. Several were that which emanated from politicians, I telegraphed, a few cabled from across especially in Washington, seemed the ocean, and one plan came from much more favorable to the Bok peace Denver by air in a special plane. That much Toe faorby o t Bosideace wastherecrd id or he 100000plan. The majority of it considers was the record bid for the $100,000 the plan at least a step in the right and fame. drcin. direction. Many persons have asked: "What Following are excerpts from var- will this award accomplish?" Mr. Bok ious newspapers throughout the coun- M smiles when he answers this question.tr "Just between ourselves," he said, Ity- "the award already' has accomplished Nt w York World-If President, part of its purpose. I do not believe Coolidge, Secretary Hughes and at that the American public ever did so least two-thirds of the Senators were much hard thinking before in the ready to stand for what they believe cause of peace. Naturally we all want in their hearts, the plan would be peace, but wanting it is not sufficient. adopted. For the plan is in agree- We have got to think and talk peace, ment with everything that all those reversing the psychology which made y Republicans and Democrats lve al- us fear and talk war and prepare for ready voted for who are not members it. No man or nation ever did any- of the Battalion of Death. Even Sena- thing until the individual or the State for Lodge has in substance voted for was convinced that it could be done. this plan. And I have hopes that the peace award will convince any remaining doubters 'New York Tribuine-The most ad- that we can have peace if we make an mirable feature of the scheme is the intelligent effort to get it. stress that it lays upon law and jus- tthe Press T S~. New York -SunndsGlobeih-There ' is little to be said except that it is thing that would bring 'much pra.c- another variant of the League, a fact tical harm to America or candidly which suggests an ingenious device much practical good to the world. to revive a discussion most of us thought had been closed. Indianapolis News-By sheer force -_of international gravitation such co- New York Evening Post--It stands operation becomes inevitable. out as a sharp, clear statement of American opinion. nt Detroit News-The plan is a good Brooklyn Eagle-~It is a very potent one-if it works. contribution to the cause of peace., Mr. Bok is right in asserting that his Detroit Free Press-It is not prac- money has been well spent no matter tical because the administration will what may happen to the plan. not accept it, the senate will not ac- - cept it, and the people of the United I Washington Post-Like all supreme States will not accept it. achievements the peace plan of the unnamed immortal is supremely sim- Mobile Register-It is the Wilson ple, even to the point of foolishness. plan modified as actual changes in It is based upon the assumption that the working of the nations make pos-. the United States cannot originate sible and advisable. I anything in thought or act, but must I fall in with the blunders already so ' ansas City Star-If the winning successfully launched in Europe. j plan was the best of them, then it must follow that there were 22,164 Philadelphia Public Ledger-It re- which were worse. The plans that fiects the very genuine desire of did not involve the United States were Americans for participation in a not so good. league of the world that shall work by peaceful ways toward a world Portland Oregonian--The plan is peace. admirable for simplicity and straight- We waited. The League matter ton to our national welfare, our go' went to the senate. Mr. Hitchcock ernment rests under the necessity c moved to amend. Mr. Borah moved co-operating with the League. Ho ovd to am'd. Mrr. orhad g absolute that necessity is, is show to strike out. Mr. Johnson had grave;b h xeto hec-prto h doubts on tihs, that and the other. b the e nt of the c-operation th Mr. Lodge viewed it all with the deep- usvirta yen forced upon our r est alarm. And so on for weeks andr . months while we drifted slowly home The Bok plan hardly goes beyon to be absorbed with our old enthusi- that. point. It proposes what is it to e asoredwit ou od ethui-evitable-that co-operation of ti asms into our respective Main Streets eitalea tabi-eperf th and into the foreign policy of grand- kind already established be funth mothers. For myself I felt futile and Iem nd. t h llan e madest t l betrayed; I felt that we were being modifications shall be made in t misrepresented politically, and na- e hav e eae byv oal I: tionally disgraced. I feel so still. The have greatest wave of international feeling terpretation or practice, the Unite which ever swept this country was States should enter. The plan al: allowed to lose itsglf in "the striking proposes that we enter the Wor: out of line 2," in "amendments to CCourt which would involve no chant section 3," and in wilderness of pe- whatever in our attitude towards tl dantic pettifoggery. League unless we desire a vote c There is a hope that through this the election of judges. Our relatioi plan all such scholasticism may be to the League would not of necessi brushed aside. We are asked if we have to be changed. approve the plan in substance; and if there is an overwhelming chorus that Will Focus Our Views we do, even Washington can. hardly PROF. A. L. CROSS, of the histo be deaf. All success to Bok and his department: In my opinion the Bi scheme. I peace award project should pro 1 fruitful in good results-as the don We Are on the Sidelines hoped-quite irrespective of the po 1 sible merits of the plan accepted 1 DEAN HUGH CABBOT , of the ; the committee. One of the most se medical school: I thing the Bok peace ous defects of the American people plan a reasonable and safe step in the lack of an informed public opi the direction of co-operation by the ion on foreign affairs.' The Bok pri United States' in affairs of mutual and has set folk to thinking and whatev international importance. , It seems attitude our government adopts t !111+0 n a a s h a+ tt nn n h !- _ .,., ,.. -..... .. :a _.. , i :) From the Michigan Daily Do you approve the winning plan It substance? (Put an X inside the proper box.) Yes [] No CI] New York Herald-The winner ofI the $100,000 Bok prize for the best I I"frAoir eneration with plan for amercan conaptin tpareevet other nations to preserve the peace i of the world will get easy money. - forwardness. "This is a cinch," he said to himself, Baltimore Sun-How will the looking over the Bok named .com- League itself view the suggestions mittee. "Why, every one is an inter- made? Are they of such ' nature as Des Moines Register-The United nationalist and a League of Nations! to answer all valid criticism raised States will nexer join in a world court fan. It's a frame-what you call in in this country against American par- or enter any sort of association of +i f l.nek, -d " I i nations until we elect officials who, Please print. Address...... ....................................... t I