MTE MICIGAN DAILY it I ,. DAILYOFIILBLEN Publication in the Btulletin is constructiv~e notice to all memnbers of the University. Copy received by tv Asistant tc the F-#sCOJ't until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdalj Toiumie 4 SATURDAY, JANUARY t,, 19224 7N uiner 73 Fre.Dental Students: All pre-dental students who have not had their program chfecked and- marked 0. K. at -the office of the Dean, College of Dental Surgery, should do so before the beginning of the second semester. Marcus L. Ward, Dean.. Freshman ]Elections: All literary freshmen wiho did not hand in 'their second semester election sheets at the Registrar's office before vacation are directed to do so at once. Arthur' G. Hall, Registrar.. Theo Solils Prize In Natural Science: Notice is here given that all applications or nominations for the Solis Prize for research in Natural Science .(including Medicine) should be made at the office of the Graduate School, where detailed information ats to con- ditions and procedure can be had, not later than March .1, 1914. Alfred IL, Lloyd. University Library Sunday Service: The Main Reading Room and the Periodical Room only are open onSun- day from 2 to 9 p. in. Books desired for Sunday: use, will be reserved in the Main Reading Room Saturday evteiiulgj for use on Sund ay upon a per- sonal request pesented at the desk Where sucht books are usually drawn. Win. W. Bishop, Librarlin. missions. Prompt attention to this matter wil be necessary in order that commirissions be received in June. n.T. Carpenter. crftsmen: There will be no meeting of The Crattsmxen tonight., IL C. Coutts, President. WAT'S GOING ON SATURDAY 1:00-1Englneerig faculty will meet AV. E. Wickenden at a dinner in room 318-20 Union. 6 :00-Alpha Epsilon Mu dinner, rooms't 319-321, union. 7:00-Students' Bible class in Upper1 room, Lane hall. SUNDAY 11 :0I"-Hop: conimift-0e meets at Spedding's studio to have picture taken. # :30--rev. S. S. Robins speaks on "A Prime Miister's Letters to a Col-' lege Student." U.NOTI 's All organizations and fraternities inut have their' group pictures tak- en during the month of January. All clas* , .zanpus societles, and oar- ganizations must pay for their space# In the Michiganenslan before Jan. fOrghnization spae is still, ava!lable at the 1Michlganenslan office. ContractsI should be signed at once for this space by organizations which have not already done so. GE~ORGE L.,PATTEE, Organization Wmnager. Scanlan Plays At Whitney Tonight Walter Scanlan, the famous. inter- preter of Irish romantic roles, will appear in "The Blarney Stone" at 8:50 o'clock at the Whitney theater. The scenes are set in one of the most picturesque portions of the Emerald Isle and Manager George M. Gatts has taken fullest advantage of the scenic beauties of the locality in furnishing the pictorial portion of the entertain- ment. Mr. Scanlan will be heared in a number of melodies of his own com- potion during the performance. Wts true efflielicy to use Daily Classifieds.--Adv. U 4 ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION, PROGRAM "Experiences With Kids" BY Judge Ben Lindsey M1OND~AY NIGHT HILL AUDITORIUM ® -Y' Political Science 159, World Politics: Make-up tests on the following books will be held at 5 p. m. in room .101 Economics Building: George Young, "The Machinery of Diplomacy," L. S. Woolf, "Economic Imperialism:", r Tuesday, -January, 8, 1924 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19 L4 jL T. Ce1. i. I pity Symiphony Orchestra; Enext regular rehearsal will take place' in; ill Auditorium Sunday. g, January 6, as usual. A full attendance is °desired. S. P. Lockwood, D~irector. A HANDY CALENDAR and an EXCELSIOR DIARY will keep you happy all; the year through OFFIQE SUPPLIES IN GENERAL *T. C. All men who will finish the R. 0. T. C. at the main office of the R. 0. T. C. in advanced courses 'in Jrune will * ;the fold Highway 'Laboratory to sign applications, fourom- i w AUR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKST 0 R E rig during the week of January gulh I U i ml . ,. ,....,. us American a tol ogist {To sit Tut's Tomb- FIRST BAPTISt CHURCH 'R. EDWVARD~ SAYLES,, Mlnister JIOWARD R. UIIAJMATN IfInister of University Stadents Cburcb scvc~ BE'THLEEIM EVANGELICAL. CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th Ave., near :Packard G. A. NEUMANN, Pastor Sunday School 9:00- Suniday Classes. 10:00--English 11: 00-German at 9:00 a in. School °and Bible 10':30--Worship and Sermon, "The Secret of a Transfigured Life." 12:00-Sunday School. : 00-13. Y. P. U. at Church. 12: 00-Stuidents meet at Guild1 House. Mr. Sayles_*will speakc today. 5:30-Friendship Hour at Guil House. All students, invited. 4:30-Guild Devotional; Service- "The Student Lif of Somae Great American." 1i. H. Cramer, leader. UNITARIAN CUC State ia Huron Streets SDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister Services. Services. Let 1924 furnish you withan in- 1' . , spirinig sermon every San d ay~ :; j rj ,.- _.- :.. .. .. ,. .. :. ,. .. .. w .. w W 1M SA IS .. r w S~ r r r= ISw .: . . .. .. .. ... .. , . ,.. .. , ... , .. «. .. .. ... M 11Y1 M ! Y Ur V w Aw A"1 1111111 M / I lII1111 W " wA IIY r! !"Y Irlll / (" i li 1 1 IYI 1 A rl 11 AI "1 #1 Mrs / 1 r/ i/ 1111 i S 1 w w e w r I + s wi11 w 1 wr s snr r 141 ws ~ . ws wn t" w1w u w w a a w ar frr ST. _ Fresh Pork Loins . ...... .1 Cash 10% to 20% ON YOUR.EATS SAVE 'YOU MONEY SAVE Stor PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUJRCH (Missouri Synod)' while in Ann Arbor. Corner Third and West Huron Sts. CARL A: BRAVJER, Pastor SERV.ICES 9:30-Services in German. 10:30-B3ible Class. 11:30-Services in English. Sermon Subject: "The Wisdom of the Wise Men." 5:30--Student Social Hour and Supper. 6:30--Students' Discussion. No Evening Service., Bacon Loins (Fancy Pig Bacon) . .2,. 45c Coffee35 lb. " s .".".".e.".".f . a.f* "* * * . * 10 lb. Pail Honey $10 (50 Gallons Just In). 53c Fresh Eggs (Guaranteed Strictly Fresh). T 40c Extracts 33c Vanilla or Lemon ....... PK Florida. Oranges ' 9 (100 Boxes.Just In)..... . I I CHURCH OF CHRIST DISCIPLES i _1 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington 'St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor Prof. James 111. Breasted ~'rof. James H. Breasted, noted 'Am- erican egyptologist and a member of the University of Chicago faculty, left recently for Egypt to view the opening . of the sarcophagus of King. Tut. He will also lecture at the University of Paris. SUNDAY DINNR Temporry Home LANE HALL F. P.. ARTHUR, Pastor -.0-_. Sunday, January 6. 6:45 A. M.-Church School. 10: 30-Morning Service. 4Thue Constitutional Movement. 11:55-Professor Wood's :Class. 5:45 P. M.-Young People's Sup- per. 6:,30-"A Prime Minister's Letters 4to a College Student." 9:30--Bible School. 10 :.30-=Mrning _service. Sermon Topic: "First Things First." 12:00-Men's Service Club, led by Dr. Stouffer. 6: 30-Christian Endeavor. Student Classes at Noon In, Lane Hall Reading Rooms Mr.. Coff man, Leader "This child (Jesus) is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign ;which shall be spoken aganst."-Si- mieon. --0- 10:330 A.M.-(Germnan) Sermon Sub- ject, "Men Who Caine to Wor- sip the Child." 5:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Fol- lowing the supper reports will be given of the Regional. Luther- an :Student Conference. :.30 P. M.-Sermon Subject, "The Man Who Sought to Destroy the (bdld." Fifth Ave. and Wlllam Sit. REV. L. F. GLJNDERiMAN, Pastor i MENU. Soup Cream of Tomato 9:30 A. M.--Sunday School with student class. 10:30 A. M.-"O0ur Guiding Stars." I Wafers Celery Roast Young Chicken with Dressing,,. T-Bone Steak Hubbard Squash Creamed Potatoes 1 1 .... . I I Rolls Fruit Salad Dessert Home Made Apple or Mince Pie Brick Ice Cream REV. W. SCOTT WESTERNAW Associate Pastor MISS -ELLEN WV. MOORE, Student Director 10:30 A.M. -Morninlg Worship., Pastor's Subject: ORINO THE NEW" 12:00 M.--FIVE BIBLE CLASSES at Wesley Hall. 4:30-6:30'-P. M.-OPEN HOUSE at~ Wesley Hall. Supper served at 5:30 'o'clock. }6:30]P. M.-rWESLEYAN GUILD, DEVOTIONAL, MEETING. Reports by,'delegates from Student Volunteer Convention at Indian- apolis. 7:30; P. -M.-WMESLEYAN. GUILD LECTURE. Rev. 'Stephen K. Mahon, Speaker. Subject,."An Old Road to a" New Morality." .A special invitation. is extended to students. I I REV. J.EONARl) A. BARRETT, D.D, Minister LEW1IS C. RE LMANN , '169 Sec'y Wien Students MRS. NELLIE- CADWELL, Sec'y Women Students ' Tea Coffee Milk 12 to 2P. M. Price $1.00 10:30-Rev. It. C. Iiufstader will present the work of the Near East Relief. 12:00-Three classes led by Dr. Iden, Miss Ross, and Prof. Henderson. x:30--Social Hour and Open IHouse. 6:30-C. L. Meeting-Delegates to Student Volunteer Convention will speak. Special music. E Jersey58 Famous53 30c Coffee23 I 41 P11 M! X111 1 1 __ - i .. 1 First meeting of the New Year SATURDAY EVENING, AT 7 O'CLOCK, Upper Room, Lane Hall. Solo by Russell Hussey "THE STONE CHURCH WITH THE WARM WELCOME" HERBERT A. JUMP, Minister E. KNOX MITCHELL, University Pastor LUCY HUBER, Secretary for Women Students Palmer Chzristian, the new musical director of the church and organist, will .begin his. services at the 10:45 worship. COR. CATHERINE AND DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, RECTOR CHARLES T. WEBB, Director Student Work RACHEL HIATILAND, Secretary four Student Work Sunday, January 6th 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. I Mr. Jump will speak on the topic C}. s w: m + MAf1M HAl i ]tlL. R+ O.*0il I I I