THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - . - . A ________________________________________________________________________ E. THIt' COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERT ISING LOST THREE room furnished apartment for h,,,~teckrpviy 1007 Mnj. t' LVi titl44 S. CkS:GCjllil, j. ..: t .......... .. . .. ... .. _ . .. . uV ( Mur e. JAN.2 on Interurban between Detroit: Single room also. and Ann Arbor, gold wrist watch, octagon shape, monogram F. iM. S. GARAGE, 912 Monroe. on back. Reward. ONE excellent upstairs suite and one, PARKER pen in Ec. library, Friday large room downstairs. 422 Ham- forenoon. Finder please call Smith ilton Place, Phone 2121-J.I 2507-J after 8 p. mi. FURNISHED apartment for the win- MONOGRAMMED Hamilton watch on i ter, four rooms and bath, first floor. Ferry Field. Phone 3094. 905 Forest Ave. Phone 846-J. WRIST WATCH on either Oakland, VERY desireable room for girl one Arbor, Packard, Benjamin, or Mary block from campus. Call Mrs. Gor- street. Finder phone- 2138-W. Re man. 2482-M. MISCELLANEOUS THE PLACE TO BUY TOILET PAPER BRUSHES BROOMS MOPS BASKETS DISHES GLASSWARE WAITER'S COATS WAITER'S APRONS is at THE HOME SUP'LY STORE 209-11 E. Washington St. BIRD SUPPLIES FULL line of bird seed. Haller's Health Food, Song Restorer, Lice powder.All clean fresh goods. HARRIS SEED STORE' Cor. Washington and 5th Ave. TUTORING in French and Spanish. Reasonable rates. Call R. Simons, 2121-J. between 6 and 7:30 p. m.' 12 Ft. set Coasting bobs, new last sea- son. Reasonable. Eckert 1682. E FLAT Alto saxophone and case. Practically new. Call 2633-W. or 1704 Geddes Ave. COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL IIAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSISa ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE Hours: 1 to 224 Nickel's Arcade 4:30 P. M. (2nd Floor) , WANTED GARAGE nera corner of Hill and Forest. Call Davis 1460. A SENIOR or Junior to act as house manager for an upper classmen house, and thus earn his room. Phone 1602-J, 643 Oakland. STUDENT directory for 1923-24. See Favrot at Michigan Daily office be-. tween 3 and 4 o'clock Monday. CHINESE RUGS .. Thorough examination and prompt service. We use no drug drops to make examinations. Carry a complete line of high g lenses and all style frames and mountings. Prices reasonable an( work guaranteed. ... Wickens Optical C. S. WICKENS, Opt. D. USED CARS. E ssI 1 i /( I ssI 1 i HAVE just received twenty-two small Chinese Rugs by :parcel post from Pekin. ONLY ONE QUALITY, THE BEST. Mrs. H. B. Merrick, S18 Church st. Phone 32124-MVi At Arnold State Street Jewelery Store 302 State St., Ann A i' r; ! S 111;1.3., X1 **Ufl * t -1U. 1919 Chevrolet touring, $150; good ±_ running condition. IFURNITURE 1921 Stearns 4 pass. Touring, has had low milage, mechanically 0. K. THE SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE 1921 4-Nash touring, refinished, A-1 REPAIRING CO. mechanically 305 Third St. C. Link, Phone 3399-J. 1919 .Oldsmobile 6-touring, refinished. good running condition.BOARD ANN ARBOR NASH CO. BEST BOARD at moderate cost. A. C. Marquardt. Tables for girls. 611 Church St. 311Maynard, phone 1927. I;A inNG ward. -_ BEAUTY SHOP For Special Beauty Work' IDEAL small apartment for student couple. Completely equiped, half block from campus. Phone Mr. Mast, 129-R or call E. Williams i I ARCADIA BEAUTY PARLOR evenings. 21 Wuerth Arcade Phone 1733-R. -"__________________ ____W__rhAr___d__Phn___7__-_. TAKE advantage of the peppy wea- TYPWItRITER REPAIING ther, get out in the open. Call - !1069-J. for a car. ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and - Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING ing machine, Line-a-Time copy I Exclusive collegiate styles for holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, young women. Needlework of all cushion keys, type cleaners and stp- ing.women edlworkm ofs all plie. Mahine rened.kinds. Experienced workmanship. plies. Machines rented.w 4 MRS. R. T. REAM ANN ARBOR TYPEW RITERHNEPhe86,dwtn 411 Thompson. Phone '2768-Wt. bA. 8 '- p FOR RENT1 IARGE double room, will rent for one or two, very reasonable, 425 S. Div- ision. Phone 1565. j) '. 1 STANDARD and portable typewriters. Good machines. S. A. Moran, Room 2, 711 N. Univ. FRATERNITY OR SORORITY We have a large unfurnished house suitable for a Fraternity or Sorority, for rent: will accomodate thirty per- sons. Possession at end of first semt-1 ester. Owner will lease property for one semester or for a longer period. Call Mr. Newton, with CHAS. L. BROOKS E 215 Frist Nat'l Bang Bldg. Phone 315 Evenings 2064-J. .REAL ESTATE NEW FIVE room bungalow in one of Sthe fastest growing sections of tht city. Oak floor and finish in liv- ing room and dining room with fire, place. Ivory enamel finish in kitchen, bath, and bedroom, large basement, cement floor, front room coal bin. Can be had with a small down payment and easy monthly payments. Call owner 3385. MUSICAL E. NORMANTON Bilbie (of the De-M troit Conservatory of Music), Teach- er of violin, piano, harmony. Studio, 307 N. Main. Phone 611-M. CARDS and STATIONERY LOCKSMITH ALL kinds of trunk and door keys. Fitting keys and openning locks a specialty. Dell Keeler, 1136 W. Huron. Phone 2498. FOUNTAIN PENS FOUNTAIN PENS & PENCILS Clearance sale on Eversharp, .also broken lines of well known mechan- ical pencils and fountain pens. TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing promptly and neatly done. 'l heses, student notes and college work a specialty for fifteen years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The Typewriter & Stationery Store. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade.I FOR SALE FULL blooded Airdale dogs, Fred Kleimschmidt, Saline. Phone 197 Ring 2-2. GOOD bargains in typewriters-both standard and. portable machines. Room 2, 711 N. Univ. Ave. CHEAP practically new Corona type- writer and Spencer camera, Lucida. Call at 722 Packard, evenings. $25 CAMERA cheap. Phone 1805-R. 1922 FORD $125, fine tires, bampers, cutout etc. Starter and demount- able rims. Must sell. 341 E. Jeff- erson, 938-J. L........ .......... ."............r.............................p...N. DANCING at the PACKA Tuesdays and Thursdays Kennedy's Orchestra 8-10 65ca . . ... ... A Best Board-Moderate Cost VARSITY LODGE DINING HALL k-RI DRESSMAKING FIRST class dressmaking. nard St. Phone 1198-W. GOOD QUALITY Mah-Jongg at a 332 My-ay price. Mrs. H. B. Merrick, Church, new phone, 3124-M. f Tables for Girls 611 CHURCH fair 818 r r B I I;D Ia ct a it 1 / THE I SUITE rooms with sleeping porch for, light housekeeping. Near campus. Phone 1029-J, 1207 Willard st. (a 4 CORRESPONDENCE STATIONERY One-half off on Gift Box papers. Boxes slightly soiled. Contents clean and in first-class condition. O. D. MORRILL 17Nickels Arcade ) STETSON C I -- ----- ..._......r..,...,,... TELEPHONE MANAGER Will Help SolveTour Ann Arbor Dairy Ice Cream Hats Stetson hats have that crispness of line which is so truly the hallmark of the smart hat. They are distinctly- ,. Y n 111JOY"- e r v c Serve it today- i U P G ll L4), F 4 ,3R f+,lt STYLED FOR YOUNG M E9 I1 U II iii r r A1 M V An Invitation to Visit Our New Ice Cream Plant V We know you will appre- ciate the spotless cleanli- ness of our plant and our untiring efforts to promote The first time you try it you will be surprised with its rich quality and delicious taste. You will prefer it to any other you have tasted. For months we have been pre- paring to manufacture this new product of ours. We have done so in response to a demand from the residents for the best product obtainable. We urge you to try this new cream. Serve it today for din- ner. Just call us early, we'll get it there for you. We cordially invite you to come and inspect our new and mod- ern equipment for the manu- facture of ice cream, and see ice cream in the making. e # zzy. We are quite sure that you will be inter- ested in the many proces- ses involved in the manu- facture of this delicacy. Thos. K. Burt, )Mgr. pfd rsi a? l ~IA iS Id THE NINETY-FOUR Someone, probably an insurance agent, was quoted. recently as saying that from the mass of ;one hundred college graduates one individual only rose to the Polo and butler class, peril ously near the top of the financial lad- der. Five others became comfortably off and found themselves after twenty years at the small yacht and chauffeur stage. The other ninety-four presum- ably congregate in the great section of the American people who drive their owen Buicks to thc golf club. In other words, dreaming about*being a rich man is one thing, and making the grade is "something else again." Yet the ninety-four presumably work just as hard as the sumptuous six. Their business is the axis on which a small and uninteresting world revolves. They have become devotees of the dollar and when that fickle deity deserts, have nowhere else to turn: Jammed in a dull, straight rut of business they can never leave the road and jump the fence into finer fields of life. This, then, is the portion of ninety-four men out of every hundred now on the campus. The answer to the problem lies in the proper choice of a career. Choice o a Career From the Yale News . ; i f I r * J " T _:' Wf/ ( b* i i R' . 3 *, ' a _.. The Telephone Manager holds his position because he is expert in every branch of the telephone business. He passed through years of experience before he became He is therefore, able to un- derstand and help solve any telephone problem you may have. In his organization are men and women who are at your service. Consult them freely. Take your telephone problems to them. They will be glad to be of manager. I F- It's a treat that's hard to beat i service to yoU. Telephone 423 ANN ARBOR DAIRY CO. Between now and Commencement we shall have something to offer on the subject of "Careers." Watch for the space with the Famous Signature. LIF=E INSURANCE COMPAaY OF BOSTON. MASSACUSETTS Sixty-one years in business. Now insuring One Billion Seven Hundred Million dollars in policies on 3,250,000 lives. 4 THE HOME OF PURE DAIRY PRODUCTS M ICHIGAN STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY A t a X-O1- L Woma" /0. Michi 6im-im I