MICHIGAN DA l IVILIIIULHiJIII UI i L TO START TUESDAY Organized Houses Will Be Solicited During Three bay Michigan; League Campaign+ EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO ENROLL ALL SENIOR WOMEN Every organized house will be solic- ited on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week in the under- graduate life membership campaign- of the University of Michigan League. According to Charlotte Blagdon, '25, who is chairman of the membership drive, co-operation on the part of the women of the University will be ex-. pected, since this year they have been called on so little to raise money for the League building fund. Ap- proximately .3000 women are enrolled in the University at the present time, only a small percent of whom are holding life memberships. The motto' of the drive, "Every Senior a Mem- ber," is especially emphasized, butI the committee .believes that the under- graduate women recognize their obli- gation in the matter also.j Life memberships, which are $50, may be paid in full at the time they are secured or in installments of $10.{ Letters containing complete inform- ation regarding the campaign have been sent to the house presidents andj special engagements -will be made by committee members with each house' so that when the various solicitation1 calls are made every resident will be able to attend. Booths will also be placed in the Library and in Univer-! sity hall for the convenience of those' who are 'not reached by the canvass- ers. Nurses To Give Tea Today The entire Nurses' Training school is giving a tea from 4 to 6 o'clock' today in honor of Miss Ella E. McNeil,' assistant to the superintendent of nurses, Miss Magna Tillotson and Miss Ariel Cargo who are leaving the* University. They have been active in! welfare work among the nurses. It's true efficiency to use Dally Classifieds.-Ads t ;told how these zones couild -be deter- M asques To Hold mined.Thefirstethodcosistsof Tryout This Week the historic prediction: where there JUIJI IILI LL have been earthquakes, there will be in the future. The second niethod is Tryouts for Masques dramatic soc- .by the use of instruments to measure iety will be held from 3 to 5:30 o'clock earthquakes anywhere they may oc- on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday cur. The theory of earthquakes was PROFESSOR BRULM TO GIV of this week. explained by Professor. Iobbs by an STRU'CTION IN LYRIC Women who desire to try-out are illustration and account of a machine 'WRITING requested to report on the first day' which may be compared to the earth's if possible and secure a number. In crust and its action under strained Junior women who are intere this way, the try-outs can be divided ! conditions. evenly into the three days and save "Every great earthquake begins bywriting lyrics and music for th time. The requirements for this try- a terrific shock," concluded Professor for Girls' play to be given Mar out consist in having a short select- Hobbs, 'during the first day and in 19, 20, 21, and 22, at the Whitne ion prepared to sgive on this occasion.fact during the first. week and months, ater, are asked to attend a r All active members of the society many shocks appear. The time to'be at 4 o'clock tomorrow, in Sara: are requested to be present at these afraid in an earthquake country i, well Angell hall. At this time, try-outs. when there are no shocks. Light John R. Brumm, of the journalif shocks prove that the strain of the partment, will read the acceptec earth's crust is being released." uscript, and' will give final instru Dr. M. E. Elliot, of the near East in the writing of music and lyri A, A. W. HEARS KOrelief movement' gave a brief talk at the play. the meeting,'in which she described Those women who were pres some of 'her expriences in Turkey the 'last meetting of lyric and .ORA and the surrounding country where writers, are asked to come ton she has practised ii the hospitals for and bring their completed numb Speaking before an audience of 85 the last five years. order that they may see how t university women, Professor William The next meeting of the American into the play. All other junic association of university women will men interested in writing song H. Hobbs, head of ;he geology depart- be 'held Feb. 2. especially asked to be present in ment gave an illustrated lecture on __that they may start work immec "Predictions of Earthquakes" yester- Engugement Announced after receiving instructions. Th day afternoon in Helen Newberry Announcement was made at a din- mittee urges everyone to con- residence. Lantern slides aided in ner at the Kappa Kappa QGamma house if possible. the vivid description of Professor last night of the engagement of Aman- The cast and choruses for th Hobbs when he stated. various ac- da E. McKinney, '28, to Lucian F. will be selected in the near futur counts of the ruins in the recert Sweet, '24L. Miss McKinney was rehearsals will start imme Japan earthquake as well as the graduated from the University last thereafter. earthquake in India in 1997 and the June and while in oollege was a mem- one in California in 1906. ber of the Kappa Kiappa .Gamma sor- Women's Club to Reopen Tomo Incidents such as the displacement ority. Sweet is a memhber of the Tri- The activities of the Faculty of huge trees, piers and fences were gon club. men's will be resumed with t described and illustrated on the ---- -- opehing of the clubhouse, 225 screen. This series of so called faults Patronize The Dallt Advertisers. Ingalls street tomorrow. Mrs. included the interesting Paishiko Fault. (t l i 9ill llllIIilill llllllilllllillli Professor Hobbs also outlined the two danger zones of earthquakes and WASHINGTON SPECIAL POR 3 BIG ACTS OF STODDARD SATURDAY AND A NDAY VAUDEVILLE HAIR SHOP PLENTI YOF LATGHS-SINGING-DANCING GREETINGS -ALSO- Try our Milk Pack for beauti-t LON CHANEY in " NA T fying the complexion. Ask us. about our system for manicur- SPECIAL LATE SHOWI nA1TI7NG AT 10:15 SHARP MARCELLING SPECIAL MUSIC FOR SUNDAY Phone 2652 701 N. University.u An tre Change of Program ----llliliillU i11iliilltflilllllllllllllillliii11191 ii11tif19,1tE1111F1!ittli1 D.. Mitchell will be assisted as hos- ! regular meeting at 8 o'clock Tuesday tess by Mrs. Albert E. White, Mis. Or-. in the Faculty's Women's club house. lando W Stephenson, Mrs. Maurice F. Me Johnson, Mrs. Floyd E. Bartell, Mrs. Mummers will meet at 4 o'clock Grover C. Griswold, and Mrs. Louis A. Tuesday at the Gamma Phi Beta house, Hopkins. 1520 South University avenue. E IN. The regular weekly tea given for the graduate women will be resumed from 4 to 5 o'clock Tuesday at Betsy Q CBarbour house. Miss Fandira Crocker ted in Isand Miss Jane Sharpe, of the Univer- sity library, will be hostesses. e Jutn -________ There will be a meeting of theI Freshman Girls' Glee club at 4 o'clock tomorrow in the middle parlor of Bar- bour gymnasium. The Freshman Spread. committee will meet at 4 o'clock Tuesday in Bar- bour gymnasium. This meeting is'im- portant and all .members are urged to attend. The Michigan Dames, will hold a Dr. Elliott to Speak Today Dr. M. E. Elliott, of the Near East relief movement, will speak at 10 o'- clock this morning in the Presbyterian church. Dr. Elliott has spent the last few years working fin hospitals in Turkey, and the surrounding country. She will give an account of some of her experiences this morning. EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Strect IIn International Daily Ne'wspape THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ',s Its Rendlers the Wholesome Constructive News of the Won j Does Not Publish Detailed Accoun of Crime or Scandal. The Christia Science Monitor is a member of ti Associated Press, receiving its fu tew serice, andrin addto a hwsevcadnadiinmitains special correspondents in a capitals of the world. There are d part ents devoted to Finance. Clea Sports, Music, Art, Drama, Book, tiducation, and pages for Your Folks and the Household. Sample Copy on Request "SxWeeks Trial Subscription, $1.00 3 Months, $2.25 6 Months, $4.J One Year, $9.00 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Back Bay Station, Boston, Mass. Godyears' 1214 SOUTH MAIN STR1EE.T It's true efficiency to use Classifieds.--Adv. Daily SUNDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 13 (Direct from Detroit and Just Prior to the Chicago Run) WITH THE SAME SUPPOR TING CAST THAT PLAYED ALL LAST YEAR IN NEW YORK AND IN AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER AND NOVEMLBER IN PHILADELPHIA 1lltlli- Come on Skat ig The ice is good .'' ' Ulr ~l 11 A -"" U.1 ol k The , skating season's started-at last! Already in many places the ice is waiting for the whir of sharp runners, is ready for the outdoor women who love this keen, exhilirating sport.' And smart, warm garments--skating essen- tials -' are ready, too. Here. At modest prices. Come on skating!I N / die World. Lobes 1 C"heer, u Giber c _i F_ . ^ .; ::. ,. Sweaters. Big, heavy, knit wool slipovers in all colors. $8.50 and $10., Brushed wool sweaters, $5.50 to $12. Knickers. For real com- fort and freedom of m -ove ment. Of smuart warm tweed in gray and brown. $5. i to $10. Scarf and Hat Sets. Of brushed wool and angora in numerous colors. $3.50 to $12. Three-piece angora sets ")f sweater, scarf and tam, in many colors, $25. ;t I Very soon you will have an opportunity to give to one of the most worthy causes on the Michigan campus. Skirts. warmth. comfort. lour and In color. Heavy enough for Wide enough for Of camel's hair, ve- rough mixtures. Gay $10 to $16.50. I Will YOU le 17 Hose. The heavy, all- wool kind with fancy tops. Can be slipped on over reg- ular stockings in a jiffy. Sizes 7 to 10. $1.25. iii