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January 09, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-09

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I *~~-~---~.---.-.--..-.--.----------.----

Publication in the -Bulletin is constructive notieft to all members of;
fihe University. Copy received by tl Assistant tc the *?"Aept until
3:30 p. mn."(11:30 a. in. Satuiriav.j
Volume 4 WEDNESD)AY, JANUARY , 1924 lumber 76
omisnhons in United States Marino Corps:
By a special conceslon made by the Honorable Edwin Denby, Secretary
rthe. Navy, "to preserve the memory of the recent historic visit of the
airne Corps to =the niversi~y of Michigan",',tie .University quill be allowed
designate foutr graduates of the clas of 1924 fmr appointment as Second
Letenants "in "the. United States Marine Corp!;, Their diplomas will be ac-
s sted In placeoo the customary, examinations as to educational qualifi-
tions and nit 'will be necessary. for each candidate desgnated 'to be recoi-
queddby the F'.resident,.fthie niversity.A physical eamination will be
ie only other requirement. Applications are to be in te ands. of the
aTor General Commandant, Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington, D. C.
)tltrthan March 1. Application Blanks and. infoi'maton concerning
ese appointments are available at the President's of1Be .
. L~urton.
lerIcan keace Award:
Teh University has been asked to aid in bringing the pan awarded the
ok Prize before students and faculty and in affording a opportunity for
:pression of'individual Opinion on its merts. Copies of the winning plan,
Lnished by the American. Peace Award, ;have been sent to the Library,
fnion, Lane, Hall, Barbour Gymnasium, Regstrar's office in University
Valli and several administrative ofince.° They may, also be obtained, with
allot form, at the counter in the Secetary's otc .the Micb$gan bely
ill print discussions of the plan together with a ballot form, Sunday, Jan-
ary 13.:'F. L, Robbins.
iolversity Lecture:
Mr. A., . B. Wace, Director of the Britsh School of Archaeology at
hens, will deliver a lecture on Wednesday, anauary 9,: at 4:15 P. M.
a,tural Science Auditorium.
Subject: "Prehistoric Greece: a Study in Archaeological Reconstruction"
llustrated by stereoptican).
The public is cordially invited.
F. E. obbis.
he Bo1k Peace Award:
Two thousand copies of the Bok Peace Plan have been ent 'to this
ice for distribution. Copies wtillhe distributed to all interested as long
5 the Supply lasts. John X~ Effilger.
rt Exhiition:"
The following pictures will be on exhibition under the auspices of the
nn Arbor Art Association January 8th to January 21st, from 1. 3l to 5:00
n week days and from 2:00 to 5:00 on Sundays:
Painting by Western Artists, (The Taos Colony and others).
Printings by California Artists.
Januray 8th to 15th only: Original Works by Bakst
Bruce X, Donaldson, President.
ecture:, .
"Professor John G. Wintr of the Lain Department will delver anilus-
ated lecture on "Ancient and" Mdern Rome" inzoom l7, Alumni Mmorial
[all, at :00 o'clock this evening.
"phe public is cordially invited.
.e Flipps.
Abbe. Speaking For Engineers:
P.1rogram for Jan. 9, Roomh 348E ng..Bldg., includes J. X. Bumer, chair-
an; G. C. Arnold, tier, Eddy, Wang,13ttlchinder, Saders, Meer, as .spak-
s. J . tLilulmer.
Iilosoplhy 1:s
A4 makeup in Philosophy 1, will be 'given Friday, January 11. at 4:00
in.Room 1,0, M. H., for those who missed th regular minid-sestr exam-
[istory Ii,:
Students enrolled in History lb are strongly recommended to attend
,he lecture of "Mr. A., . B. Wace on Prehistoric' Gree, Wednesday,' Jan-
ary"96, at,4:15; p. m., in the'Natural Scence Auditorium.
A. IE.BR. Boak.
lonedy Club Plays:
Attention is called to the first performance in the country of two
otable and unusual one-act'plays, "At the Hawk's Well", a dance-drama by
eates, and "The Key" by Franz Molnar. Comned Club will present these
lays with scenery and costumes specially -designed for this production,
hursdlay, night, Januray 1th, at 8 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
Amision 35 cents. J. Raleigh Nelsoni Director.
Lpplicats For Memnbership In Comedy Club:
All applicants for membership in Comedy Club are invited to meet the
aembers of the Club Thursday night, January 10th.,In the parlors of Bar-
your Gymnasium after the performance of ,"At the Hawk's Well and "The
;ey. "Charles Livigstone, Pres.
lasques Itryouts:
Masques Tryouts will be held Wednesday, Thursday and' Friday from 3
05:30. In the auditorium of Newberry Hall. Dorothy Yeffrey, Pres.

Manuscripts' foib the February Issue may bie sent to the Whimsies office
t the Press Building until February 6. Whibmsies Staff.

Twilight Organ BectW:
Mr. Palmer Christian, University Organist and Head of the Organ De-
partment of the University School of Music will give the first program in
the Twilight Organ Series on Wednesday afternoon, January 9, at 4:15
o'clock, to which the general public, with the exception of children under
twelve years, is cordially invited to attend.
The program is as follows:
Concert Overture in C major (Hollins) ; Intermezzo (Hiollins) ; Caprice
(Barnes) ; Choral (Fauchet) ; Toccata (Mereaux) ; Nocturne (Grieg) ; March
from Tannhauser (Wagner).
Charles A. Sink , Sc'y.
Play P'roduction Plays-Recital Of 'Poetry:
The nex program in the series of plays and recitals given by the Play
Production classes will be presented on Thursday evening, January 10, at
eight o'clock in University Hali. A group of interpretations from modern
and recent poetry will be -given by students selected from the courses in
Interpretive Reading. A nominal admision will be charged for those not
holding tickets for the series.
R.1). T. Ho~llister.,
University Of Miehigan Band:
Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock at Hill Auditorium. Every member of
the band is expected to turn out.. By order of the Director.
William Grauli l, Jr. Asst. Manager.
IL. 0. 11:. C. Formation For 3:00 P. Mt. Wednesday, January lthi:
Officers and Seniors at Old Engineering Shops Building.
Noncommisioned Officers and Juniors at' room 348 Engineering Build-
Sophomores and Freshmen, Ordnance and Signal units at room 330 Eng-
gineering Building.
No formation for the Band or for So:phomore and Frcshmen of the In-
fantr y or Coast Artillery Units.. "Wat. T. Carpenter.
IL 0. T. C. Advanced Course :
Commutation checks may be obtained from the officer in charge of

in the Mlichiganenslen before Jan.
Or01ganization sp1acea is !;till avI-la.ble t.
the Michiganensia a orrice. Contracts
Sshould be signed at once for this'
space by organizations which have
anot already lone so.
Was Schoolmaster
r .~.I

Read The Daily


Uo l

First Presentation in America!
"At The Hawk's Well"

33y YEA TS

"The Key"~
Twvo One Act P1lays
Thursday, Jan. 10th
8:15 P. M.
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall




your unit.

eJohn, A., BrVUoks, Jr..



1 a:00-.-Riawanis, directors' lunch iil
room 319, Union.
12 :30- Matinee Musicale lunch in room
319, Union.
4;00-French play tryouts, room 201.
S. W.
4:15-Palmer Christian, University or.
ganist, rectial in Hill auditorium
6:00--Candidates for sophomore eng.
ineer class basketball practice it
Waterman gyminasiumn.
f7:30-'3eettng of freshman, group r
third floor, Union.
7 :30--Web and Flange meets In Union
7 :30-Naviti Resreves meet in room '$2
of the Union.
7 :30-V.' F. WV. meets in' Union.
7 :30-Fresh Frolic meets A n roon
323 of the Union.
7 :4i-Dleffolay meets in Harris bail.
:ft--Hig'ulind Park *iub ,nmeets "h
room 325 of the Union.
7:30-Youngistovi -.Michigani .elul
meets in room 302 of the Union.
7 40-Sigmia Alpha Beta meets In rooni
3 04 of the Union.,

7 :30-=A. S. C. E. meets i roomu 307 of Viscount Kiego Flyoura
the Union. The problem of keeping the govern-
8:00-Prof. J. G. Winter lectures on meto h ok s tsrglswt
"Ancient and Modern Rome," inmetoftercsaittuglswh
roomD, lumi Mmoral ail IIthe tangle resulting from the ehrth,
DAumiMmoilhal quae satastrophe is facing Viscount'
1Kiego Fiyoura, presidetn of the privy
* THURSDAY !council, who was named by Hirohito,
tt 300---J-H~op committee meets in room i;prince regent of Japan, to farm a new
302, Union. cabinet. He is more than 70 years old
n 1:00Freiet pay ryotsin o On'and was once a humble schoolmast-
202, S. W. e.
i 4:30-A. J. B. W'ace lectures on '"Pre-
S historic. Greece" in Natural, SciencePT
-auditorium. The lecture will be it- PLA N 1TO COTMID-WEST'
luroomtUi. LBJE L#L~ iU V
n70-lecu met ' raig " ( 8 romUno.C7:30-Gun and. Blade smoker, roomrs C
1 318-20, Union.
l7:30-Sagiaw club meets ini room For the purpose o fcutting down the
1302, Union. Mid-W XVest league debate squad, a semi-
j final tryout will be heid at 8 o'clock1
U-1VOTICES j Saturday morning in room 302 of. Ma-
son hall. At this time the contest-
An xhuhit~x~of aitins b weter Iants. who have not been eliminated in
n artists as well as by Leon Bakst is th tryouts held to (late will speak
now hanging in the opper gallery of l on various phases. of the question
Alum~ni Memorial hall. The exhibiti embers of the public speaking de
h is .open daily fr~ko 1:30 to 5 o'clock.; partment will act as judges and theI
Ail %'oryanizations' ;ppd fraternitiesi squad wil be cut to 8 o 10 mm
o Ii tnt O ave their" aop pictures tak, hers, according to Prof. LorisMEic-
en, during the month of January. of the, public speaking department.
it AUl clas~e,, ampus societies, and or- The Mid-West debate with the Uni-j
.:..~msfr h~r pc versities ;of Illinois and Wisconsin
will be held this year on the third
Friday in March. The two Michigana
. ~teamis will be chosen by the mniddle of I
sociatiorA P1t igrami next week.
7 It's true efficiency to use baily
SAK"T >lraining
SN EW TE RJ-J:AN. 14'l'I !
)C'K HILL AUDITORII;M NIlHamilton Blusinesis College I
I - State and William
- W"-0- -

SuitsOvercoats, Top Coats,
Hats, Caps, Bath Robes, at



Brushed Wool
Mufflers and Sweaters at
331/3% Reduction
Heavy Union Suits,
Flannel Shirts, Sweaters,

Lined Gloves,


All Collar Attached Shirts
at 20% -I.R e duction

Oratorical Ass


The Hiome of Si

[MS & Co
rclety Brand Clothes



The Western. Union 'telegraph Co.
Has Opened a
Public Branch Office
for accommodation of the University Section in
The Blu-Maize Blossom Shop
No. 9 Nickels Arcade.
A telegraph operator will transmit messages over direct wires.
Office hours 8 a. mn. to 9 p. mn.
Service through Calkins-Fletcher Drug Store has been discontinued.

Eversharpe P 4





_._. .

A. H. Hatch wil speak on Fossil Insects, Wednesday, Jan. 9th at 7:30.
L. L. Wagner, Sec'y.
Read The Daily "Classified" Columns

U -



In lots of I gaL or, more



N. Mahe St., Jaust North of Mfachine Specialty Company
Openl Until 9 P. ..-Also .Sundays
*2 12 , . MAIN STRETl~af






Assisted by TANG, T'AVARES, and WAGNER and
A.. D. STANCH FIELD im a Piano Monologue

Wicken OPical. Parlor
Thorough examination and prompt service. We use no drugs or
drops to make examinations. Carry a complete line of high grade
lenses and all style frames and mountings. Prices reasonable and all
011 8'n~ran1pd


- oo ,S ap yP og aThursday Night at 7:30 in Hill Audtorilum




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