THE M!Cf'-HTGAN DAILY ___ narniiatiyear of graduate work, including some 4MIRI IC OCIATIlN courses in the department of social AmLB~RII Phi Mu fellowship is for graduate [[[[WSERSS ork in any university or college in S 1which Phi Mu has a chapter. It of- fen$1,000. OIIPPRTNITTES AVAILABLE FOR! The Boston alumnae fellowship of IVORK IN AMERICA AN) $500 is for graduate women who desire. ABROAD) to do one year's constructive work in - Europe or in America. The American Association of Uni- A. A. U. W. international fellowship versty ome anounes 1 fllo- foffers $1,000 to enable the holder' to versatonWamyear'sonresearcheinosome ships available for the year 1924-1925.,lcg nayasreerhi1oe. country other than her own. Applications for these mnst be madeI Rose Sidgwick memorial fellowship rot later than Fe'b. 1 to Prof. Agnes L. ! of $1,000 is open to British women Rogers, Smith college, Northhampton, ! of graduate standing and is to be held Mass. for the purpose of graduate study in The letter of application should con-I American colleges or universities. tamn an account of the applicant's ed-I The Spanish fellowship offers tuition ucational training, a statement in full at the University of Madrid and in of the plan of 'study or research, and addition board and lodging at the the object in view. It should be ac-. Residencia. It is open to graduates of companied by a certificate from the 'an American college or university.. registrar of the college or university, Applicants must speak Spanishn flu- awarding the degree or degrees 're-, ently and be capable of independent ceived; testimoni'als as to the age, work in the particular field in which health, character, personality, ability, they wish to study. and scholarship of the applicant; theses, papers, or reports of investi- gations, published orunpublished.c IC19 9H TO Flohps frdeFreeman Palmer memorial fellowship' of $1,000 for which candidates m1ust1 E1NDS CNTENTION~ have the degree of doctor of philosophy Al or doctor of science, and present evid--- ence of distinctive subsequent accom- Michigan, with 96 delegates, had? the t-. j 31 , , C Wants Smoking Room For Girls) ENGAGEMENTS the Christmas holidays of the engage- Imerit of Therese E. Glass, '24, to Louis IDr. and Mrs. Norman W. Price,- of J. Harris, '24?. Miss Glass is a memi- Niagara Falls, N. Y., announce the ber of the Sigma Tau Delta house club. engagement of their daughter, Loraine' Foster, '24,. to Harold I. Howell, '22E, Student Weds of GandRapdsMic. Mss ric Is Announcement has been made of the} a member of Alpha Omicron Pi soror-mrig fMs eseWr ura iIty. Howell is a member of- Pi Kap- pa Alpht and Web and Flange.- I and Ivan Stone Clarke, '25, which took place Dec. 27 at the home of Mr. IThe engagement of. Helen Hawken, Clarke's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. H. D. '24, of Detroit, to Howard F. Taylor, Clarke, of Kalamazoo.. Rev. W. E. '22, of South Bend, Ind., was announc- Doty, pastor of the Simpson M. E. ed at dinner at the Gamnma Phi Beta Church, read the marriage vows. sorority house Thursday "night. ------It's. true efficiency to dse Daily Announcement was made during the Classlfleds.-Ad* The Boot Oan and off with a zip, this new Goodrich boot has a style and individuality you'll like. It is different; the hookless fas- teners give 'it a fit you'll like. Wear them over your street shoes or slippers. ..................«......««,...:.....««..«..««..« ..........«.. plishment in research. The Sarah Berliner research a.nd lecture fellowship offers annually from $1,000 to :$1,200 for research in physics, chemistry, or biology. Rec- ognition is "given to those candidates who can carry on research and at the' same time have the privilege of giv- ing one or more courses of lectures at some university or institution of, learning. European, Research European research is made possible by the A. A. U. W. fellowship of $1,000, open to any woman having a degree in arts, science, or literature, who. has met all the requirements for the' doc- tor of philosophy degree with the pos- sible exception of the completion of the dissertation. Julia C. G. Piatt memorial fellow- ship, offered in alternate years, en- titles the holder to $750. It is open to women who intend to make teaching a profession.. Preference is given to those who have had successful teach- ing' experience and' in addition have completed at least two years of grad- uate study. The association has established the Latin-American fellowship of $1,000 to advance friendly relations with wyomen students of theLatin-AmericanI republics, and to assist them to pre- pare for public service in their com-i largest representation of all univer- sities__at the World Student Volunteer convention held from Dec. 28 through Jan. 1, at the Cadle tabernacle, Indian- apolis, Ind. More than- 7,000 repro- 'sentatives coming from every state In the Union and from numerous foreign tcountries, were present at the con- vention. Prentice Ford, '25, chairman of the Student Christian association's world service committee, headed tpie Michigan delegation. IA new committee will be formed at Michigan which will be headed by E. R. Slaughter, '25E, and include Perry Hayden, '25, -Prentice Ford, '25, H. 0. Steele, #25, Ailene Davis, '24, and Frances Speaker, '24Ed, to carry the purpose of the convtention in practice at the University namely, to bring stu- dents together at meetings where speakers will give these students a world outlook. The committee will meet in the near future. The entire Igroup of 96 delegates will meet at I2:30 o'clock Sunday in Lane hall. HOBB 0S TO SPEA K ON EARTIH 0 UKE PREICTION . Zip*per, the new galoshes. Phone 2963-R Ann Arbor, Michigan ~I rcd$.0 ! N 4 Bckle _________ Setru itsi re-Invento'ry Sale Galoshe's tAll Suits,! Rompers, and Dresses at a great reduction-not shop wvorn A1 four buckle ar ctic for particular{ or soiled but fresh stock. women comes n an unusually trim, A few coats for girls-ages 3-4 and 12.yar~, going belowy cost. style. ~__Sweater___Suits____n white, tan, brown and blue--in two And three year " Sizesj1= It is first quality Goodyear glove Mis~Glena edmn DY To save' money buy summer socks at greatly reduced prices. A fewwihaeryelsctotatfs 1I:mr etyta n te aoh 1Ms lna* mnDype idn pairs wool sox also to be had.;. of the student government association 4 NICKELS ARCADE Ti aohsi orbcl tl at Penibrooke Hall, the woman's sec ! .---YI-"/H..r $4.50. -~r~rrr...Y 1""Y.I.Y..M~~.r.rrr" .a ~i [YY."1 .iel tion of Brown, university, is gathering ^---- signatures, to a petition , asking the t1111111111II1111l1111111n~111111111111101I01111L faculty to provide a smoking room 'for- the women. Cscrewn-Toda'y . IV 4if -'~ - . Arae-Ii-yidrLv, Charming new decorative miaterials and aces- with Ernest Truex and star sories are bringing largely increased business LATTME OA ast to our popular drapery " department and our Mesi-'naChristie," fea - , work rooms' are humming with activity.= Eugene O'Neill's Wli Rusl Sweet and Toisrey - rpriswe Pulitzer Prize Play Wila usl.T nuegetting : rdrpei W uerth-"TeCl fteWl, wanted we suggest the desirability of making ________ by Jack London. -ji selections now. There is. a wealth of new AL RE Orpheum-"The Mysterious Wit-fbic ochoe"rm EVAN ness ' ~ We have Wall1 Paper to hatch IN All LDraperles. ". Coori'u _______________________________________Pianologue" Stage-This Week. I:- JiNOGRtA S ORCHESTRA Whitney - This evening -= "T7 E~ ' SUNDAY I"The Blarney Stone," featur- I' 1 EfZj-L.E r 'TT n 3 Tnr re A tIr.,- k ' mur, hies. The candidjtes for this Ikig wa.iter canian. I - - - - -ot W - fellowship must be at least 21 years i Prof. H. W. Hobbs, of the geology PriTl of age and have the equivalent of a department will speak ,at the regular = Garrick) (Detroit)- E. H. Soth- PANIIAA college education and sufficient knowl- monthly, meeting of the, Ann Arbor f emn and Julia Marlowe in AN.RO edge of English to enable then! to un-, branch of the American Association ofI (matinee) "Romeo and. Juli- derstand'and profit by lectures. University Women which will be held1 et;" tonight "The Taming" of .. ___________ Social Service Fellowship at 3 o'clock today at Hleleni Newberry the Shrew." - Gamma Phi"Beta social service fel- residence. I -4 i# }lt1#fllltn#,iItnnh1;nmI!II t#!#111#nnIl lowship consists of $500, which shall Prof. Hobbs Will speak on, "Predic- w- be devoted to. preparation for the pro- tious of Earthquakes." Lantern slides EEC-_ fession of social ser'vice, and is open will be used to illustrate the various Vi . w 1111 to women who have done at least one- elements which he will discuss. "t " mul 'uwit WAS IGT N- Ann Arbor's Leading Clothiers 14~jUS SPECIAL FOR 3 BIG ACTSO /! i's 1n SATURtDAY AND SUNDAYVA D IL E, "Exclusive- but Not ,expensive" NImm-ADL - .^-,. ,,II a1 PLENTY OF LAUGHS-SINGING-DANCING aS.MiStu LON CHANEY in "PENALTY" a SP-ECI AL LATE SHOWHl( u STARTING AT 10:15 SHARPi nl announce the Sa:turck.ty' * ~SPECIAL MUSIC FOR SUNDAY =Irns;nu An Enthe Change of Program -> II 1111111 It ---1 14111- ..i' All Ogniaios N14 -. j 1 1 1111~,. fganizations I 11 1111 1f - ffillilN ". 114144W1 Pappointments immediately for Ensian group pictures. ad5 Only 20 days to photograph the groups ..11 and the noonhlour dates are being alml .IiA taken fast. ~II144 I11 11 IIT is p cileca includes o rentire stock ~of brushed wool mufflers up to $3.50- Hum 1 11 1r ti i n 4 1 1t Four, ha 141sh u d1a e n a p o n m e t at Gl -°"" - I ""'"' [rI t.k.LUIS1lUU.Z, tW)IVAN'.: D DEORAINGof a ,Profligate, Tumultous Court YPSIANTIFRANCES HODGSON BURNETT'S w = Exciting 1Roumnce I .:. ... With I :. We Dtliver RmmImgton fortasble'.Typewriteris STACY R. BLACK *04 B. Madiasou St. !Phne 1$G 9 I v IRI NIA VALLI-ml f 6 HIRLING-SWIIILNG-DAZZLIN ILTON SILLS NG-MAGNIFICENT U ,.,. ;> ,^ -"-, *. Y f r - _- \ .- ,y4 '~ " ,.. . i - . . / s .. { ... J . t .. l i r 4 4 .',.- wz . .. - . - 01 GoodN-ews! r. ,.~ INTR clothes, first in qcualty and fore. most in fashion, have beenr-priced o here in a manner to make the heart rejoice! What better news to raise the spirits of E woman who must live within a limed income? Goo dyear s. 124 SOUTH MAIN i i