THE MICHIGAN DAILY L NEWSPAPER OF THE ERSITY OF MICHIGAN ievery morning except Monday University year by the Board in Student Publications. GENEROUS FRENCH LOANS Great Britain is becoming irritated, andi apparently justly so, at the action of the French government in extend- ing loans. to Poland and the Little E Anten tep Althwihl the Frno hnvoh I _- - TS~,oROLL a F~tSATURDAY :' JANUAIRY 5 r EDITORIAL COMMENT THE HELFUL PSYCHOLOGIST (N v York Times) Diaries and Desk Calendai 1 7 mbers of Western Conference Editorial ation. Associated Press is exclusively en- to the use for republication of all news cies credited to it or not otherwise ed in this paper and the local news pub- therein. ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, gan, as second class matter. Special rate' stage granted by Third Assistant Post- r vcneral. scription by carrier, $3.5o; by rndil, ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Street. s: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Bnsi- g6o.1 ned connmunic.tinns, not exceeding So will he Ipublished 11n The Daily at is7 retion of the Ji;ditor. Upon requcst, dentity of communicants will be re- 1 as confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF Telepliones, 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAHURE Iditor................Julian E. Mack Editor............. ... Harry H ,ey i2A Board Chairman....R. C. Moria:ty Night Editarm Ailes A. 1h.tConnable Billington I. E. Fiske - C. Clark J. G. Garlinghouse I P. M. Waagner Editor..............Raluh N. Byers n's Eiittr.......Winona Hibbard aph Edlitor............ B. ' Ita~r MIle. i i ougi tti r rnen nave Nearly a quarter of a century ago kept the official figures secrct it has I POLiTESSE William James said that we were hav- been reported from several reliable rm the "Book of Etiquette" ing something like a "boom" in psy- sources that the total of the loans is by Lillian Eichler chology in this country. If he could a very considerable amount. When a woman marries for the see- have lived to see a psychologist elect- Furthermore it has been ascertained ond time, her wedding should be very ed President of the all-embracing sci- that most of the loans are being conservative. ence associationo oAmerica and to actually made in military supplies to1 Cards are engraved with the own- hear what wide uses the services of these countries. The reason for this er's name and address, or with the the psychologist are now put, as re- move on the part of France admits name alone. . . . Military men may ported in yesterday's Times, what' of only one interpretation, as their . print their rank or position in seemed to him then a boom would ap- former allies, the English, see it: a' this corner, as may also professors pear but the beginning of a move- political move which puts EnglandI and others holding a title of distinc- ment that has given psychology a distinctly at a disadvantage. tion. conspicuous and permanent place They are also wondering, as many There are two kinds of bridge: one! among those sciences which have to Americans likewise, why France is known as Auction Bridge is for three do with more tangible things It is able to make large loans to her near- players. Ordinary bridge is for four not a new science, as Professor James by friends but cannot pay debts to players. In the former game one de- said. It is the old psychology of those who have loaned to her. pends largely upon luck. But skill is Locke's time "plus a little physiology It is about time that the United a very necessary requisite to the one of the brain and senses and theory of states did realize the position she oc- who wishes to play and win in ordin- evolution." Instead of being whollyi cupies in this war of political man- ary bridge. But hostesses who do not introspective, it has become a very' euvers. We have certain rights as a favor "gambling" in any form may practical science treating the mind of creditor of France, and certainly a choose chess as their popular game, man in relation to the tasks of every- better claim to any surplus capital for it is the only game from which day life. Just as chemistry and phys- she can produce than the Little En- the element of chance is entirely ab- ics and, geology and Nology havel tente or Poland. For the preservation sent. helped man to find and use the re- of peace in Europe it may soon be- We feel that a word about football sources in the world about him, psy- come a necessary move to insist on is necessary, not only because it is chology is helping him to find fut the ths n fthe fnrmt Ampian arts_ reserves within himself. GRAHAM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK active interest in ancestry. People thought affectionately of their par- ents and grand-parents, but there was little work in the construction of fam- ily trees and preparation o family histories. That is an older industry in New England than in the South. People are now generally doing this because knowing that they belong to "old . American stock" they want the facts. They want the names of thiir American ancestors, and to know where they lived and died and what they did. The growth of this tendency may be due to the organization of ancestral-patriotic societies, but it is more likely that the growth of those societies is due to the development of this sentiment among so many Amer- icans. Oratorical Association Prigram Judge en iDLindsey Authority on Child Delinquency I Kil Au4Iorfinh Monday Night n one of I oremTosua mer£can u s cj , 3 but because men and women alike enjoy watching the game. At thei The motto on the temple of Apollo at .Delphi, "Know thyself," had to of-! Plearanc Sale ON ALL Winter Hats I AFTER THE SPELL ni S. a p K ro °I E. ay Magaz :e Editor...... L.' i Editor....... .Ruth A owe Consistent with the phase of Amer- ~tant Cty Edior . KenI eth C.aelldr wanci ilizati nmthat of thte has do t CtyEd ...enethC.kellar.spectacular football games are play- Editorial. Board hed-and won-thousands of men and Einstein roLert Rainsay veloped into what the Toledo Blade wKmen from all over the United State Andrew Propper iwomensfromoallroverlmtheiUnitednStates Assistants chooses to term Pelmellism, ten thou- gather every year. . . Football is a 1. Baeteke R. S. Mansfield sand members of the University of strenuous game. In England it was iBPrkman Erena Moran Michigan have returned to their aca- confined largely to boys and young adette Cote Regina Reichman dimen.. Even in America elderly men Y. Da ris W. 11. S'onaeman emcevrn ntiahglyds- oi Ehrlich a. R. Sto.a d never play the game. . . There can Fingerle K. E. Stycr ganized state. After the lapse of be no etiquette prescribed for the . Henry N. {. 'hal , thy Kamin S. B. Triemble three weeks vacation, In spite of the players beyond that incorporated in ph Kruger W. J. Waitliour fact that two days at the wheel have the rules of the game and in the aheth Liebermangaian - - -already intervened, the student body general laws of good sportsmanship. BUSINESS STAFF is in no sense prepared to return to But the people who are watching the Telephone 9W the daily routine of University life. game must observe good conduct, if J It is hard to ascertain the cause which they wish to be considered entirely BUSINESS MANAGER has so accentuated the unsettled state cultured. For instance, even though LAURENCE H. FAVROT of affairs which ordinarily follows a the game becomes very exciting, it Ivacation, but whatever, it may be, it is bad form to stand up on the seats etising .. .......... ... P. u can not afford to continue uninter- and shout words of encouragement' to rtising ................ .. Roesser rI the -t-s*ng-........ ..W. K Chcrerupted- the players. Yet how many, who ),nts .................A. S. Morton Aside from the immediate circum- claim to be entirely well-bred, do this cation . ........Lawrence Pierce stances which have cast so melan- very thing! Assistants , choly and turbid a shadow over the Of course it is permissible to cheer; W. Campbell Flw. ) .THoedemaker campus, the extremes which American but it must be remembered that there Ce apin N, E. Ireland youth is pursuing in the Pellmellism are correct and incorrect ways of Conlin Harold A. Marks of society can be regarded as an im-. cheering. Noise is noise even in the. sMv. Dexter 'Byron parker ph J. Finn H. M. Rockwell portant contributing factor to the dis- grandstand, and your loud cheering d A. Fox Ht-. E. ose satisfaction that has made the return!is very likely to annoy the people near en ITaight A. J. Seidman{ L. Hale Wii Weise so hard for many men and women you. A brief hand-clapping is suf- RwC W . F. White this week. "Happy medium" as an ficient applause for a good play or --- ideal, has vanished from the memor- even for a victory. It is not necessary ies of men who could enjoy them- to be boisterous. . . The well- ____ selves without excessive indulgences mannered person is known by his or ATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1924 in the pleasures of life. The ambition her calm conduct or gentle manners - - of almost every college man on de- whether it be In the ballroom or at the ight Editor-EDGAR H. AILES parting for his vacation is to crowd football game. as much social activity into his three In guiding a lady across the pol- HE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND weeks of grace as possible, without ished floor to the tune of a simple PROHIBITION any regard for his fitness to resume waltz or a gay fox-trop, the gentle-' the academic duties which await him man encircles her waist halfway with ~w proceeding from the people. supportediby them isthe.ponly on his return. his right arm, laying the palm lightly pyy If three mopths of college work is just above the waist line. . . and if I that can be enforced. Enforce-; such horrible medicine for the child the proper care is taken to retain t must come mainly from public that he spends three weeks in dissipa- one's poise and dignity- Lion and no amount of physical tion as an antidote, then we feel sorry And we are bored, and you are bor. e can produce the best conditions. for our contemporaries. ed, and everything is quite correct. ;e cn podue te bet cndiion. }* * * i E :, ter no such objective and outward in- forming tests as are now applied in enabling a suppliant student to be- come acquainted with his own facul- ties and failings. The change in this science, which once sat apart reflec-' tively like a mystical oracle, consult- ing the stars instead of making re- searches within the brain and body of the human being, is suggested by the comment made by Dr. Cattell, the new President of the American Assoc- iation for the Advancement of Sel- ence, concerning the present-day, "tests." They predict, he says, what a boy can do even more accurately than what he will do. Professor James indicated the un-.t utilized powers within reach of most individuals who fail to realise their capacities, being discouraged in their effort like a runner who stops before he gets his second wind. The psy- chologist of today is disclosing the energy concealed within, us as well as revealing the barren stretches and avoiding wasteful prospecting in these mental areas. His science is bringing to use the "untouched stock of men- tal capital," and to enriching the life not of the individual but also of the race. It is an encouraging diagnosis made by one of these psychologists that the highest type of intelligence is increasing and the lowest type dimin- ishing. This may not be evidence that a "new era is now at hand," as one of these practical psychologists infers, but at any rate it implies that most men can do more. The unanswered question is whether they will. ANCESTRAL-PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES (From the Washington Star) # Women are applying in such num- DETROIT UNITED LINES EAST BOUND Limiteds: 6 . iM., 9:10 a. m. and every two hours to 9:10 p. m. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a m. and every two hours to 8 p. m. Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 8:56 p. M., 11 z). m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p. m.. 12:25 a. mr., and 1:15 a. in. WEST BOUND Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. m. Express (making local stops): 9:40 a. m. and every two hours to 9:50 p. M. Locals: 7:50 a. m., 12:10 a.,m. ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS LINE Central Time (Slow Time) Leave Chamber of Commerce Week Days Sundays 6:45 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m.n,6:45 P. M. 4:45 Phone 26-MELLIOTT, Adriadn, ich..' GENERAL'STEAMSHIPAGT. Tickets, Travelers Checks, Letters of Credit. Tour- 1st Insurance. etc., Passport, vins. esclearance papers, readmission a fdavits, etc:, Information. Sa Europe, Orient, Cruifses, Teern, e.c Our legalized papers bring relatives and friends to U. S. from foreign countries. INSURANCB. All kinds, Best Co's. for our business, home, auto. eto. E. G.,KUEBLER, 601 E. Huron St. Phone 1384 ANN ARBOR, MU'CH. The.seaml strealine That's what gives this new Walk-Over, the Delmar, its thoroughbred look. It's Walk-Over craftsmanship that gives it thoroughbred fit. In Viking Calf, black or tan. PUYEA R & HINTZ 328 So. Main S. pa -COver f .: R. J. KOFFSTETTFR, in S. Main i ME1 HEAVY WOOL BLANKETS Block plaids, checks, stripes, in all colors and combinations. Real values in auto robes, steam- er rugs, and blankets. Many special values. SReductions! '0 ws which are openly violated by all: asses have not the true spirit of law, hind them for public opinion either{ res no thought at all to their on- cement or else .considers the laws trivial or unnecessary that viola-' na may be condoned. The open and widespread drinking Twenty-FiveYearsj Ago At Mlichigan I Froto the files of the U;. of X )ally January 5, 1899. Causerie You say, "How's everything?" and then we say "Don't know. seen everything today." Haven't Imspiration by Arcade Cafeteria There's many a melancholy phrase That brings to the eye a tear: But the saddest one in the whole sad took place all over the country on eve of 1924 leads observers to the Iulions that the' great majority i I' ,Cambridge has followed the example of Oxford in refusing to grant degreesE to women. the American public are out 'of Heidelburg. University is trying to: pathy with the national law pro- introduce field athletics in place of ting intoxicating liquors. If such duelling. e case, the law is basically wrong - is endangering the existence of The Cornell Register which has just' appeared shows a total of 2,344 stu-: aw and order by remaining on the dents at the university, an increase of, Is .hen a lare nercenta e of world Is this: Please pay cashier. Sign on the establishment of Doukas, tailor: We Cti Match Your Trous This sort of public advertisen a gambling joint is just one nrnn httoAnA~a"1 Chas. ers vent of more pro LLae Fi ruur police force is very careless indeed. A magazine for whose existence we can see no valid reason is tha "N l.;.; A11 L c GCLC1i u1i3 velast year. e OI LVV1UiU5U 5Lcrew ak " ouw ~ ovfr ---~ year. Student," a little rag gotten out by peocple of a st.ate break a law of, h ainlSuetFrm ti ± state without any stigma being A letter has been received from the the National Student Forum. It is Inothing hut a necleit hms :ed upon them by public opinion, manager of Eugene V. Debs' lecture Ithas a intercollegiate Chimes. 'm that law lacks some quality tour saying that Tuesday night, Janu- sThus clm in a democratic government ary 31, has been set for his lecture' The last weeks of 1923 seem to be law must have to be successful. here in the Good Government clubgreatresolution-makingones. cover, the failure of any law to course. Some difficulty has been ex- Te sonmakyCu nd t ponular approval, not only d-e perienced in arranging a date which Young Women's Christian Association iys the pow rc within itself but the would not conflict with other enter- of Hood college recommended a res- it within the whole system of laws tainments here and the above date was oluion favoring the World court. vhich it is a part. practically the only one which could Connecticut College had already pass- ducation may in time bring about be had. It has not yet been settled ed a similar resolution on Novem- iange in the attitude toward drink- where the lecture will be given as ber 11. which seems to exist at present. President Angell and Secretary Wade: The little mag also stoops to hand work undertaken along this line refused to allow Debs to speak in the Big Ten editors a slap in the he Anti-Saloon league and similar University Hall. The matter was moosh. They call attention to the anizations is the best possible for taken before the Board of Regents fact that the Big Ten editors decided lucing the results desired. Law, ( who supported the decision of the that they'd never been censored, and ever, in order to be respected must president and the secretary. Another then say ha ha how about G D E? e after the educational process is attempt will be made to secure Uni- "We respectfully call the attention. pleted. versity hall when the Regents meet . . "-you know the kind of stuff. 3ople who break the Prohibition. Jan. 17. Oh well. , Tomorrow there'll be a are revolters against the govern- picture -of a plumber-illustration to t of the United States. No one The professors of Chicago univer- the essay on plumbing in yesterday's1 believes in and sponsors that law sity, headed by President Harper con- col. Goody? break it but the. large number of template the formation of a golf club' Mr. Jason Cowles i violations merits attention from, this coming spring. legislative bodies. If the revolters' Will ELiminate Middleman :. Y, . ,-- - - - - - - -- - , ...4 -- .. T ,..... .i?.3 ~1-- - - -I ' rs."-_ . .«3 T., A rrs. -T t V T 3 bers for membership in'the D. A. R.,' that special means for passing on membership petitions have been tak- en. In a published report it is said that about 1,000,000 women are eligi- ble to membership in the D. A. R., that most of the 'eligibles may be brought within the society in a few years and that the present enrollment is near 200,000. Not only have the older patriotic and ancestral-patriotic societies grown in membership, but such societies have multiplied. There is a disposition in men and women to find a connection between themselves and men who lived in this country when it was a collection of colonies and who helped establish this republic. People who: do this generally take a strong and active stand for "perpetuating our in- stitutions," and they construe' "patri- otism" as adherence to the Ideals of the men who established those insti- tutions. This concentrates an active and conservative force of Americans as a check against the elements which have no historic or traditional back- ground or ignore it if they have, and who would enter upon experiments in government which would seem con- trary to the purposes of those who established the government. There is a good deal that is important in or- ganizing "old Americans" or Ameri- cans of "the old stock."t In this country from the first there has been a feeling of family pride. Among the early settlers were those who were proud, though not boastful of the position they held in England. Later families began to found their, pride on the station which a member or members of their family gained in the colony. "Old" families decayed and new families bec me "old" fami- lies. In some counties and cities new families became old families in two or three generations. There has been a boom in genealogy in the past quarter of a century. More workers are engaged in genealogical All kinds. They are, of course, a necessity these cold days. Knit gloves, driving gloves, heavy wool lined leather gloves, motor transport gloves. SWEATERS Heavy, rugged ones for skat- ing, tramping, etc. Light close- knit ones for inside wear and under a coat. Real values. Look them over. GLOVES SHIRTS / ,Q odp4'V1UP. Shoes for men and women. Also breeches, sweat- ers, hose in many kinds, and varieties. A complete out- St. All our great large stock of heavy winter clothing is reduced. Our prices were already lower than most "sale prices" but we have again cut them and the values are now incomparable. OUR LEATHER COATS, JACKETS, CORDUROY COATS and SHEEP- SKINS, are REDUCED. Blanket patterns, big plaids. and checks. They are the best. value in woolen shirts on the market. Also O. D. woolen in, several weights. Real values. SHOES 1-5 1-4 1w2 Heavy hiking shoes, packs, moccasin shoes, etc. The lure of the "open spaces" begins to grow on one now-a-days. Be sure to have a pair of outdoor shoes handy and you need fear no weather. We also carry a good line of skating shoes for boys and girls. OFF, The values are all extreme. The reductions great. Start out the new year right by saving money on the ar- ticles we carry. minnf hi n nuini u rn nerir CHAINS Crash! A car has skidded