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January 08, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-08

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for the approval and ratific
R I erating the setimeni
deA advocatls f uint'
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE amty, the all-inclusive s :0
UEiVERSITY OF MIC~l1 N effective org-nization for t2
together of the various natio
Published every morning except Mondaly ss
during the University year by the Board in pursuit of Jeaceki stiessed a
Cntrol of Student P blications~ mary requisi te to a0 ac
So:VWeCsern Conference Editorial country may take. Designeti
W srociat Ie n n.E ra ulate the policies that guid
The Associated Press is exclusi -ly e '-nize(Iworld, oneand0o.:
titled to the use for republication of all news te-rnational bond is necessa
dispatches creited to it or not otherwisee *m<ht
credited in this paper and thc local news pub- ( :7i1ih t the ideal interdepe,
sishedttherein. p}ta s u natimo s which is propsed. 1
En~tered at the 1))strfficc at Ann Ator,one, all concede, would me:
Michigan, as second as ater. Special rate to the destruction of each.
of ated by Third Asaistant Lst The League of Nations,
caster .,nrai.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mil, ( cording t the plans of the
Oiiius- Ann Arbor Press Builhing, May- the winning program of acti
lhon;: Lditorial, 2414 and 176-M; B'isi- cure all made available tb
ness, O- _already e-tension organiza
gib ' d co~rmtivmic~tios, not exceeding 300the light of public opinion
oi lThe 1 )aiiy at on various phases of the Le
the 1-retion A the Editor. Upon requtst,
the id gtity of communicants will be re- gram, orga.aization, and ac
garded as confidential. I -m .r

T oo" Al %ri
,rr c r OF THE



Diaries and Desk Calendars

This colunn is dedicated to the
success of the S C A 4rive, not be-
cause we actmire the spirit behind
the said drive, nor because we think
the S C A itself is the nuts, but be-
cause we ourself, as a boy, did not
have the peculiar advantages that fall
to the lot of the poor urchin in Ann
Arbor. We, as a youngster, had no
opportuhity to attend a Fresh Air
camp: as a result, we are among the
scrawniest specimens on the campus;
Nor have we, as a student, had the


T(eleph~n1 2411 and 176-M
News ditor..............Julian E, Mack
Editoria Buatid Chairman..,... C. Moria-ty
Night Editar t
. lT. Ailirs 's?. Con able
harry C. Clark G.Gariinghouse
Spoits F;ditor............ .Raloh N. Bers
omtn's Editr...........Wi-ona Hibbard
Telegr i EdHor................, B. T'a-r
Sunday MagaZIe Editor....... . L. Tiklen
Music Editor......... Ruth A Dowell
4s istant City Editor......Kenneth C. Keller
Editorial Board


111,tly (Wr Ut yY can i time to attend the various and sundry
iei r.1t ld, and tY, biased notion
be ti::h any, nd-theias edntie on jolly functions in the Tipper Room.
wh11-i iuany non-thikin;; enemnies of. Neither have we had time to do the
the League rtain will influence some ith rktoeOwtmsoad ktnd
to a rejection of the plan on the basis missionary work to Owosso and kind-
of their failure to appreciate the pow- red points that we should have liked.
er of the organization if properly mod- For this reason--a sort of melan-
e. of eormniatingif poperly modt- choly disappointment, and a hope that
ifed. If accomplishing nothing great-- others may profit by the teachings of1
er, however, the referendum, should the S C A, we lope they raise every
disclose the national :scutiment uponI cent of their money.
the several issues of the Leagus of Eetake this opty.l
Natins teate in he pan.We take this opportunity to call to
Nations treated in the p slan.s the attention of our clientele the play
Presuppo sing the sU.Cess of the***
plan in a national ballot. even in con-
appearing this week at the Garrick
gressional ratification, the problem of ap.e
in Detroit, aptly characterized by an
actual adoption would necessarily ad in the Free Press as
hinge upon the acceptance by the "THE TAMING OF THE SHREW"
League of the several modifications A Farce
demanded in Articles X and XVI of By William Shakespeare
the Cover ant. The most interesting
feature of the prize suggestion is the When Othello comes to town, it will
total absoace of any new suggestions probably be recorded as a bedroomf
or view3 upon the solution of the farce.
present ijternational situation. Its * * *
merit bears witness to the fact that There was once a young lad who
America's statesmen have been think- considered college a grave problem
ing, for from 22,165 different contri- until he realized that he could prob-
butions, the best is but an idea of ably urn his way through working in
several years standing, a cemetery.

(The Daily Cardinal)
That the freshmen' this year are
younger than ever before has been the
prevailing opinion on the campus
since the members of the class of 1927
enrolled last September. Although
official figures are not available it is
the general belief that the new stu- BO TH E N" 'DS
dents average at least one year
younger than the students that en-
rolled five or six years ago. It would
seem moreso, but anyone is quite safe
in making the above statement. It any known importance has a place in
The contention has been made that! the show, and there exists a marked
the preparatory schools are rushing competition among distributors sell-
the students through too fast. Many ing approximately the same priced
students are allowed to skip a grade cars. Medium priced automobiles, as
before reaching high school and. it is has been the case in preceding years,
quite common to meet one who ob- are most in demand.
tained his diploma after only three * * *
years in high school. Rarely do you All the hotels are filled to overflow-
see a high school student who is more ing because of the great number of
than nineteen years of age. visitors in the city who are interested
This brings up a new questin. in the show. For weeks past various
Will the graduate courses gradually companies have been making reserva-
supersede the regular university tions. Trade dinners and general so-
courses and will those now being des- cial gayety has tended to liven up the
ignated as university subjects be rel- whole situation to a point where the
egated to an intermediary position? event has now taken precedence over
Without doubt, the graduate schools I every other event of New York s busy I
have gained in prominence during the and colorful season from practica ly
past few years. every point of view.
A change is gradually taking pace.
We wonder if it is for the better or
for worse. Is it more practical to lay!
more emphasis on graduate work or JANUARY
to influence the high schools to dis- T W T F S 2 3 4 5
courage awarding diplomas to young 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
su 3 14 16 17 18$ 19

.r. ,.,





.a i

Have moved from 106 E.Huron
street to their new looation
12O2 E. Li erty corner of

Paul Einstein

8. G. iBaetc
t e l f;ov,nr
Fiei na.dette Cc
. W, D r)t igs
+'IXq'. lhenry
Jbolnthy Karn
Tc;,-ev f ;irng

Rltert Ramsay
Andrew Propper
e R. S. Mansfield
n K C. M'Sck
Verena Moran
>te Regina Reichnan
W. Ii. S-)neman
t 11. R. Stone
I K. E. Styer
Jin S. T4eaible
t W. ). Waitiotir

(The Daily Cardinal)

20 21 22 23 ..4 25 26
27 28 29 30 31


There is no better
tailoring in the state


Telenhone 964

LAURENCE H. FAVROT I A band that is self supporting would
Adver ising...............E. L. Dunne seem to be the dream cf a Utopia;
Advei ig..d ..............C. Purdy I
Adverhising..................... RoCsse r the next best thing in the eyes of the.
Adveriismg ................W. . Schee
Accourts.....................A. -S. eton campus would be a hand sapported by
ubi ton ............... rare ce P Had some organization responsile for that
Assistants work. ?or years, th Michigan band
G. W. Campbell Fdw . loedemaker has had to depend on a small stipend
rennc Caplan N. E. Holland
Chas. Champion M. L. Ireland which it rocaives from the Ath1czic
loan Conlin ' Baroid A. Marks
Louis M. Dexter Byron Parke - Association, the rest it ha, ,begged

Tos vlt T. n II.

1 M RciwII


DavidA. Ao x 1 .R R -sefrom the students in tag day cam-
Lauren Haight A. J. Seidman
H. L. Hale Will Weise paigns, and though the student have;
R, E. Hawkinson C. F. White s
R. C. Winter oyally supported such drives, the ef-
fort was usually far in excess of the!
prolit, and the results far from ade-
- -quate to support sucoh an orgailiza-{
TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 14 tion.
Night Editor-A. B. CONNA E, JR. ~Recently, the alumni in an attemptI
to alleviate the embarrassment of the
managers of the band, promised them
TIO N A a percentage of the profits gained.
TIONS from the sale of tickets to the grid
Recent attacks directed against the graph, but this support is at bestj
working of the Student Christian as !mall,anduntil such time a.3 they
sociation have aroused a worth whi ehave paid their own debt, tho band
discussion r esarding the roper fun- will not reci'e the benefit of the totaln
tion s and wrorkings of that organ iza- lroc.leds. Soc the band,, which, in its
tion, While such, criticisms may or own way i as imlportant an organ-I
may not be wholly merited, they can- ization ors the campus as almost anyr
not be withot their effect for good ether, is fred to go through its days
within the organization. No. institu- In h .t f"crncpvry
tion is so perfect but that there is which the Divine Sarah Beinhardt,
room for improvement, was accustomed to as-ribe to herself.:
The great danger of the criticism, Ir u m t b i iv ts
however, is that the {good produced annual Bounce, and a whole hearted
within the organization may be offset support from the student body should
. by the bad effects which are aroused manifest itself that day. It is the onlyj
in the minds of the general public by time this year that the band will ask!
a confusion of the institution itself for s-pport of any kind; it is the only
with its administration time that it really has a nance to
The Student Christian association, show its ability in concert work. Thisf
as an institution, has a function which manner of raising money for it, isc
has long been recognized at Michigan.;not accompanied by the embarrass-'
Its work in stressing the religious inents to the student that a 'ag day
side of student life, in unifying the has, and the student for once gets his'
work of the various religious denom- money's worth.
inations, and In promoting social serv-
ice proJects for the good of the stu- .
dent community and the general pub-I
lic, are all functions which are mer- Twenty-Five Years
itorious, and necessary and which on-1
ly an institution of this kind can sue-. Ago At Michigan
cesful'y handle.I
Work in any institution, however,
rmust be carried on by the administra- From th ie. files of fl 7. of N. Daily,
tion, and, as this body changes from January 8, 18,99.
year to ye-ar in the work of the Stu-h
cent Christian association, the eflicien- A fire in Nova Scotia recently de-
cy of th organization is necessarily stroyed half of Bridgewater, Novaa
i:paired. Because the administration Scotia, and entailed a loss of $250,-
for any one year fails to function suc- 003. Dr. H. A. March, a graduate ofa
cessfully, the whole institution should 4Te University in the class of '86, andt
rot he destroyed. Well directed and brother-in-law of William Biggs of
constructive criticism can correct this city was burned out. It is nots
these faults. known how much insurance he car-
When the annual drivie for student ried.
fnancial support of the StudentC
Cohristian association begins today, At the last meeting of the Michi-
students should consider seriously gan State Board of Health a confer-
teese distinctions and measure their ence was held relative to an institu-s
contributions by the value of the in- tion in Niles, Michigan, which bya
stitution rather han by the failure or ters, advertises widely the benefits ofI
stccess of any particular administ:a- possessing one of their certificates!
tions. The purposes for which the which is to serve as a medical diplo- .
.essociation was founded are - i j1 ma. It seems that they are sel'ing
alive, it is for the student body itself these diplomas by mail to doctors as 1
to determine how they shall be car- well as to others; and they issue aa

* *s*
Some of the doggy metropolitans of
Ann Arbor are reported to have put
on a Bohemian party the other night
at which the wickedest diversion was
the guzzling of near bear out of a
bedroom slipper.
* * *
When the December bills came in
on the first of December, some of them
had little tags on them saying Merry
Christmas. What some people don't
think of is the fact that some poor
bo'oney was getting paid 40 cents an
hour for sticking them on.
* * *
Lyrics By
Walter Camp
"This is a miniature sample record
of the famous health builder system.
When you play the other side, you
will thoroughly enjoy the delightfu
musical exercise. Keep up the tun
for just a few minutes and then note
how wonderfully fresh and invigor-
ated you feel.
"Think of it Just 10 minutes a day
of fun like this will keep you in trim
for the rest of yourslife. This 10
minutes' fun will strengthen you
against disease-in any of your or-
gans. Did you ever stop to think of
the possibility of a hidden disease-a
disease you know nothing about, noth-
ing very serious, but which is slowly
and surely undermining your vitality
and vigor? You have not consulted a
doctor, perhapssbecause you are not
even aware of its presence-but what
a satisfaction to know that this deadly
enemy to your health and happiness
is being driven out of your system,
simply by indulging in 10 minutes'
fun each day! This little sample rec-
ord will do you a word of good, but it
is merely a sample, and It can not and
will not,. bring about perfect results.
To get the real benefits of Walter
Camp's exercises, you must get the
entire set of five, large double-size
records - the complete Health Build-
Builder System. Every single one of
the 12 exercises has been designed to
reach a specific part of your body;
every single one has been designed
for a definite purpose; every single
one will accomplish a definite result.
Send for the five big records today,
and realize what perfect health and
happiness are in store for you. Turn
the record on the other side, and try
a portion of the first two ex'ercises.
See how much real fun, real pep,
and real energy you will get from
them. Don't worry if your muscles
feel somewhat stiff attar it-that
simply shows that you are not really
fit-and With continued exercise, this
stiffness will soon disappear. Walter
Camp's Daily Dozen is ral health in-.
We didn't play the other side, in-
asmuch as we were thoroughly fa-
tigued by the first.1
Additional Rolls Enterprise '
We are in favor of having these two'
books transposed into scenario form
and put into the n:ovies:
1. Rollo a. Work and Rollo at

Making the best of the vacation,
playing up to the last minute, many FAC
students coming back to the Hill via 617 Pac
Chicago took the last train that would
enable them to get to their first l (Where
classes on time and comply with the
no-cut rule. Three special trains on
one line left Chicago at about 2 o'clock
Thursday morning and only one ar-
rived on schedule time. One of the
others pulled into the station an hour A
late and the other three hours late and j
as a result many worried faces ap-
peared at the dean's office with tales
of woe to secure excuses. Not only! Di
students were late in returning as a
result of the delay in the trains; each-
ers were also forced to miss their first
classes. e
It would seem strange a railroad,
company can not cope with cold;
weather auch as existed severdl days
ago. Cold weather in this pjart of the Exerts<
country is no unusual thing. The on h
lines which run to the coast via the
northern route encounter far greater througf
difficulties as far as snow and temp- sion gr
erature are concerned than do lines
between Madison and Chicago. Of;
course, the former are better pre-
pared to cope with the situation be- Let
cause it faces them more frequently
than d-es the latter. Yet if cold
matters little in the operation of these!
lines it seems -inexcusable that it-
should in the operation of local lines.!
The third train in question, it is Reard
true, was derailed, according to re-R
port. Accidents are bound to happen
anywhere any time, but that does not
explain the case of the second train.
And perhaps too, the third train was
derailed because of adverse weather

D. U. R. Stops at S tc)

kard St. Phone 171

d you know
that the
Da. C
a wholesome influence
undreds of freshmen
;h its freshmen discus-

Skating Shoes
for Men, $5.35
Skating Shoes,
for Women $5.85
Skating Breeches
Skating Hose
Lamb-lined Vests



Sheepskin Coats
Leather Jackets
for Men
Leather Jgckets
for Women
Corduroy Coats


your conscience be
your guide.

Bantc't Shirts, Wool Socks, Auto Robes, Steamer Rugs,
Wool Blankets-All Kinds. It pays to buy here.
rpluS Spplies Store

the Want Ads

"It Pays

to Walk a Few'

213 N. Fourth Ave.

Say what we may, however, there
is no use trying to get around the
fact that in winter one ishtaking a
ftremendous chance when he returns
to classes which must not be missed
by a train that will bring him to
Madison at the last minute.
With great pomp and ceremony, the
most spectacular and finished auto-
mobile show in the history of that in-
dustry started in New York the other
day. The whole city is wild with en-
thusiasm over the showing, and coup-
led with the fact that for the first
time in 24 years the leading yearly
exhibition of the National Automobile
Chamber of Commerce has been pro-
vided with a suitable building, makes
the auto show the most satisfactory
ever held in that city.
* * *
The year just passed has been they
best ever experienced in the automo- 1
bile industry. Over 4,000,000 cars of
various types were manufactured,
which exceeded the former record,
that of 1922 by 1,500,000 cars. In ad-
dition to this great increase in pro-
duction, the year has been character-
ized by many distinct advances in
mechanical and body design, of which
the four wheel brake and balloon tireoI
are of the most significant importance.
New and eagier types of cars in gen-


r Winter




Blow a re a few, of the values
we ffe
One lot of Women's PUMPS OXFORDS Sa
Suede Patent and Kid One lot of Women's Scotch GrainOxfords
Sud, aen ndKd $8 and $8.54 Oxfords nheav 'ffet,$ n
Pumps, $9, $10 and $11 and Pumps in Satin s $13 values, Real Bar- in eavy efects, $9 and
values go at-Kid, big values at- gains at- $8.50 values, now-
$7.65 $6.65 $9.65 $7.65
Men's Smooth Leather
Women's Kid and Pat- One lot of Women's Oxfords, Brown orOlfx
ent Strap Slippers and $8,$9 and $10 Oxfords Black, $8 and $7.50 va- fords Soes odd
Pms$7ad$7.50 and Pumps, broken ues-s aes-sod
values, now only- sizes, priced at- ues-sizs-
$5.65 $2.65 $6.65 $3.65


ried out.

photo-engraved copy of one issued tc
Dr. N. Senn of Chicago. The institu-1P



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