7TH3E MICHI1GAN DAILY woo- . .... , _ r .. :... y AlLY OFFICIAL BU-LLETI N lication in the Bulletin le icostructive gotica to bit members bt University. Copy received by it*4 As!t~tfte the '+Wd(ent Urntil Up. Mn. (11:30 a. M. Satnrt's. urn. 4F FRIDAY, JAN UART ,114;1924 Nu mber 78' M1ay Be Englan's . INew Amba.,ssador. ' TO United States as ambassador to -the United _States when the latter retiree shortly. Sir Aucklahd is seriously threatened «with blindness. Publiser Lauds Ca mpus Building DEPSYAN GIBBONS TO FIGHT RETURN, MATCH New "York. Jan. 10.-Jack Dempsey,~ world's heavyweight champion, and Tommy Gibbons, of St. Pauly will fight a return title match in New York, probably in June, promoter Tex Rick- ard announced today after a confer. ence. Jack Kearns, manager of the champion, has not yet slgnid articles I with Rickard but several days ago heJ and has ha~d no previous politi assured the pr~omoter there would be 1perience.( He' is the eldest s+ no hitch in arrangenets if Gibbons heir of Lord D~ynevor ano is an was signed. of the Grenadier guards. Yo~tn est emb rNashville, Tenn. Jan. 10.--Si Yo n es em e ersers of William Gibbs McAd Of Parliamentt 24 president from all, over Tenness other parts of the country ass( here: Tuesday to start his can London, Jan. 10.-($7 A.P.)- The for the nomination. youngest member of parliament -as a-- - result of the recent elections is the Daily classified for real res Hkon. Charles A. . Rhys, who won the ..... cutive Board, Grad to Sehool:' There will be a meeting of the Executiv s Bo~ai'- trh6 Graduait School (rdgy, Janua~ry 11, at 4:00 p. m.: A.1 i IIerd. ege Of Phenuftey:r There will be a 'faculty meeting, of the 1 9llkge of .Pharmnacy, Friday roon, January 11, at 4 o'cloeo in Room 2 1 2 Choiti'y, M~g~r .lvrSe', versIty Combtte On Diploma Scihools: The University Commnittee 6n Xipomd Schools w1il ;meet in President ton's offce on Moniday, January 14th, at 11:00 o'clki J. iB. Edino*Mna, Sc'y. eWoodi About two dozen tree~ will be removied fr m the Campus and may be for file wood for the cost tof their r nioval. Fot' further inf~rm toot, Mc\aiee, Gornuds Poreman, Univtrsity of Michigag ..E. C. Pardon, rujilisiti 33 and 33:f Journallim ^3 and:39 will not meet today, Priday,'.hanuary 11. 1 . (. Burrows. osophly 10n I shall be unable on account of ill nesA~, to mteet the clasa in Phllosophy this afternoon,.iR. W. £4fiars. fessor Parkeev. Couirses In Phlsophy:. I hope to meet my classes as usual on Monday, January.14. ' ; Charles Wadsworth, editor of the Chemical and Metalurgical Journal, was a visitor in Ann Arbor yesterday, for the purpose of securing material for his publication, Mr. Wadsworth was especially interested in the new Lnglneering building, th~rough w:hich he weas shown yesterday mnorning by IProf. 'W. L. Badger, of the Engine~er- Ing college. In speaking of the new, structure, he said that he was "dazed by it." Con- tinning, he declared,. "Michigan off.rs a vast amiount of. material due to its close connEction to the industries. For this reason too, many of the industrial le aders of tho present day are interezkt- e.in kowing the new type of man that will come out of the Universityi and enter the industrial world." Brt'iPatronize The Dail Advertisers. Romford division. He is 24 years old, ... BIG REDUCTI ON 0 Patronize The Daily Advert IN PRICE OF Eversharpe Pencils -AT Sir Ennar Willikm Hoitard Sfir Elml Wllaml Wea'. 11 ishowisaador to Spain, is spare 4s "successor to °Sir Auckl~and Ge WAIIR'S UNIVER.SITY BOOK NT ORE eddem TbIly clasilfled for real results. p ___ I P ~ u,,,,v ,uN.,a ., N , y, .....,.......,,..... .. ... ,_ . . m I 4t Debate Tryout: combined Independent-Adelp hi-Alpha Nu tryout for the Illiiois gan--'Wisconsin debates will be held Satirday, an. I'I, at"8,a. tii., in Concert: University Symphony Orchestra, Samuel Pierson Lockwood, Dir- era. Larthard, 'cellist. Grace Johnson. Konold,_ soprano, wvIll give .the ig program in Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon at 4.: 15 to *hich the 'public, with the exception of children 'under twelve years, is invited. ission charge. tapiel overture (Busoni); Symphonic Variations (Boellman); from "Midsummer Night's Dr eam" (Mendelsohn); "Je voeuxi vivre" d) ; Sigurd Jorsalfar (Grieg). ;I Em C NLrles A. Sink,'Sec'y. Michigan Land: n tonight at 7:45 p. m., for M. A. C. basketball gam.ni. Report House. Full uniformn io Capes. b3y 4rder of the Director. W1*119irauiich, Jr., Asst. Maniager. A 'S GOING, ON i ]F~RIDAY itoy d part~rient fic ry) ~balcommittee miets 1s moet in rooi t 3".x In Yost Field house. n. Athletic cb~uoont [e stuident mixer !ift hal._1i ttsiiu*g club umeets,- f Sl r ' aiaof, , nd'f ttte '.te niiu 't fve thet 'group'pictures tak- t .nt ia iut Pay for their' space # °;tii eclif ' ko'ie'f6reJan. tie e~i h' ice._-Cntiactu 06uid be s ac, at pnc4 for thia Wpace ly'6,4t i~stioiu -which have PRFa I11R RI ISTLY Prof. j&6 h : W-3)ake of the Law s~lool _r*as sflghtly iaiUre4y'esterd$ay afternoon at 6 o'clock when he vas struck by an aut~omoble at the cor- nier* of Williams and Mtate streets. Pro- f essor D~rake was cominng from the di- rection of the Law building and had just stepped from the curb. when struck by the machine,. whichi was travelling on the -wrong side of the 'street. Bystanders carried the Professor In- to ,a :nearby .shop, Whiete he wag ato tende~d by a physiciani,' and. later, re- moved to' his homue. The :Injury con-1 isists of. a badly sprained ankle, ac-E cording~ to tersons at his home. - Read thet Want AdsI1 'I F' the B.aoeo the Sohool Yea .,Year :, (I1L$ St 4t ; r Room Bible a ss, UPPer ne hall. $men meet in MasOnic tern- ree work., ese Student club meets In 1auditorium. Blakst speaks nIn Hll audi. U-NOTICES, on of paintings by western ewell as by Leon Bakat is ;ing in the opper gallery of Memnorial hail. The exhibit aily from 1:30 to 5 o'clock. Yorown newpapes! If there, .,' are not enough papers to go around, order more today. 'This is a season of bagis e The WIestern Union lTelegraph Go. Has. Opened .a Public Branch Office for accommodation of the University Section in The Blu-Maize Blossom Shop ii r Get yours! fro. 9 Nickels Arcade., A folegraph operator will transmit messages. over direct wires. Office hours 8 a. °m. to 9 'p. n.' Service through Calkins-Fletcher Drug Store has been discontinued. On the streetsof Ann Arbor'. an fee i ntwell dressed women are seen ever Y day in7BAKST COStume. He has become the modern ar- 2 Phone The n rculation Manger Call 960, Delive ry will start: tomorrow biter of elegance.* i7 !! ? !'... -.. AU&t riwrte M , K___________________