Characterizes New School as Expon-
ent of the Simple, Rough and
Declaring that the menacing enemy
of art and of the school of art is "In-
dividualism" and that this is nowon
the way to decadence, M. Leon Bakst,
noted artist, prophesied in his lecture
last night in Hill auditorium that the
art of the future, that which will de-'
velop during the twentieth century,
will be "simple, rough, primitive, and
will deal with the beauties of the hu-
man body".
"The painting of the future will be-
gin by detesting the old stylesto pro-
duce a new generation of artists,
drawn into the new road, opening up
today of which we still know but lit-,
tle and which frightens us and is re-
pugnant to our organism," asserted M.
Bakst after reviewing the evolution
of art from the times of Grecian paint-
ing and sculpture.
Contrasts Ages of Art
In contrasting the various ages of ,
art and the schools of art which have
developed, the sp'eaker pointed out
that, between the thirteenth and fif-
teenth centuries in Italy, artists op-
ened up their own studios and boys1
around 12 and 13 years of age were
allowed to go into the studios and in
this way learned art directly from1
the head of the studio, with the youngt
pupils following out explicitly the or-
ders of the instructor.
That the three characteristics of
children's painting, "sincerity, move-1
ment, and clear, pure color", will be-
come a characteristic of art of the E
future was another of M. Bakst's pre-
dictions. "ie stated that modern ar-'
tists are blind to their own faults7
and that "they have allowed a weed
to grow over naive and direct inspir-
Predicts Change of Style i
"The three qualities of art whichl
children under 12 possess should be-
long to all great schools of art," the
speaker added. "Two-thirds of all of
the pictures of modern mature artists
are not inspired from the heart but
from the mind."
In describing the manner in which
the people of today will pass to the.
new art, M. Bakst said that "we will
strike the new art from the awkward
side from the coarse viewpoint. The
blazers of the trail will be the vic-!
tims. The art itself will be entirely
different, however."
After the formal part of the lec-
ture, slides showing various designs'
were exhibited on the screen with the
speaker of the evening explaining the
styles and commenting on their sig-
Pontiac, Mich., Jan. 12.-Damages
of $390,000 are asked in a civil damage
suit commenced in Circuit Court here
yesterday by David Brady, adminis-
trator of the estate of Lloyd Kridler
against the Detroit Edison Co. and the
Edison Illuminating Co.
Krdler was electrocuted Sept 9.
1923,,while putting up a wireless aer-
ial in his ba'k yard in Ferndale when
the wires came in contact with high
tension wies of the defendant com-
The administrator is suing to re-
cover the amount Krdler would have
received had he lived his full ex-
pectancy and also asks damages for
pain and suffering.
The Week's News
In Brief
The following column is a sur-
vey of news of the world during
the past week. An attempt has
been made to present the news
as concisely as possible.
The Bok prize peace plan was an-
nounced. It favors entrance of the
United States into the World war and
co-operation with the League of Na-
tibns-the latter to become an arbit-
ral rather than a coercive body. See
page nine.
* * *
Frank Hendrick, New York lawyer
and a loser in the peace contest, plans
to fight Bok, claiming that the juryi
did not read all the plans. He is at-!
tempting to interest the irreconcil-
able senators, who oppose the plan
any way, in his cause.
* * *
The president refused to budge an
inch from his stand on the Mellon tax
reduction plan. He says Congress may3
mangle it if it wants but that the re-
sult is likely to be no tax reduction
at all. The democrats want more re-
duction for small incomes and less
reduction of taxes on the large ones.-
By this proposal they hope to posej
as the poor man's friend and capital-I
ism's enemy.I
* * * -
Manley Hudson, authority on inter-
national law, said: "If the American
support cannot be given the existingf
World court we may as well say theI
United States has seceded from thel
organized world."
,- * *
Senator Lodge brought evidence to
prove that the Soviet government and
the International, which aims at a;
world revolution, are interlocking, and
that the latter was organized by the
Communist party, which dominates
Russian politics.
A resolution proposing a constitu-
tional amendment to prohibit issuance
of tax-exempt securities was report-
* * *
The "ex-Service Men's Anti-Bonus,
League" met in Chicago to announce
that fully as many former service
men were against bonus as were for
it. Their slogan, is "Everything for
the disabled-Nothing for the Able
* * *
The President placed an embargo
on arms destined for rebel forces in
Mexico. With this and the recently!
completed sale of arms to the Fed-
erals the administration will let thei
Mexican situation rest. The embargo
carries a fine with it of $10,000. {
* , *
Shepard Says Laboratory Will Be
Unique Feature of
Announcement was made by the
building and grounds department last
night that the contract for the new
nurse's dormitory has been let to{
the H. G. Christenson company con-
tracting firm, at an estimated amount
of $600,000.
The firm to which the construction
of the building has been let is the
same which had charge of the con-
struction work of the Yost field house,
the model High School and the engin-
eering shops.
"The new dormitory is to be con-1
structed and is planned more on the
designs of a home, and it is intended
to create this atmosphere rather than
that of the usual type of University
buildings," said Prof. John F. Shep-
ard, supervisor of the building plans
of the University, in reference to the
design of the building, last night.
"The building, as the plans stipulate
now, is to be one unit of the future
dormitories and will be constructed
on the site that is located at the cor-
ner of 14th and Ann streets, just west
of the observatory.
The funds for the new Nurses dorm-
itory wore donated to the University
by Senator James G. Couzens of De-
troit on April 17, 1923. Originally the
funds were incorporated in the Uni-
.versity appropriations bill which was,;
at the time- of the announcement of
Senator Couzen's gift, in the hands of
the ways and means committee in
Governor Alex J. Grosbeck then re-
quested that this item be struck off
from. the appropriations bill,
The new dormitory is to be unique
in construction and a model of its
type. ,The building which has been
made possible by the Detroit multi-
millionaire's gift will house 250
nurses and besides the living quarters
will have teaching laboratories and
Briscoe, 14E, Announces AssistantsI
Who Will Have Charge of
Speaks Tonight
Rabbi Abba illel Silver
Rabbi Abba Hi~le Silver who is to
speak tonight in Hill auditorium under
the auspices of the Student Christian
association. Rabbi Silver will speak
on the subject, "' he Triumph and
Foilure of Democra y." .
Howland, Formerly of Vocal Depart-
nent of School of Music to Direct
Double Quartet
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, choosing
as his subject, "The Triumph and
Failure of Democracy", will be the
principal speaker at the University
services to be held at 7:30 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium under the
auspices of the Student Christian
association. The double quartet choir
of Temple Beth El of Detroit, directed
by William Howland, now associated
with the Detroit Institute of Musical
Art, and formerly of the voice de-
partment of the University School of,
Music, will be here for the services.
Rabbi Silver, after graduating from,
the University of Cincinnati and the
Hebrew Uuion College in 1915, be-I
came Rabbi of the Cleveland Temple,
which has one of the largest congreg-
ations in America at the age of 24.1
Within the past year, he has been off-
ered the pulpit, it has been stated, of
the foremost Jewish congregation in
New York. He is now building an
institutional synagog in Cleveland at
a cost of $1,500,000, which promises to
(Continued on Page Two)
Tryouts Deliver Five Minute Talks on
Many Phases of Debate 1
Faculty To Give
Twilight Concert
Members of the faculty of the Uni-
versity School of Music will be the
soloists with the University Symphony
orchestra at the Facuity twilight con-
cert to be given at 4:15 o'clock this
afternoon in Hill auditorium. Miss
Ora Larthard 'cellist, and Mrs. Grace
Johnson Konold, soprano, will appear
at this time. Both of these soloists
have won considerable recognition on
concert tours to many cities, and are
teachers of marked ability.
The University Symphony orches-
tra will make its first appearance this
season this afternoon under the di-
rection of Samuel P. Lockwood. The
program for the concert follows.
Lustspiel Overture-Busoni.
Symphonic Variations-Boellmann.
Scherzo from "Midsummer Night'sj
"Je voeux vivre"-Gounod.
Sigurd Jorsalfar-Grieg.dI
The concert is open to the public,
with the exception of small children.
The doors will be closed during num--
Sixteen Groups To Supervise Business
Or Seniors To Time Of
Appointment of 16 senior literary
class committees to supervise the ac-
tivities of that class for the entire
year, including all class affairs up,
until commencement week and the1
program for commencement week it-!
self, was announced yesterday by1
Walter K. Scherer, '24, president of
the class. At the present time there
are 1065 members of the graduating
literary class which makes it the
largest the college has ever had.
The committees in full are as fol-
lows: athletics, W. H. Merner, chair-:
man, K. E. Kaufman, R. Cassidy, J.
P. Anderson, F. B. Lambert, L. E.
Neisch; auditing, L. H Favrot, chair-
man R J Roth;banauet .E C Stark.
PerIod Scoreless; Peterma
Reynolds Account for
Three Goals
In a fast, clean game Michigan's
hockey sextet won its first game of
the season last night by taking the
Notre Dame aggregation into camp by
a score of 3-1.
The first period was devoid of both
scoring and penalties but the play
was fast with both teams employing
defensive tactics until they could feel
out their adversaries.
In the second period Captain Eddie
Kahn took the puck near his own end
of the rink and rushed it down the
ice then shot it to Reynolds, who
drove it past the Notre Dame goal ten-
der for the first score of the game.
The Irish came back strong for the
last part of the contest and, after sev-
en minutes and 50 seconds of play,
Timmens received a pass from Stack
and tied the score with a goal. The
Catholics were not allowed to hold na-
tters even, however, for Peterman took
the puck, carried it down the ice and
shot a beautiful goal at a consider-
able distance. Reynolds ended the
scoring by shooting another goal,
which was also accomplished on a
pass from Kahn.
In spite of the fact that the Wol-
verines plainly lacked practice, the
victory was a decided encouragement
to Michigan rooters as the team show-
ed great possibilities. The play of the
new men was noteworthy and the vet-
erans lived up to expectations by per-
forming in their old-time form. There
were no real individual stars, al-
though Reynolds at center put up a
great game. Captain Kahn also show-
ed'exceptionally clever hockey.
"S weetost Kiss" Aimed
Talent For Next
One gun running plot,
sale of $500,000 worth,
ammunition to IHuerta
been nipped in the bud.
involving the
of arms and
has already
The first payment of $150,000 from
Obregon for his arms is now on de-
"Sweetest Kiss", q musical comedy,
will be presented tn the form of a
minature opera during the; early part
of next semester 1ly Mimes, at the k
Mimes theatre, it ws announced yes-k
terday. The production was written
last year by Edward Meis,,'25, author
of last year's opera, "In and Out".
The music for the comedy was also
composed by Meiss
Taking on the appearance of a min
ature opera, there will be a chorus
of six girls al six men besides the
cast. Special dances will be given
and special costumes that go with
a musical comedy, will be worn. Mr.
E. Mortimer Shuter, director of Mimes
dramatics will be in charge of the
production. The comedy is to be giv-
en as a regular evening show and
E special scenery and lighting effects
will be used for the production.
The purpose in presenting the con-
edy is to develop new talent for the
opera next year. The play will af-
I ford the opportunity, it was said, of
giving the directors of the opera the
chance to discover the best material
that existed on the campus. All
types of acting will be needed and ,
girls parts as weil as men will have
to be interpreted. Tryouts for the
chorus will be held from 4 to 5:30
o'clock, tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wed-
nesday, Tryouts for the cast will be
held at the same time Thursday and
Paris, Jan. 12.-The reply of France
and Belgium to Germany's memoran-
dum requesting discussion of points
growing out of the occupation of the
Ruhr and the Rhineland, will be based
on the general principle that modifica-
tions in the occupation regime and the,
exploitation of the pledges seized willf
depend entirely on the disposition ofj
the German government respecting
the executionofethe reparation clauses
of the Peace Treaty, it is ,forecast.
A showing by Germany of good will
to meet her obligations, and a real
effort to put herself in a position to
do so, will justify discussion of mod-
ifications in the regime, but until such
good will and effort have become ap-
parent the Allies can give up nothing,
they have gained by going into the
Ruhr, Berlin is to be told.
The position here outlined is the
general attitude of France and Bel-
gium, it is said in the best informed
posit in the Treasury.
Heads of committees that will havel
Ellison D. Smith, democrat, brokeU
the party deadlock when he was elect- charge of arrangements for the Un-
ed chairman of the Senate Interstate'ion Fair to be held March 7 and 8, were E
Commerce committee after 32 ballots: appointed last night by John D. Bris-j
had been taken. He was elected only coe, '24E, general chairman.
after the insurgents threw their Assisting Briscoe will be two sen-
weight to his side. iOrs, Tyler Stevens, '24E, and Laur-'
* * * ence Dooge, '24, as assistant general
Mrs. Harding, returned to Washing- chairman. They will act directly un-
ton, plans to gather political ladies der Briscoe, each of them assisting inI
about her in a sort of "political sa- the general arrangements that will be
lon". The influence of the wives of necessary for the fair.
congressmen and public officials in Livingston Named
Washington is generally underesti- Charles D. Livingston, '25, was made
mated, it is believed. chairman of the carnival and midway
* * committee. He will have direct su-
Complete liberty of research, inst-pervision of the organization of booths,
compete liberty orsar stfthat will be arranged around the Yost
ruction and utterance upon matters of field house, where the-Fair will be held
opinion was granted to teachers at as well as of the acts that will be
Vassar, provided they stay within state given. Assisting Livingston inthis
and national laws. work will be Eben Graves, '25.
All constructioni and arrangements
It was estimated that Henry Ford !will be cared for by a committee
will be worth $1,260,000,000 within a headed by Irwin Deister, '25. Thef
year. Last year 2,199,500 Fords were committee will have charge of con-
let loose upon America's highways. struction work on the booths that will
* * *be built for the sideshows and simi-
General Smedley Butler of the Ma- lar arrangements. Walter Scherer;
rines, who took over Philadelphia to '24, will be business manager for the
clean it up, has started a general ex- Fair.
chairman, W. H. Good, C. G. Hale, C. CLUB RRNGES
FIRST MEET WILL BE WITH E. Shearer, F. H. Wishopp, Dorothy
ILLINOIS AT ANN ARBOR Jeffery; cap and gown, D. C. McCabe,
f chairman, L. B. Stokesbury, Margaret
Selection of Michigan's Varsity de- I-lays, Susan Fitch, C. B. Riggs. A{C E
bating team to compete in the Mid- Class day, L. E. D'Ooge, ohairman, -
West league contest the third Friday D. W. Crane, R. A. Arndt, D. C. Patrons and patronsses for the com-
in March was made yesterday morn- Crause, Helen Delbridge, S. Bolton, ing pre-contest concert of the Uni-
ing following the holding of tryouts finance, J. A. Beresford, chairman, W. { versity Glee club on Thursday night,
in Mason hall. Those who were chos- F. Flower, R. R. Lewright; invitiation, Jan. 17, in Hill auditorium and the
en to act as the affirmative team are F. I. Yeakey, chairman, M. J. Wick- various committees in charge of the
L. J. Nowicki, '25, E. H. Salzman, sall, Dorothy Maitland, E. L. Haynes, affair was announced yesterday by
'25, and K. G. Wigle, '24. The 'alter- M. C. Kellsal, J. F. Idema, B. S. King, John Russell, '24 manager of the club.
nate who was selected is M. H. Pryor, Geraldine Sackett, Constance Smith; The following Wednesday the club
'25. Those chosen to defend the neg- memorial, J. E. Mack, chairman, H. C. will give a recital in 'psilanti and .
ative side of the question are D. O. Clark, D. W. Sober, K. A. Konwinski, on Feb. 18, will go to Chicago to
Cook, '24, W. E. Pear, '24, and B. B. J. L. Stephens, W. T. White; picture, sing in the mid-western intercollegi-
Sibley, '25, with W. C. Dixon., '26, as ! K. R. Kerr, chairman, H. L. Bury, R. P. ate competitions to be held in that
alternate. Mitchell, H. J. Nutting, L. B. Ettelson; I city.
The Mid-West league debate is held pipe and cane, R. C. Moriarity, chair- The coming concert is expected to
annually between universities of Illin- man, C. J. Dresbach, M. VanEvery, create considerably comment due to
ois, Wisconsin and Michigan. In the J. A. Rice, R. H. McGrath; promen- the fact that the club will attempt to
contest this year, the Michigan affirm- ade, A. O. Graves, chairman, H. E. put over a more classical type of en-
ative trio will compete against the Mutseler, W. H. Hattendorf, E. Carm- tertainment than has heretofore been
Illinois negative team in Ann Arbor icheal, Winona Hibbard; publicity, R. the aim of the club. Many novelty
and the negative team will journey N. Byers, chairman, D. B. Fredericks, features are bing planned by George
to Madison, Wisconsin, to debate the J. M. Russell, Edith Milnes. Oscar Bowen of the School of Mus-
Wisconsin affirmative team. At Reception committee, H. D. Hoey, ic, director of the club, for the com-
Champaign, Ill., the same evening chairman, D. E. Rockwell, F. H. Cos- ing concert.
the Wisconsin negative team will com- sit,* A. B. McWood, G. Z. Hoffman, E. Patrons and patronesses for the
pete against the Illinois affirmative C. Maeder, W. H. Stuart, W. Clore, concert will. be:
trio. M. Dermmon; senior sings, L. M. Dex- Regent Junius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal
ter, chairman, E. A. Duffield, J; A. President Marion L. Burton and Mrs.
Dryer, M. L. Black, C. Casady, F. A. Burton, President-Emeritus Harry B.
Boes; social, H. K. Duffield, chair- Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Mr- and
DRIVE I1ABLRS TO IV~ man, F. A. O'Reilly, L. E. Eisele, P. Mrs. Robert Campbell, Dr. Arthur G.
A. Newell, J. R. Rowe, W. H. Rogers; Hall and Mrs. Hall, Dean Jean Hamil-
advisory, D. W. Steketee; chairman, ton, Dean Joseph A. lursley and Mrs.
E OT U f H. G. Kipke, H. K. Duffield. Bursley, Dr. William D. Henderson
The committee for the fourth an- and Mrs. Henderson, Jean John R.
Fifty participants leading in the nual Military Ball of 1924 which is to Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean
Student Christian association's fin-: be held in the near future, were ap- Mortimer E. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley,
ancial drive will meet at 12:15 Tues- pointed at a meeting held yesterday. Dean George W. Paterson and Mrs.
day in the dining room at Lane hall The appointments are: J. W. Host- Paterson, Dean Hugh Cabot and Mrs.
to arrange to canvass students not so- rup, '24E, general chairman; H. L. Cabot, Dean Marcus L. Ward and Mrs.
licited by that time, before the drive Kaiser, '24, vice-chairman; Capt. F. Ward, Dean Allen S. Whitney and
formally closes at 12 o'clock Tuesday W. Horn, faculty and B. F. Hausman, Mrs. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
night. All campaigners will be asked '24E, executive committee; P. N. 'Sink, Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler,
to turn in their cards with the lists Young, '24 E, refreshments; H. D. Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Mr. and
of men they were to see as quickly Clark, '25L, reception; R. K. Super, Mrs. Samuel, P. Lockwood, Mr. Al-
as they can, following the soliciting '25E, invitiation and programs; N. bert Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
for yesterday. G. Damoose, '24E, furnishing; P. E. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kelsey, Dr.
The list of students not seen by noon Marion, '24, tickets; M. B. Parsons, Dean W. Meyers and Mrs. Meyers,
Tuesday will be divided into groups '24E, decorations; G. C. Weitzel, '25 and Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead.
of 10 and each of the fifty workers on music; C. D. Ellison, '24E, provost
1 the drive who will be present at the marshall, and J. R. Rowe, '25, secre-{-
Smeeting will lie given one of the: tary. -HOP LEADER PR13INENT
cards with one of these groups which: The committee will meet at 4 1{ IN DRAMATICS, ATHLETICS
they will be asked to see. The fifty o'clock Friday at the Union, when the { {
highest men will be telephoned and exact date of the annual affair will . Slender and graceful, a bri-
asked to be present at the meeting. be decided upon. Many arrange- nette, Ethel Mae Tuell, who, with
All effort will be made, J. S. )etar, arrangemens for the Ball are under Edliff R. Slaughter, '25E, will {
'25M, chairman of the drive, said, in way at the present time. The dance lead the 1925 J-Hop, is the em-
soliciting subscriptions in the final day will be held in the combined Barbour { bodiment of all the charms that
of the campaign. It is believed that and Waterman gymnasia and there { have made Kentucky famous for
the quota obtained in all past drives will be three orchestras, two in the I{her lovely women. Miss Tuell '
may easily be beaten. Waterman gymnasium and the other { is coming from Louisville where
-. -- one in the Barbour gymnasium. !{ she is famous for her so'o dane-
. h , _ ThP. e mnainna fnr Pnp h sTvmnnQ_. I in'a, her athletic nehievements, C
Copies of today's Daily have
been mailed to each of the pres-
idents of the 350 accredited
high schools in the state to givej
the University direct contactj
with these secondary schools. j
Many of the high school stu-
dents read of Michigan and the
activities that are going on herej
only through the metropolitan
newspapers. Through The Dailyj
they will be able to get first-
hand information of the Univer-
odus of criminals from that city. HeI
has already closed 738 blind pigs.
* * *
Rabbi Schulman of New. York said:
"In all the addresses I have made in
the last 25 years I have never been
misquoted in a newspaper."
* * * .,
"The United States can no longer
be the dumping ground for undesir-
alAe aliens," said Rep. Vaile, member
of the house committee on immigra-
Flower Is Publicity Man
Publicity work will be under the;
general supervision of Marion B.
Stahl, '25L, who is in charge of all'
Union ublicity work Assisting StahlI
and acting as chairman of the fair
publicity committee will be Wallace SWISS AVALANCHES
Flower, '24, Ray A. Billington, '25, and1
Paul Bruske, '26, will be his assist- CLAI FOUR MORE
The circus that will be given in the Berne, Switzerland, Jan. 12. -
center of the field house at the Fair Thirty men clearing away snow on a
wi 4 be put on by Mimes, campus dra- road at Martgny yesterday were struck
matic society. William E. Kratz, '24E, by an avalanche and three of them
...,1 l.n vn nl n...-a nf +hi fi At'.t a o i _-- ---a.- .1
E i