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January 08, 1924 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-08

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AlWtlt-r t ANMW IWP'MF





$55000 ISAMOF
Ten Groups To Conduct Canvas Of All
Students; Will Reward High
Man, Team
Five thousand dollars has been the
mark set in the annual financial
drive of the Student Christian associ-
ation which will open tonight. The,
campaign will begin immediately fol-
lowing the address to be given by
Prof. T. H. Reed of the political
science department at 5:30 o'clock at ,
the Methodist church. More than
500 students will participate in the
campaign which will continue through
tomorrow and Thursday.
Appropriation Divided
A suggested budget for student ac-
tivities during the fiscal year and for
which the money, aimed to be real-
ized will be used, is as follows; Uni-
versity services, $900; religious edu-
cation, $250; extension service, $200;
world fellowship, $200; new students,
$100; discussion groups, $50; foreign]
students, $100; boy's work, $100; vo-
cational counsel, $50; conference and
conventions, $600; news service, $100;
student volunteers, $50; Monteith club
$50; social activities, $100; campusI
service, $50; fresh air camp promotion
$150; state student Y. M. C. A., $200;
maintenance of building, $750, and
operation of office, $1000, which totals
This amount is only one-fourth of
the funds needed to run Lane Hall
for the year and the rest of the money
must come from alumni and local
contributions. Letters have been senth-
to all the men who will work onthe
drive, informing thin of their dutiest
and presenting them with an outline
of the work the association has carri-
ed onl and plansi to }ca -on during'
192$-24.': z
The men have been divided into
three groups, captains, lieutenantsp
and privates. The 10 captains whol
have been chosen by J. S. Dear, '25M,{
general chairman of the campaign,
have each chosen 10 lieutenants and
each lieutenant has in turn selected1
five privates. A silver loving cup ist
to be presented to the man turning in
the largest amount and the lieutenant
and his five men. who obtains the
largest sum will be given a steak
dinner at Joe Parker's cafe.,° All men
who get $25 will be entitled to mem-
bership in the twenty-five dollar clubt
wich will bd entertained, at the Maj-c
estic theatre.
Prof. W. D. Henderson, Director of
the University extension division
says of the organization, "The Stu-<
dent Chirstian Association is one of -
the oldest organizations of its kind£
in America. It serves Jew and Gen-
tile, Catholic and Protestant alike.1
It is a most worthy example of liber-
al and practical Christianity." And
Prof. M. P. Tilley of the English de-
partment, says, "The Student .Chrst-
ian association satisfies a need on the
campus met by no other organization
to the same degree. It fosters devel-
opment of leadership. It assists new
students in orienting themielves; and
in an unselfish way it carries on a
character building program which
gives to the student the lasting good
which should characterize university
The association has been sinking
more heavily into debt each year and
its continuance to function is depend-
ent to a great extent upon the student

support in the drive. The amount'
taken in each day will be announced
in The Daily.
British Colonel
To Give Course
Col. Thomas C. Hodson at present
principal of the Honsey Rise train-
ing college, London, has accepted an
invitation of the Regents to give a
course of lectures on anthropology at
the University next semester.
Colonel Hodson has served in the
Indian Civil Service in Bengal, Assam,
and Manipur. In the past he has lec-
tured at Oxford, London, and affiliat-
ed institutions on social anthropology,
primitive culture, and interracial
Colonel Hodson, it is expected will
take up his residence in Ann Arbor
within the next few weeks.

Reeves Approves World Peace
Plan Suggested In Bok Award

TO "PLAN 1468"°

Prof. J. S. Reeves, of the political
science department, when interviewed
yesterday voiced his approval og the
plan for world peace, chosen by the
American Peace Award as the winner
of the $100,000 prize, and declared that
he believed the major points of the
plan to be a practical means of ap"-
proaching a solution of the problem.
"Of course,' said ProfessorhReeves,
"tb-ere is nothing novel in the plan;
It is rather a restatement and devel-
opment of a number of old ideas into
one workable whole. I don't mean to
say, however, that I do not approve of
the plan because it has no novel fea-
tures. In fact, I believe that any ele-
ments of novelty would serve more as
an obstacle than as an aid in bringing
the plan into operation.
"C.ae of the most important features
of the whole plan is the elimination
or modification of Articles X and XVI
of the League Covenant in such a
manner as to render the organization
powerless to use coercion. This emas-
culation would rest the guarantee of
the Ieague's power and effectiveness
entirely upon public opinion, produc-

ed by confeernce and arbitration. And
any plan for world peace must depend
for its ultimate success upon public
opinion, for without this no force can
be effective which has been arbitrar-
ily set up. It is a question, however,
whether it would be possible to per-
suade the league to make the neces-
sary amendments,, even though these
two articles of the Covenant have
shown themselves to be utterly with-
out effect."
Professor Reeves then pointed out
the factors which may render the ap-
proval of the people of the United
States slow in forthcoming. The first
reaction is bound to be colored by
one's sentiment regarding the League
of Nations question, although in re-
ality the League would be so changed
by the proposed amendments as to be
an entirely different organization.
Furthermore, he said, there will be
large numbers who object to some
detail of the plan, and who will object
to the entire plan on that account.
Of course, those who adhered to the
policy of former*President Wilson will
be strongely opposed to the plan, he



Name of Winner To Be Announced
After Nation-Wide
Geneva, Jan. 7.-(By A. P.)--!
The proposals contained in the
Bok Peace Award created im-
mense satisfaction in League of.
Nations circles here tonight.'
League officials, basing their
views upon a somewhat meagre
summary of the project telephon-
ed from Paris, said the plan as
outlined constituted attremendous
contribution to world peace and
In the absence of the full text
of the plan, officials were wary in
committing the league in any
way; but they seemed to have re-
ceived the impression that adop-
tion of the American plan would
be tantamount to the United
States becoming an associate

Denver Judge Urges Appeal to Natural'
Restraint Rather Than
Declaring that all society and not
only the parents are to blame for the
faults of modern children and urgingI
that people learn to instill in -children,
a natural restraint from evil rather
than depending on the artificial, JudgeI
Ben B. Lindsey, well-known lecturer,
and authority on juvenile delinquency,
last night realted his experiences with
"Some Kids I Have Known" to a large
audience in Hill auditorium. The lec-
ture was given as the sixth number
on the Oratorical lecture course pro-
gram for this. year.
Nahira~l Restraint
"Young America must be taught to
do what is right because they want tol
and not because they have to," said
Judge Lindsey. "There must be a,
natural restraint from the hearts and
not merely the artificial restraint of
tha iil ad tha nlinc

Seniors Wanted
To Join Marines
Several members of the class of
1924 are offered an opportunity tc
become probationary second lieuten-
ants in the U. S. Marine Corps, ac-
cording to letters received Saturday
by President Marion L. Burton fro
Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denb2
and Maj.-Gen. John A. Lejeune of th-
Marine Corps.I
Candidates for the positions, of
which four will probably be available,
must be recommended by President
Burton and must also pass a physical
examination in order to qualify for an
Program To Include Several Novelty-
Acts as Well as Band
Plans for the annual Band Bounce
given by the Varsity band are all com-
pleted and .the date for the affair has
been set definitely for 7:30 o'clock
next Thursday night in Hill auditor-
ium. Several novel acts have been
arranged for the nrogram this year

Literary Faculty Appoints Committee Tendency Is To Act Before Giving
To Study Mathematics Matter Sufficient
Requirements Consideration
As a result of a discussion with re- "In selecting a surgeon there is one
gard to a cange in the entrance re- thing above all others that one should
quirement in mathematics, the faculty avoid: That is allowirn the ladies to1
of the literary college in their regular
meeting yesterday authorized the ap- pick him," Dean Hugh Cabot of the
pointment, by the dean, of, a commit- medical school declared before the Ex-
tee of seven members of the literary change club last night.
faculty to make a study of the re- "In choosing a surgeon, women are,
quirements for entrance and gradua- -uided by every possible consideration
tion to the literary college. except what is important," Dean Cabot
Investigation of the existing re-
quirements of the college is to be car- continued. "One would imagine they
vied on with the help of the high would decide upon one who Is com-
school principals throughout the state,! petent, but evidence shows that they
and with the cooperation of the other do not."
colleges of the University. It is ex- Should Choose Carefully
pected that the members of the com- Ss
mittee will represent the majority of 'There is a tendency on the part oft
the freshman departments of the col- the average man, and much more on
lege. ,!the part of the average woman, to as-
In the opinio nof Registrar Arthur sume that a surgeon is a surgeon,
G. Hall the work of the committee in the same as a cat's a cat. I am con-r
he next couple of years will result in stantly impressed by the fact that the
a better coordination of the require- patient doesn't use his mind to as
ments for entrance and those for great an extent in' choosing a surgeon
graduation. He believes these re- as he does in deciding upon the pur-(
quirements must be changed so that achase of a automobile.
they will be better adapted to special I "The patient should have a carefulc
cases when students enter with more inventory taken of his condition be-
than the required number of units in fore an operation. To plunge hurried-,
one of the basic courses. ly into an operation as the sort of ,a
A proposition for the modification thing to have done over the week-end
of the present marking system was al- is exactly the thing that should not
so considered, and after considerable be done. Nowadays a man expects'
discussion was voted down. It had to drop into the hospital the nightl
been proposed that plus's and minus's before the operation for a short ex-'
be included in the official marking amination, assuming he is doing the.
system of the literary college. right thing. In reality, he is takingI
needless chances. When a person
tries to convince the surgeon to go
IN II UTHOHITY ahead and economize on time and op-'
fl lk erate before he has had time to study
the patient's condition, the patient
TO IVE TWO may be wasting years of his own
time that might have been put to use-
- - ful work.
Mr. Leslie Vickers, of the National s Time Is Necessary."
Industrial Conference board will de- Time necessary to the careful
liver a University lecture under the working out of a diagnosis is often
auspices of the economics department' begrudged by the patient. Patients
at 4:30 o'clock today in Natural Sci- are constantly throwing up to sur
ence auditorium. His subject will be geons the fact that we're trying to
"Some Major Problems of Industry." be scientific, or trying to gt their
Mr. Vickers spoke here last year money. As a rule the time taken in
and made such a good impression that diagnosis is the cheapest part oAt the
the department invited him to speak worst the surgeon merely is trying to
again this year. The National indus- s the st osbe morality
trial Conference board is the board among his cases.
with which Prof. I. Leo Sharfman, who "So let met suggest to you that
is on a year's leave of absence, is as- when you are about to submit your-
sociated. k self to the mercies of a surgeon that
Mr. Vickers will also speak before you select the practitioner yourself
the Economics club at 7:45 o'clock to- and put about half as much thought
morrow night in room 101, Economics on the matter as you do when buying
building. His subject will be "The motor car.

member of the League of Nations. te Ja an the poi ce.
m bhe _ts "We must not take a narrow view of other than those given by the Band it-
this great problem of juvenile de- self.
testants, the jury of the American linquency" emphasized the Judge, "but Captain Wilfred Wilson, director of
PeeAtsdtestrayomade knowni must distribute the responsibility for the Band has attempted to formulate
Peace Award yesterdayeke wz such evil quite generally." He then a program for the band which will be
offered by s Edward W. Bok offering pointed out that there is no child prob- different than any given at a previous
$100,00 fy te b . p tbl png lem which does not involve the par- bounce. It will be of a lighter and
Iby0,hichothehe UniedStratesamay co-ent an which, in turn, does not in- more popular nature than that given
operate with other nations for the volve social, economic, and industrialbefore and, together with the acts ar-
prevention of future war. conditions. ranged for, is expecti* g to provide
pf"As a matter of fact," Judge Lind- an interesting entertainment.
The name of the author of the win- sycniud h aet'tesle
Slan, which isat presentk n sey continued, "the parents themselves A. D. Stanchfield has been secured
only as plan number 1469, will not be are greatly to blame for not knowing ,to give an act which is called a "piano
revealed until after a nationwide ref- enough about their own children. monologue" and the Hawaiians Tang
[Modern youth' know more about us and Tavares will again give their con-
erendum, which is planned in order than we know about them. This is cert with steel stringed guitars. Thi
that. the people of the country ma1 the parents'.fault." year D. P. Wagner has been secured;
voice their 'approval or disapproval Th ar emtsts'f ult."igt idto sing with them.
of the plan. The name of the win- That we must set up the right kind to sn ierce,
ner will be announced iii-February. of an example to youth if w want!- Carltdn Pierce, '241 manager of the
n Students May otebthem .to grow up in a certain way band, will have general direction over
The University has been asked to was another of Judge Lindsey's state-1 the Bounce and will be assisted by
cooperate with the Peace Award in ments. "Example is so much more William Graulich, '24, as advertising
making the referendum a success. To powerful than precept," he stated. manager, McLaren White, 25E, in
TheDywillpPrejudiced Parents charge of the program and Lee Greg-
this end,tThe nDiy pihto- The noted Denver judge then went ory, '26E in charge of the sale of tick-
may take part in the vote. on to score the unjudicial parent say- ets. Further announcement of the
Plan number 1469, briefly, proposes: ing that they are "of the worst kind" program will be made later.
Pla nube 149,brifly popoes and that they do more harm to the
That the United States shall im- dt
mediately enter the Permanent Court modern youth than many poor condi- First Hop Replies
of International Justice, under the tions of life. He defined the unjudic-
conditions stated by Secretary Hughes ial kind as those who find it impossi- -To Go Out Today
and President Harding in February, ble to believe -that their child has
1923. done anything wrong. ---l o f
That without becoming a member "The son or daughter of judicial Replies to applications for tickets
f th L ..fNations as at nresent parents can be depended upon to tel' Ito the 1925 J-Hop will be mailed to-'

Special Courses, Military Functio
And Cruises, To Be
Final and complete authority 1
been received for' the formation of 1
Third division, Third battallion, sib
regiment, United States Naval
serve force at Ann Arbor.! This
vision will be a complete and sep
ate unit, Ensign Russel Dodd, U.
N. R. F., commanding.
The first meeting as a regula:
authorized division of the Uni
States Naval Reserve force will
held in room 321 Michigan Union:
7:30 o'clock tomorrow night.
former navy men and all men wi
out any previous experience who c
sire to become members of the Na
Reserve are urged to be present a
hear Ensign Dodd, Commanding o
cer, explain the whole Reserve for
system in detail.
The United States Naval Rese
force is a voluntary organization c
ering the only means of attaining
commission in the Naval Reserv
which holds good in the regular na
in time of war. Promotion is raj
and all expenses are paid.
Men who enroll early will later 1
come eligible for retainer pay.'
members are privileged, but not co
pelled, to make a fifteen days 'cm
on the Great Lakes every sumr
with all expenses paid and receivi
the full salary of a regular na
man while so doing.
Among other things Ensign D
will discuss courses of instructi
to be given, summer cruises, fede
and state pay, social and milita
functions, rifle range training, we
end trips to Detroit, advancement
rank and optional discharges.
Official dedication of the new ph
Ics building will take place during 1
annual fall convention of the Amte
can Physical society to be held n
Thanksgiving, which has just b
voted to this city. At a meeting of
society in Chicago during Christe
vacation the members expressed
opinion that the departure from
usual custom of holding the cony
tion in that city would be justified
the dedication exercises to be held
Ann Arbor. The convention will br
more than 200 prominent physicl
from institutions all over the coun
Although the official dedication
the new building will not take pl
until the convention, the physics
partment will move into the build
in the early spring. Plans are alre
being made for the movement of
paratus and equipment, which accc
ing to the professors in the dept
ment will be a difficult task.

r Le League 01oa~vaaaU preCt
constituted, the United States govern- the truth," Judge Lindsey pointed out.
ment should extend its present co- In emphasizing another essential act
operation with the League and pro- which he declared must be observed
pose' participation in the work of its by everyone, he said, "We must not
Assembly and Council under the fol- tell what they confide in us without
lowing conditions and reservations: their consent. Confidential communi-
Uphold.s Monroe Doctrine [cation is absolutely essential."
The United States accepts the Judge Lindsey related experience
League of Nations as an instrument after experience which had occurred
of mutual counsel, but it will assume 'to him 4;ring his 25 years ion the
no obligation to interfere with politi- bench in Denver. As he .meitioned
cal questions of policy or internal a4c- these interesting incidents given
ministration in any foreign state. The which enrichened his speech through-
Unite dStates insists upon the safe- out were told for "the lesson in-
guarding of the Monroe Doctrine and volved."
does not abandon its traditional at Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law,
titude concerning American independ- school introduced the speaker.
ence of the Old World and does not
consent to submit its policy concern- i May Report Game
ing purely American questions to the By
recommendation or decision of other! Plays Radio
opinion. The United' States there-!
The only kind of compulsion which East Lansing, Mich., Jan. 7.-(By
nations can freely engage to apply ( AP)-The possibility of broadcasting
to each other in the name of Peace a running account of a basketball
is that which arises from conference,1 game is being investigated by athletic
from moral judgment, from full pub- authorities at the Michigan Agricul-
licity, and from the power of public tural college and it is probable that
(Continued on Page Five) an attempt will be made to send a
1!~~~~ ~ ~ 1_1%rrnr nn+lnil tha

day and tomorrow. As the number at-
tending the Hop will be limited to 700
acceptances will be mailed to that
many applicants. Approximately 1,100
applications were received by the tic-1
ket committee.
The tickets will be allotted on a
proportional representation basis, each.
college receiving approximately 40
per cent of the tickets applied for.
The tickets will be sold to the hold-
ers of acceptances Jan. 15, 16, and 17
in the ticket booth of the Union.
Aggies Lose In
Fast Court Game
East Lansing, Jan, 7.-(By AP)-
Michigan Aggies suffered their first
defeat in basketball on their home
court tonight at the hands of Carlton
college of MWinnesota. The /visitors
were on the long end of a 27 to 12
count. The game was fast and well
played throughout.

r, i

Ades phi to Meet Tonight
Ade hi House of Renresentatives

Immigration Problem."
Paris, Jan. 7.-(By A. P.)-Rowland
Strong, brother of thehRt. Rev. Thom-
as Banks Strong, bishop of Ripon, is

Press Club Will
Inspect Library
Members of the Student Press Club
will be the guests of the Clements li-
brary, through the courtesy of Dr.
Randolph G. Adams, custodian, and
Mrs. Adams, at 8 o'clock tonight. An
insepction of the building and its
contents will be made and Dr. Adams
will address the club on "The Pur-
poses and Aims of the Clements Li-
Tonight will be the first time that
the now library building has been

SWashington, Jan. 7.-(By AP)-
P resident Coolidge took further steps
to aid the Obregon government inI
Mexico today, signing a proclamation
a which imposed an immediate embargo
on any shipments of war munitions[
to that country except with the spec-
ific approval of the government. A
fine of $10,000 or two years imprison-
ment or both will be imopsed upon
convicted violators of the embargo.
Under the proclamation the treas-
1 ury department would be required im-
mediately to deny clearance at any
port or along the border of arms ship-
ments of any character for Mexico, ex-
cept where the specific approval of

play by play report into the air te, ttPuriwc i rup ttu~u
night of January 18, when the Uni- will, hold its first meeting of the year
versity of Detroit quintet plays the at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Adelphi
Aggies here. room on the fourth floor of University
Radio fans of the state will be the hall. There will be a short impromptu
judges of. the success of the expert- program followed by a business meet-
ment. ing.
Wild, Wooly AImosphere Of '05
Recalled In Fair Preparation,

Profesor Homer C. Hockett of (
State University has been engE
by the University to take the pos:
left vacant in the history deparn
by Professor Ulric B. Phillips,
will leave shortly for Califc
where he will be connected with
staff of the University of Califo
at Berkley. Professor Phillips
granted a leave of absence and
be gone during next semester and
summer session.
Professor Hockett will teach
same courses that are listed in
general catalogue under Profe
Phillip's name. Thecourses hav
do in general with the history of
United States, the Civil war, Re
struction, and the work in recent
cades. The new professor has
connected with Ohio State since
and has been in his present cap
as professor of American Hi;
since 1913. He will arrive in
Arbor, Feb. 11.
Campbell, '22, Makes Visit
Brewster P. Campbell, '22, fa
managing editor of The Daily fo
year 1921-22, visited Ann Arbor

Memories of the old country fairs
in days gone by are brought back by
the announcement that another fair
of a similar type will be held March
7 and 8. This time instead of at the
Barbour and Waterman gymnasium
the fair will be held at the new Yost
field house and this time 'it will be'
for the purpose of raising money to
finish the Union swimming pool.
In the Michigan Alumnus of June

bour Gymnasium as a typcial westernI
saloon and dispensed soft drinks in
Rocky Mountain style. Genuine faro
and roulette wheels added to (the
realism and the typical miners and
cowboys together with the tenderfeet
kept the place filled.
The Sultan's retreat run by the Chi
Psi fraternity was another big attrac-
tion as was the shoot the chutes op-
erated by the Phi Kappa Psi frater-

"If your foot slip, you may re-
cover your balance; but if your
tongue slip, you cannot recall
your words." Jimmie ,can, how-


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