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January 06, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-06

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Sophomores who wish to try outI
for assistant manager in minor
sports WVill please report at the
Varsity hockey room at the Col-

Coach Barss To Cut Squad Tomorrow; iseum at 7'o'clock any night this
Newcomers Appear week.
Capable R. V. RICE,
After tomorrow night's practice TO
Coach Jae Barss will make the first
cut in the hockey squad, reducing the1
list of candidates to 15 or 16. At
present over 25 men comprise the'
The cold snap Friday night put ______
the ice at the Coliseum into good Fortal lea for Cadidtes 1abe
shape for practice yesterday after- CraPe by Fandllates
noon, and the Coach sent his men Gatheiring'
through a fast drill. The puck-chas-
era went through a stiff scrimage
session, and finished up the day's RETURNOF VETERAN AIDS
work with work on passing and team- ITITLE ,PROSPCTS OF TEAM
worik. With the Notre Dame battle so
close .at hand, the Michigan squad Most of the Varsity track candidates
wi; have little time to get into trim aore now working out daily in Wat-
nd Coach Barss is making every erman gymnasium amai aiter a rapid
minute .contribute to the shaping up. survey of -the material with which
of hIs sextet. Tem play is ragged
at present, but this Is' only natural rsityTrack Coach Steven J Far-
at :to thecbutahthish'-';nle rare rell has from which to mould his
sue to the fact that ,the athletes Ar aggregation, prospects for another
ir themsts part Jus eginntngs to championship team appear optimistic.
find themselves. When Ins" proteges No o 'ial 'call -has been ;issued as
get into the swing of '-things, the Net cl cwll issueda
Coac plns o dvotemuc oftheyet .but Steve will issue the formal
-Cachi plans to 'devote much of -the
practice session to work in this de- plea at the track pep meeting which
parmen ofpla. robblyThus-is to be held a week from Tuesday
darmnt of lay. Probably Thurs- at 7:30 o'clock in thekNatural Science
day nda Friday will find the men drill- auditorium. All men who are interest-
ig on formation, passing, checking, ed in the thin clad sport are re-
ind the other more intricate details quested to be present at this meeting
of -the game. For the present, how- as Steve has some important an-
ever, the Coach is contented to have nouncements to make. The Confer-
the men spend their time on funda- ence eligibility rules will also be ex-
M eil f h sa plained.
Material for the squad is fairly Prospects for getting in the new
plntiful. Besides the letter men, Yost field house before Feb. 1 are not
several new candidates have reported so bright as the new track is still far
who are excellent prospects. Among from being in a usable condition. lThe
these is "Pep" Reynolds, a .boy from srm be sable ondin n
the ppe Peinsla, her hokeysame may be said of the jumping and
the ppe Peinsla, her hokeyvaulting pits.
isthe ostld ppular ofall sport Steve has three star dash men in
who should give the veteran Hender- Wtitman, Goldwater and Higgins, the
son considerable competition for the formar hGoldwatrandHginrh
center berth. Reynolds is exception- former having travelled the century
ally fast on his skates, and this fact in 9 4-5 on more than one occasion.
together with his abilty in handli g In the hurdles Steve has Hubbard, one
the puck should make him valuable of the best timber toppers in the
in another capacity if he is unable Conference. Aubrey, Hulse, and Sl-
to displace Henderson. Todd, a wing, red. One of Steve's most difficult pro-
is showing ability and will make a blems will be to plug up the hole in
good understudy for Anderson and the quarter mile department left by
Beresford, last year's wings. An- the graduation of Martin, Joyner and
ther newcomer, Piggot, has the mak- Siemons. Freyburg from last year's
ings of a strong defense player. Geo- Feinsinger a sophomore sprinter we
rge Weitzel, who was second-string Will undoubtedly be worked in the:440
goal tender appears to have the edge this season.
on his competitors for the position. The half mile department is well
He has been doing good work in prac- fortified with three "M" men in Cap-
tice, and with a little polishing, he tain Hattendorf,. Reinke and Roess-
should develop into a capable safety er. Fingerle comes up from last year's'
man. Shannon has also been working yearling team. Bowen, Arndt, Mike
out at goal. Ray Comb, brother of Reinke, Davis, Shenefield, Griffen and
Walt Comb, last year's brilliant goal Hicks will fight it out for the mile and
tender, has been playing wing in prac- two mile berths.
tice, but Coach Barss plans to give Brooker is back in the pole vault1
him a chance to. show his wares at but Prosser, star vaulter on last year's
his brother's old-station in the near championship team, is not in school.
future. Brooker is one of the best vaulters1
Reports from Notre Dame indicate in the country and will undoubedtly
that the Catholics are represented garner many points for the Maize
with a strong team. When Paul Cast-_
ner graduated, the Irish lost the
greatest hockey star in their history,
but Castner is coaching this year's
aggregation, so he is still a menace
to Notre Dame's opponents on the
rink. Furthermore, LaBell is report-
ed to be one of the best centers inl
university hockey circles. Next Sat-
urday's invaders are certain to have
a powerful sextet, and Coach Barss
is exerting every' effort to have his]
men In readiness for a hard tussle.
The standard time for the Olympic
games in the 200 meter dash was made
by Archie Hahn, former Michigan
flash, and until his advent ,at Prince-
ton in the capacity of assistant track
and Varsity trainer, coach of the
Freshman track team at Michigan.
Archie's time for the event is 0:21 3. CA
Practice for the entire squad /and:
will be held at 4 o'clock tomor-
row afternoon in the Yost -field

\1 Coach.
All sophomores desiring to try
Iout for assistant track managers
are asked to report to the Wat- I
erman gym any afternoon this
week.ARTHUR . GRAVES, 711N. University
Track Manager.

Donie Bush, former shortstop star'
of the Tigers and last year manager!
of the Washington Senators, has signed
to manage the Indianapolis American
association team. And the world is
still in ignorance of Griffith's reasons
for letting Bush go (after the little in-
fielder had whipped the team into .a
combative winning outfit.
* * *
j Tommy Gibbons says he would like.
I to get a crack at Lis Firpo "to show
i the world that lie is not as great a
fighter as he thinks he is." We ad-
mire.Tom's courage but not his judg.
ment. Gibbons will do well to stick
to American and French heavies for.
a time.
* * *
Frank Frisch, a school boy 'flash"
-at Fordham college a couple of years
ago, will be captain and field boss of
the New York Giants when the Na-
tional league champions start the 19-
24 campaign. Which states in a few
simple words just what John McGraw
master strategist thinks of Frisch.
John, however, made his views plain-
er by including' a fat raise for -next
season with the notification to Frisch
that he would be captain.
Wladlek Zybyszko, famous wrestler
has asked the court at Riddleford.
Me., for a divorce from his 'wife. And
lie says he wants to be free because
she is cruel and brutal to him. Aw.E
the poor dear boy!
* * *
The year 1923, in college circles,
can be put down as a "Yale" year.
For the New Haven institution stepped
out into the sport world with a ven-
geance the past twelve months. The
Bulldog has licked Princeton and
Harvard in all four branches of ma-
jor sports-track, crew, baseball and
football. * *
Not being content with these vic-
tories Yale grabbed the intercollegi-
ate championship in basketball, swim-
ming and polo. And the Yale hockey
team ranked with the best in the'
* * *
Going further into the records one
finds that the Yale tennis and boxing
teams went through their seasons
without a defeat and the la crosse'
fencing, water polo, golf and gym
teams had big years.
* * *
Jack Taylor colored Missouri heavy-
weight, gawe Battling -Siki a ten-round
lacing the other night in Philadel-
p0ia. The Senegalese one from Par-
is must have trained on the wrong
kind of Linament.
* * *
It is generally accepted as settled
that Knut Rockne, whose ,great grid
teams at Notre Dame have made him
the most talked of coach in the game
today, will coach the Princeton eleven
two years hence.
(Continued on Page Eight)

George Sisler, from' reliable re-
ports has not recovered sufficiently
from the eye trouble that had him
in the stands all last season, to play
first base for the Brown next year.
The "Sizzler" wants to do something
more than manage his club from the
bench and it has been hinted recently
that he might take a shot at pitching.
He was pitching for the University.
of Michigan when he first began toI
attract attention, and it was only be-
cause his stick was too valuable for
occasional use that experiments were
tried which brought out his versatil-
The Babe, you remember, also start-
ed as a pitcher.
Jf Sisler does get into the game
next season as a pitcher he will not
be the only star player who may be
in a trick position in the lineup.
,Jack Ryan Holds
Football Classes .
Coach Jack Ryan, football mentor
of the University of Wisconsin, has in-
stituted a weekly conference and class
for contenders for the 1924 Badger
Football tactics are discussed at the
conference, fundamental plays gone
over, and other basic problems con-
sidered.dThe Badger coach has urg-
ed all men students eligible to the
team to attend the classes, which will
continue throughout the winter until
spring football opens up.
The innovation is a scheme for giv-
ing newcomers on the squad an oppor-
tunity to get into varsity tactics with-
out devoting a great deal of attention
to them at the spring workout.
Freshman Court
Men Show Form,

o'clock, Nu Sigma Nu vs. Zeta Betaj
Tau, Sigma Nu vs. Phi Kappa Tam,I
. Phi Rho Sigma vs. Zeta Psi.
Wednesday's schedule is as follows:'
7 o'clock. Phi Delta Cii vs. Phi Delta
Theta, Alpha Chi Sigma vs. Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Sigma club vs. Phi
What is- considered to be the most Gamma Delta, 7:45 o'clock, Alpha Sig-
popular event sponsored by the Intra- ma vs. Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Delta
mural department, the annual basket- Kappa vs. 'hi Mu Alpha, Alpha Kap-
ball tournament for the fraternity, pa Kappa vs. Phi Delta Epsilon,
8:30 o'clock, Tau Epsilon Phi vs. PSI
class, independent, society, and fresh- Omega, Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Beta
men sectional group teams, will get Delta, Theta Chi vs. Psi Upsilon,
underway to a fast start at 7 o'clock 9:15 o'clock, Beta Phi Delta vs. Phi
tomorrow night, at Waterman gym- Epsilon Pi, Tau Delta Phi vs. Phi
nasium when 24 fraternity teams will Sigma Delta, Chi Psi vs. Peers.
go into action for the two cups be- Thursday evening will find the fol-
ing offered to these groups by the lowing scheduled to play: 7 o'clock,
Intramural department. Chi Phi vs. Richard Club, Acacia vs.
Speculation over the outcome isH . Ao v
rife as usual, but there are only a few ermitage, Alpha 4ho Clhi vs. Phi
organizations who are predicting a a Sigma Alpha Mu, Alpha Delta Phi
very successful season, as most of theIvs.hSigma aphaA Deltapl
,top nothersof last year have lost . v Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta Upsilon
some of their stars. Little idea on vs. Sigma Cii, 8.30 o clock, Alpha
the outcome will- be possible until the Chi Rho vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta
championship of the twelve leagues is Clii vs. Phi Chi, Alpha Tau Omega
decided. vs. Zeta Beta Tau, 9:15 o'clock, Nu
Sigma Nu vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Following is the schedule for to-
Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Zeta Psi, Sigma
morrow night, 7 o'clock, Acacia vs. Nu vs. Delta Tau Delta.
Chi Phi, Alpha -Rho Chi vs. Cygnus, Failure to appear at Waterman
Alpha -Delta Psi vs. Delta Upsilon, gFasum t en minutes after thie
7:45 o'clock, Alpha Chii Rho vs. Del- gmaimtnmntsatrtetm
ta: Chi, Alpha Ta Omega vs. Delta designated with a full team automat-
tiga Ci, AlphaTSigmahi vs. Delta ically means forfeiture of the game.
Sigma Pi, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Delta
Tau Delta, 8:30 o'clock, Alpha Chi
Sigma vs. Delta. Tau Upsilon, Alpha Although enough referees have
Sigma vs. Delta Alpha Epsilon, Al- been secured to handle the Intramural
pha Kappa Kappa vs. Delta Sigma basketball games for the present sea-
Phi, 9:15 o'clock,, Beta Theta Pi. vs. son a few more can be used with
Delta Sigma Delta, Beta Phi Delta vs. i ease and the manager in charge of
Delta Theta Phi, Chii Psi vs. Delta the tournament will give any student
Kappa Epsilon. work in this line fora the next fivej
The schedule for Tuesday is as fol- or six weeks if he has the ability to
lows: o'clock, Hermitage vs. Pi Kap-j handle the gaies satisfactorily.
pa Alpha, Richard Club vs. Trigon, i
Kappa Sigma vs. Phi Kappa SigmaI Freshmen sectional group basket-
7 :45 o'clock, -Sigma Alpha Mu vs. ball teams will be allowed to practice
Theta Xi, Sigma Chi vs. Phi Sigma any night from 6 to 7 o'clock by se-
Kappa, Theta Delta Chi vs. Kappa Nu, curing permission from the Intra-,
8:30 o'clock, Sigma Phi vs. Lambda mural department, provided they are
Chi, Alpha, Phi Chi vs. Xi Psi Phi, not scheduled for that time which
Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Pi, 9:15 I automatically gives permission. This

same period likewise will be given
over to practice for the class, inde-
pendent, society and chutch teams.
The managers of these organizations
must secure permission first, how-
The schedule for the freshmen sec-
tional group basketball teams for
the present week is as follows: 6
o'clock, tomorrow night, group 1,
6:30 o'clock, group 2, 6 o'clock,
Tuesday night, group 3, 6:30 o'clock,
group 4, 6 o'clock, Wednesday night,
group 5, 6:30 o'clock, group 6, 6
o'clock Thursday night, group 7, 6:30
l o'clock, group 8, 6 o'clock, Friday
night, group 9, 6:30 o'clock group 10.
Entries for the all-campus hand-
ball tournaments, singles and doubles,
are coming fast and the curtain for
the opening round will soon rise.
The deadline for entries will be an-
nounced within the next few days.
Entries are being taken for the an-
nual handball tournaments, singles
and doubles, and as soon as the re-
quired number is secured the draw-
ings will be made and the schedules
announced. Individual cups will be
given to the winners of the singles
and the doubles. Entrance should be
made at once so the tournament can
be completed before the end of the
Owing to the demands of the stu-
dents on the campus the annual all-
campus swimming meet will be held
;.this year before the end of the first
semester. The meet will be held un-
der the same conditions as the other
all-campus events, numerals and
'sweaters being awarded to those who
secure at least fi-ve points and a shirt
to those who secure three. markers.
Entrance should be made at once
in order to enable the department to
arrange for practice sessions at the
"Y" pool. Upon the entrance sheet
(Continued on Page Eight)

_ ,

Twenty five yearlings remain on
Coach Ray Fisher's Freshman bas-
ketball squad which will start prac-
ticing in the new Yost field house
on Monday afternoon.
At present the squad is working out
in two groups, which practice on dif-
ferent days. A final cut in the squad
will be made probably this week, with
five or ten men receiving the axe.
The squad this season has shown a
wealth of material and several men
should prove of Varsity calibre next
season. Harrigan looks like the class
of the centers, although he is being
hard pressed. Schrumf, Chambers,
Weiss and Baer are capable forwards.
A large array of former high and prep
stars are fighting for the guard berths.


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Ted Meredith former Olympic at
lete, holds the world's and Olymp
marks for the 800 meter run. H
time is listed as 1:51 4-5.
It's true efficiency to use Da

.... .



' carry a complete line of--



A complete line ranging
from forty to seventy-five
dollars. Topped by the
finest jacket money can
buy, made by HICKEY-

for Ti/en Jince 1&4&

Next to Arcade


X li IM 3 1

, . ."





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