{ THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by t' Assistant tc the Preident until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturxtav.) Volume 4 TUESDAY, JANAURY 8, 1924 Number 75 - - --- -- - 7 - -- -- - -- - -7 ---- Commissions In United States Marine Corps: By a special concesion made by the Honorable Edwin Denby, Secretary of the Navy, "to preserve the memory of the recent historic visit of the Marine Corps to the University of Michigan", the University will be allowed to designate four graduates of the class of 1924 for appointment as Second Lieutenants in the United States Marine Corps. Their diplomas will be ac- cepted in place of the customary examinations as to educational qualifi- cations and it will be necessary for each candidate designated to be recom- mended by the President of the University. A physical examination will be the only other requirement. Applications are to be in thQ hands of the Major General Commandant, Headquarters MarinedCorps, Washington, D. C. not later than March 1. Application blanks and information concerning these appointments are available at the President's Office. M. LBurton. University Lecture: UnivThere will be a public lecture at 4:30 p. m. today in Natural Science Auditorium by Mr. Leslie Vickers of the National Industrial Conference Board., The oubject will be "Some Major Problems of Industry." F. E. Robbins. To Members Of The University Staff: Applications for 1924 parking stags are being received at the office of the Secretary of the University. As the 1923 tags will not entitle holders to privileges with the 1924 license, all members of the staff are requested to procure the new tags at their early convenience, Paul Buckey, Asst. Sec'y. Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:.. The next meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon, January 8, at 4 p. m. in the Dean's office. John I. Effinger. Freshman Elections: All literary freshmen who did not hand in their second semeter election sheets at the Registrar's office before vacation are directed to do so at once. Arthur G. Hall, Registrar. PreoMedical Requirements: The attention of all pre-medical students is called to the following very important change in the requirements for admission to the Medical School on transfer. All applicants for admission next fall, September, 1924, must have eqrned in residence at least one-and one-sixth times as many points as hours. All applicants for admission in September, 1925, and thereafter, must have earned in residence at least one and one-third times as many points as hours. These changes apply only to students transferring not on the combined curricula. The requirements for admission to the combined curricula have not been changed, except that in September, 1926, and thereafter, the entire 75 hours of required Literary work must have been completed before the double registration is begun. Arthur G. Hall, Registrar. College Of Pharmncy Faculty: There will be a faculty meeting of the College of Pharmacy Friday after- noon, January 11, 'at 4 o'clock in Room 212 Chemistry Bldg. C. C. Glover, Secretary. North Central Association Workers: Will all the persons on the North Central Association reports please meet me today (Tuesday) at 4:00 o'clock, Room 109, Tappan Hall. Bring all reports and all record sheets with you. C. 0. Davis. Political Science 15, World Politics: Make-up tests on the following books will be held Tuesday, January 8, at 5 p. m. in room- 101 Economics Building: George Young, "The Machinery of Diplomacy." L. S. Woolf, "Economic Impearialism." R. T. Crane. 'Philosophiy 6A and 18: I shall not be able to meet my classes until further notice. D. H. Parker. Economics 3:, I shall be unable to meet my section of this course to-day on acc&unt of illness. Z. Clark Dickinson. Sociology 19: The semester examination will be held the second Tuesday morning. The women will meet in Room B, Law Building; the men in West Gallery, Memorial Hall. R. H. Holme.' Oratorical Board: The members of the Board will meet tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock in room 302, Mason Hall. J. K. Dumi. Physics Colloquium: Meeting of the Physics Colloquium, Januray 8, 1924, at 4:15 in East Lecture Room of Physics Building. Subject:-Discussion of Symposium on Scattered X-ray Radiation, at Cincinnati Meeting. H. M. Randall. charge of the Class in Story Telling of the Public Speaking Department, and will continue on Tuesday and Thursday for the next three weeks. Children and others interested are welcome. Ray K. I mel. Tryouts For Annual French Play: Members Mf the Cercle Francais are especially urged to try out for the French Play, as well as other students eligible for campus activities. Try- outs are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, January 8. 9, nd 10, in Room 202SW, at 4:00 o'clock. .elen Nancy Woodruff. Masques Tryouts: Masques Tryouts will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3 to 5:36 in the auditorium of Newberry Hall. Dorothy Jeffrey, Pres. Glee Club: The Glee Club will meet tonight at 7:00 o'clock in the Reading Room of the Union. Everyone must bring their Michigan Song Book. John M. Russell, Manager. Trryouts For Comedy Club : Tryouts for membership in Comedyp Club will be held Saturday, January 12th, from 9 to 11 a. m. in Nefberry Hall. All members of the Club are urged to be present to assist. fCharles Livingston, Pres. Mathematical Club: Regular meeting will be held in Room 401 Mason Hall this eevning at 8 o'clock. Professor Poor will present a paper, "The Rigid Body with a Fixed Point Moving in a Resisting Medium." Mr. Craig will present "A Brief Review of Osgood's Transactions Paper on the Top Problem." All persons interested are invited. W. W. Fenton, Secretary. Junior Research Soclety: The regular meeting will be held at eight P. M. Tuesday evening Jan. 8, in Room 161 Natural Science Building. Initiations of new members will take place, The papers of the evening will be, "Electrocardiography and Cardiac Pathology" by George R. Herrmann. "Accent in English, An Objective Study" by John H. Muyskens. George R. Herrmann. Acolytes: Acolytes meets Tuesday evening, Jan. 8, in Room 106 M. H. at 8 p. m. Frof. C. Bonner will read a paper entitled, "Greek Mysteries." 0. K. Bouswma. Members Of The Adelphia: The regular meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. 8 at 7:30, in the Adel- phi rooms fourth floor University Hall. There will only be a short program WHAT'S GOING ON TUESDAY 12:20-medical factdty lunch. 4:00-French play tryouts, room 202 S. W, 4:00-Soph Prom committee, meet in room 302 of the Union. 4:30-University Girls' Glee club meet in parlors of Barbour gymnasium. 6:00---Civil Engineering society meets in the Union. 4:00-Tau Beta Pi dinner in room 319 of the Union, WEDNESDAY 12:00-Klawanls directors lunch in room 319, Union. 12:30-Natinee Musicale lunch in room 319, Union. 4:15-Palmer Christian, Universfty or- ganist, rectial in Hill auditorium. 7 :30-Nava Resreves meet In room 321 of the Union. :30-V. F. W. meets in Union. 7:30-Fresh Froile meets .in room 323 of the Union. 8:00-Highland Park cub meets in room 325 of the Union. 7:30-Youngstown - Michign . club meets in room 302 of the Union. 7 :30-Sigma Alpha Beta meets in room 304 of the Union. 7:30-A. S. C. E. meets in room 307 of the Union. 8:00-Prof. J. G. Winter lectures on "Ancient and Modern Rome," in room D, Alumni Memorial hall. U-NOTICES All organizations, and fraternities must have their group pictures tak- en during the month of January. All classes, ampus societies, and or- ganizations must pay for their space in the Michiganensian before Jan. 28. Organization space is still available at the Michiganensian ofice. Contracts should be signed at once for this space by organizations which have not already done so. There will be an impor$ant meeting of the upper and lower staff of Chimes at the Union at 4oclock toady. He'll Use Bright Colors To Boost Reading Of Bible i . i TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 194 Finest Dramatic Worl- Interpretive Dancing In "A T THE HAWKS WELL" Thursday, January 10th I .1 ICLEARANCE I SALE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF .t Suits Rev. Charles I. Sheldon Topeka, aKn., Jan. 7.-Hoping to make the Bible read more generally through an unique experiment in psy- chology, Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, edi- tor of the Christian Herald and prom- inent Topeka clergyman, has ordered bright covers for edition of the Bible which will go to press soon at an eastern publishing house. THE WORLD LOVES A OIEERFUL GIVER and Overcoats AT but an important business meeting which all should attend. Ray Alexander, Speaker. i AT THE THEATRES i I' I'. Scrt m-Todaiy Arcade-"Chastity" with Kther- ine MacDonald. Majestic-Virginia Valli in "A Lady of Quality."' Wuerth - Dorothy Davenport Reid in "Human Wreckage." ( Orpheum-"Till We Meet Again" I with Mae Marsh and Norman Kerry. stage-Th s *- V Garrick (Detroit - "Give and Take" featuring Louis Mann and George Sidney. THE WORLD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER Carter Postpones Work Luxor, Egypt, Jan. 7.-Howard Car- ter's surprising last minute decision to postpone further work on Tutank- hamen's shrine has given him the satisfaction of knowing that at last his ambition has been realized and that this modest tomb with its wealth of treasure is indeed the sepulchre of the monarch. Mr. Chas. Wadsworth, editor-in-chief of the Chemical and Mettalurgical Journal, will visits Ann Arbor next Thursday to secure material for his publication. Ifs- i THE WORLD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER Did you know that the Sponsored the OLDER BOYS CONFERENCE in November, at which there were 1,500 boys present? Let your conscience be your guide. r r 25%OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Bradley Sweaters and Knit Jackets 20%-OFF CLOTHING STORE DOWNTOWN Did you know that the S. C.,A* Read the Want Ads II SHOWING U- CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MANN t \ r r a Sends out, through its EXTENSION DEPARTMENT men to speak on different oc- casions throughout the state? Let your conscience be your guide I l Ii STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos 11 PV a I Did you know that the So UCmA Provides a The DINNER SUIT GD 1rON A I ,comfortal, sures both smartness and wear, f .m rnaterials approved by ex- clu:sive:use.h:onmfrtexten to the price. DINNER. SUIT (Shawl collar or notch) $39.50 Manufacturedand sold exclusively by N A LUXENBERG &BRos. Novaddress N141 Broadway N. W. Cor. 13th St. Stuyvesant 9698 New York City Branche 231 Wster St. 863 Broad St. Exeter. N. H. Newark. N. ;. 1777 Broadway, N. Y. C. r--- -- " BIG REDUCTION IN PRICE OF Eversharpe Pencils AT LIBRARY, STUDY HALL, w AU 'S U NIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Story Hours For Children: Story Hours for Children between sumed today at four o'clock in room We Deliver Remington Portable Typewriters STACY R. BLACK 604 E. Madison! St. Phone 1809 THE WORLD LOVES A OHEERFUL GIVER the ages of five and ten will be re- 302 Mason Hall. They will be in Pocket Malted Milk! Like to drink malted milks? Sure thing, Old Top!f Then why not eat 'em-- here's your chance. THOMPSON'S Pure Malted Milk Bars contain no cane or beet sugar Safe for Athletes in Training Right size ior your pocket. Go great at the game--atthe show--on hikes--at school or in your room. 5c - At All Dealers - 5e telephone, check room, pub- lic speaking practice room and other advantages to all students? Let your conscience be pour guide. .a rsee i+e re i n eeeeeerrer \ .. Our style-memobook will be sent free, on request I ? Fj I, II' I Did you know that the S. C. A. Unru r Neatly combed, well- ept hair is a usiness and social asset. r STACOMB makes the hair stay combed in any style you like even after it has just beep washed. STACOMB-*the riginal--as been used for years by stars of stage abd scr.e-leaders of style. ,Write today for free trial tube. r- > Tubes-35o'"Jar-75c , Cando Bar DELICIOUS and SATISFYING It's Wonderful Ask for Molly 0 A I 1~ i j1 , r, Conducts two ' 7 , RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES . ; , . every year, with an enroll- ment of 500 nerons? Send a nickel for a sample. 11 i