THLE MICIGAN DAILY APTINS SAY NEW YORK iRRORB IS TREACHEROUS Leads Wisconsin Auditorim Clock Failure Progressives in Traced To Electric C The Lower House 'urrent Engineers Name Classifying Date New York, Jan. 11.-Commanders of the two largest ocean liners afloat. both of whom have run their craft into harbor mud reefs on their latest trips, are agreed that.the channel en- trance to New York is narrow, tortu- and in need of trafic regulations, 8iN that making a safe landing is largely a matter of luck for large pas- sen er ships. Capt. Herbert Hartley, of the Ship- ping board's Leviathan, which rested for seven hours in the mud of Robbins Reef on her last trip inbound, de- clared before a commission of inquiry that the grounding was unavoidable because of the conditions. Sir Bertram Hayes, commander of the Majestic, whose vessel docked yes- terday,- 42. hours late because of storms, after she had been stranded in mud for several hours off South- ampton, said: "I must say that the harbor en- trance at New York is very bad. It is everything that Capt. Hartley says -too narrow, too winding, and too little water for such unwieldy craft as these," WATON WILL NOT RUN IN PRESIDENTIAL RACE Washington, Jan. 11. -Senator James E. Watson, of Indiana, an- nounced tdday that he would not be a candidate for the Republican presi- dential nomination. Senator Watson's announcement left the way clear for President Cool- idge to enter the Indiana presidential primary with Ewing Emison, of Vin- cennes, as the Coolidge campaign manager in that state. Senator Watson issued only this statement "I have concluded not to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for the presidency." Body Of Aviator Given Up By Sea London, Jan. 11.-(By A. P.)--The body found lying on the shore today near Rye, Sussex, is that of Laurence E. Sperry, the American aviator who has been missing since Dec. 13, it was stated tonight by T. R. Jackson, Lon- don manager for the Sperry company, upon his return from Rye. Brisbane, Australia, Jan. 11.-More than 1,000,000 feet of film were burn- ed yesterday in a fire on the premis- es of the Fox film ,Co. The loss is estimated at $250,000 Patronize The Daily Advertisers. I ' Classification in the College of En- Students having lecture classes in In order to overcome this difficulty gineering and Architecture will take Natural Science auditorium are again two clocks have been installed in place Saturday morning, February 9 privileged to watch the minutes go the power house so that the engineer and Monday, Feb. 11. The new sem- by; for the piece of cardboard which can watch them. One of the clocks ester's classes will start TI'uesday, has covered the clock over the exit is on the Edison line and the other Feb. 12. of the auditorium for several months is on the University power. As soon Special announcement for the com- was removed yesterday morning. as the clock which is on the Univer- ing semester, containing all classes, Several complaints were made by a sity line shows any variation from the rooms, hours, and instructors, will be profesor to the building and grounds one on the Edison circuit , the engin- available about a weekt before the department early last fall that be- eer can speed up or cut dow his close of the present term. cause the clock would not keep ac- power enough to adjust the difference. curate time it caused considerable This method has proved satsifact- 'lindustan Club To Meet confusion in his lectures. The build- ?ory, and it is hoped by the University The Hindustan club will give a soc- ing and grounds department, after officials and members of the faculty lal at V o'clock tomorrow afternoon in E investigating, pasted a, piece of card- that electric clocks may eventually Lane hall. All members and associ- board over the face of the clock. be installed in all the buildings so ate members are invited to attend. Last summer the University bought that there will be a uniform time all two electric clocks from the Warren over the campus. Laily classified for reat results. Clock company of Ashland, Mass., - and one of these was installed in ',jat-_ ural Science auditorium. After the first week of school the clock refus- ed to keep accurate time, This was reported' to the company and about three weeks ago they sent a man to 4c r & 1T G OMR investigate the matter. { It was found that the clock was in- THE H MEOF U EFOODS stalle# on the University power lineHF and sometimes the current carried 114-16 E. W ASHINGTON over this line is high and sometimes- * low The currentis not constanttasPHES 2 -3 -27 it is, on the Edison line. When the IP O E 2 3 8 2 current was high the clock gained rapidly and when the current was i .1 low the clock lost accordingly. W n rn 0 inI;+vnn u D nn man n+ .- For the particular person oui usiess primril aims Satis faction and service are foremost Consult US about your meat dif ' SL SFt220 North Main Street Phone bunpuIInIIIII Iimarily i ms. Sats-ui I nmli : 4 .M , I 3100 Rep. John N1. Nelson Rep. John M. Nelson, of Wiscon- sin, is the leader of the so-called "Wisconsin Progressives" in the low- er house of congress while his col- league, Bob LaFollette, carries the sword in the upper chamber. Coop- er is rated as one of the most im- portant figures among the Republic- an Progressives in congress. BURTON CLIMS. YOUTH New York, Jan. 11.-Development of the spiritual life of students will im- prove the younger generation, Dr Marion LeRoy Burton, president o the University of Michigan, last nigh told the Association of American Col. leges. "The younger generation," hb. aiJc "is practicing the fine are of eelf-de- ception. To say it is a reaction i paying it far too high a compliment. What is it then? It is that we have merged the individual into the mazy of modern life. What we have done is to snuff out the inner life." Arctic coal mines will produce more than 12,000 tons this winter. CHEM ICA NSINEIRING LIBRARYNEARLY RED The new chemical Engineering lib- rary on the third floor of the new Engineering building will be open for student use starting the first of next week, it was announced yesterday by Mrs. S. B. Taylor, assistant in hharge. The books may be available Monday, but this is not certain. All the books, 1500 in number, are 'eing re-classified from the old sys- tem to the Library of Congress classi- fication. This is also being done in the main library, but the work is much slower there due to the large number of books. In addition, the new library wil contain more than a hundred periodicals. Books for the new department have been taken from the Engineering and Chemical libraries, most of them deal- ing with research work. The library is primarily for 'chemical engineer- ing students. vviIwiuaiiiy cIL! rIlVbUWIUIL COFFEE TEA Under all conditions and circumstances, unvarying uniform- ity of grade has Been the principle which has won for us the great success of our coffee and tea sales. COFFEE 41o01z and JaM al:. . . . 45c Imperial Brand at .........40c R. 11. Special, 35c, 3 for....$1 TEA A speclal extra fancy Japan tea at 90c,4lb. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Winter demands a change of diet and the, housewife should not overlook fresh fruit and vegetables. Grapefruit and oranges are plentiful, and of good quality. Foreign and domestic fruits. $PEC IALS. WHITNEY/ THEATRE SUNDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 13 (Direct from Detroit and Just Prior to the Chicago Run) DETROIT UNITED LINES EAST BOUND Limiteds : 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and every two hours to 9:10 p. m. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a m. and every two hours to 8 p. m. Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 8:651p. , 1 p. M. To Ypsilanti only, 11:46: p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m. WEST BOUND. Liniteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. mu. Iixpress (making local stops): 9:50 a. in. and every two hours to 9:50 p. n s. oeads: 7:50 a. in., 12:11) a. m. Galvan cSoap, per case.............. .. . . .$3.50 Sno-Li. Soap, per case.... ....................3.50 Vancamps White Naptha, per case .... ..........3.75 6 Noi 10 Carps Tortato Catsup.............. ....4.50 No. 10 Can Ripe O'lves.......................2.00 No. 5 Can PuiejJi $traight oT Assorted per doz 9.50 15-oz. ;Jar Pauls Apple Butter, per doz.............1.20 7 lb. Pail Orange Mwrmelade, per can........... ..1.35 Oranges, Navels, per box.......:..................5.50 Grape F'uit, per box:........... ..............4.00 Anyone can get high priced groceries by the simple expedient of paying an exhorbitant price. Yet the advantage in buying here means that you are assured of the best at moderate price. Schultz's Grocery is as well known for its reasonable prices, as it is quality, and services, which has always been the best. IF YOU GET IT AT THE SCHULTZ GROCERY IT'S THE BEST C:7s~a '' I-- - C. I 5r rsrnirrsrrr r wr rw +s rasr r.a rt +errrnnr n uwruinrurnwrrw.vrr e n JANUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 HOIlDAY SALE NOW ON FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) WITH THE SAME SUPPORTING CAST THAT PLAYED ALL LAST YEAR IN NEW YORK AND IN AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER IN PHILADELPHIA The M'!agnolia Petroleum Building, Dallas, Texas ALFRED C. BOSSOM. Architect Drawn by} Hugh Ferriss 4 7/irough SCHOOl> Throuh!COLLEGEs In BUSINESS Eversharp and Wahl Pen are America's finest- working and best-liked pencil and pen. When you buy these two you acquire writing com- panions for life. Eversharp was the first successful mechanical pencil--and its features can't be copied. Ever- sharp lead never wobbles-the exclusive rifled tip holds it absolutely firm. The automatic index always tells how much lead is in the barrel. And Eversharp craftsmanship gives a balance to the pencil that suits your hand perfectly. Wahl Pen in .all-metal is the outstanding fountain pen achievement. The all-metal barrel cannot crack or split. You fill it less often because it holds more ink. And it will last a lifetime. Eversharp and Wahl Pen are essential in school, in college and in business. Buy both, in gold or silver. ,Eversharp, $1 to $10; Wahl Pen, $4 to $10. Solid gold at higher prices. The New Wahl Pen, engine-turned in jet- black rubber, is the best looking and most prac- tical rubber fountain pen you have ever seen. Price $2.50 up. Made in U. S. A. by THE WAHL Co., Chicago mnatched by EVI~ 1V Williams'-not'only softens your beard faster but itcontains an ingredient which is of actual benefit " tot i. C j Unri4Hair Neatly combed, well-ept hair is a 'sisiness and social asset. STACOMB makes the hair stay combed in an) style you like even after it has just been washed. STACONB-the original-has been "used for yt..'rs by stars of stage and screen-leaders of style. Write today for free trial tube. r I _ Tubes-35c "Jars--75c , $25025 n Prizes This is the new Hinged Cap on Williams' Shaving Cream. Williams' is the only shaving cream having this convenience feature. We want you to tell us how the cap appeals to you. So we make this offer: For the best sentence of ten words or less on the value of the Williams' Hinged Cap, we offer the following prizes: Ist prize $100; 2nd prize $50; two 3rd prizes, $25 each; two 4th prizes, $10 each; six 5th prizes, $5 each. Any undergraduate or graduate student is eli- gible. If two or more persons submit identical slogans deemed worthy of prizes, the full amount of the orize i © O. E. co. "Sheer Height" THE American business building represents a distinct and national architectural style when its desig frankly emnhasizes its sheer 0 I1