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January 13, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-13

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Michigan To Use Saie Line-up Which
Started Against Aggles -
Friday Night
After sending his team through a
stiff workout yesterday at which time
the most glaring faults that were pre-
sent In the game with M. A. C. Satur-
day, Coach Mather has the Wolver-
ines ready to give Illinois a bitter
fight when the two teams meet in
the New Yost Field House tomorrow
night in the first conference game of
the season for Michigan.
The power of the aggregation from
Urbana has been somewhat underrat-
Jd since their defeat at the hands of
the powerful Gopher combination by
the decisive score of 36-20. The ad-
dition of Eklund, who had been in-
eligible until the week of the game
to the Gopher squad, gave it the pow-
er to sweep over the Illini in the final
minutes of the game, after Coach
Ruby's team had run up an 18-15t
lead toward the middle of the seconds
half. The severe cold spell whicht
was raging at the time added moreI
obstacles to the path of the Indians.
Train Breaks Down
The train on which they were1
travelling in route to the Gopher lair
broke down at 2 o'clock in the morn-l
ing forcing the athletes from Urbana
to get out of their berths and change
cars with the temperature hovering
around 36 degrees below zero. By the2
time things had been straightened
around their train had lost the rights
of way and arrived in Minneapolis1
seven hours behind schedule, too late1
for the team to indulge in a workout
and become familiarized with thes
stange court, so it can readily bey
seen that' the. Iidians. entered ther
game handicapped from the very.
It is doubtful however if the In-1
dians would have been able to put
the game on the ice if the ill luck had
been spared them for the work of
Ray Eklund at forward for the Goph-
-ers was too much for most any team.
Stilwell Is Lucky Star
Slim Stilwell, the long lanky Illin-
ois center is the man the Wolverines
Will have to watch the closest if his a
work in past games is to be taken{
as an Index to his ability. Againsts
the Gophers, Stilwell was high point
scorer for his team with seven points
and one of the main cogs in the de-
fense. Mauer and Potter will probab-
ly be seen at the forwards for the
Illini while Haines and Popkln are
slated to handle the guard positions.
Lipe and Roetteger may also see ser-
vice at the guards before the game is
Coach Mather will probably send the
same men against the team from Ur-
bana that were used against the

America's Hope
Of Coming

In cet medics, Bek, 609, fresh meds, to be
nIc*TANK METBRNSPE ETIGWLL - If the tlphone numbers of the
fltb on e t£1 above are not included, men interested
y in the basketball and hockey tourna-
___ 111iments for the classes can get a tryout
AUIUUUUIVIsIhLIIve payldbasfor the team by calling the Intramural
- All soph lits who have played has-office and leaving their name, which
teach George Little Satisfied 'With Should Give Added Stimulus To Drive 1ketball and wish to tryout for the class will be handed to the manager in
Results Obtained From All- Ffr ,re Track Team Material team should report at 6 o'clock, Tues- question.
Campus Competiton For day evening, at Waterman gymnasium
for practice. The schedule for the basketball
SAMPSON, '27, GETS SILVER 5(8AEDCLF THIS YEAR CALLS , j teams in the Intramural tournaments
CUP AS HIGH POINT WINNER FOR six DIFFICULT rEETS More than 40 men stave entered the for next week is as follows: 7 +'-
annual all-campus handball tourna- clock, Tuesday evening, Alpha Chi
Characterized by a spirit of keen Added stimulus to tak ath o nents, singles and doubles, which will Sigma vs. Phi Delta Chi, Phi Delta
competition and good-sportsmanship start 'tomorrow afternoon at the hand- Theta vs. Delta Tau UptIlon, Phi
the All-Campus swimming meet, held ing of the season for team prepara- ball courts in the basement of Water- Gamma Delta vs. Alpha sigma, Sigma
yesterday afternoon under the com- tion commences will be given at the man gymnasium. All first round club vs. Phi Kappa Psi; 7:45 o'clock,
bined supervision of the Intramural meeting of enthusiasts and tryouts to matches, which are announced below group 1 vs. group 3, group 2 vs. group
and Intercollegiate Athletic depart- be held. at 8 o'clock next Tuesday night must be played off by 5 o'clock, Thurs- 4, group 5 vs. group 7, group 6 vs.
inents, brought to the attention of the JO the Natural Science auditorium, day afternoon. group 8; 8:30 o'clock, Delta Sigma
swimming coaches a number of men At the present time there are about The schedule for the first round is Phi vs. Phi Mu Alpha, Sigma Delta
l who with further development have 55 men for this sport, working out 'as follows: singles, Willman, 899R, vs. Kappa vs. Phi Delta Epsilon, Delta
excellent chances of becoming Var- daily in Waterman gymnasium. By the f Schuster, 2093W, Baer, 751W, vs. Liv- Sigma Delta vs. Phi Beta Delta, Psi
sity swimmers. first of the meets this year it is ekpect- ingston, 2783, Abrams, 1485J, vs. Vose, Omega vs. Beta Theta PI; 9:15 o'-
The meet was a great success from ed that this number will be raised to 1 30563, Scarnachia, 1528R, vs. Simon- clock, Phi Epsilon P1 vs. Theta Chi,
every point of view and the officials between 75 or 80 as was the case last. ski, 2121J, Rockwell, 1528R, vs. Reilly, Psi Upsilon vs. Delta Theta Phi, Phi
shave expressed their entire satisfac- year. 8-2J, Segall, 751W, vs. Shawaker, Sigma Delta vs, Peers, Tau Delta Phi
tion in the number that turned out The meeting Tuedsay night is ex- 2809R, L. W. Hoffman, 3104, vs. Galvan, vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
1 tI and the brand of swimming that was pected to help accomplish that. It is 1331R. Eight byes were drawn in the The schedule for Wednesday is as
.:4*:f""*F ' 1presented. Coach George Little wbc held every year for the purpose of first round and the 'receivers will break follows: I o'cloek, Hermitage vs.
has taken charge of the swimming stimulating campus interest in this into action in the second round. Richard club, Pi KapPa Alpha vs. Ac-
until the definite selection of a coach sport and for getting men out for the Following is the schedule for the acia, Kappa Sigma vs. Theta Xi, Sig-
stated yesterday. squad. Plans are all complete for the doubles: Jones-Shawker, 2809R, vs. pma Alpha Mu vs. Alpha Rho Chi; 7:46
"The mreet brought to light some ex- affair. Hoffman-Abrams, 1485J, Ullman-Kur- o'clock, Kappa Ni vs. Delta Upsilon,
cellent material from which to draw With a view towards building up an and, 899R, vs. Grene-Buchanan, 71R, Theta. Delta Chi vs. Sigma Chi, xi Psi
....for' our" V arsity. The competition aggregation comparable to the "Won- Siornnsky-Lewis, 2121, vs. Langlon- Phi vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Phi
. shown w'as of a high class and we der Track Team" of last year that an- Condit, 2972R, Rockwell-Scarnachia, vs. Phi Chi; 8:30 o'clock, Nu Sigma
feel certain that with the advent of nexed the national and two Western vs. Galvin-Berls, 1331R. Fou teams Nu vs. Delta Sigma Pi, Zeta beta Tau
for the gun, and under way these new men into the swimming Conference championships, Coach Far' drew byes in this round and, as in the vs. Phi Pi, Delta Tau Delta vs. Zeta
ranging from the short dashes to the field we will be in a position to pre- rel and his assistants are calling out singles, will not play until the second Psi, Sigma Nu vis. Phi Rho Sigma;
three-quarter mile event, sent a better team in Conference com- all available material for the team. j line. 9:15 o'clock, fresh engineers vs. fresh
WhilJewtraw is counted on to petition next month. As yet a coach The first meet will be held March 1 at -laws, senior lits (Crawforth) vs. soph
lead the international fields to victory has not been elected but we have r Urbana. From now until that time the The schedule for the fraternities en- engineers, education vs. architects,
in the big events the other members of man in view ahd we hope to make a coaches will be grooming the men for te'ed in the Western Conference bowl- Junior engineers vs. senior medIs.
the American team may surprise the definite announcement-in the near fu- a hard season. The track schedule. ing tournament has arrived at the In- Thursday's schedule is as follows:
critics. They can be depended upon Te ofor this spring is as follows: tramural office and the games for next 7 o'clock, Sigma Alpha Epsiln vs.
They caghntrbtetdepndesupon The outstanding star of thetourna- March 1-IllinoIs Relay Carnival at Tuesday and Wednesday nights are Phi Delta Chi, Delta Alpha Epsilon vs.
to fight it out for the other places in ment was.Sampson, a lanky freshman Urbtia. as follows: Tuesday, Delta Sigma Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha 'Sigma vs. Sig-
other three members are Joe Moore of who in easily racing off with the 4C March 14-15 - Indoor Conference Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa; ma Club; 7:45 o'clock, group 1 vs.
New York, Harry Kasky and William yard dash free style, the 100 yard dash meet at Northwestern. Wednesday, Alpha Rho Chi, Beta Phi group 5, group 4 vs. group 6, g'roup 10
NtewmYork, Ha Tak and Wiliam free style, the 220 yard dash and March 29-Cornell meet at Ithica. Delta, Chi Psi, Delta Sigma Delta. vs. group 8, group 3 vs. group 7; 8:30
are carried as alternates. They are swimming as last man on the winning April 19-:Kansas Relays. Delta Alpha Epsilon, Delta Tau El)- o'clock, junior laws vs. freshmien its,
Richard Donovan of St. Paul and Val- relay captured the silver cup that was May 10-Ohlio State at Ann Arbor. silon. junior lits vs. eoph Ita, senior engin-
entine Ballis of Lake Placid offered to the man scoring the most May 17-Illinois at Urbana. ! eers vs. s6ph medics, t enor lts vs.
Judging from the performance of number of Points. Sampson's time in The date and place of the outdoor Following are the managers and soph engineers (Eddy); 9:15 o'clock,
Jewtraw and these other ice kings the 40 and 100 yard and 220 yard Conference meet has not yet been de- their telephone numbers, who have Phi Delta Epsilon vs. DeiltaSigma Phi,
ei sm t gd n dashes was .19 3-5, 1.01 4-5 and 2.40 cided upon. Prof. Ralph 0. Aigler, of been selected to direct the activities of Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Beta. Theta Pi,
Americd has more than a good hance4- respectively. The plunge was won the Law school and ,nember of the class hockey and basketball teams: Delta Sigma Delta vs. Psi Omega, Beta
oftatint earl toe trun up t agoodly da,2r e 51 feet Board in Control of Athletics, is one byAShdmnic6whotravledFresh engineers, George Lamb, 2100- Phi Delta vs. Theta Chi.
total-of points ini=the historic event. under water. Wittingham, '27, won of a committee of three to make this M, fresh law, John Bacon, 335, senior
the 40 yard dash 1east-stroke in selection. It is likely that the meet lits, Tracy. 355, senior lits, Crawforth, The schedule for the first round of
YFOOTBALL NOTICE .27 4-5 ap'd the last eve.t was taken will be held eiher the last of May at 783, soph engineers, V. P. Vose, 3056-J, the all-campus handball tournaments
VARSITY 1' IC by Jewel ' 27, twho %pgi the 40 yard Chicaigo or the first week in June at Isoph engineers, Eddy, 1166, education, singles and doubles, will appear in
i Cutidaes far,1924 football ( dash back-stroke i. 7.seconds. Columbus. 'Donnelly, senior engineers, McClen- tomorrow's Daily.
sadnodtes frt 1924igootballs 1 ahen, 595, junior engineers, 0. W. According to the latest dope receiv-
kquad not participating in has- i I H. G. Dunphy, '25M, F. 3. Clark, '25M. Reed, 1399, soph lits, Hicks, 909, archi- ed from the courts, some'of the fresh-
kb aseb all, or track il SM ING YS PI ED I S and E. J. Teeter, 127M, are in the con- tects, Barry, 974-M, junior lits, Mc- men on the canpus this year are good
bisedequiment-at 4 o'clc (( IN YOST FIELD HOUSE ( ado h Uiest
tagious ward of the University hos- Cobb, 33, freshman lits, Stellwagen; at the game and It would not be sur-
honsa. from thedFerryrfisld slurbng pital as the latest scarlet fever pa- 461-3, senior medics, Jim Campbell, prising if one of them copped first
Practice in the Yost field to athletes on contending teams s. 622, junior medics, Bliss, 397, soph honors in the singles tournament.
house will begin at 4 o'clock i("(in the Yost field house, and dur -
Wednesday, and be continued (jing any athletic contests hereaf-
} every Monday, Wednesday, and i ter played there the ruling pro-
Friday thereafter until spring hibiting smoking within this 1
vacation. ((building must be strictly adher-
GEORGE LITTLE, I ,(Sed to by everyone present.
Assistant Coach.

Charles Jewtraw wailting
(By Norman E. grown)
America looks to Charles Jewtrawl
to bring home the frozen bacon in the:
skating events in tue winter sports sec-
tion of the Olympic games to be held
in Chamonix, France, next month.
And judging from Jewtraw's work
the past season he should live up to;
Uncle Sam's hopes and expectations.
Jewtraw swept all opposition out of
his way in the present winted season
in the United States. The lion's share
of victories was his in all the import-
ant events of the recent months.
Among other honors he won the Ad-
irondack gold cup championship in a,
series of meets held at Johnson City, !
Plattsburg, Saranac Lake and Lake
He is officially the international
speed champion of 1923. Over a three,
year period he has broken a score of
national and world records in events
Farmers. B1rks at center, Haggerty
and Cherry at the forward berths and,
Kipke and Deng at the guards. The
work of Deng against the M. A. C.
outfit was highly commendable. The
versatile guard was always in the
game, breaking up passes and delud-
ing opposing players. Haggerty; who
starred against the men from Lansing
and the Irish at South Bend, is being
counted on to dp the brunt of the
scoring against Illinois.





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