HE MICHIGAN DAILY y ', oil mm"am- ?l) 13 ((1114 11 lhlDVIIA 1; R ....... ....... ""f V ., . .......ws Intramural Manager Wanted SKTEERS SENT- o1=tf O isHt ty TLING ,COACH1 Sophomores who wish to trys will HDHOU O ( las eor== nrmurlf BARKE.PollING RO GHceFInW aterman gymnasium at E M p~i I33 o'clock any afternoon this IU MOTICE I week.ivFORUR. O. YOUNGRDU Manager. ( N GETTING ACCUSTOMED TO _ _ __ __ __ INEXPERIENCED GRAPPLERS TO NEW SURRO0NDING I COMPOSE FIRST VARSITY FIELD 'TOUSE TEAM G TEN TEAMS SHOW HT MENTOR STILL IN NEED ROWER IN FIRST GAMES OF GOOD HEAVYWEIGHT tdue, Minnesota, Wisonsi, Ohio Defoe Best 1: Pounder; Rarber, Doty, State and M i gan Appear Gillard, Rose, Marion, Other 1 As Contenders Po. Ice Reeps Coach Barss' Squad Luminaries From Practice Tnies- )etremined to wipe out the sting da y Night to serssn their defeat at the liands of Notre Wth only seven practice sessions e last Saturday night Coach P CIESremaining in which to whip his team ' biE A ELEFI into shape before the first meet of the ther's basketball squad went BFR OREIAEGMEsaoIihtudei tenwYs Oughi a stiff waxrttit at the Yos season with Purdue in the new Yost d house yesterdayu afteYoon Field House on Jan. 19, Coach Barker, the men are taying advatage of Dire to the poor condition of the ice Varsity wrestling mentor, is giving his yhmentae takiin advntge of at the Coliseum yesterday the hockey tem stiff workouts in the form of ry practice session in their hope, doming ugh XhM. A. C. and squad was unable to hold a workout hort time rA.tches. ois gates which are scheduled thus lowering the number of days of As wrestling as a sport is in its in- Friday and Monday respectively. practice before the Notre Dame game fancy at Michigan it is obvious that respectva h to three. the material for the most part will be S~and t e ipper and hi pupi s The forced layoff was unwelcome to green and inexperienced. Most of the e, a h iCoach Bars and the members of the candidates for the team had done little exerting every effort to be ready squad who are anxious to get the or no scientific wrestling before they stiff tussles wit he two aggreo Wolverine sextet in shape for the reported to Coach Barker's call. Bar- open gathough the Farmerslon Irish as soon as possible. However, ker is highly satisfied with the show- ist Carlton Colle eMonda nht yesterday's warm weather made it im- ing his men are making in practice ichi Mather expecs a hard gaht posible to flood the rink successfully but he has pointed out that experi- n the East aLnsing quintet in- and the large unmber of skaters who ence is the greatest asset a wrestler ne as ansiThg q.A.iC.ntem inwere in attendance Monday cut up can ca'rry with him to the mat. e s n A be MC gam what ice there was to such an ex- Coach Barker is still confrontedt ays looks its best against Michigantethaawokufrte a hard fight is invariably in or- tent that a workout for the puck with the problem of finding a capable1 when the two teams meet. The chasers was ot, of the questionheavyweight. He had counted on3 hois tilt will be another tough Monday night s cut brought the iuirhead and Dewey, both of foot- osition. squad to a number which will fit in ball fame, to answer the call for grap- Vith these two tilts on the card in well with the Coach's plans for the plers but as neither of the men havet near future. Realizing that Satur- shown up a heavy weight is yet to be rk his men hard for the remain- day's tilt will be one of considerable found. of the week. At present he is difficulty, Coach Barss made the Little is known of the strength of of thweek. At prethe isct slash in order that he might be able the Purdue team but their repreesnta- tha squad is not yet accustomed to work with the men to better ad- tive in the 115 pound class .will have their new suroundings at the field vantage and to get them in readiness to go his limit if he is to down Defoe,- seir Eveyrtiug is on a different for the opening of the season as soon the Wolverine's best bet in this class .se EvewllrthiWovgriss ont ea differents. le than. is the case in Waterman as possible. He will probably weed Defoe is speedy on the offensive and1 n' an shooting eyes suffer r out a few more within several days fairly strong on the defense. As yet. acord - and will then be in a position to make Coach Barker hasn't been able to un- ly.h ehigher than that at housethe most of every practice, cover any other performers in the the court is considerably larger. Monday night's workout brought class who seem to be of Varsity cali- ally the athletes: cannot guage several new men ito the lmelight, ber. In the 125 pound class, Doty and ;uraly he thltes annt gageand if scholastic difficulties do not; ir shots perfectly as yet. When gnd p, Mschgasiiiicubesa Karber seem to be the cream of the y become acclimated, practice will spring up, Michigan should be able to candidates as both handle themselves lubtedly run much more smoothly. boasn of a ast eaion. igt well on theinmat and experience little -pdifficulty in downing their teammates.i hicago, Ill. Jan. 8.-With the open- practice andafter a little more work Just which of these men will get first of the Western Conference bas- hersou e lopUIsto anpexcellent call in the opening fray is yet to be1 ball season Saturday, a little light peforme. Ule day reote ordecided. thrown. o the strength of some thd firt t e Mo a nit soe Guatrd and Felber in the 1385 pound the leading contenders for the god fat th ghe postin division are both good men and can side inihe fact that he was playing be counted onto make a good show- M , he st ation fr the, first ,time thisigTh14ponclspretsne urdu rullethe expected in hand- .t ing. The 145 pound class presots one a 35-4 defeat to ictgo, Sprad-ya - Toddise. nther man ho gie of the strongest department on the , who scar lseven times from the squad continue to sow their oldtime a with noles than threecapable d,'l d;Robbins, plaig, a promin- Itform. iperformers in Rose, Kelley and Bak- part in thre offense. The Boiler- fthe Ie is any sort of condition er. Rose has the edge on his team k ers have a veteran team. and for p raice tonight Coach iarss will mates in the matter of experience and uld make a strong bid for first redouble his efforts to prepare his can be counted on to garner some tors., points for the Wolverines before the lthough minus three of last year's tseason is ended. Galloway, Grubb and rs, Wisconsin managed to take a night. Merrill are best in the 155 pound se game from IndIana, who boast a class while Marion is practically sure serful quintet, 21-23. Gibson, Bad- of his place in the 175 pound, class. center, scored fourteen points.NOTICE 1 k os, one of the leadin g forw ards A m enwh oparticip atedin_ Big Ten irces last year, sored: All men who participated in f . en field goals for Indiana, s r last year's boxing sllow and all ( FENCING SQUAD TO MEET nn ta showed exceptional pow- others who have boxing ability f - in defeating the Illinois five 36-20, are asked to report to Sullivan There will be an important It Pesek, Olsen and Ecklund, allI at 3:30 o'clock, this afternoon, meeting of the fencing squad at I crans, leading the Gopher offense. 'f in the boxing room at Waterman 1j 4 o'clock today in Waterman I result of this game puts Minne7 gymnasium. I!gymnasium. f in the cla s with the ossibl( --- Juvenile Pocket Billiard Star To Give Exhibition Tomorrow iL - YOST HIT URIS TIgO AFTER lUORT IGATRON j1 Harold Wirsing Picked by Willie Hoppe as a future champion, Harold Wirsing, juv- enile pocket-billiard player of Flint, will give an exhibition at 7:30 o'- clock toiorrow night in the Union billiard room. This youngster of 13 is the junior state, billiard champion and in his various tours throughout the state has shown unusual ability at the cue game. He has made runs of 63, 56, and 49, and considering the fact that he started playing the game only 18 months ago it seems probable that there; are grounds for Hoppe's prediction of championship laurels for the boy. Wirsing is about to start an Eastern- tour and has manager, William Kollar has arranged contests with many youthful billiard proteges of that section of the country. At Philadelphia the young star is to meet Willie Maconus, claimant of the juvenile billiard championship cf the country. This match is but one of the many that Kollar believes will eventually bring to his protege the title of national junior pocket-billiards champion. Wirsing's opponent in the exhibition Thursday night will be a prom- inent Ann Arbor billiardist and cue enthusiasts are assured of an evening of skillful pocket-billiards. Managers of class basketball teamsj will be permitted to practice any night between 6-7 o'clock, by calling! the Intramural office and making res- ervations. The first series of games for the class teams will be held at 7 o'clock, a week from tonight, at Waterman i gymnasium. The candidates have been out and will be announced at the ap- propriate time. Entries are flocking to the Intra- mural office for the annual all-cam- pus swimming meet which will be held, at 3:30 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, at I the Y. M. C. A. pool. Men showing form, who ark not elig-' ible, will be given a chance to try out; four the Varsity squad, which has a: complete schedule for the winter sea- son. Following is the basketball schedule for the balance of the week. Tonight: 7 o'clock, Phi Delta Chi vs. Phi Delta' Theta, Alpha Chi Sigma vs. sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma club vs. Phi Gamma Delta, 7:45 o'clock, Alpha Sig- ma vs. Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Uelta Kappa vs. Phi Mu Alpha, Alpha Kap- pa Kappa vs. Phi Delta Epsilon, 8:30 o'clock, Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Psi Omega, Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi l eta I Delta, Theta Chi vs. Psi Upsilon, 9:15 o'cloclt, Beta Phi Delta vs. Phir Epsilon Pi, Tau Delta Phi vs. Phil Sigma Delta, Chi 'Psi vs. Peers. Thursday evening will find the fol- lowing scheduled to play: 7 o'clock, I Chi. Phi vs. Richard Club, Acacia vs. Hermitage, Alpha Rho Chi vs. Phi f Kappa Sigma, 7:45 o'clock, Cygnus vs. Sigma Alpha Mu, Alpha Delta Phil vs. Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta Upsilon vs. Sigma Chi, 8:30 o'clock, Alpha" Chi Rho vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, DeltaE Chi vs. Phi Chi, Alpha Tau Omega' vs. Zeta Beta Tau, 9:15 o'clock, Nu Sigma Nu vs. Sigma Phi. Epsilon, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Zeta Psi, Sigma Nu vs. Delta Tau Delta. Failure to appear at Waterman gymnasium ten minutes after' the time designated with a full team automat- ically means forfeiture of the game. Entries for the all-campus hand-1 ball tournaments, singles and doubles, are coming fast and the curtain for the opening round will soon rise. The deadline for entries will be an- nourced within the next few days. f Although fraternity basketball will make its initial bow to the student body next Monday evening, the entry1 sheets for the church, society, class and independent league basketball or presidents of organizations who expect to participate should signify their intention of competing within the next few days. Freshman sectional group basket- ball teams will practice as follows for the rest of the week, tonight,,6 o'clock, group 5, 6:30 o'clock, group 6, 6 o'clock Thursday night, group 7, 6:30 (Continued on Page Seven) Ann Arbor, Aich., Jan. 8.-Fresh from a three-week vacation in Georgia and Tennessee, Fielding H. Yost, head of athletics at the University of Michi- gan, reached his office yesterday and plunged- into, a detail of work inci- dental to the opening of the Yost field house. Yost made 1-1 adresses when in the South, the most important before the gathering of- the Professional Coaches Association at Atlanta. With all the other schedules of the University filled for the year, one of the first problems for the director will be to find; a suitable baseball op- ponent- for the annual commencement week games. Last year the University of Washington was victor in the one game lost by Michigan throughout the season in the commencement games. Thus far neither Yost nor Ray Fisher, baseball coach, has reached a conclusion as to the possible section from which a suitable opponent can be selected. Sullivain Issues l. Call For Boxers Although there is a considerable number of mat artists training for the coming boxing show, which will be 'held early in Mar.ch, Coach Sullivan notes that a number of the veterans of last year's team have not returned for practice since the holidays. Training is necessary for all box- ers, as the results of this fall's classes show, where the men in the best con- dition were almost always certain to win over the more experienced men, who knew more about the game at the time. There is fine pep amongst the can- didates and if present actions in the roped square mean anything, there will be a peppy show for the students when Sully trots his gladiators into the ring in Waterman gymnasium that night. SEEK, VARSITY MATRIA IN TANK MEET SATURDAY All is in readiness for the big All- campus swimming meet which takes plac' Saturday afternoon at the city Y. M. C. A. The officials are awarding to the highest point scorer a silver loving cup and tq all scorers of 5 points or more a gold 'watch charm. anyone getting a first place in any ev- Numeral jerseys will be presented to ent. In order to give non-Varsity men a better chance for the prizes all "aMa" and "M" swimming men are to be barred from- competition. It is hoped that Saturday's affair will bring to light men who might possibly de- velope into Varsity material.' Efforts are being made to interest the students and get them to present themselves as candidates for the Var- sity squad. One of the feature events in the meet is the relay race. Each team is to be made. up of. four men and each man is to swim twice the Yength of the pool. These relay teams may be made of any four students. Class and fraternity affiliations are to be disre- garded and by this means men who might otherwise be ineligible for such an event can participate. No entrance fee will be demand- ed of contestants. To those men who wish to practice the "Y" pool will be available any afternoon this week aft- er 3:30 o'clock. The list of events for the meet includes the 40, 100, and 220 yard free style, the 40 yard back- stroke, the plunge, and the relay. Open Tuberculosis ClInic ' The tuberculosis clinic is a recent addition to the city health department which is held from 4 o 5 o'clock everyI Wednesday afternoon for women and children, and from 7 to 8 o'clock forf men in the City hall. The baby clinic Is open from 2 to 3 o'clock on rues-i days and Fr'.sys at the C>mmunity house, Foad'h and Ann streets. and on every other Thursday at the North Broadway ch-tr. Santo Domingo, Jan. 8.-ElectionsI have been called for March 15. Madrid, Jan. 8.-Raisuli's wife, not the bandit himself is dead. This clears up a report, Dec. 18, that the famous1 Moroccan had died. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. -Tool Show Is Ann Arbor's annual poultry shl got to be too much for the police y terday afternoon after the participa threatened to start fighting amo themselves. It seems that the affair had gro dull, and several of the promoters, search of entertainment had taken I of the prize cockerels to the fight pit and were about to start ceremor when the police department, strong, came marching on the see A crowd of interested spectators h closed about the pit to watch the f wtiose combatants were to be a twe pound Black Langshang opposing fourteen ounce Red Pyle game b tam. The only thing that saved the p moters from arrest was that the fi had not yet begun. . "; k ., t '. =s l ,i si IC UU~ 111 LiG P zia e winners. Lipe, star guard onI- Illinois team, will be out of the ne for a month due to an injury. )hio State, Minnesota, Purdue, Wis- asin and Michigan loom as the ongest quintets in the Conference, I it is hardly possible that any one these teams will go through the ,son without suffering at least one back. According to those whoE ow, this season should witness the st spirited competition' that has r been in evidence in the Big Ten se. MINOR SPORTS MANAGER j - WANTED Sophomores who wish to try out I for assistant manager in minor sports will please report at the Varsity hockey room at the Col- iseum at 7 o'clock any night this week. I R. V. RICE, Manager I TRACK MANAGERS WANTED All sophomores desiring to try out for assistant track managers are asked to report to the Wat- erman gym any afternoon this week. ARTHUR 0. GRAVES, Track Manager. STODDARD 7rA Th f'xT k. I C l Ya M'aN English Ribbed Wool Hose Fine for Skating or Street Wear 75 ca pair or 3 pair for $1.95 Donaldson, 224 S. State st. G&K The .1ans Shop 'i New Ideas '1 r. E ... --in pullover sweaters--plaid fronts -whites with stripes--solid colors -.and fancy frns I Neckwear Excellent! That's the way everybody speaks of meals at the Michigan Cafeteria -stripes-light figures and dots. Clearance on Heavy Overcoats 612 Last Liberty Street a--oJON, iva U