THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - ~ -- w I LASSIFIE A T~VI~RTT~TNG TN ~BLQMN CLOSES AT3 P.M. E FLAT Alto saxophone and case. I TWO WOMEN students desire on or Practically new. Call 2633-W. or Or tWO rooms in l)riva to home for 1704 Geddes Ave. ne. t semester. Call Miss Hicks,, 383-J. ~fll~'~f~L'nff'1t1 QV'D'Vtg'g~' ________________________________________________ DANCING ~rllRRA'CE GARDEN DANCING STU1)lO ANNOLTNCE)IENT handball tournaments, doubles and~ ~ ~ singles has been set at 5 o'clock, Fri-I day afternoon. The schedule for the Opera Bo first round will be announced in~Sun- day's Daily. suggestion has bee IILVO~O j AT2 Pit ~J~1b V itL BY VIOLINIST and ac ,ompanist with ~vfl~ri~flp~. Ph. "a' ~i11 Jgg~~ DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES lOc per re~d1ng line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more ins~rtion5, cash in ad'~ance. Minimum. 3 lines per insertion, Charged at the rate of 12c per reading tine for one or two insertions, lic pei reading line for three ~r more 1nsertfon~. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts for classified advertising. Classified CoIuii~n Close-s at Th o'4DIock Noon, Saitnrday. "~mmle.t1~O-Ad .Taker'~ Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by I " ELECTROLYSIS I ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE Hours: I 1 to 224 Nkkel's Arcai of music. Box A. B. C. Michigan Daily. TWO ROOM suite for 1 ight house- keeping for lady, moderate terms, near campus. Write Heraper, 2274 Harding Avenue, Detroit. Children's Class beginning Saturday, January 19th at 2:30 p. in. Eight One-hour Classical lessons $~.00. En- roll now before the 29th. Adults Class every Monday and Friday at 8 o'clock p. m. 15 modern Class Lessons $5.04), Dancing from 8 to 10 p. in. We teach all Modern Fancy Ballet, Stage Dancing. Private Lessons Doily. No. 22 Wuerth Arcade Phone 211-R. TERACE GARDEN le LOST SILVER RIND- with Chinese inscrip- tion. Finder please call 1967-W. ONE DIAMON~) AND PLATINUM fiUgree ring with square set dia- inond In center and 19 small' ones si~rrounding. Reward. Call Miss pavidson, 1600-W. TYPEWRITER REPAI11IN~ ~ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- lug machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, .ci,~sbion l~ys, type cleaners and suJ~~- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYI~EWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown FOR RENT - ONI~ DOUBLK and one single room. Pleasant 4nd warm. Call 2105, 515 Walnut. SUITE rooms with sleeping porc~i for light housekeeping. Near campus. Phone 1029-J, 1207 Willard st. MI SCEI~L ANEOU'S Typewriting and ~lineograpliIng promptly and neatly (lone. Theses, stud'ent notes and college work a specialty for fifteen years 0. 1). MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. MUSICAL KEEP PIIYSICALL'Y fit by the daily use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen on Records. Complete outfits sold by Schacherle & Son. 14:30 P.M. (2nd Floor) BOARD BEST BOARD at moderate cost Taliles for girls. 611 Church at. FOR HIRE TAKE advantage of the peppy wea- ther, get out in the open. C~ll I 1069-J. for a car. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS of all makes Sold, rented cleaned exchanged and repaired. ~. D. M4~R~JIILL The 17 Nickels Arcade Typewriter & Stationery S.tore. .... CLEANING and PRESSING SPECIAL ALL kinds of trunk and door keys.' Fitting keys and openning locks a specialty. Dell Keeler, 1136 W. Huron. Phone 2498. FOUNTAIN PENS -Fountain Pens and Pencil insur- ~n('(~' TJ!r ITO 'Ufllfl' '~i~1fl'IO O1'fl1~~"f1 (Ifl LOCKSMITh 0~wii DaIly 10 a. in. to 14) p. In. Intramural Items Owing to the demands of the stu- dents on the campus the annual all- campus swimning meet will be held this year before the end of the first semester. The meet will be held un- der the same conditions as the other all-campus events, numerals and sweaters being awarded to those who secu~'e at least five points and a shirt to those who secure three markers. Entrance should be made at once in order to enable the department to arrange for practice sessions at the "Y" pool. Upon the entrance sheet the events in 'which the individual will participate must be indicated. Each contestant is limited to three events, which are as follows: 40 yard free style, 40 yard back stroke, 60 yard breast stroke, 100 yard free style, 220 yard free style, plunge an(l fancy diving. London, Jan. 8.-Ambassador Kel- logg called on Marquis Curzon, for- eign minister, preliminary to his for- mal pfesentation to the King. Alumnus, official org~ ni asociation i~ the that alumni of the u contrihnt~ ~i nriz~ ir nish more incentive to authors o librettos of future Union operas. on r butions are asked for t( extent of a $254) total with this al I view for next year. It is rec~g~ the magazine states, tb~t as' ~nku the operas have advanced froni type of several years ago, ~ha~ book has not l~ept pace with 'the of the production. In view of the that criticism has come m through alumni, they are being ~ to aid in rectifying this lack, Patronize Th~ Daily advertiser SLEEP ANYWHERE, IIJJT EAT AT REX'~ TIlE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Stre n made tn of the current niversity E nrd~r P them. Price 25 cents. i (Continued from Page SixI 0. 1). MORRlLL o'clock, group 8, 6 o'clock, Friday 17 Nickels Arcade jnight, group 9, 6:30 o'clock group 10. The Typewriter & Stationery Store. - Entries are being taken for the an- CLEARANCE SALE I nual handball tournaments, sIngles Trrnrthr,,.n I ~ an(l broken lines of mech- and doubles, and as soon as the re- anical pencils also Gift Sets of qipred number is secared the draw- Fourntain Pens and Pencils one-half I j~g-~ will be made and the schedules off. announced. Individual cups will be 0. D. MORIIILL1 given to the winners of the singles 17 Nickels Arcade and the doubles. Entrance should be The Typewriter & Stationery Store. I made at once so the tournament can 1 be completed before the end of the TYPE Wli1TINc~ semester. ONE LARGE single room in girls' league house. Price $5 per week. Box 13, care Daily. GAP.AGE, $6.00 at 511 Cheever St., Phone 516-J. LA RGE corner room, private family, very desireable for Senior or grad- 'nate student. Phone 306 7-W. TED RIIOADE'S orchestra presents Joe Sweeny and his five-piece or- chestra. I E. NORMANTON Bilbie (of the De- troit Conservatory of Music), Teach- er of violin, piano, harmony. Studio, 307 N. Main. Phone 611-M. WHY he without 'a flat back mandolin when we sell them for $13.50 on the easy payment plan. University Music House. TENOR BAN.1O ~nd t'.a~ C~'~nc~t ho 1 ii FRATERNITY OR SORORITY We have a large unfurnished house suitable for a Fraternity or Sorority, 'for rent: will accomodate thirty per- sons. Possession at end of first sem- ester. Owner will lease property for one seme8ter or for a longer period. "' 'Call Mr. Newton, with CLIAS. L. BROOKS 215 Frist Nat'l Bang Bldg. "Phone 315 l~venings 2064-3. FOR ' Your these and notes will h~ ~)NE WEEK promptly and neatly sijim TYPE WRITTEN tL~ANED AND PRESSED $1.00 IWSlNESS SEIIVI('E C~, HORACE CLAVEAF over "M" Lunch, 122* ~S. University, Phone 8854. I 322 South State Street. 1- I DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING WANTEF I Exclusive collegiate styles for THREE OR four men to work spare y~~ung women. Needlework of all time. Earn $20.00 per week. Call kinds. Experienced, workmanship. 1525-M between 6 and 7. '1 MRS. R. T. REAM _____________________________________ 411 Thompson. Phone 27G8-W. TYPING. Accurate work on manu- I scripts, letters etc. Would take liadies and Gents Clothes dictation. Call 2189-W. after 5:30. CLEANED--PRESSED--REPAI'RED HERMAN TIii~ TAILOR POSITIOON as experienced book- 802 5. State. Phone 3341-M. keepec. Call evenings, phone 3331 STUDENT to work for meals either Q~ j.f~'. 1ll('AL A~ Saturday only or Saturday and I Sunday for rest of school year I r Call Jim 679-M after 8:00 p. in. _____________ "COST THIIISES to type. Phone 3431-J. The deadline for the albeampus CEHERAL- STEAMSHIPAGTU Tickets, Travelers Checks, Letters of Credit~, Tour- I'~t Insurance, etc.. Passport. visaes. eiearan~O papers, readmission ntfldavlts, etc.. Information. ~ Europe, Orient, Cruises, Tours, etc. Our iej~.tlI7ed papers bring relatives and irlends t~ U5from foreigr~ countries. INSURANCE.~ Alli 1und~, Best Co's. for your business, home, auto. etc.' E G KUEBLER, 601 C. Huron St. I Phone 1364 At4N ARBOR, MICIt. Shorthaad~ Typewriting, kei~piug'~, Accor~nting, Secretarial 5 Training ~EW TERM-JAN. 14TH llarniltoh Business College State and William - - ---- 'S smoker in Melach Cigarettes a cacy of flaV4 which he r tires. ORIGiN "The One Cigarette SQid th 4.' finds' rino deli- ~rof Lever told from newa rare bargain, sold on easy payments, price $30. Uni- versity Music House. FOR 8ALi~ TUXEDO, tl~e very latest model. If you are looking for a tux here is a good buy. Call 1505. BARGAIN one "C" tenor Saxaphone, -I DtIATION PROGRAM FL RNISIIEI) >'APARTMENT FOR RENT We have a 'beautifully furnished six room apartment in the Southeast Section for rent-Feb. 15, 1924 to Sept. 15, 1924. Price $90 per month. Call Mr. Newton with CHAS L. BROOKS 215 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 315 ' Evenings 2064-3. 1 I PERSONALITY" 1: ~55 cash. Silver plated, gold bell, Phone 1884-3 af- ~earl keys. S. D. Clayton, 8"~2 E. G~~Yn2Tutor~ University. - STUDENT directory for 19!23-24. See FULL blooded Airdale dogs, Fred at Michigan Daily Office be- Kleinischmidt, Saline. Phone 197 f tween3 and 4 this afternoon. Ring 2-2. BY - ' KST SATURI) Ak" EV~NIN(4 ~S 0'CIAWK 11111 ~e World ver" I -mM- ~'~.iP ~1 4 t Best What President Burton Says AJ~out the S. C. A. "As a rule, the things that really cot~nt in life deserve more atten- tion than they receive. This is peculiarly true today when so much is being questioned and doubted. The STUDENT dH RISTIAN ASSOCIATION aims to meet this primary need of every student. It stands for sanity and loyalty in religion and life." Is AL Some S. C. A. Activities Supported by Your Help Fresh Air Camp Christmas Party Michigan-in-India Club International Dinner Lake Geneva Conference Freshmen Discussion Groups Freshman Bible University Services "Upper Room" Work Temporary StudentDirectory Religious Institutes Extension Department w Be