THE MICHIGAN DAILY MISCELLAWROIJS FOR -SA LE IRISH Wolf hound. Cheap. Phone 1328. Read The Daily "Classified" Col I .. .K L T m M- Ii THIS111 t, Typewriting and mimeographing [ LCOUN '1 _ promptly and neatly done. C~o ;Theses, student notes and college CLOSEwork a specialty for fifteen years 'BSINGAT 3 P. M9 .3). lMORRILL, __________________________17 Nlekels Arcade ____________________The Typewriter & Stationery Store.. ADVE~RT FULL blooded Airdlale dlogs, Fred Kle ms hmi tSalinm. Phone. 1971 !COMPLETE full dress outfit With shirt, collar, ties, studs, and white vest, Very reasonable. Call 1809.1 THOROUGH-BRED" Airdale. Ten months old. Exceptionally bright. Phone 1147-R or 1253-R. ,. .. jhc lantern bop jSaturday suggestions Cream of Celery Soup Boston Baked Beans Brown Bread Cabage Salad Chocolate Pudding with Whipped * LOST BLACK AND Tan puppy, white collar. Answers to "Spig;". Black leather collar. Return to Phi Pi-House 555, S ; ision. Reward. CHECK BOOK, Farmers & Merchn nts State Bank. Lakota, _ N. <. ..1 En- gineering Building. Please cal Groves, 2866-M. ON~ CAMPUS Wednesday. Lower half black fountain pen. Please call Miss Brown, 627. ~WANTEIF THIESES to type. Phone 3431-J. A: J-HOP tcket by A Junior. Phone 2096-J. evenings. A GARAGE to rent near 925 E~. Ann. Phone 1178-J. POSITION by violiist and accomrpan- ist with long experience. Play, all classes of music. Address box A. ~B. C. care Daily. HELP. Apply Greystone Dining room 10W30 '. University or call 991-R. A PIANIST to play for dancing class. es. Apply Barbour gyme. ST'UDENT to work for board at fra- ~ternity house, Phone 779. DRESSM~AKING AND TAILORING CUISTOM MA'DE suits-Alteration's Re- pairing. Albert Gansle, Tailor, 115' ~S. Main (upstairs). Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needlework of, tall kinds. Experienced workmanship. MRS. R. T. REAM S411 ,Thlompson. Phone 2768-W. FOR REEYT TWO OR three room furnish'~d apart- ~nnevery convenience for house- ~keeping. Also nice front room ~ether double or single. Phone '2863-W, 923 Greenwood. LARGE DOUBLE room or will rent: single. Very reasonable ",at . 425 ,South Division." Phone 1565. REAL2 ESTATE. 1, TYPEWRITING' TYPEWVRITERtS of all makes Sold, rented cleaned exchanged andi repaired. r 0. 1.. IORRRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter _& Stationery -Sore. Your, these and notes wifl be promptly and neatly TYPEWRITTEN at BUTSINESS SERVICE CO, over "MV" Lunch, 322 South State Street. TYPING. Accurate work on manu- scripts, letters etc. Would take dictation. Call 2189-W. after 5:30. TAILOR Ladies and Gents Clothes CLEANED--PRESSED--REPAIRED HERMAN THE TAILOR 802 S. State. Phone 341-M. Y~OJNTAIN PENS Fountain Pens aid Pencil Insur- ance. Have your name embossed on them. Price 25 cents. 0. D. ORRILL 1.7 Nickels A,7cade The Typewriter & Stationiery Store. FOUNTAIN PEN INIK Why risk having you, pen spoiled with vicious Inks. Fill at our free1 filling station and be convinced that our special formula Diamond Writing Fluid is the best ink for your pen. We sell it at standard prices. RIDERS PEN SHOP EVERLSHARV' PENCILS A large select linie at one 'half the regular price while they last. We are the authorized Wahl Ser- vice Station. RIDERS PEN SHOP' 302 S. State St. FOR HIRE TAKE advantage of the peppy.Wea teget out in, the open. C .Il 106 9-J. for a car. COSMETIC SERVICE TYPE~WRITER l tPPAII'fi _____ ALL MARES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- nug; machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, ru~bber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. AliNi ARBOR TY119W ITER EXCHANGE~. Phone 886, downtown 1- A& lw 11.L S HERE'SVA 4 ~--On all covered parchment shades! { ~tage of this special offer! Be here UES 6GENINE1 men's sample RaccoonI Coffee-Tea- Mil k coats, $140. Also 2 good black fur1 703 E. University. coats at $40. Call at upper fromt suite, 509 E. Liberty or Phone 8l1. It's true f.17ieency f(p. in.) P3assiefieds-d.... Phone 3093 o ff 3-Mr. to 4RY l)f1 >Take advan- tomorrow and. ..... ...... ......... .. ....a.... . iR .......+ ' R x# .#M~ . it R. XUSICAL KEEP PH r S1CALL'Y gt by the daly ' use of 'hatter Camp's Daily Dozen . onar Recordls. Complete outfits sold z by Schaeberle &: Son. 'TEDeSen n i RHOADE'S orchestra presentsj JoeSweny ndhisfiv-piceor- chestra. E. NORMANTON IBile (of the De-i Butter Eggs- Cheese Poultr~y I'S I*. .11 IS. IIWHOL ESALER&JJ make your selection. PARCHMENT SHUADES FOR HOME DECORATING Wire Lanmp Shade Framjes Wal and Canidle S8i001s Boudoir Doll Lamp Frames Shade Holders WE9NZEL'S I'AitNTINC, AND DE(COIATING !ii 1 Ilk A " Iu 1 II troit Conservatory of Music), Teach-piMarerne JFruits er of violin, piano, harmrony. Studio, 307 N. Main. Phone 811-M. T L . CLEARANCE S'ALE Vegetables Eversharp and brok~en lines of mech- anical pencils also Gift Sets ofArm A kg , Pv dua (t Fourntain Pens and Pencils one-half ! n A b r :1ou e o o. D.MORv LL1 124 42276-R 17 Nickels Arcade I4 The Typewriter & Stationery Store. '~*,* ____ _________-______________ ~*, ....N~u " .."..r.... "r"..u~r..... .uur.xu". ur s."." ........... ............ ... ..__________r......" ANN ARROU YPSILANiTIl s , ......, . ..,. .W I-- 6, MckClure Home Sold, financed and bi Will give complete estima for'e you start building. Ann Arbor Home Build, EdinH. Smith. Sam 40'8 First Nat'l Vank~ Local distributors S Superfluous hilt by ub. FACIAL HAIRS ted cost be. Removed Permanently by ELE CTROL~YSIS' lers Ass'p. EiLECTRO-COS MEITIC SERVICE fuel Schult.'Hours: Bldg. I to 224 Niukel's A~a a Phone Z S'a. 4:30 P. M. (2nd i Floor) Lde _.. ',, ;. aM""""' , .-C .4.. 3 l \ l . , % r = - ,''( .ff' r, , . 4ti < .. . r , , .,. , ,, ,- r / or 'he 'Balance' th e school Yea }r S A ,, ,,. _4 ', a 0 1 r it:- an t' i 0 Your own newpapes! If there are not enough, papers to go around, order more today. Tphis is a season of bagis Get yours! I -F '-F Phone.,The clrculation mna'ger HeeiProof, ihat Advedising Pays E Famous Wrigley Bmilding in Chicago Being Doubled inu ie The part o: the Wrigley Build- ing erected two years ago has filled ~'such a want that the north section, nuearly dou ;le th!e floor area of the Here is a concrete (as well xs a steel and glass) proof of :he say- ing that "advertisi;,g pay." Ini these magnificent bisadingo Mr. C al II 960 I I