THE MICHIGAN DAILY ollow the dinner, tickets alloted but all orders previous UILY OFFICIAL BLETIN. ication ini the Bulletin is constructive notice. to all members of niversity. Copy received by t1'o Assintant tic the Pros't opt until P. mn. (11:30 a.,im. Saturlv. e4 THURSDAY, JANUARY, 10, 1924 Number 77? merican Peace Awvard: The University has been asked to aid in. bringing the plan awarded the' ok Prize before students and faculty and in affording an opportunity for xpression of individual opinion on its m erits. Copies of the winning plans, urnished by the American Peace Award, have been sent to the Library, rnion, Lane Hall, Barbour Gymnasium, Registrar's office in University all, and several administrative office s. They may also be obtained, with Ballot form, at the counter in the Secretary's' office. The Michigan Daily il print discussions of. the plan tog ether with a ballot form, Sunday, Jan- Gary 13. F. E. Robbins. xecutlve Board, Graduate School: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School n Friday, January 11, at 4:00 p. in. A. H. Lloyd. 'niversity Senate: The second regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1923- 924 will be held in Room C, Law' Building on the evening of Monday, Jan- iary 14, at eight o'clock. Annual Report of the Board in Control of Athletics. John W. Bradshaw, Secretary. rt Exhibition: . The following pictures will be on exhibition under the auspices of the nn Arbor Art Association Janu ray 8th to January 21st, from 1:30 to 5:00 n week days and from 2:00 to 5:00 on Sundays: Painting by Western Artists, (The Taos Colony and others).. Printings by California Artists. Januray 8th to 15th only: Oriinal Works by Bakst. Warren P. Lombard, President. ,a Sociedad Hispanica : There will be an important meeting of the Sociedad Hispanica tonight ,t 7:45 pa. in. in the Auditorium of Lane Hall. All members are urged to be resent as a great deal of business will be brought up at: that time. Milton Peterson, President. eological And Geographical Journal Clubs;: There will be a Joint meeting of theGeological and 'Geographical Journ- ,1 Clubs in Room G 436, Natural Science Building on Thursday, January 10th ,t 7:30 p. m. Program:. "Land Utilization in the .United States"-O. E. Baker, reviewed by Professor McMurry. All interested are cordially invited to .attend. L. lei. Gould, Secretary.f Our meeting'for this week will be held this evening at. 7:30. A debate 'ill be held on the world court question.. At the business meeting following lie debate the nomination of officers for next semester 'will take place. 'he -group picture for the MICHIGANENSIAN will be taken Saturday at2 im. at Speddings. Elmer Salzmnan, President. ,trn And Blade D)inner: A dinner and smoker sponsored by the Gun anid Blade Club' will 'be "given n Thursday evening at the Michigan Union. Colonel Spofford of Chicago, district Manager of the U. S. Veteran s' Bureau and Mr. Day, Sub-District vlanager of Detroit will speak. Dinner is to be served at 6:30 p. in. in the mnin dining room of the Tnion. Tickets available at Mr. Bryce's office until Thursday noon. A Read The Daily "Classified" Columnns free smoker at 7:30 in room 318 *411 f Music, speeches and smokes will c Since this is Colonel Spofford's first gan, it is strongly urged that every Vet, be present to welcome him. Riding Class: Captain Hohl's clans in equitation of the absence of Captain Holmn from The class will meet next Thursday Engineering Building at 4:00 p. in. WHIAT'S GOIG ON THURSDAY} 3:00-J-llop committee meets in room ! 302, Union. 4 :00-Fren ch play tryouts in room 202, S. W. 4:30--A. J. B. Waco lectures on "Pre- historic Greece"~ in Natural Science auditorium. The lecture will be il- lustrated. 7 :00--Glee club meets I reading room, Union. 7:30--(in and Blade smxoker, rooms 318-20, Union. 7 :40-Saginaw club meets In room 302, Union. 7 :45-La Sociedad Hispanica meets in auditorium of Lane hall. 8 :00-Play Production class gives readings in University Hall. FRIDAY 12 :10-Law faculty lunch In Union. 12:10- History department lunch, room 319, Union. 4:00-Military ,ball committee. meets in room 302, Union. 7:30-Polonia Literary circle meets in Lane hall. :omplete the evenings program. to September first will be returned." ;t. visit at the University of Michi- Each year sees a greater demand tera's urea trineeon he cmpu for football tickets. "Where this will era's urauornee onethPesicampusIend is hard to predict, but one thing i Joh A.Boye, resden. jis certain any one wvho wants to see Michigan's gamnes next fall had better have his order in on September first. a wil not meet this date on account? Last year all tickets for the Miehigan-, the city. Ohio State game, which. took place 'January 17th as usual in room 312 October 20th, were sold by Septembler Wm. . Crpener. 13th and all indications point to a Wam. . Capentr. Imore rapid sale this year. 7 :30--Pytlutgoreans meet in room 302,) Hiealth Service Kent Busy E Union. The first rush since the resumption, _____ of classes a week ago took -place yes-j U-NOTICES .terday and the day before at the An exhibitlon of paintings ,by western Health service. Nothing outside of the artists' as well as by Leon Bakst is usual number of colds seems to be now hanging in the opper gallery of:peant Alumni Memorial hall. The exhibit peaet is open daily from 1:30 to 5 o'clock.} IAll organizations and fraternities s.v...a.....r.........w..u...... must have their group pictures tak- en during the month of January. tL'W All classeg, campus societies, and or-. 04Pg 7gE1au ganizations must pay for thnir space - in the Michiganenstan before, Jan. 23. Organization space is still available at the Michiganensian office. Contracts Phone 2963"Rs should be signed at once for this spae b oraniatinswhich have ________________ not sb already done ognztso _________________________________so . _________ j - ------------------ Cold Weather Lotion, Just a little Esco Velvet Skin takes the sting from chaps and wind-roughened skin 35c Bottles An Ideal at The Eberbach & Son Co. 200I-204 E. LIBERTY ST. Dueliciously A9NXIOUS; ROOTERS SEEK 1924 TICKETS EARL SALE OF .Y AT THLE THEATRES Scrc $n-Today Michigan football fans who were unable to get tickets for the grid- iron, classics at Ann Arbor last fall are determined not to be disappoint- ed again. On December 7th two weeks after the close of last season, a letter from Grands Rapids with check enclosed, was received at the Athletic office ordering tickets for the Michi- gan-Iowa game of 1924 which is tor ,be played in Ann Arbor on November 22nd. This was the first of many letters already received applying for tickets for next season. "We are pleased to note this marked interest in our games",. said Harry Tillotson, business manager of the Athletic Association, "and especially the growing. tendency of the public to make applications for tickets early. tWe cannot,''however, ;keep our °foot- ball books open the entire year an(! are forced to return all applications that reaceh thi s office before Septem- ber first. Applications received on' thatdateareopenodc, recorded °and BOY S' SU ITS from 2 to 8 years and girls dresses, 2 to 14 years, continues until Saturday. Below cost ,prices are most attractive. ZSplendid quality-fresh crisp stock. Among other items- Telephone 423 I Sweater Suits Baby Bonnets Hat and Scarf' Sets Leggings School Hosiery Order It Today All Ann Arbor is amcm ing Ann Arbor Dairy Lce Cream the finest ever Its rich, pure ingrediants, careful manufacture make it superior to any other. The Ann .Arbor Dairy Corp. Arcade - Richard Barthelmness III 11- ... . .......... . . wooffmom"m ... ....... Majestic - Kipling's Light That Failed." Wuerth - "The Goc Lady." "The k. r w W overnor's BIG REDUCTION Orphein-"A Man's MNan" with [ Lois- Wilson. It II, I I PEnSONALPRIfNTED .0 1 STATIONERY -r- - - Postpaid Ii Stage .i-Ths Ifeek. II"B-7?6Do~uble Sheets (equals, 150 single), with 75 en- dress printed Qn every sheet and envelope in ehiarav- er's'blUe ink. Beautiful, distinctiveuptodae; iot the, I tieub erand women eve~ry where. Size of envelope -1 with sty'lish fla? ixe Of reper, befor'efold- IIGarrick (Detroit - ive "eand eI 4x,1q nchee. Mgoney"V iaiided promptly if not i - +ho I :ighted Mnrs Keith, Ohio, writes: Take~ featuring Loujs Mann "Sttjone Is beautiful. N~ever raw such wonderful vahi , ~. y clubh ihibep are sendinw in orders~. Cer. Awgyr twith order. Add e'nrntm for w,'t of Oener and for th'orntrieri Addres..- M L'AI{J TATIOt4EITY ____________________~"_,,,_- . C0;.,xWNrth~rib Stree't, Pae4,, Ohio. Ilp l I lI~lII III:11 ~TH[E ART FF" COSTUME AND ITS AP- PLICATION TO THE. INDIVIDUAL I:{ I'PERSONALITY is a lecture of very great interest to A f erininity. Bak~st has a greater inf laenec than probably any gaotler living individual on art in fashions i'n Paris, and there- III II SATURDAY, 8 P.* M. H-IILL AUDITORIUM III lk~ln oRATORICAL ASSOCIATION PROGRAM1 1'1 II J Jlh IN PRICE OF Eversharpe Pencils WA UJN IV I BOO K ' . o ..Y.W........ Y"O U'R party I. frock! By hav- ing it cleaned, here in Benzol, you'l be pleased. Especiajll with the economy of it! Tmour New §11 runs ick Hits that you will want, to hear! Goldman's Telephone 13 Comedy Club Announcs- First Presentation in America ""A The Hawks Well" by Yew~es 2531-Forgetful Blues - Fox Trot. 'Neath Egyptian Skies"Elea oe'Oensr 253-htsEverything j- Fox Trot In A Cozy Tea Room " 2537-He'll Always Be One of Those Guys You Setter Ieepa yn Baby Margaret youung 1 t 0J 4 1is. SpecialPMu sic Interpretive Dancing "The Keg", by Jiolnar I I 2539-Before You 'Go Nashville Nightingale Marion Harris Tonight 8:15 P.R N- R ' Hear T'hem Today at Sarah Casivell Angell Hall Wie Stofflet Phorko Shops Read The Daily. "Classified" Coun II i Tickets at Graham 's Thirty-five Cents 110 E. Washilnjjton St. 610 m. Liberty 4St-. ! .9 ii i4i~~iY fiii.Y....i.i~fiii i . . . . . ..i UI111IIIIItI1111i1111Ili11i1111IU1111111 i1I1111NIIiii11U~11iiI11l111i11111IIIIIIIiil111IIIII1111i1I1il11111ii~glliI~fIIIII!Ii11111IIiIIIIIIiiii111i IUIIII IEN11iiI111111111iiI1111li11111iiii~~i111i111111111111 - u - - * u - U m - m ~ - ar 0 Amok Agmlklb