___THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Week's News In Brief ~- year, the largest in the history of the Hawazi Governor S * * * I n Fourth Year In his New Year's speech Presideni Of Placid Tern Millerand of France said: "we canPl now welcome the dawn of reconcilia- tion, and establish peace." Chancellor . ___ Marx said to the Rhinelanders: "The Reich government will do everything in its power to realize peace." , i E JNews From Other Colleges Read The Daily "Classified" Colum: 0. S. --Speedball has been placed This action is part of an organ'zed on the el-,ctive program of the physi- effort to raise the standard of inter- cal education department and sems collegiate athletics. xestined to become 'an exceedingly popular snort. It was borrowedfrom Albert L Ocwoo thae Unvei-sity of Michigzl an e itriL c w o ; Taming those p q p ft '. , i '1 i i (Continued from Page One)dc The senate continued in deadlgckj over the appointment of a chairman of the inter-state commerce commit- tee. It plans to shelve the question for a while and let the committee function without a chairman. Administration officials plan to abandon their request for an appro- priation with which to build a rum navy, and to urge the use of regular navy cruisers instead. This would re- sult in a saving of $20,000,000. It was announced that 40,000 of the 140,000 French soldiers in the RuhrE would be withdrawn during January in pursuance of the new French poli- cy of "invisible occupation". Herr Reichberg, German industrial- ist, proposed that France receive e share in certain German industries tc the extent of 25,000,000,000 gold marks in lieu of reparations. The proposi- firm isunffl bi. but renresents the I * * * I UU11 1:5 S1fl .'j u1, UU 1 pAfi-UNU U3 *U W Exacty 3,891 persons shook hands' sentiment of a large group of Ger- with President Coolidge on New Years man industrialists. day at the annual reception held in the* white house. The ordeal lasted four England is still in doubt as to the hours, ultimate hands into which the govern- '; was originated and developed. Wis-onsin--The composer of the best original fox trot for the prom I will receive a prize of $50. A com- I nuittee of musicians and musical cri- ties will judge the entries. Words and music must be submitted together but need not have been written by the same person. The winning song will, be introduced at the dance in a novel way with any special effects desired by its author. Illinois-A surplus of $5,407 was realized in the first six months of the Illinois Union's fiscal year. The total income for this period was $51,731 and expenses and reserves for special funds $46,324. Princeton-.y a vote of 191 to 133 the seniors ousted the present stu- dent council which is the governing body of undergraduates. Among the reasons for this drastic action was a widespread complaint against the abolition of certain freshman customs. 11tsbu-rgh-When completed the new stadium will be an exact replicaE of the great Coliseum at Rome. It will be the largest in thea wrld, seat- ing 90,000 people, 60,000 and the firstf level and 30,000 on the second. Oregon-addition of 17 credits as requirement for graduation was the, Recital On Bach' Albert Lockwood, h ca of the piano- forte dopartment of the 3ciiool of MNusic, will be heard in a Bach lecture-' recital at 3:15 o'clock Wednesdlay at Martha Cook building, at the January, program of Matinee Musicale Student league.. Elaclh member of the Student league is privileged to invite one guest to the recital. Others may hear the re- cital by paying a small admission fee. -.------------- AID OF SENTW SLITEI) TO MEET ('URIEINI' pIt(oilmS Co-operative meetings sponsored by the League for Industrial .Democracy! are being held at various intrvals 1 E New York city in order to interest and solicit the aid of the college stu- dents of the United States in facing and alleviating the problems of the present day. he speakers which are; presiding over the meeting are from ! the various colleges of the country. The titles that have been announced. for the meetings in the future have anE extensive range. "The Collegian-Fac- 1 ing the Present Crisis," and "The Church and Labor" are examples of the subjects the lectures deal with. it 1Ii 1 'fi'n iVo . r° ' - I 1F1 - ' 1 '1 . s ."It. il~ I1 1 ! .;: t f' H AVE a clean, cool shave- quick! You need more than lather and a sharp razor. The keenest blade grows dull and pulls unless you use a supple, pliable shaving brush whose bristles have just the correct degree ofstiffness to massage your beard. 3 shaving brush comforts You will find a Rubberset Brush has 3 important comforts, Your beard, however tough, softens easily, as Rubberset's fine, full bristles whip up a quick, gen- erous lather... one that goes to the roots of each hair, holds it firmly erect, easy to cut. Rubbing in the lather with your fingers becomes unnecessary. Rubberset bristles are gripped everlastingly in hard rubber. They can't come out and nix with the lather. Each Rubberset Brush is guar- anteed-unconditionally. The bristles stayin. It makes good or we do. Get yours today at any store on the campus. Made by Rubberset Company, Newark, N.J., U. S.A. blooming whiskers Je W Jr I nnf grill fnll lYnn ctnnnntinn X1700 clv_ i * * mLeat wits tali. onsternatiun was ex "It is an interesting time to be in pressed over a possible social regi- E:nrope, for this is a very critical tper- me. iod in the affairs of the world," said ci- new ambassador Kellogg upon England sent notes to Poland, Jugo- landing in Great Britain. Many agree Slavia, and Roumania to inquire intc with him. The British press received the security of her war loans, aggre- him favorably, being particularly im- gating 50,000,000 pounds, to these pressed with his physical vigor. Acountries. France's recent loans tcj * * * [the three countries worry her. The government held an auction ofj * * * 18 boats recently captured from rum The "young communists" of Russia! runners. They were all sold back tc through their leaders, demanded the persons who freely admitted that they overthrow of the original commun- would use them in the rum trade ist party, which now finds capitalisir again. more profitable.' * * ** * * "The trouble with our present day Russian refugees are predicting r religion," said Dr. Guthrie, leader of gusganepogrom(whlalpedmsctn;r the ' nodernists' in the EpiscopalI gigantic pogrom (wholesale massacr