Section Two' LY 4 A6F :43aiti Section Two VOL. XXXIV. No. '74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JNUARY 6, 1924 PRICE, FIVE C World Joins In Contributions To Perpetuate Harding Memory Contributions to the funds of the Harding Memorial Association to be used in 'perpetuating the memory of the late president of the United States, are being received from all parts of. the world, according to an announce- ment made recently. Althioughnoc statement as to the exact amount de sired has been given but, it is expect- ed that with the extension of the campaign to include the months of January and February, the goal set will be easily reached, and in all probability exceeded. Chief among the list of contributors are the shrine organizations. Osirus Temple, of Wheling, W. Va., voted $3, ,AA to the fund while at a larke ing out that the respect for the late president is not in any way confined to the United States, and the continu- ous flow of contributions from foreign cities should be very gratifying to the- - American people. pThe respect and fondness which the - children of the country had for Presi- *dent Warren G. Harding is continually being demonstrated in the large num- ber of small contributions which are t being received daily at the associa- tion's offices. The sum ,of $3.41 was received from a grammar school at -Derby Line, Vt., while the schools of Blanchester, Ohio, sent in $9.33. The boys of Mercersburg Academy at Mer- cersburg, Pa., where President Cool- Dirigible Whose Fate Remains a Mystery Predicts Human Race Will Give - A Way Completely .S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...u.u m ua. - :: . i ofANew York, Jan. 5.-The main hope of the world is in eugenics, that is, in the fre. gThe present race of hu -ET A _ E % - president of the American Association .5 for the Advancement of Science, and AREPREPARINGBOOK "one of the world's leading psycholo- TO SEND ALL GR ADUD - -"-,. -bThe distinguished psychologist mnes to Aid UniversIty 1 - -cherishes, he admits, no hope of re- ever Needed; Only $2,000 :: forming the world of men and worn- Donated to Date - - ...~en, as they are, through any treat- . ,J .. nm nt ni th in nrrnrn vi rP f h , Olifl:h VI Off'eLa Ln71U,w pUn a4 n e o sc :-c idge'ssons aeUattndinghave-rised Arrang Shrine meeting in Columbus, Ohio, Idge's sons are attending, have raised - The hope of the psychologist is not more than $1,990 was collected by a contribution of $25.00, and the chii-- to change human nature, which is to bring passing a basket throughout the gath- dren of the Panama Canal Zone have -impossible, but to change human be- versity m ering. The organization in this city sent in $65.12.-havior-graduate hopes to be able to raise more than Charles H. Sink, of the School of " tir graduate * * I ind y ivial this naturalmenow-hepresentt $8,000,-.the total quota set. Already Music, has been in charge of the col- seven prominent men have donated lection of the funds from Washtenaw Iments," says Dr. Ca ,"this can the fund see ,pr mn n ,: ,-:; ^ , ..t";:" .: , ;:z-a°=R , ;gy,. {: .:~ sy r Cattell, trecent $1,000 each and each wished to re- county, and has under him nine com- ---.-. be done. In four cases out of five rect main unknown. . mittee men who will receive contribu- I- eca2etrin ha orwic he ecos 'betters hav °e been*******'**a-"*" :**-,^',:,>*'."..*.I we can determine that for which the committE Letr aebe eceived from tions is the different parts of the ,,. '. > - :. ..::;':: >;y. ke s'"out..>:+::,x ,";4ut :.:..:.° . : Y h is best fitted and we may thuscmmt Governor Scott Bone, of Alaska, to county No attempts are being made .avoidthe mistake Of trying to make a the pam the effect that Alaska hopes to be at solicitation, all money bein volun- - -sh s a at-aa able to send in its quota very shortly tarily donated to the fund. The home -w turer,*i psychologist of a man meant by na- der prep innds afoe0tureto b anengieer and feels confident that the territory of the late president is to be preserved -*- Can "Read" Nature Quickly. Te wll make a very creditable showing as a shrine where many interesting -- su d ee*rrntn .ill ;. I.a°"Ne ;.. E . ;,:.v:o¢ .. ,,, "So sre do we feel of our groundi contain a upon the association lists. momentos of his life will be housed - n this connection that I am willing to The names of some of the most and will be open for exhibition. With-say I can detemine In three hours srs prominent and respected European the remaining m.oney it is planned to - whether a youth is fitted for the b- aboti families are also included in the list build a suitable memorial to his mem- eral arts or for the mechanical. Yes, Rege being compiled by the association. The ory, although nothing has been given - -Iam intgsrYds' association takes great pride in point- out as to the exact nature as yet. - -.- - -- will pay the tuition of the boy through of the D understand that if he is after the college if I am wrong, provided the suggeste - dtman who takes the other side will pay One of C"best proposition he can get" he will Gradually as the stories of the sim- Awe struck Sicilians peering fro It was at some of the small fishing for his other training, if he is wrongChapin, .have to look outside the circle ofpl Sicilian folk and the mute evi- rude shelters at the raging sky De- islands that the natives astonished by It is possible for the psychologist Motor C Conference schools for Et. dence of the dirigible Diximude's dead cember 21-22 saw In the sky "two the weight of their net found therein to prevent certain states of mind,president commander, Captain DeGrenada is balls of fire" that hung a moment and the body of the gallant young com- perhaps, but not often possible to make up GofdXD2 ersShS1ed pieced together a possible solution of then fell into the boiling sea. Other mander. The bodies of the other men control them. For instance, war and paring t the horrible disaster which buried 50 evidence gathered by investigators are thought to be emeshed in the mob hysterics, once they are aroused, This con RUF SSI N II'aolriges h d nthbleeeitranaobteedirhp euisruni.teshrOlgt-bttmoftewe.oooterode mnbeaiouhruhtnirnen;twe Cleelad Mn Rcomend- Rles'W eird Nicknames officers and men in a watery grave lead them to believe that the huge rigging of the ship which lies at the rways an that of prevention of influencing hu- et ft CCelev d enaenmme Men Recthobuemmdeeradan eRulesirhi me ise rinin heshap igh itto ththesa.lierhe bp egt'atoi reentonoo neuents huoftstfi to Control Eligibility of FairbanksAlaska, San5(By A Sicily and Sardinia is thought to have marth g rrm etwome Athletes .F hevogueks, A niskamein.-y As been reached by French naval author- ning that was present with the storm have been discovered by the naval and training. P.)-The vogue of ncknames inAlas- sthat fatal night. -authorities. "We must train our research men The a COOPERATION BETWEEN ALUMNI ka has almostill go about bearing them so that they may continue to help aid the AND AUTRORITIES NECESSARY Posthole Pete was debtor for his 1cient e h a in the s uture,awhereve Cooeration between alumni' n al ehdbenstdgin Moe or T RIP' E S ~ A ila sA eia science has in the past. Today it is the pre a designation to a legend that in MOnN possible to produce four times as $2,000 su CdsCollege much and to live twice as long as it came in cgllege authorities in restricting pro-I posts and told to go straight ahead, r - was 160 years ago. This is all due, the clas fessional tendencies in intercollegiate His employer, coming back some days L - aopt dap dGown. athletics andin keepig the sports on later to see how the digger was pro- LI CHl rtovsc-nce s___________no-_wllwiha vorth while?"d a sound amateur basis is urged in the gressing, found him some miles off, Drt sCne Is furerdeffot o whel th a ud last issue of t 3e Big Ten magazine behind him a row of holes leading As-the time approaches for seniors official colors of the insti ution con- Dr.Psychological is presid corporation, a profit w published monthly by the Big Ten straight across Montana. Success of Broadway Appearance Is to order their caps and gowns for fering the degree. less organization composed of 170 the alu club of Cleveland. Contained with the The Outlaw Swede was not a Widely Spoken of by this spring's Swing-out, it is inter- Th e statute was immediatelyNepassedIleaiayionomsed of d.0Hethsuh Newspapers.estingetosattuthewasiimmedofatelyrapassedyleading psychologists of the world. He through article is a set of rules that it recoin- desperado, but had a desperate ad- ewspapers. esting to note the origin of the prac- by Yale, Princeton, New York univer- Iwas the first man in the world to hold may b f mends to control the eligibility of ath- miration for such persons, reveling in ticanly nationally-used graduating- sity, the University of Pennsylvania, the professional title of psychologist. of the U letes. the exploits of Jesse James and the WESTERN TOUR 'WOULD MEAN I1uniforms. and since that time by hundreds of Of Recent Discovery. Article Defends Alumnus Younger brothers. - LONG JUfPS BETWEEN TOWNS Williams college was the first other universities and colleges. The "Before my appointment to the Althou In defense of the alumnus the ar- The Seventy Mile Kid was a star American institution to adopt the system is in a way, a code of signals Icha of psychology of the Unoersity 1897 by tlefrtstates thata gret del of psychologyfro ofithe, Uniiversitychs1o97t by tide first t sthat a great deal of ski jumper, from Chicago. He is in Perhaps no Union opera gained gown as an academic uniform. Its which show at a glance to the person of Pennsylvania in 1887, there were did not head oftthas been heaped upon the charge of Mount know more National such great prominence as did "Cotton adoption was made for multiple rea- who knows, the rank of the individual, no scientists called by this name. The alumni u dthcollege alumnus for his Park,and is said to knowabout,.sons, but chiefly because of the air of Colors Appropriate. only name they had used up to that meeting. supposed responsibility for the pres that peak than any other man. The Stockings, the eighteenth annual dignity. it lent to occasions on which The colors selected for the different time was that of philosopher," ex- was pre ent day tendency toward profession- Malamute Kid was a good dog mush- production which finished its: 26,000- it was worn. The idea was good, but degrees are appropriate and easily plained the new head of the assocla- municati alism in coll.ege athletics, and then er. The Step and a Half Kid limped mile holiday . trip last week. the models' were not all that sould be' remembered. The purple for Ia'tion. which le goe o eospurpett for law 'r tieGoigond asfaed orhwhi tsshcesII goes on to say that this lack .of res The Going Kid was famed for his Its success in that city has already desired - from the standpoint of ap- comes from the royal purple of kings' I It was much later that our corpor- as their ponsibility is perfectly natural. be- skill in driving a dog team. been -rumored throughout ,.the coun- pearance and practicability. courts;- the green for medicine Prom anon was formed, with the purpose Plans cause it is through money only that Characters of the northland recalled try, many articles having appeared in In 1894, however, the colleges (I- the stripe in the fr uge o a tin w syormgy wt t proe; Plans hefI n184hoee;tecleedetestieite army surgeon's uni-'of putting psychology on a profes- "commith he comes into contact with the sports by pioneers include Whiskey Dick, newpapers in all parts of the country cidedI to adopt some standard form of form and earlier from the color of slonal basis."were dro of his Alma Mater. Gambler's Ghost, Rampart Spider. .concerning the unusual reception academic robe, and a commission was medical herbs. Besides being head of the Associa- tion of w "His ideas of sport before and since King Oscar, Long Shorty, Jimmy the there. Other college operas, it is ret clee days hbave ,been acquired Bear, Carribou St. -Clair and Bull - app ointed to choose one. A yeari The degree of philosophy, is shown tion for Advancement of Science and woks fina college ported, have had to .give away the later,- the commission offered to the by blue, the color of truth and wis- of the psychological corporation, the ing of th through the medium- of the sporting Council. Some of the celebrated woo- bacn etIn teMtooia og balcony seats in the dletropolita colleges of the country a draft sug- dom; science is gold yellow and signi- distinguished scientist is editor of Nov. 13, oage of the daily paper, which is pro- men were Sweet Marie, the Dutch Kid.I opera house where the show appeared, gestion for a statute to be enacted by fies the wealth contributed by scin- "Science," the official organ of the self-per fessional in viewpoint, and the im- the Dawson Nightingale, and the but all seats for "Cotton Stockings; the institutions wishing to carry into tific discoveries. Pink was taken I-American association and of the list ofi presiont he hits latterly gained ofI Sweet Pea Girl. were sold far in advance of appear- effect the recommendations of the ree- from the pink brocade prescribed for "Scientific Monthly" and of "School Board o: sport from his university has beenance. oimmendations of the conference, the Oxford doctors of music; olive, and Society." 'sociation received n milin s of prices of temis- In Philadelphia, Buffalo; and Wash-' which were as fololws: allied to green, was selected by Phar- He is accepted as the pioneer in bers. M1 TOarPEN sOg It tIartw ltohtel ThreeTypesmacy, so closely related to medicine; the ranks of psychological research These thousand dollar coaches and worlds.played was also packed. These large Ap Twhile russet was taken by Forestry and is the first man to have made and Mr. championships." ay rRYThouses suggest that the opera hence- There were three types of gowns; as the symbol of the woods -in late intelligence tests in the -present ac- of the I The article then goes'on to say 1 E. Y'Eforth will not lack packed houses to first the bachelor's gown, with long, autumn. cept&tion of the term. s that these expenses may be necessary play to. pointed sleeves, to be worn in con The prospect of the coming dress of Chica "no proponent of amateurism wants to Many Western cities would also like junction with the Oxford cap, or mor- parade may not be pleasurable to SEEK TO PROTECT{rence4 go back to the days when the athlete Louisiana Sta Uy to have the opera during the holidays, tarboard of serge or broadcloth, dec- some. No one can condemn a fatRichard was comipeled to west home made Near Baton some having already asked for the orated with a cord or tassel to desig- balloon, or a slim girl to dress like a MIGRATORY BIRDS ids; Er uniforms however we do not believe RogeI show. A western trip would, necessi- nate the school; the mater's gown was baloon, or a slim girl to dress like a City;- R the $4 :seat tic tate long jumps between. cities and the to have a long sleeve, square at the 'stick of black sealing wax. Those, of New York, Jan 5.-(By A.P.)-Na- York Ci $10,000 coaches, nor ~ postseasoI Baton Rouge, La., Jan. 5-(By the isiko baksain longeo e orJn5-By ..-a-IYr i games makesthe determination ofBAssociated Press)The new Loisi- possibility of playing in some smaller end, which should come below the course, are individual problems. tional Legislation which would pro- orthis- games :make fo dtma io ana State University and Agricultural cities. It is believed that a southern knee; the doctor's attire was to be There are many who will sell their vide finances to carry out the pro treasure Adchampionship." and Mechanical college, designed to rip would be possible, howver. like a pulpit or judge's gown with commencement regalia as soon as the visions of a treaty entered into with ficio tree As Ato__._n__ag, sgetround open sleeves and was to be exercises are over, but there will be Greay n ere a o I is secre As to a solution of the problem it become one of the greatest educa- faced with velvet and have three bars Great Britain several years ago to in- says, "Realizing the impractibility of, tional institutions in the south, willmanyh oft he same material on the sleeves, anay s we old sure thesprotection of migratory birds It is t enforcing any rules upon alumni or be opened in the fall of 1924, accord- IIU- LThehoods which were to be worn with the probation slips the dang th ietivr ancad tgame which the fun alumni bodies, we come to the con- mg to plans of the building commit- with the master's or doctor's gowns, programs, and the memorable, letter States is sought by American sports- ential p elusion that the only feasible way in tee. The complete project cannot be with th e matr's gns, rograms, and the eable etrd tau' versity. which their actions can be controlled carried out at this time, however, be- were to be of like material and were received from the Dean inmen. where a is through the eligibility of athletes. cause of a shortage of funds. About A bill sponsored last February by lars ha They should be required to fill' out a $2,000,000 already has been expended. larquette, Mich., Jan. 4-One hun- ' .Senator Harry S. New, now post- At the p blank form before engaging in inter-! Ten buildings have been completed, dred thousand tourists who spent part MIsinisters Requestai rn fll IfT f master general, providing for the issu- 000 has collegiate athletics showing that they and under construction are two ad- of last summer in the Upper Penin-- q rblic- FIN I IIOPTIMISTICl ance of government licenses at $1 the rem are amateurs and the source of their ministration buildings, the George sula left hundreds of thousands of Publc's CriticZsm: each for the privilege of hunting mi- One s funds. , Peabody hall with the teacher's col- dollars with hotels, business and nIgratory game birds, which was de- imImedia The following rules, it continues Ilege, and four buildings for the ag- amusement places, according to re- Chicago, Jan. 5-(By A.P.)-An in- O oUSINESS OUTLOOK feated in the House by a small margin by the I would control the college athletic sit-'ricultural department. ports compiled by the Upper Penin- vestigation recently conducted by stu- after passing the Senate by a large It is tI uation: Nothing should be given an Laying of the drainage system on sua Development Bureau which notes dents of the Chicago Theological sem- majority, is to be presented in this Club," athlete because of his athletic ability the athletic field is under way and the rapid increase of the tourist trade nary has brought forth what the' Financial reviews and predctions Congress by Representative Daniel agree no payments of athletes for manual construction of concrete stands will in this section. The estimate is 40,- prospective ministers believe .to be a made public during the past two days Anthony of Kansas. a sua or mental services more than would begin February 1. The initial con- 000 greater than in 1922, when it was true idea of the opinion held of them all indicate an optimistic trend in the Approximately half of the proceeds oue pe be brqught in the open market, no struction will provide for the ac- estimated 60,000 persons came to the They learned, among other things business of the country. Ban'rs, f the licenses, under the provisions calculat schllarship should .be given an ath- commodation of 12,000, and it is plan- Peninsula for their summer holidays. bill, will be used for the pur- $50,000 lete merely because he is an athlete ned to build temporary stands to ac- Peinla s ys that ministers are ignorant, hypocife- newspapers and business savice of areas suitable for bird ref- annuall an athlete should not occupy a poit- commodate' an additional 8,000. The increase isregarded as espec- ical, priggish, dry, soured on life, u s almost unanimousy uie n uges, and the remainder expended for I o sl ni e i saff r nt e rop r ca e a d ric-A u ical position while attending school Th.e new university is two milesa number - of visitors to resorts in tme lady."lTke, andlainge in a-sestofh sayingtheosyt year as bon r -mor."' They interviewed men in ho- Bradstreet's says the year has been tion. TeF either state or municipal, for which f south of Baton Rouge and occupies north country was about 70. The tel lobbies, grocery stores, garages, a record one for radio. The National R.P. Holland, vice president of the logugue he is paid a sum of money out-ofpro-a tract of 2,000 acres on a plateau growth of the tourist industry has -offices, and on the campus of the Uni- City bank of Chicago points to in- portion to the amount of work done about thirty feet above the normal been reflected in the opening of scores verity Of -Chicago,1 American Game Protective Associa- non-gra -American Game ProtectifimAssfnra-haon-gr ements are now being n the Alumni fund of the 1 nore fully to the attentioi s and a booklet which the time and foundations is now being prepared. neeting of the Board of )f the Alumni associatioi e was selected to pre phlet which will be maile ni along with the booklet aration by Dr. F. E. Robl- to the President.obn totePeiet. mphet of Dr. Robbins dl the bequests from diffei o the University. It is tho will be ready within a s1 nt Stone Suggested Idea - Ralph Stone, '96L, presi )etroit Trust Company, : d the Michigan Alumni f the trustees, with Ro3 '01, president of the Hud ar company and first . of the Alumni associat the committee that is : e booklet for the associat imittee wil also consider d means to further the in he fund. Working with t is Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, the Alumni association. Im of the Alumni fund i University whenever help is most needed ent time'thiere ha been ibseribed to the fund. ' the form of donations .f ses of 1916 and 1919, al onation of $500 from Cha 5L, of Kansas City, truste I. The fund, it. is belie strengthen the influenc nni and furnish a chai which the influence of alu eit more effecitvely in the niversity. Stated in 1916 gh suggested as far bach Mr. Stone, the proposed I come definitely- before Intl June 1916 at the an At that time the prc sented concretely in a 6 on from the class of ft a donation to start the I class memorial., were further drawn up 1 ee appointed at that time, )pped because of the dec var. In 1919-20 a constitu ly adopted snd the first m ie Board of Trustees was 1920. The board, whic )etuating and elected fro nominees furnished by f Directors of the Alumn 1, is composed of nine n are, besides Regent S Baird. Prof. V. H. Lane, Law school, president of William D. McKenzie, go; vice-president Hon. I Maxwel, '74, of CiRcini R. Smith, '92M, of Grand : nest B. Perry, 'E, of olla L. Bigelow, 'OE, of ty; and Bertha W. Adams city. Robert A. Cam r of the University, is e asurer of the fund. Mr. S tary. Yale Has Similar Fund he hope of those in charge d will come to hold an i osition in affairs of the This is the case at - total of over flve million s been bequeathed the : resent time more than $2 been given the University ainder will be used as ne uggestion that has met ite approval is one adva New York Alumni associ he proposed "One Perce: with the idea that men leave the University, thr ble "provision in their r cent of their estate. ed that between $30,000 would be added' to the y if this plan were follow uni Catalogue Ready So ate edition of the Alumni , containing all the gradi duates, and faculty me .-wres ngi y eer Lmes or Le r- when compared to work in private water level of the Mississippi river. of new resorts and the building of -r'a i 1Wt, o n, ecares tat conservation x- of the-1 The tract has an abundance of mag- manv nw hostelries and business Among other answers was that of a mer recently and expresses the opin- perts are united in the belief that the pre University up until 1922 - ss where it was delave