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January 12, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-12

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ndition Of Rink Keeps Michigan
Sextet From Practicing
This Week
Due' to the warm weather of the
st few days the ice at the Coliseum
in such poor condition that the
ating Carnival which was being
inned in conjunction with the
tre Dame-Michigan hockey' gane
s been called off, as the skating
rface willdbe too badly cut upof
e cohilslon of the 'contest to war-

The Brook's Greatest Rival


,r, + ro .

Prizes To Be Giveu For Winners Of
Various 'Events This
Afternoon at "Y"
Under the direction of Coach George
Little, Michigan will have its first
All-Campus swimming meet of the
year this afternoon at the Y. M. C.A.
The meet is scheduled to begin at
2:30 and entries will be accepted up
until that time either at the Intra-
mural office or at the Y. Already
23 men have put in their entrees and
it is expected that many more will
show at the pool before the first
event is run off. More participants
are wanted and the officials urge all
men with an aquatic ability at all to
try for the prizes.
To the winners of first places wil
be presented a gold watch charm and
a numeral jersey. The highest point,
getter will be 'given a handsome sil- !
ver loving cup. Any man scoring fivej
points throughout the afternoon will
receive a gold watch charm and since
points scoring will be on a 5, 4, 3, 2,
1 basis for first, second, third, fourth
and fifth respectively an excellent1
chance for prizes is given to all con-
Performers in today's affair will ,be
closely watched with a view to re-
cruiting men for the Varsity team.
Not enough material to suit the swim-
Hing mentors has reported for the
Varsity squad and there are a. num-
her of vacancies yet to be filled. Par-
ticularly is this the case in the plunge,
breast-stroke, and back-stroke.
t. Swimming is rapidly coming to the
years fore -as a campus sport and more and
game more students are taking an active
turally part in it. At Michigan it has come
so to to be officially recognized as a minor
sport and meets with other Confer-
--- ence schools are being booked.

prts are
h, on the
tch with
i le
will line

" { i "rk
p" " .
u i
11 l tG :' '

junior lits vs. soph lits, senior engin-
-eers vs. soph medics, senior lits vs.
Aai soph engineers (Eddy) ; 9:15 o'clock,
Phi Delta Epsilon vs. Delta Sigma ,hi,
Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Beta TheA Pi,
Delta Sigma Delta vs. Psi Omega, Beta
Phi Delta vs. Theta Chi.
The schedule for the fraternities en -t s.ha .
tered in the Western Conference bowl- the schedule for the first round of
ing tournament has arrived at the In the all-campus handball tournaments,
tramural office and the games for next h
Tuesday and Wednesday nights are singles and doubles, will appear in
as follows: Tuesday, Delta Sigma Pi, tomorrow's Daily.
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa; According to the latest dope receiv.-
Wednesday, Alpha Rho Chi, Beta Phi ed from the courts, some of the fresh-
Delta, Chi Psi, Delta Sigma Delta, men on the campus this year are good

j.t ,,

VY I I...I

", 'f .\ i
way *\~~~ . .. ,w **.*,



his squ~ad; Mvondlay night, which
the last practice available. With
one night's work on teamwork
passing, the Michigan aggregation
hardly hope to make as good a
ving as would be possible if the
le week had been taken up with
tice. However, the handicap has
ed to put the Wolverines in fight-
trim, and they are sure to give
ything in order to trip up the
e Dame sextet, The probable
p will be Beresford and Ander-
wings, Henderson center, Kahn
Peterman defense, and Weitzel.
Reynolds, Piggot Ulseth and
W will undoubtedly be given a
ce ,to show their wares before the
e is over.,.,


(By Norutan E. Brown) J
Tennyson's Brook needs must hold
out a few years longer if it wants to
see the passing of Willie Hoppe, who
seems to have adopted the well known
creek's system of going'on forever
in the billiard world.e
Hoppe first acquired the 18.1 balk
line title of the world from Maurice
Vignaux, of France, in Paris in 1906.
He has that title today and there
looms no one on the horizon whoI
has more than an outside chance of
taking the crown away fr'm him this
year. For Hoppe is still Hoppe.
He won the 18.2 balk line chain-
Ipionship of the world from George
Sutton in 1909 and lost it but once-I
Sacouple of years ago-to young Jakef
Schaefer. He regained it the nextG
Consider Hoppe's case-champion of
both balk line gam'es over a period tot-
aling 14 years. Wearer of a cham-
pion's crown for 17 years. Defeated
but once in all that time and then de-
throned but momentarily.
A few weeks ago Hoppe defended
his 18.2 title against the stars of
the billiard world-the younger gen-
eration. The old generation-Sutton,
Slosson-have slipped by. He indicat-
ed hiss form by sta~tting his fijst
night's play with a run of 150. The
14th shot of this remarkable run was
the hardest of the whole series of
championship matches and one of the!
most difficult Hoppe ever has foundj
it necessary to make. His executionf
of it was superb. The psychological
effect of it on Welker Cochran, his
opponent, and indirectly on later op-
ponents can well be imagined.
Ills 13th shot had left the balls in

such a position that a follow up shot lish, and the result was perfec
was impossible. A masse shot was Hoppe is something like 35
possible but improbable. old. He has been playing the
Hoppe elected to try a three-chuion since he was six. He comes nat
shot around the table. He played the by ,his( Italgnt-nheriting it,
shot straight-almost without Eng- I speak-from his father.
Minnesota Court Five Loom
Strong As Conference Conteni

Delta Alpha Epsilon, Delta Tau Ep-
The balance of the schedule will be
announced later.
Following are the managers and.
their telephone numbers, who have
been selected to direct the activities of
class hockey and basketball teams:
Fresh engineers, George Lamb, 2100-
M, fresh law, John Bacon, 335, senior
lits, Tracy, 355, senior lits. Crawforth,
783, soph engineers, V. P. Vose, 3056-J,
soph engineers, Eddy, 1166, education,
Donnelly, senior engineers, McClen-
ahen, 595, junior engineers, 0. W.
Reed, 1399, soph lits, Hicks, 909, archi-
tects, Barry, 974-M, junior lits, Mc-
Cobb, 33, freshman lits, Steliwagen,
461-J, senior medics, Tim Campbell,
622, junior medics, Bliss, 397, soph
medics, Beck, 609, fresh medics, to be
selected, junior laws, Zinn, 2619.
If the telnhone numbers of the
above are not included, men interested.
in the basketball and hockey tourna-.
ments for the classes can get a tryout
for the team by calling the Intramural
office and leaving their name, which
will be handed to the manager in
The schedule for the basketball
teams in the Intramural tournaments
for next week is as follows: 7 o'-
clock, Tuesday evening, Alpha Chi
Sigma vs. Phi Delta Chi, Phi Delta
Theta vs. Delta Tau Up.1.lon, Phi
Gamma Delta vs. Alpha Sigma, Sigma
club vs. Phi Kappa Psi; 7:45 o'clock,
group 1 vs. group 3, group 2 vs. group
4, group 5 vs. group 7, group 6 vs.
group 8; 8:30 o'clock, Delta Sigma
Phi vs. Phi Mu Alpha, Sigma; Delta
Kappa vs. Phi Delta Epsilon, Delta
Sigma Delta vs. Phi Beta Delta, Psi
Omega vs. Beta Theta Pi; 9:15 o'-
clock, Phi Epsilon Pi vs. Theta Chi,
Psi Upsilon vs. Delta Theta Phi, Phi
Sigma Delta vs, Peers, Tau Delta Phi
vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
The schedule for Wednesday is as
follows: 7 o'clock, Hermitage vs.
Richard club, Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Ac-
acia, Kappa Sigma vs. Theta Xi, Sig-
ma Alpha Mu vs. Alpha Rho Chi; 7:45
o'clock, Kappa Nu vs. Delta Upsilon,
Theta Delta Chi vs. Sigma Chi, Xi Psi
Phi vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Phi
vs. Phi Chi; 8:30 o'clock, Nu Sigma
Nu vs. Delta Sigma Pi, Zeta Beta Tau,
vs. Phi Pi, Delta Tau Delta vs. Zeta
Psi, Sigma Nu vs. Phi Rho Sigma;
9:15 o'clock, fresh engineers vs. fresh
.laws, seqior lits (Crawforth) vs. soph.
engineers, education vs. architects,
junior engineers vs. senior medics.
Thursday's schedule is as follows:
7 o'clock, Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs.
Phi Delta Chi, Delta Alpha Epsilon vs.
Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Sigma vs. Sig-.
ma Club; 7:45 o'clock, group 1 vs.
group 5, group 4 vs. group 6, group 10
vs. group 8, group 3 vs. group 7; 8:30
o'clock, junior laws vs. freshmen lits,


wt, mu 33Ein55 N.

The passing of Elmer Smith from
e big leagues is sudden and surpris-
g to the general run of fans. The
ankees have sent the slugging out-
elder to Louisville as part payment
i Earl Combs, star gardner of the
lnels. Smith is only part payment,
e rest being in cash.
Smith goes down in history as the
fly man to hit a home run with the
ses full ifi a world's series. He did
while with the Indians against the
Odgers in 1920. He presents a study
baseball psychologists. With Cleve-
.d he was a star, mechanically.
ith other clubs-Washington, Bos-
n and New York, he fadled to get
)ng regularly.
Perhaps the thing that handicapped
mp was his own disposition. Even
is could be forgotten, however,
len he was hitting his best stride.
Boxing and higher education don't
i, according to officials of the
mier High school at Macon, Ga.
iy have terminiated the career there
Young Stribling, heavyweight sen-
tion, on the ground thathewas ab-
rt too frequently from class.

at the game and it would not be sur
prising if one of them copped first
honors in the singles tournament.
Entries will be accepted for the all-
campus swimming meet at 3:30 o'-
clock this afternoon, at the Y. M. C.
A. pool.
All junior lits who have played bas-
ketball and wish to tryout for the
class team should report at 6 o'clock,
Monday night, at Waterman gym-
nasium for practice, after which a
tenative team will be selected.
Swimmers intending to display their
wares in the all-campus swimming
meet at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow after-
noon, at the Y. M. C. A. should re-
member that only a little time remains,
for entrance.
A silver loving cup for the highest
point scorer and sweaters for those.
winning Jfive points in any three
events are the rewards offered to
those compete and are eligible.
Entries are still being taken for the
church, crass, society, and independ-
ent basketball league. The entries
for the class league. will close at 5
o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, and the
schedule for Wednesday's games will
be announced in Wednesday's paper.
The other leagues will have their
dead line placed at a later date, as
soon as the majority of the class and
fraternity games are disposed of.
Class athletic 'managers are also
warned that some of them have failed
to sign up for the class hockey tourna-
ment which will start as soon as the
ice begins to freeze again.
Class basketball teams can practice
any night between 6 and 7 o'clock
until Wednesday, by calling the In-
tramural office and have a court re-
served for them.
Fraternity athletic managers may
have forgotten that the annual Wes-
tern Conference fraternity bowling
tournament will start Tuesday even-
ing at the Union. All managers who
have entered teams in this tourna-
ment should get their teamm in shape
and ready for the games which will
be announced through the' columns
of the Daily as soon as they are re-
ceived from the Intramural depart-
ment of Ohio State University.
Freslman basketball practice
will be held at 3 o'clock every
afternoon in the Yost field
Coach. j
Patronize The Daily Advertfsersz

(Special to The Daily)
.ginneapobis, Minn., Jan. 11.--Min-
~nesot is producing the strongest bas-
ketball teani.it has had for years in
the belief of campus followers of ath-
letics and authorities among the
sports writers.
Losing but one of its practice games,
when it split even on a two game
series with Notre Dame, and downing
the Illinois five by a score of 36 to
20 in the first Conference contest of
the year, Dr. Cooke's aggregation ap-
pears to have the power to carry it to
a high standing.
The return to basketball of Ray Ek-
lund, who is an all-around athlete,
and the development of Carl Lidberg,
another football star, into a basketball
player of fine quality, are factors in
brightening Minnesota's chances on
the floor. Pesek at center has been an-
other heavy scorer. Racey was the
third forward who played in the Il-
linois game, Captain Cy Olson, Wheel-
er, and Dunder being the men who
handled guard positions.
Dr. Cooke and his assistants, among
them H. T. Taylor, coach of last year's

are working the nly t high speed
thiso.eelpn preparati for the game
with Indian . n the innesota floor
Saturday night' Indiana will visit
Minnesota with a reputation for
strength, speed a'nd craft. The
Hoosiers 1'ye com thin a single
field goal.of beating;Wisconsin and
have had a fine record during their
practice schedule. Minnesota will have
to play well to show its heels to the
Bloomington invaders.

George Pfann, star quarterback of
the Cornell football team, is making
preparations to enter West Point next
summer. If he enters the academyI
he will be eligible 'for the football
team throughout his four-year course,
as the Army does not have the same
eligibility rules as those in vogue at
most colleges.
Candidates for 1924 football 1
I squad not participating in bas-
F ketball, baseball, or track will
li i d4p p ii ai td ,innl

Sophomores who wish to try out
for assistant manager in minor
sports will please report at the
Varsity hockey room at the Col
iseum at 7 o'clock any night this
| week.



ye issueu equi ment at 4 o'clock
Monday from the Ferry- field club
Practice in , the Yost field
house will begin at 4 o'clock 1
Wednesday, and be continued
every Monday, Wednesday, and I
Friday thereafter until spring I
Assistant Coach.

._ . _. . .


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