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January 06, 1924 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-06

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THE BONDMAN tion should be confined to clerks, and -
She plucked a thread of golden hair even them it drives to drink. Will
To bind my hands in merry glee, the world learn that never we learn
And first I mocked the fetter fair anything that we did not knew be- B o o k s a n d
u m ah! no igtcould set me free; frGeorge Moore, "Confessions of a
As triple brass the bond doth bold; Young Man" reason for coming to New York at
I follow where she guideth me, HR EN about the time she did. He knows a
Led by a single hair of gold," "The poets have never done any- AND ONE MAN gdod deal more about Lew's work,
Paulus Silentiarius, Greek Anthology thing for the people except increase pay, and habits than does Jessie, and
----their sentimentality." LEW TYLER'S WIVES, by Wallace sees a chance to use his knowledge.
"Education is fatal to anyone with E. H. Howe, "Ventures in Common Irwin. Gx. P. Putnam's Sons, $9.00. One evening he takes Jessie to an ex-
a spark of artistic feeling. Educa- Sense" The marriage of Jessie and Lew Ty- pensive restaurant for dinner where,
ler was the outcome of a summer quite by accident of course, they see
spent at the University of California. Low and the woman of the flat below.
Jessie is little, red-haired and fiery; The net result is that Jessie is Snore
Lew big, happy-go-lucky and lovable., disgusted with Meech than with Lew,
Both are ordinary human beings. If even though the latter does lie to her
- someone offers Lew a drink he ac-i about the way he spent the evening.
cepts with "Yu can't make me mad Shortly after this, Buster, whose
that way." If Jessie, doing some job health never was good, dma; on that
Lew should have attended to, falls off I night Lew does not get in till after
a step ladder and nearly breaks her On the day of the funeral
neck she asks of the world, "Now he goes out to get a bracer, and final-
what do you think about that?" They ly returns to find the procession half
have a baby, named after his father a block down the street. Lew attempts
but called Buster, and he and the cot- to square things with Jessie, but finds
tage absorbs most of Jessie's time and t his excuses do not work. While
interest. Lew helps little; he takes he is away getting some fruit to ap-
life easy and moves from job to jobj pease her wrath Jessie takes what she
without the least concern for doctor's needs and leaves the apartment.
unadadoedu oorbl. This upsets Low considerably, and
T he Bus's Lam p, 2 fesunpaidwand overduegroccerybraills. ci~' b' op'nd'-'
,fees wll5 o oue, y.heses he decides to brace up and show Jes-
T he Buss Lam p 2H eas wellf c the atsie that he is a man. The bracing up
no reason for worrying. They'11 get i he accomplishes but he does not find
am ps yw ereaongTh ..s. jowthhis wife. Giving up the search he
Then comes a job with a New Yrk joins the army and spends some time
importing onserflrcan certain10 France, returning to New York and
Not merely a clamp contraption, but an ar wonderfu chae i going into advertising
lamp that will clampsio's words. But the change from. on itderiig
artistic standing lamp that will clamp California to North Broadway works 1 At this point he meets Virginia, a
or hang anywhere. Throws the light's no great improvement in the home sit- society woman who condescends to
rays exactly where you need them. Fin' nation. Lew's work , revents him fall in love with him even though he
ished in bronze or brass The handiest from spending much time at the flat, lacks ancestors. Their married life
and Jessie becomes lonely. An ac-1s quite successful, even though Vir-
lamp a stdent can own! uintance with a wOman on the floor ginia does not approve of Lew's pro-
below helps out, and at the same time' fesion of advertising. She is ambi-
Lew comes home a bit oftener. Thentious and Lew makes a good follower,
Tone evening Jessie sees him enter the and apparently she has him headed
T he D et t E dison building early -and come up to his for the diplomatic service-which
1 home an hour later. Which ends that may not pay, but which is highly re-
Cfmpa yriendship. spectable. There is, of course, still
yThe stuation is not helped any bysome question about Jessie, and Vir-
Main at William Telephone 2300 one Meech, a mouse-like little man ginia wonders greatly as to just what
who fell in love with Jessie before she Lew still thinks of the red-haired wo-
left San Francisco, and found a handy ma w th thatdayof the


bes tsuccess Fp
possible in your,
entures- of the
New Year
TryO urSl
. Ilichigan)I

I V 5 I T T

The book closes with an obstetrical
scene, with Jessie as Virginia's nurse.
The device, while handy and wholly
natural, is by no means new. One ap-
precdates the irony of the situation,
but he wishes Mr. Irwin had found
some more novel means of bringing
Lew and Jessie together. .
The most striking things about this
book are its seriousness and its real-
ism. Perhaps the impression of the
firt is.heightened by the fact that
Mr. Irwin is the author; one does not
expect seriousness from the author of
Letters of a Japanese Schoolboy."
The realism, however, is a matter of
itself-of skillful treatment. There is
no attempt to give the reader the in-
'nermost thoughts and motives of Lew,
Jessie, and Virginia. Instead he meets
these people in the book as he might
meet them in life. He knows no more
about Lew than Jessie or Coleen did;
no more about Jesie than Grandma
Salz could find out in a conversation
over the back fence. Nor is he both-
ered by plot; these folks act and live
as such folks do act and live. The
I result is true realism.
Susan Fenton.



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