f[HE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSI 0 t Ali L y F ... i\ f 1- P _ ,. TKIR P USHES BASKETBALL SQUAD HARD AS' FARMER CONTEST NER Bonesetter Reese Is Wonder I Worker Of U. S. Athletic World 1. Notre Dame-Miehigan Hockey Game,! cover the entire program and will al-I doubles, entries for which will close low the spectators to engage in popu- at 5 o'clock ,Wednesday afternoon, lar skating which will follow the last with the schedules following in the contest. next morning's Daily. I Class basketball teams can practice TruEc ;Aany night between 6 and 7 o'clock ._ atb until Wednesday, by calling the In- iin Anxious To Wipe Out Sting Of Defeat AtsHands Of Irish INEUP TO REMAIN THE SAME AS IN EARLY GAMES With the M. A. C. game scheduled r tomorrow night and the strong .linois aggregation booked for Mon- ay night, Edwin J. Mather, Varsity Usketbali' coach is taking full advan- ge of the few remaining practice ssions and pushing his team to the mit in hopes of overshadowing last eek's defeat at the hands of Notre ame by administering a sound beat- ig to the Farmers and Indians. As the team has only been practic- g in the new Yost field House for short time the men are as yet some- hat unfamiliar with the new floor ot coach Mather is of the opinion fat his men will have become accus- imed to the new conditions by the tie of the first fray. Tough Game Expected Reports from Lansing have it that ie Agges are coming to Ann Arbor Ith the determination to chalk up victory as they realize that basket-.. All is the only sport in which they ive a chance to hand the Wolverines drubbing as they have long since yen up hope of defeating the Maize id Blue performers at Baseball, otball or track. The men from East ansing have been handed one defeat is season, at the hands of Carlton allege but the breaks of the game ere withl'arlton as no less than ght or ten of the points chalked up ainst the Farmer quintet were the suIt of "luck" shots attempted from e center of the floor. tSaie Lineup Jsrobable The Skipper will probably send the tie team against the Farmer quintet Lt he used against Notre Dame. aggerty at right forward was a tow- of strength to the Wolverines in .e Iirish game. The speedy forward & his team in making baskets by 'istering four and on top of this Ilied two points from the foul line. be Catholic boys found it extremely. ificult to guard Haggerty. Hender- n will probably get the call to play posite Haggerty as he has shown s worth as a point getter on more an one occasion this season. Cap- n Birks at center is improving in "ery game, and the one-time guard now handling the pivot position in : accpetable manner. Kipke at ght guard and Deng at standing Oard will probably round out. the am. Kipke is playing the bestras- ~ball of his career 'at the present me. Against the Irish, with less an two minutes to play, Harry ged a long one, giving Michigan the ad. adets Run Away With Opponents West Point, Jan. 9.-The Army bas- tball five defeated the University Delaware by a -score of 42 to 2 ere toght. The Cadets outclassed their oppon- its who were unable to cope with e superior ll-around play of the Dme aggregation. Fast floor work id accurate basket-shooting enabled e Army quintet to romp over their eaker antagonists, who, however, it a game fight against overwhelm- g odds. fiouisberg, Pa., Jan. 9.-Charles Mo- 6n, football coach at Center college s signed a three-year contract as e mentor of the Bucknell football uad, according to an announcement ade by the athletic council tonight. Daily classified for real results. I "I w w 479 wvpQ"auuas w AV. 1 r arux®a aqpwa CLASS ME ORVA VSITY TANK MTERIA More material for the Varsity swim- ming squad, especially in the breast stroke, back stroke, and plunge, is expected to be uncovered in the all- campus swimming meet at 3:30 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, at the Y. M. C. A. pool.'I There is a decided lack of men in these particular events for the ac- quatic team and much care will be exercised to get any possible candi-, dates from the men who will compete in the meet for these positions. Coach Little says that the men onj the squad are showing ra fine spirit in training under the conditions that exist at the present time without the use of the Union pool and that some of them will be able to make good marks in the coming meets with other schools. However, he adds. there is a decided lack of capable sub- stitutes or men who might develop into! stars with good coaching. The officials in charge of swimming are sparing no effort in getting the best coach that can be found for Michigan. Announcements will prob- ably be made the latter part of next week concerning just who will coach the team this winter. Entries for the meet can be made at the Intramural office any time from now until the time of the meet, 3:30 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. Numerals and sweaters will be awarded to the men scoring five points in their events and a silver loving cup will be award- ed to the man garnering the highest number of points. GRI1:ODERS START PRAC TICE MODA Coach Little To Conduct Fundament. als Class In Field House MENTORS EXPECT TURNOUT OF ABOUT 80 ATHLETES Races, Fancy Skating To Feature I________ ____ WARM WEATHER AGAIN KEEPS The schedule which is announced HOCKEYISTS FROM PRACTICE below will wind up the basketball ac- tivities for this week for the frater- . 1 ni ties. Next week's schedule will be tramural office and have a court re- served for them. Frosh Wrestling Prospects Good Wrestlers -among the freshman gymnasium students have been work- ing out for the past week under the careful supervision of Coach Botchen, who has been hired to teach the fund- Eamentals to all those interested in the gamewith the hope that some of them in conjunction wiLn Lne oc ey j game against Notre Dame, the Ath-1 letic Association is promoting an ice carnival Saturday night at the Wein- berg Coliseum. The game of course will be the main feature of the program and a lively' contest is looked for. The Irish have captured the Western hockey champ-- ionship for the past two years and this year they come to Ann Arbor with a crew of puck chasers that are determined to maintain the standard of former Notre Dame rink teams. Michigan on the other hand will be p aying somewhat at a disadvantage. Coach Barss has not been able to send j his charges through .a good practice since he made the last cut. The ex- tremely poor condition of the ice at the Coliseum has been responsible for i this and since no other rink has been j available the men have had to lay off ' Up to date the main stress has been put upon the fundamentals of the game with passing and guarding as the chief points of attention. Although the men have been put through sev- eral scrimmages no real -effort has been made as yet to develop team- work to the fullest degree and the loss of the rink for last night's practice was a serious detriment to the success of the team on Saturday night. With only two days before the first game Coach Barss expects to drive his men at a faster' clip than usual in anI eleventh hour attempt to bring them up to playing form. Last year's men are performing in satisfactory style' and of the new men Piggot, Ulseth and Todd show most promise. The nn~~~~nh~ ~ hnitn htto4n1h1Chinr announced in Sunday's Daily. The class team will break into the lime- light already held by the fraternities at 6 o'clock, Wednesday evening. Following is the schedule for to- night: o'clock, Chi Phi vs. Richard Club, Acacia vs. Hermitage, Alpha Rho Chi vs. Phi Kappa Sigma, 7:45 o'clock, will develop into good material for Cygnus vs. Sigma Alpha Mu, Alpha next year's Varsity. Approximately Delta Phi vs. Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta 15 men have been in their togs during Upsilon vs. Sigma Chi, 8:30 o'clock, the early sessions and twice as many Alpha Chi Rho vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, more are expected as soon as the ac- Delta Chi vs. Phi Chi, Alpha Tau tivity is made known to more of the Omega vs. Zeta Beta Tau, 9:15 o'clock, yearlings. Nu Sigma Nu vs. Sigma Psi Epsilon, Fundamentals and general exercise Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Zeta Psi, Sigma for building up the body has kept the Nu vs. Delta Tau Delta. tryouts on the squad busy and Botchi Failure to appear at Waterman gym- en will keep these up for the next nasium ten minutes after the time few weeks, varying the grind now and designated with a full team auto- then with the explanation of the holds mnatically means for feiture of the most advantageous in intercollegiate game. wrestling which are not known to the new men. Entries are still being taken for the ! Although there are seven classes in church, class, society, and independ- intercollegiate wrestling, Botchen has ent basketball league. The entries unearthed men for each of the differ- for the class league -will close at 5 ent divisions and if the additions ex- o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, and the pected appear and start in training, schedule for Wednesday's games will ° it is likely that a freshman wrestling be announced in Wednesday's paper. tournament will be held, the winners The other leagues will have their to receive numerals for the prowess. dead line placed at a later date, as soon as the majority of the class and Due to the absence of Dean Morti- fraternity games are disposed of. mer E. Cooley, of. the Engineering Class athletic managers are also school in New York city, the meeting warned that some of them have failed of the Junior Engineering class has to sign up for the class hockey tourna- beenIunto ned rngclsley s, jmrtwhich will start as soon as the been postponed. Dean Cooley who mnt toh freeze swas to have spoken will talk at a time ice begins to freeze again. -ei llp nnfarhim r r i . i R a 1 "Bonesetter" Reese Today (By Norman E. Brown) Hans Wagner, one of the five men in baseball's history to collect 3000 hits in their careers on the big league diamonds, was approaching that mark -and anxious to join the select list when his back gave out. Not only did he find it difficult to swing on the ball but the pain affected his fielding. I, seemed. as though his baseball days were done. Then he thought of "Bone- setter"- Reese. Wagner went to Reese's home in Michigan's 1924 football preparation "Youngstown and told of his ailment. will begin next Monday might, Jan. 14, Reese touched Wagner's back several when Coach Little and his assistants places lightly with his hands and then will meet selected men at the Yost took a firm grip. Something snapped. Field house in a class of fundament- Wagner, game to the core on the ball als. field, fainted dead away. When he was From the freshmen football can- revived the pain in his back was gone. didates, from the reserves ,and from A few days later he was hitting and the varsity squad of this year a list fielding in his usually brilliant' way. of 139 possibilities have been com- Ranks as Star In Sport piled. Some of these men are in That is just one of the cases that basketball, track, baseball, and wrest- has made "Bonesetter" Reese, dignified ling. All of the men not included in( doctor, one of the stars of the sport the sports squads of other events willj world. At seventy years, he must be be. asked to report for this beginning ranked as a celebrity in the ranks of work of the 1924 team. the young and athletic folk. The class will work on fundamen-; Reese has just completed thirty tals, at least in the beginning. Coach years as a plastic surgeon. His life Little is a great believerningthe adapt- career reads like fiction. He was ability of men and judges the possi- born in Wales. A year after he was bilities of a football player as much born his father died. At eleven he on the physical response to new situ- I found himself motherless. Like Topsy, ations as upon some others. The re-1 he just grew for the next few years, view of fundamentals will lead to he says. other elements until the squad goes His one real friend in those days outside for the annual spring practice. was an aged "bonesetter." Many of While a definite check has not been the townfolk around Monmouthshire made to determine just how many are believed the aged man had superna- taking the work in other sports, in- tural powers. To Reese, however, he vitations to be members of the first explained his theories of curing ills football class of the year probably and resetting dislocations by manipu will go out to between 50 and 80 men. lating of muscles, release of pressure, .e etc. Reese finally became an expert. Manila, Jan. 9.-Thirteen members The nearby mills gave him his pa- of- the Philippine constabulary, in- tients. cluding two officers, have been killed In 1887 re decided to come to Amer- by religious fanatics on the Island of, ica-the land- of hope. His meager Mindanao, according to official ad- funds were gone when he arrived, vices from Suriago, Island of Mind- however, and he went to work in a anao. rolling mill in the Pittsburg district. No one knew of his skill as a bone- It's true efficiency to use Daily setter. was injured in. a fall. The physician h coa bIeieves that the ina1 rus ng called acould not aid . The y anup will bring his squad into shape aid hi. Thman enough to make the boys from South begged for help or death. Reese of- Bend do some fast skating to get fered his help, worked over the man's ahead of the Wolverines. back a few momentsnimd relief came. As further^ attractions for the eve- Half aw hour later the ,nan was able ning the Athletic Association has made to Walk about again: i arrangements to engage some of the This ;paved the 6rfA fame but best rink talent in the West for ex- not fortune for Reese. de became na- hibitions of fancy skating of all de-I tionally known in a few.: months. He scriptions. Following the exhibition could have demandd4 enormous fees,. skating there will be two races ofr for his;services. But eese did not do eight laps each. The first race to be that. Those who had Pfnds paid him solely for students .of the University well. Those who needed his help and and judging from the attendance at had no money received 'the same ser-'the rink this season there should be vices as the more wealthy patients. a large field. The second race will be They paid what they could and he has a free-for-all open to anyone and it is continued this policy. expected that some very fast perform- Has PowerfiL Fingers ances will be recorded. Reese's skill lies in his fingers. He The Varsity -Band will be there in has unbelievable strength 'In them. full force with a special program and This strength is needed to exert press- will entertain throughout the evening ure enough to push joints and bones The admission fee of fifty cents will into place. It is said of Reese, also, that he can "read" his patients in- l "That man knows whether you're an stantly. From some minor description infielder or pitcher the minute he they give of their ailment he diagnos- touches you," said one amazed ball es their case and instantly finds the player after Reese had cured him of cause of the pain. Through years of a. chronic "charley horse." practice his sense of touch has been One of Reese's five daughters has developed to an almost supernatural followed in her daddy's footsteps and point. is becoming an expert as a honesetter. January is the m-ont o ati preparin. R efrs yourself occasionalfly by Comingto- Freshmen sectional group basket-! ball team practice is as follows: 6 o'clock, tonight group 7, 6:30 o'clock, group 8, 6 o'clock, Friday night, group 9, 6:30 o'clock, group 10. It is only two more days until the all-campus swimming meet will be held. All men who are going to com- pete can sign up at any time between now and the meet, 3:30 o'clock, Sat- urday afternoon. More than 40 students have enroll- ed at the Intramural office for the all- campus tournaments, singles and after his return. Daily classified for real results. MINOR SPORTS MANAGER. WANTED Sophomores who wish to try out for assistant manager in minor sports will please report at the Varsity hockey room'at the Col- iseum at 7 o'clock any night this week. R. V. RICE, Manager I r Classifieds.-Adv. Then, it is told, a fellow workman 1 I"" '" Make your skin truly beautiful with this most wonderful, scientific discovery. There is no excuse now for a rough, blotchy red skin. Cleanses the sin, w Gens the skin JHN ti R PH Y ,pd!O Spring Oxfords now in stock $13-50 I -, i I-I 'U 09-w uI