THE MICHIGAN DAILY t EXPEDITION BRAVES COLORADO RA' PIDS RADIO TAKEN BY PARTY BRINGS' IN MESSAGES FROM LOS ANGELES Gove;ni ent Geological Experts Meet Perils in Search of. New Data Washington, Jan. 7.-Soldiers and sailors and prohibition agents aren't the only ones who risk their lives for their country. An expedition spon- sored by the United States Geologi- cal Survey has turned from an ad- venture as thrilling as those staged upon the fields of France. Birdseye Heads Party Over a trail of danger, beset by cat- aracts and treacherous currents and every other obstacle of an untamed river, the expedition fought its way 500 miles in the roaring Colorado riv- er through the Grand Canyon to Cali- fornia to collect engineering data. The data is to be used in locating sites at which dams can be built to utilize the wasting waters of the Coloradc river for power development and ir- rigation purposes. As a result of the daring survey, vast mineral and agri- cultural development in the west may be expected in the near future. The party was headed by Colonel C. H. Birdseye, chief topographic en- gineer of the Geological survey. The other members were: E. C. La Rue and Herman Stabler, hydraulic engi- neers; R. P. Moore, state geologist of Kansas; R. W. Burchard, topographic, engineer; Lewis R. Freeman of Pasa- dena, Cal., a well-known explorer and writer; ,a pilot; three boatmen, and cook. Their equipment, in addition to subsistence, consisted of the usual in- struments used by engineers and geol- ogists, a radio receiving outfit and complete photographic equipment. Get Radio Messages In spite of adverse prophecies, some of them widely circulated in print that a radio could get nothing in the depths of the canyon, the Los Angeles, station was heard plainly, and mess- ages were received at various points from Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Colorado Springs. Through the upper Granite gorge the party found extreme difficulty in getting a footing for instrument and rod stations, for the walls are steep and the water is swift but the survey line was carried through without a break. The walls here were only about 125 feet apart at the water's edge, and at some places the survey- ors carried on their work. A contin- nous line was run through the canyon and detailed surveys were made o possible dam sites at several places with the hope that these . wild any wasted waters might be put in harn- ess for Shuman use. HEADS CANYON SURVEY it WHITE TO GIVE TALK Professor A. H. White of the chem- ical engiifeering department wil ad- dress a joint meeting of the American Chemical society and the American Electro-Chemical society next Fridayf night at Niagara Falls. l:s subject will be "Nitrogen Fixation." I TIE WORLD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER id yOu know that the Holds an annual INTERNATIONAL DINNER Security - R EIN PENCILS 1 penRyin the or& FOR the std ent orprof., the superb VENUS out-rivals all for perfect pencil work. 17 black degrees-3 copying. American Lead Pencil Co. 220 Fifth Ave New York ! W rite.for s a e nr, I IIs I May be found for your valuable docu- ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault. The service will please you. Farmers & Mechanics Bank I 101-105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE I for all foreign students? Let your conscience be I our guide. Read the Want Ads F'or I C. H. Birdseye C. H. Birdseye, who is leading an expedition organized by the United States Geological Survey to find the location of new natural resources and to chart the perilous country around the Grand Canyon, Colorado. Their first task was to force the Colorado river through to California to obtain engineering data of this era. This they did, covering 500 miles of these treacherous waters. Hazeloin, Cream is the best thing that we have found to keep the hands soft and white or for the face. Witch hazel, benzoin, and boric acid make it very healing. Men use it after shaving and women like it as a base for powder. Move Chemicil Librarv Todayl When You Want More than 1500 reference volumes. for students in the chemical engin- eering department and 106 sets of magazines and periodicals will be transferred today from the library in the Chemical building to the new East Engineering library. The new library will aslo house engineering shops books. This a part of the removal of the chemical engineering department from the Chemistry building to its new quarters in the Engineering building. According to Prof. E. H. Leslie, of the chemical engineering department,4 the new library will be temporary for the next few years, after which it will become part of the Engineering college library. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. t 1 2 3 Prompt Service. Excellent Work. Moderate Price. BRING YOUR SHOES TO THE Generous bottles, 30c iState Street Shoe Repair Shop 301 S. STATE Next to Wagner & Co. It's true efficiency to use Da Classifieds.-Adv. CAILKINS-FLETCHER DRUG CO. 324 So. State St. E. & S. University Aves. State and Packard Sts. Specil Sa e r THE WORLD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER I HI .1 1 II M lli IIIlif 11 111111 flli ill I I 14iH fnn un illn I- IKo ~ak in w Wite During the reign of Jack Frost take advantage of the beautiful white background he gives. Our printing and developing service will be an aid to you. Takin the kick -2fo- Did you know that the SoC.A. I AI)E BY E1DERMEIIIER-STEIlN CO. Is sponsoring a most worthy missionary cause through the "MICHIGAN- I A IN-INDIAC CLUB? OVERCOATS . 25 SUITS 20 . . . .. Let your conscience your guide. be U First Presentation in AmericaI "AT THE HAWKS WELL" Sarah Caswell Angell Hall January 10th THE WORLD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER Do not fail to visit our store and see what wonderful bargains this sale offers to you. Also a Special Sale on Corduroy Coats 11 Did you know that the s.C.A. Is sponsoring an INTER-CHURCH DRAMATIC LEAGUE Just received a large shipment of Spring Caps $2.50 and $3.00 'I which has already given excellent performance Lane Hall? one at I k Tom Corbett 116 E. LIBERTY :A U I.E U ~ ~.ff U ~U ~' - ~3 3 ~3 3~ ~~~7-- ~ r~