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January 06, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-06

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Pubjllish1ed every morning except Monday
wring the 'TIiversity Year by the Board in
'ontrol of Student P'ublications.
14e nibers of Western Conference Editorial
'vs ocitiofl.,
The As)sociated Press is exclusively en-
tied to the use for repuiblication of all news
ispatc;:es cre-_Iitedi to it or n'ot' otherwise
redited in this p -per and the local ntews pub-
shed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
lichigaen, as scon~rd class mnatter. Special rate
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7aser jencral.
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Signed comncnurnie.ticfl, not exceeding 300
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q'elepbones, 2414 and 176-M

After attempting for -weeks to elect
a chairman to the Interstate Com-
mrerce Commission, the Senate has
again failed in its latest trial. It

1 ~ r I WT 7 r. ' R nr C ~I

(The New York Times)

Diaries and Desk Calendars

rs I~dior.............Tilian
:oria! Board tbairin... .R.C.
Night lEditrns

R. MaI ck
Moria. ty

ll., Aile9
A;. Billingrton
rr C. Clark

A . x3. Connable
H- E. iske
T. G. Garlinghouse
W iip


tr. mV. wagne
?ditor.... ....Raloli N. Beers
l~ Eitor........,Winouna Iibbard
z ,h 1 Jd ito r. ...... .....R. B, Ta.-'
Mlaga7Ar:c Editor.. .... L. mrien
i~ditor...............Ruth A IUowelI
nt City Editor.K..'enneth C.'Kelar
Editorial Board.


RLLert Ramnsay
Andrew Pro pper

seems to be one of the pet hobbies f fi1U1Iitl,1 DLG1
ofta/oyt lyaot ista ! The 7,400 delegates pre~sent at the
tof thkbody thlyab outfiad;it-;'NI iWAquadrennial convention of students atl
tio ofthekin tht i flW lfld it Word of one Syllable Propounded ?Indianapolis voted overwhelmingly in
self in, for never has it failed to take by the Bishop of Salisbury f
advantmage of any opportunjity where- an usedb h favor of Amnerica's participation in the
i time might p aas, without it the Acbso fCnebr League of Nations and entrance into
jSenate, having accomp!)lished anything. rhbso o atebr the Worl:.Court. Evidently these
But th~len, it is mtere'y living up to
precedent. I 1 sit alone on a rock, young people have not heard that ourl
Whyth Seat cotiuesalng n* While I am raising the wind, association with the League is a
.s present Tut is miare than '.S lper- But the storm once abated ~closed incident", and are not dispos-
fect "Y evident or even pleasing forI I am tender and kind. ed to lot the World Court resolutionl
t hat matter, to thei general, public.I I have kings at my feet
'iitspatcuarcmmteeisavey Who await but my nod be held up indefinitely if they can
imipotant one, and is, according to! To lie down in the dust helpitItinoasfthyadge
law u1nable to function without a!, On the ground, where I've trod, off "half cocked," or 'were carried off
chlairmanc. And yet there seems to be I I'm oft seen by the world, I their feet by some sudden enthusiasm III
no relief in sight. Much important Tog nw ofw They represent groups all over the
or sbighl po con f The Gentiles detest me'
woI ams porkheltop theccuJew. EUnited states who have been consider-}
tlhe doadflock in the balloting for a IamprtoheJwE
I;ar~aan oklcp I never have passed (ing and debating these questions for
wit! ach ucceeing ay. plingBut one night in the dark,mots ItIetiadththy
v"nitlehsliht cofinghatya.ae lae Adta wswt ohstand for a million young men and
1-1- th liht f I..ut as ake plceswomen who have been seriously think-
tU eve re ans nlyi one thing for the N'one in the ark.
Seaeyod, n ha.isfritt y weight is three pounds, ing about new international responsi-;
SIndrop te domattertent.i fofra it t My length is a mile, bilities land wor,:d obligations, and
S6pthe matre cnerely.sThearlect. n weFo hv ussdm, have concluded that the League is not
ofthe caimanenehud. be eetturnd hnyo ae used ov- You'll say with a smile a "foreign agency".
of Thathamymnfirstd andtrmyd last tThere was diversity of opinion
ci' o te cmmiteeits~ asa mans Is he bastof ur slei whether the world is able to get on
sof ending the state of affairs that has Ih os forIl.wtou ai t rsn ako
now existed for a number of weeks. ***withdotgaratonaginitprst lak.of
"IThis would not only clear uip the Havre you all observed the suddenwoloraiton gist a.
unplasat ctuaion butcrop of raccoon and near-raccoon small minority expressed the belief
present uplasnmeiu todoasththveaperdonte a-that preparation for the emergency ofi
would also establish a new mtoo; I war is the best way to avoid war. An-
electing the chairman for this cm u ic h oias fw a
gi e h eut il eta o-pssne h oias fw a other small minority declared in favor
mit~ee Th reult wil b tht bthbeen given a fur coat for Christmaso
boh(which we weren't)'"we would be much I of a resolution "not to sanction or
Alrie.andyetwentsevenu balloshave too proud to wear until the following participate directly in any future
Alredy weny-seen alltsmany fall. There ain't anything to getting wars". But the statement that is re-
been cant without election. How aurcatotaSnt las ported as representing the sentiments'
more wi l be cast by the Senate be- s *# of "some 6,000" out of the 7,400 is:
fore a chairman is elected is a matter We believe that' war is un-Christian
for anyone to guess at. And in this The Hiram Johnson for president
caeayn#a hneo en club of New York sent a long public- and that the League of Nations is the
right. I ~~~~ity story to the Gargoyle yesterday-betmasoprvnigtutw
Sone of the regulation ones, with 'im-'wudrstto aricsenu-
____ ____- mediate realease' up at the top in cap-aoiaedsuehsbnrfredt
E:'GINEEl RING E.VV(ATION ita etr-rigt eanw tr the League or World Court without'
"A real contribution to the field of just like the propoganda for the res-uceslstlmn.
educational research," as the execur-f uscitation of the leather industry. It it is, therefore, not a non-resisting,
'tine board of the Carnegie Founda- ended with this touching appeal: paiitcbI o on e n
tion recently termed the national in- "Be steady, be sturdy, be clear-see- young women who took this stand for
yvestigation of engineering education. Ing, remember, in the words of Maz-.1IteLau.Te aemltn red
has been given its first impetus in the zii, 'the future is ours'." 'osthele au eadr t enWrdiCurtad
n U tniversity. Mr. W. F. Wickenden, thej * * * hotl#owr aert n t ed
r naitional director of the movement, is EIRLLIRR to support the only word or'ganization i
honoEingLichiganRb in existence which has any prospect
invetigtin~ Est ing: ~othen Eposre. of outlawing it, buit prepared to en-
7condition~s here as an initiatory step 1 I make a bee-line for the stacks, force decisions in ..assuring. or main-
in the nation-wide survey of technical The moment I've a moment free taignertoaljsc.Wthuh
institutions. I From tedious lectures breaking in a bodty of young men andl women vig-
jThe visit of the educator to the On carreling mny Ph.D. rulagesiey fvrn h
r' Uiersity is occ:asioned by the work Leagoueyadresthelourtvitinlytha
I h oa omitewihfo h atIBy 7:45 I'm there, question of time when America will
yiear has conducted a thorough inves I My dissertation calling me; conm to take her place in both. Many
-tigat ion of local conditions. The ques-' No January's tardy dawn
I young men and womren who are to be
tionaii'c wi iehl they liave Prepared A1vails to halt that Ph.D. headers a few years hence have caught
-the ofganli a tion whrlich they have per.jtevso fa ol sasca n
1 frted will b, used as 'a model for The dulled-glass window hides the tevsnofawlds-aoclad
the national surveyv. In addition Dean worldeooi nt ldmnmydemo
of an irresponsible, self-centred,sef
Mor'timer F oe o h ngneig When Bill goes by, I cannot see; sufficient, national isolation, but some
college is aiN'ominc nt figrure in the i I must not even think of him, day, and soon, the youth of America
n~ational movement in hi{; capacity as' While carln mIhD
carrlingmy P.D.will see what is in their clear, visioni
as miemb er of the boar d of coordination { today translated into a national pol.

G, llaetcke R. S. i-Mansfield-
N. B-'rkznan F. C. M"Pick
den Brown Vorena Moran
erna ~ette Cote Regina Reichmann~
rW. )ais W. 11. S"oneinan
~rolid hrlich 1, .Stolle
C. Fingerle K.E Styer
, . Y. ftrnry N. 'It. t'"ial
oroi'iy Ka~nin ' S. 13. Ti enblii
K~pi Krer . j.VWaltlour '
lirabe'th lizerman
Telephone 960

Read, the Want Ads
Ltmiteds : 6 a. in., 9:10 a. mn. and
every two hours to 9:10 p. mn.
Express: 7 a. mn., 8 a mn. and every I
two hours to 8 p. IY.
Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. 'm. and
every two hours to 8:5G& p. mn.,
11 p. m. 'To Ypsilanti only, 11: 40
p. mn, 12:25 a.,im. and 1:15 a.min.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. In. and every two n
hours to 8 : 47 p..n
Express (making local stops) : 9: 54
a. In. and every two hours to 9:50
L ocids: 7:50 a. mn., 12:10 a. m.j
1 3 4 s
6 7 8 9 10) 11' 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30- 31
617 Packard St. Phone 1792
f (Where D. VT R. Stops at State) j
Central 'rime (Slow Time)
Leave" Chamber of Commerce
Week.Days. Sundays
6:45 a. M. 6 45 b. m.
z ,:l5 p. M. 645 P. M.
4:4$ p.'m.
AS. Ii ELLI OTT, Proprietor
P'hone 926-M Adrian. Mich.
'Tickets, Travelers Checks. Letters of Credit. Toutr-
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Open Until 9 P. M.-Also Sundays



ll~ 1011
psi11 u11
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Iwl rice $1. o 1o04s~a-MdeyFx rt o
Ira 50il The ManhattanamerMri rislersii!.
lil iloolh Mrh(ro Badi" M sko si
PrieWTe19p1Wa66 ntenaionlolyaOrchestra1&
MAPrice 75c Dorchliht De fr-ox TFros)(uenti)
a' T heMahttanmaryn Hand
n6- Wall '~ r J111
NI 19206 j Remn t'ng The Ducan Sister
1"! Price 7Vc ThaNever Ha Foa'.PotmmyinThennDylcanSiasters N
19208 Nrer aMeloearMerley'Wa Hel en lrouwb ameus us
n°Price 1 WyI 75ovTeYI- L Mahata Mrrmaer
111111 M 11920? '!P.' - ll
1111 6 1
Th Schattnebrryakese91&
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u.11a1 11





In lots of 1 gal. or More


L of

IVertisiig...........]. I,. Dunne
Ive; .icinlg.................... Purd)
lertising...........W. Roesser
vetising........ W. X Sccer
co.unts............A. S. Murtor
eulation.........Perry M. Hiayden
rbli ation#.........Lawrence fiere
NV. Campbell Fdlw- T). ieeiaker
n, c (.anian N. E. Holland s
as. Champion A4..L. Ireland
nn Conlin Hlarold rA. Aarks
uis M. Dexter Byvron Parker
seph J. Fin ii iI. M. Rockwell
vid A. Fox 11. E. Rose
ura°n 1-Tig ht A. J. Seidman
TL. H-ale Will Weise
E. llawkinson -T. I. White.
u lI Winte

Night Editor-H-FARRY ,,. CLARK
The average College student doo

I- { j,

wo eev h eesr muto and inrvestigationz of the Society for IrThe joker's this; I am a fake;
tl e Promotion of Engineering Ed11a- I sneak a seat when seat I see; ;
phyicl xecie o ee hm n heILion. Michigan has as.sumed its pro- 1 neither need nor want that
best condition of health. This hrypoth-' per position of importance in tan ed- crown-
esis is substantiated by .the work of ucational experiment the significancer So "carreling my Ph.D."
athletic authorities the country over of which cannot b~e over'emphasized. { Is but a euphemistic phrase
wh av dptda ain-ie o- The obvious reason for' the surveyl To hide habitual errancy;I
icy of extending the variety and scope3 is to determine why it i:s that the I Quiet I need; I just pretend
of athletics to a greater number of, engineering profession does not pro- I'm carreing a Ph.D.
students- than have formerly been able duce executives. It is hoped by the
to participate. oficials in charge that changes can be -r But for the b:iss of yards of books
Intramural athletics l'ave given r seo effected which will provide highly 1 Beside, beneath, above, I'd be
tmaymnrsotwhchaea-trained technicians who. at the same, Forever' thief of empty space,
tracted undergraduates preparing for time will haveaan adequate under- Rogue Carreless of Ph.D.
all walks of life. With so many games standing of social problems. They say -Anon.
to choose from as for example, box- thait they hope to produce mnen whoe
ing, speedball, hockey, gof, and wres- after having been graduated will con- The publicity manager of the Good-
tllng, in addition to the major sports tinue to Le self-educators. This in it- year Rubber Heel company is appar-
of aseall bskebal, tac an tbcwelf is a worthy enofughz ideal to oh- ently unaware, like many other pea-
othiers that ar e now offered a student viate the true worth of the plan. 0th- ple, that small boys no longer play
can not fail to find at least one form i- er fields of education can well afford; leap-frog in their spare time. He is
of athletics that will interest 'him. 1 work with this same object in view, wrong. They do nothing of the sort
At M1ichIgan the Intramural depart- ! Michigan adds to its distinction as And now, if we were any sort of
went, working with the Athletic asso- ; an institution of higher learning by colyumist, we would go on. and say
ciation, has deveaped this program by' asmn oiino edrhpi htsalby Od nteril
organizing inter-fraternity teams., in- I asmn oiino edrhpi htsalby Od nteril
the national investigation of engineer- moments. But we haven't, as a mat-
terelass contests of af l kinds, and in iln~ education conducted on such broad ter of fact, any idea.
every way has encouraged the stu- lines.***
dents to get out and participate in oneI The Ford company has gotten out
form of exercises or another." The_____
a new model which is called the Tu-
largest field house in America for ath- . dor Sedan. Words fail us.
letic purposes has been constructed; Twenty-Five l ears-'*
more minor sports have been recog-
nzdin the pc4,t..year than' ever hbe- Ag0o At Mkichigan
fore, the coaching staff has been in-

Damlug the -Tears at E~llisIsle
Reorganization of immigration ma-
chinery, within the United States in
such a manner as to transfer, the ma-
jor portion of examination work and
selection of the desirable imnmigrantsI
for admittance to this country to the
consular offices of the various coun-
tries from whence the newcomers hail
is the outstanding feature of a bill
recently proposed by Secretary of La-
bor Davis to supplement the presentI
rulings. In the light of many dis-
tressing circumstances which have so
often caused strained feeling between
members of the immigrant class and,
the government, the adoption of the
proposed measure should furnish ad-
}mirable means for avoiding further
recurrences of last minute disillusion-
Sments for hopeful newcomers.
During the summer months of 1923
several hundreds of professional 'im-
migration fixers" were at large abroad
preying upon the meagre resources of
European peasantry under the guise
of 'inside men" who coukd pull the
strings for those who under ordin-
ary circumstances would .hav6 been
unable to gain entrance to the great
democracy across the water. They
pulled t'le strinsgs . . . of the
poor greenhorns' pocketbooks . ,
shoved them on board a trans-Atlan-
tic_ liner, only to be greeted at Ellis
Island with the news that they had
been fooled and must return to the
land of their birth. A wonderful wel-
come to the land of promise!
Secretary Davis proposes a measure
which transfers the responsibility of
granting passage to the immigrant di-
rect'y to the American consular of-
ficeo; in the various European states,
and in sd doing makes each office
-- .arnrcih.LJ {T-.. +1. -.-nurncn ,,v'c, nPa

Best foods.

whether at :home. or, at col-
lege.W e k now it. A nd serve
them. At low 'prices. With'
emphasis on today's dinner



Up stairs,

Nicke is


You like them,


r .

creased in size, and Weinberg's col -
iseuni has been leased for student
skating this winter. These are a few
of the most noticeable accomplish-
ments of late in the field of athletics.
To acconmplish the purpose of all
of this physical equipment, student
sentiment towards active athletic par'-
ticipation must be aroused. It must
be remembered by the student body,
,hat greater bui'.dings and enlarged
coaching staffs obtained for their ben-
efit do not make them stronger in
bodly, and- consequently in mind, un-
less they utilize them as -means to this
ultimate enid.'
This winter the Athletic association
has made it possible for students to
have a place in which to skate and
play hockey. Facilities are afforded
for 700 students to enjoy this form of
outdoor exercise every afternoon and

Fivom the files of tile LU. of .D aily.
jaii. 69 1899.




All arrangements for the sixth 'an-
nual MXay Festival to be he'd in Uni-
versity Hall, May 11, 12, and 13, have
been completed. The management has
succeeded in securing Marcella Semn-
brich, who scored such a phenomenal Here we have a plumber. You
:uccess in Berlin and Vienna, and thinky we are putting him in to fill
wvho has been in this country since up space. We are not. He is an
last fall and has taken New York and illustration of the article we "car-
Chicago by storm. Friday night, May vi ed" several days ago on plumbing.
12, will b3 Senbrich night, and an op- In one hand he has a monkey wrench.
portunity wilF, be given to hear the In the other hand he has a faucet. He

Northland Skiifs
in Hickory, Ash 'and Pine
$1.50-$ X13.50

greatest -soprano singer in the world,
The ~scif the staff who xil assist
Semi richiisi.aC strong one, among
kw1-oninmay len imentioned Sarah An-
diers;on, Mdi 3f1e Jacobi, Evan Wil-I
asand \yio W. Whitney. Thel!

has on overalls and a cap.
Perhaps you saw the headline in yes-
terdlay's DAILY:
Anti .1 Iin .nfr.nin narhonn mn int



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