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January 06, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-06

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_________________ -. - I

gJity Percent of Alumni Put
Early Training to

j k

New Species Of
I Gobi Desert
Interesting bits of information re-
garding the results obtained by the
American Museum of Natural History

- Today In The Churches

supper at 5:30 o'clock, reports of thei
Regional Lutheran Student Confer-
ence will be given. The sermon sub-
ject at the 7:30 o'clock service will be
"The Man Who Sought to Destroy the

Lansing, Jan. 5.-Eighty percent of expedition hi ,the Gobi desert are
the graduates and former students reaching the public from time to time.
of the Michigan Agricultural :college The latest rumor tells of a dinosaur
which was unquestionably an egg
that the Alumni office has been able to sucking variety.
trace are working in some form of The fossil remains of this reptile
agricultural endeavor. All but .54 were found in what has 1en called a,
graduates are included in the list, but veritable 'dinosaur nest." It was an
the non-graduate list is (not so coin- animal of moderate size, with a tooth-
plet, th reortson te ocu~at es Ws, ho'rny ja.w, and a,. muzzle fitted
plete, the reports-on the occu'pationsonly for the consumption of soft foods.
of 315 individuals not being availlable. From the general form of the dinosau-r
Of the number known to the college, it was concluded that it existed chief-
1,403 were associated with farm ,pro- ly on the eggs of other dinosaurs
duction and 357 had no connection which it searched out and sucked,
with the work of the farm. The fig- much as the weazel and rat do today.
ures include all but last year's gradu- For a long time, science has known
ating class. that the dinosaur as a species were
While the largest single group of egg layers, but until the American
graduates is engaged in farming, 116 Museum expedition discovered this
individuals are teaching agriculture breeding ground, no specimens of the
in high schools and 257 are teaching eggs had ever been found. It was re-
in colleges in the various agricultural ported soon after the expedition re-
subjects, 48 connected with the U. S. turned to the United States last fall
Department of Agriculture being in-: that one of the eggs contained a per-
cluded in this list. fect embryo of the animal, but this
Twenty-four M. A. C. men help in has not as yet been confirmed. Tons
the manufacture of dairy products, of material were taken out by the
while 29 are special agriculturists for_ party, and this is being prepared and
industrial concerns. Eighteen are x studied by' paleontologists in New
listed as agricultural writers. York.
Of those who failed to follow the Other expeditions . are contemplat-
lines for which the M.A.C. offers in- ing further exploitation of the terri-
struction, attorneys and' physicians tory. The Gobi desert in southern
lead the list with 25 each. Insurance Thibet is believed to' be laid where
has claimed 15 and real estate. 10. the dinosaur originated, as well as of
Thirteen have become merchants, many other animals, and is thought by
Seven ministers have been educated many to be:the locality in which man
at the college, two printers, one originally appeared.
banker, one composer, one musician, ------
one artist (painter), one missionary to
Africa, and one man each to the army
and navy.B 1J ICS(ONINESA

- ild.!
First Methodist Church subject of discussion at the 10:30
"Ring in the New" is the subject o'clock service when Holy Communion:PLAN TRAVELING
which Reverend Stalker has chosen will also -be offered. The Rector will
for his sermon text this morning at address the students at the 5:30 JUNIOR COLLEGE
the 10:30 o'clock service. At noon the o'clock. evening service, which is to
usual Bible classes will meet in Wes- be followed by the student supper.
lev Hall.. Open house will be held in Prof. Joseph R. Hayden will give his An announcement has been received
Wesley :Hall from 4:30 until 6:30 impression of the Orient as a part at the University School of Education
o'clock, student supper being served of the evening program. stating that the intentions of the
1writer, Francis X. Mills, of Valpar-
at 5-:30 o'clock.. The Wesleyan Guild First Baptist Church - aisoI d., are to X.eely organize
will hold its dev'otional meeting at "The Secret of the Transfigured ____,__nd.,__r_ presently organize
6-:30 oI~clct, at which time reportS by Life"' will be. discussed at the 10:30
delegates from the Student Volunteer o'clock service at the First Baptist
Convention at Indianapolis will be Church. Sunday School classes will SUNDAY
read. The Wesleyan Guild lecture willI be held at noon and at the same hour SUN AY DINNE R
follow -the meeting at 7:30 o'clock,. students will assemble in the Guild
s when Reverend Stephen K. Mahon will House where Mr. Sayles will speak.
spako "Adto a New eor- weFriendship hour will be held in the MENU
sa k"on " Oo'a d a wE" Guild House at 5:30 and at 6 o'clock Soup
Congregational Church the B.Y.P.U. society will meet in the C
Palmer Christian, the new musical church. The Guild Devotional service reaiC of Teeato
director of the Congregational Church will be held at 6:30 o'clock.Wa sCelery
will begin his services at the 10:45 Church of Christ Disciples Roast Young'Chicken with
o'clock service this morning. Mr. "First Things First," is the sermon:, Dressing
Jump will address his congregation! topic chosen for the 10:30 o'clockT
on the topic, "1924." Student supper service by Rev. Arthur. Bible classesT-BoneSteak
will be served at 5:30 o'clock and fol- will meet at 9:30 o'clock. and student Hubbard Squash.
lowed by the program, "High Spots classes will meet at noon in Lne T

a company to acquire an ex-army ield and delightful foreign travel may
transport from the U. S. shipping be had. The offer is made only to
board, or other suitable vessels else-l qualified male, high school and col-
where, upon which to conduct a .Tr}- lege teachers, and is for immediate
ior college during a nine months acceptance.
1'round the world c'uise, starting next Communications should be address-
September. It is believed that such a ed to Francis X. Mills, Valparaiso,
school, offering a regular full year in Indiana.
high school or college at a reasonable
price, combined with a year of for- Washington, Jan. 5 - Important
eign travel under ideal circumstances changes in the rules of the House that
would be well supported. will permit that body to govern and
If the undertaking materializes, regulate itself and its business, have
teachers, supervisors, etc., will be been the task to which Representative
required at moderate salaries plus all Roy O. Woodruff of Bay' City, Mich.,
expenses. Employment in a chosen has devoted himself,

The seamlsshsteamie
That's what gives this new Walk-Over,
the Delmar, its thoroughbred look. It's
Walk-Over craftsmanship that gives it
thoroughbred fit. In Viking Calf,
black or tan.


from the Recent Indianapolis Con-I
vention of 6,000 College Students."
Friday at 5 o'clock a reception will
be held for Mr. and Mrs. Christian.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. R.: C. Hufstader will present

Hall reading rooms. Dr. Stouffer will
lead the Men's Service Club meeting
at noon. Christian Endeavor meeting
will be held at 6:30 o'clock.
Betidehem, IEvangelical Church
Sunday school and bible classes will


The list of occupations of the non-
graduates adds one athletic director,
one manufacturer of soft drinks, one
manufacturer of cider and vinegar.
and an electrician.
Plans for the 23rd annual Detroit
Automobile show, to be held from Jan.
19, to J.an,. 26, were given out- recent-
ly by:H. H. Shu'art, manager of the De-
troit -Auto Dealers association. The
show gauged by the number of exhib-
its will be the largest ever held in
Detroit. It is to be held this year at
Convention hall where exhibits of
329 models of passenger cars, 87 com-
mercial car types and 110 booths of
automotive equipment will be on dis-
Saturday, Jan. 19, will be the cus-
tomary "Opening night," when the
show will be opened by some city-dig-
nitary and R. H. Williams, president
of the D.A.D.A. Other days will be
known as Michigan day, Manufactur-
ers' day, Detroit day, and the last day
will be known as 'Buy' Your Car Day."
In conjunction with the show the"
annual convention of the Society of
Automotive Engineers will be held as
will the convention of the Michigan
Automotive Trade Association.

Chicago, Jan. 5.-(By A.P.)-A sev-
en-story, 7,500 ton brick building was
moved 85 feet here with its elevator,
light and telephone service intact and
during. which its. offices were open to.
tenants who found it necessary to
The Illinois Central railroad, in its
terminal improvements- now being
made, was presented with the alterna-
tive. of dismantling the building,' or
moving it. The structure was erected
about 30 years, ago, but was in such
excelleit conditicnhithe latter course
'was taken. The actual moving was
accomplished in 24 hours, but re-
gqired three months' preparation.
What is believed to be an outstanding
engineering feat w'as' described by
Hugo Filippi, who superintended the
"Twenty-three tracks, consisting of
four or more rails each and extending
completely under the building and
over the foundation at its new site,
were used," he said. "The tracks
were placed five to eight feet apart
and 2,000 steel rollers were spaced
about 12 inches. Six hundred thou-
sand, board feet of timber was used
for cribbing purposes preliminary to'
jacking up the building and placing it
on the rollers.
Daily classified for real results.

the work of' the Near, East Relief at meet at 9 o'clock. At 10 o'clock serv-
the 14:30 o'clock service this morn- ices in English will be held followed
ing. Dr. Iden, Miss-Ross and Profes at 11 by 'German services.
-sor Henderson will lead the bible 'Trinity Lutheran Church
classes, which are to be held at noon. "Our Guiding Stars" is the topic to
At 5:30 o'clock open house will be be discussed at the 10:30 6'clock serv-
held, followed at' 6:30 by a Christian ice at the Trinity Lutheran church.
Endeavor meeting, at which time delc- Sunday school and student classes
gates to the Student Volunteer Con- will meet at 9:30 o'clock.
vention will-speak. Zion Lutheran Church
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church "Men Who Come to Worship the
Holy Communion will be offered at Child," will be the subject to be dis- I
8 o'clock and will be followed by cussed at the 10:30 o'clock service in
church school at ,9:30 o'clock. "The German at the Zion Lutheran Church
Problem of One's Self," will be the this morning. Following the student
r /s

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