- "-,. - - I" THE MICHIGAN DAILY CUT" SARCOPHAGUS Luxor, Egypt, Jan. 5-(By A.'P.)-- th the discovery of the colossa' rcophagus of Tutankhamen, e ci os- in a nest of four wondrous shrines question whether the mortal re ins of the pharoh lie in this rnor- ary chapel hassfinally been decled.I e sacrophagus has remained in- t through 30 centuries, unveiled by sacreligious hands of tomb rob- rs. Yesterday was one of the eat moments in egyptology, bring- fruit to so much toil and reward so much disappointment,, and wning a long and great effort of1 ward Carter, when by the light of powerful lamps, he loosened the anite folds of the fourth golden cophagus to see on the huge outline granite quarried at Assuan must ve felt something like Brugsh, the rman Egyptologist, at another at moment in the annals of egypt- gy when by candle light of the der- Bahari sepulchre some years ago read the cartouches of more than kings of ancient Egypt hidden re. . -ere was a definite confirmation ,t for the first time in history the violated sepulchre of a king of an- nt Egypt has been discovered. Here a coffin of graven stone, of work- nship rivaling the greatest mas- pieces undoubtedly lie enclosed in gnifleently decorated mumy es, the body of the king' as" the ests laid him to rest more than 0 years ago. )wing to the vast dimensions of the er canopy which is quite dwarfed the proportions of the sepulchral amber, the excavators came upon sarcophagus with some surprise was enclosed in the form of a nest four shrines, all different from any- rg yet discovered. The fourth like nrecedin, is abundantly decorated1 h cartouches and the figure of the g. )wing to the size of the sArcopha. and the dimensions of the mor- rv chamber it probably will be re a " before the lid can be raised examine the contents, especially a preliminary to this will b the noval, at least, of the roof of the ond, third and fourth shrines. tatistics Show Real Growth Of Phone Ccmpanies McADOO'S BOSS inin Variations, the Beethoven Son- will be much facilitated, it is expected:!secretaries of local clubs and through lntion is mere than 10,000 and If IaSIa A DJ in D minor, Op. 32, No. 2, the This time several men reported that'! them subscriptions to the weekly mill 1 belie , that it will double i MUICAD Mozart-Liszt "Don Giovanni" Fantas- the alumni were not advised of the be secured, in addition to giving more year." - M USICIA NS ia and a Chopin set composed of the visit and consequently were 'harder advertising for the drive in the spring. E major Nocturne, the C sharp minor prospects than would otherwise have "At the present time," Says Mr. Lionel Crocker of the public sp Mazurka, the B flat minor Scherzo been the case. More than 40 cities Bradfield, "the Alumnus has the sec- ing department who is chairman f:AiwILOWITSCH IN RECITAL and the A flat Ballade. Tickets are were canvassed in the drive, chiefly ond largest number of subscribers of the religious institute of the Stui Os'ip Cahi ilowitsch, conductor of ,now on sale at Grinnell's. in the east and the middle west. any University magazine and it is my Christian association is making pl the IDetroit Symphony orchestra and Letters are also being sent out at belief that within a month it will take for the institute to offer a comp 0e Of the world's greatest pianists, ithe present time by Mr. Bradfield to first place. At the present the circu- course next semester. will give his annual recital of pianoSUBSCRIPTION music at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow night nouncesta program including the Bach Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, rattr1Cal A sJciation rogr all Ia David Ladd Rockwell. The boy who was mayor of Kent, 0., at twenty-one has grown up to be chairman of the national committee sponsoring the candidacy for the presidency of William G. McAdoo. He is David Ladd Rockwell, former pro- bate judge of Portage county, Ohio, and superintendent of the Ohio state department of building and loan as-1 sociations. service as men. The per cent of in- crease in the female employees from 1917 to 1922 was 21.3 while the num- ber of male employees increased only 14.2 per cent. In regard to the operation of com- mercial land, ocean and wireless tele- graphs during 1922 as compared with the year 1917, the figures show de- creases in miles of single wireand in the number of offices operated, but the number of land messages sent in- creased 20 per cent. Total revenue increased 38.4 per cent for the same period. One third more employees were reported in the payments of salaries and wages were 92.1 per cent greater in 1922 than in 1917. During the same five years 5,460 nautical miles were added to the length of ocean cables, with a reported increase of 48.8 per cent in the number of ocean messages. the little Beethoven sonata in F mi- or, Op, 2, a Brahms Rhapsody and In-s !termezzo from Op. 119, pieces by Gla- zounoff and Percy Grainger and a Chopin group containing the C sharp ! minor Mazurka, the E major Noc- turne, the C sharp minor Polonaise and thetG minor Ballade. Tickets for the concert will be on sale at Orches- tra hall after 5 o'clock tomorrow. PADEREWSKI'S ANNUAL RECITAL Ignace Jan Paderewski, king of liv- ing pianists, who is now in America for the first nation-wide tour since his reappearance last season, will give a recital at 8:15 o'clock, Monday ev- ening, Jan. 14 in Arcadia auditorium under the auspices of James E. Devoe of the Philharmonic-Central Concert Co. . Paderewski's tour last year was the most brilliantly successful ever en- joyed by a concert pianist. He gave ninety recitals and was obliged to re-- fuse offers for as many more. He earned more than $250,000 and play- ed to hundreds of thousands of peo- ple, the tour reaching its climax at San Francisco where a vast hall ac- commodating more than 25,000 was packed to hear him. Although some critics preferred the old charges against his playing; occasional over emphasis, an over-insistent left hand and concessions to popular taste in choice of programs, all agreed that he has regained his mastery of his in- strument in a fashion that is marvel- lous and that, when all allowance; have been made, he remains the greatest of the many great successors of Liszt and Rubinstein. Paderewski's three recent New York concerts have again proved his undiminished pow. ers both as a pianist and as a popu- lar attraction. The Paderewski program includes r Bach-Liszt Fantasia, the Brahms Pag- The holiday subscription drive stag- ed by the Alumnus, official organ of the Alumni association, through stu- dents who canvassed alumni in their home towns, was characterized by John Bradfield. '1R. bhiinrg pq nr of tre magazine. as excepjunariy suc- cessful. No estimate could be given yesterday of the number of new sub- scriptions gained as all reports were not in. Such success was attained that it is planned to repeat the drive in the spring, during the Easter recess. At this time, more preparation in advis-1 ing the alumni of the drive will be made and the work of the students Judge Beng Lindsey Experiences With Kids" MONDY. NIGHT 8 P. Y --H ILLU AUDITORIUM I I' n a recent census issued by the artment of commerce relating to operations of telephone companies! the United States during 1922 as npared with the year 1917, the tuber of telephone messages havef reased from 21,845,722,335 in 13171 24,738,758,739 in 1922, or 13.2 per it. t is an interesting feature to note t the highest increase in connec- - 1 with the telephone service is in' number of salaries and wages d. The report shows an increase 101.1 per cent in salaries paid out. e next highest increase is in the enue, operating and non-operating . including assessments of mutual_ npanies, which amounts to an in- ase of 75.8 per cent. The value plants and equipment amounted to: 92,329,015 in 1917,- while in 1922 it s raised to $2,205,121,610, which kes an increase of 47.8 per cent. e number of telephones in the ited States has increased 22.4 per t during the five years. The onlyj rease listed in the report occurred the number of public exchanges ich show a drop of 9.1 per cent. tatistics show that twice as many nen . are employed in telephone I TONIGHTa tme SUNDAY, JAN. 6 1Wednesday and AND ALL WEEK - Saturday Direct from Record-Brcaking Engagements li New York and Philadelphia and Immediately Preceding the Chicago Run NIG1TS 50c to $2.50 SAT. MAT. 50c to $2.00 POP. MAT. WED. NO SEAT OVER Max Marcin and Jules hlurtig Present -$1.50 LOUIS MANN GEORGE AND SIDNEY IN THE AtGII[NG SUCCESS NEW i. YORK and TeCT A Comedy by Aaron Hoffman THE LAST WORD IN LAUGHS! !r (r.. ' i UAI IT Y. ., . . . . _ . i 4' QUALITY. *67 Ag ryO# '' a" ") " 0 "., Z !/ ' "" . . --, Ice Skate Outfits number 107 consists of hockey pattern skate made of cold rolled steel top, hardened steel runners, polished and nickel plated. The Up-To-The-Minute latest pattern in a hockey skate fitted to men's black box calf leather shoe, Goodyear: welt with strap over instep. Shoe reinforced with webbing to prevent stretching. Felt insole and padded tongue. JNO. C. FISCHER CO. Up- To- The-Minute Hardwnare-