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January 04, 1924 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-04

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AT 3 P.M


________________FOR RNT
TERRACE" IAlENl'1C1 ONE excellent upstairs suite au;' one!
qiARDPI ANIN large Isom downstairs. 422 11am-
STUDIOilton Place, Phone 2121-..
Classes every -Monday and;
Friday P.. M., 7:30 to 8:30.j TYPEWRITE7RS
Assem~bly until 10 o'clock.
Wye teach all modern, fancy, TYPEWRITERS of all mks bought,
ballet, and stage dancing. sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned
15 one-hour lessons for $5.1 and repaired. 0. D. Mlorrill, 171
We specialize in teachings Nickel's Arcade. De.aler L. C.
children. Open daily 10 a.. Smith & Corona Ty ;writers.
ii, 10 p. fM.
Wuerth Arcade MUSCA

Forces Veracity

10cperreeingline for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line fr
three or mor~e insertions, cash in adN'ance. Minimum. 3 lines per insertion.
Chiarged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per
reading line for' three cr more insertions.. White space charged for at' same
rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts
for classified advertising.
Classified Columin Closes at U~ o'Cloclk oon. Si.urday.
'FARM 1'ir ( gp .vw r i 1 .11


7 filigree ring with square set dila- TOILET PAPER
IMonid in center and 19 small ones' BRUSHES
surrounding. Reward. Call Miss BROOMS
Davdsn,1600-W. MOPS
LOWE par ofgoldfounainBASKETS
4OWR4atfgodfntlpen. DISHES
Initial "H". Finder please call MissE GLASSWARE
Rjeddaway, Univ. 10-M. WAITER'S COATS
,JAN.2 on Interurban between Detroit WA TERis APRONS
and Annu Arbor, gold wrist watch, THiOEsUP at STR
octagon shape, monogram F. M. S. 209-11 E. Washington St.
on back. Reward. _______
BEUT SOPFULL line of bird seed. Haller's
Health Food, Song Restorer, Lice
For Special Bleauty Work powdler. All clean fresh goods.
21 We~t Arade hon 173~. Car. Washington and 5th Ave.
ALL MAK~ES. Agency Woodstock °and: Superflilous
Oliver typewriters., Sundstrand add-, FACIAL HTAIRS
ing marchine, Line-a-Time copy Removed Permanently by
holders, rubber stamnps, ibbons, E LECITROLYSIS
cushion keys, type cleaners and supl- ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE
plies. Machines rented.I Hours:
ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER 1 to 224 Nic-kel's Arcade
EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtow*n 4:,30 P. M. (2nd Floor)


Phaone 241-R
IARG1E double room, will rent for one
or two,-very reasonable, 425 S. Div-
ision. .Phone 15i65-J.,
ROOM and board :tn private home.
.Also use of, piano. .1205 Wright st.
TO YOUNGstudentcrniple or instruct-
or' and wife, Furnished four-room
apartment one block from campus.
At actual cost-unusual opportunity.
Inquire at 1208 Oakland.
FRONT SUITE for two boys. Fourf
blocks from campus. 721 S. Div-
ision, Phone 1705-M.
STANDARD and portable typewriters.
Good machines. S. A. Moran, Room
2, 711 N. Univ.
SEVEN room furnished house for
three or four months, near cam-
pus, Couple with no children de-
sired. Two rooms now occupied will
pay part of rent.: Call 441-F-i or
THREE room furnished apartment'
for housekeeping. 1007 Monroe.
Single room also..

KEEP. PHYlSICALLY fit by t-he daily'
use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen'
on Records. Complete outfits sold,
by Schaeberle & Son.
TED,. RHOADE'S orch estrai presents
Joe' Sweeny and- his five-piece or-
X1 i'NT ElD
MAN to wash dishes for board. Call
at 611 Church street.
YOUNG refined student to work as!
part payment for room. Address
E. G.

Roaming R. 0. T. C. Retreats Ec
Third Time In As Many Yea
Again the R. 0.' T.C ofices lIve I :Muso;uni as soon as it has been
been moved.- The latest change hasI cat ed by the unit, to be used
been from the building on south 'Uni- oero o h ra up
valuable relics and exhibits which
versity avenue to the former offices tinue to flood the building nowc
of the Highway laboratory on the can- Pied by the Museum.
pus which in turn have- been im,od
into the recently completed Engineer- Daily classified, for real resul
shops." This is the third timte that,~
'the military unit has changed its lo-;
cation in as many years. Just what --
will be the final (disposition of the
R. 0. T. C. offices is 'a question at the +O
present time. ARO
The available, space in ,the new lo-',I
cation is not adequate for the needsFO N ANP NNJ
of the unit so that a part of the eqIuiip-
'mnent will be left in 'the old location 'The Ink That aude
until satisfacto-ry, space- can be' ar- The fountain Pen Possibly
ranged. The office of Captain Dunn of
the coast artillery will be temporar-; ,4Ril
ily left in the former location also. Sr oo
Since the .headquarters have been,1ii1-
moved to the Highway laboratory E.
C. Pardon, superintendent of Build- i
ings and Grounds has recommended to!
President Marion L. Burton that this i( l
building be torn clown in an effort to! * I Il l27
beauty the campus further still. Vie- ! Qo
finite action on this matter hinges on l uI fUNiAINPEINK
the consent or rejection of the plan EASYFLLCK_
by- President Burton. 'iii AG AH
As a further complication Viae for- 1 I
mer building occupied by the It. 0.
T. C. unit has been allotted to the

. ...

ALL kinds of trunk and door keys.
Fitting keys and openning locks a
specialty. Dell Keeler, ,1136 W.,
Huron. Phone 2498.

Dr. R .House
The theroy upon which he works in
injecting scopolamin, the "truth ser-
um," to force veracity on personis, was
explained. by Dr. R. L. House, Qf Fer-
#ris, Tex., its discoverer, at a demon-


1919 Chevrolet 'touring, $1, 01 good 1stration before several hundred doc-
running condition. !tars, psychologists and criminologists
1921 Stearns 4 pass. Touring, has had jin New Orleans. He says that, when
low milage, m'echanically 0. K. a subject has been placed under, the
1921 4-Nash touring, refinished, A-1I influence. of -scopolaniin, the subject's
'mechanically f minds comes into, play and cannot lie.
1919 Oldsmobile 6-touring, refinished,
good runsning- condition. CHEAP .practically new Corona ;type-
ANN. ARB3OR NASH-. CO. - writer and Spencer camera, Lucida.
A. C. Marqu, ardt. I Call at 722 'Packard, evenings.
'llMaynard, phone 19Z7.
FULL blooded Airdle' ,dog, Fred STOCK REDUCING SALE.
Kleinischmidt, Saline..-Phiolun 197 HATS-CORSETS-HOSIERY
27 Wuerth .Arcade , Upstairs
standard and] portAble machines. It's true efficiency to use Daily
Room 2, 711 N. Univ.' Ave. Classifieds.-Adv.

, 1


t. Williams' not only
v softens 'your beard.
fasteribut itcontaiftts
an ingredient wich
is 01 actuaL Wbeit
----$250,in Prizes
This is the new Hinged Cap on Williams' Shaiving
Cream. Williams' is the only shaving cream Having
this convenience feature. We want you to tell us
how the cap appeals to. you. So wemzake th1w offer:
Foqr the best sentence of ten words or less, on the value
of the Williams' Hinged Cap, we offer the following
prizes: 1st prize $100; 2nd prize $50; two 3rd prizes,
$25 each; two 4th prizes, $10.each; six 5th prizes, $5
each. Any undergraduate or graduate student is eli-
gible. If two or more persons submit identical slogans
deemed worthy of prizes, the full amount of the prize
will be awarded to each. Contest closes at midnight
March 14, 1924. Winners will be announced as soon
thereafter as possible. Submit any number of slogans
but write on one side of paper only, putting name,
address, college and class at top of each sheet. Address
letters to Contest Editor, The J. B. Williams Co.,
Glastonbury, Conn.

-~-~; i--,


- - A ~ ~

- .:

Y r


. , .1 - I , I , - , , i , , , i-

All Suits8,and




Now is your "opportunity to get a suit and
prices that are almost too good to be true.

overcoat at.


-5... .... d: 1

This sale includesiou fr complete stock. of famous Kuppen-
heimer 3Suits and Overcoats and other fine mnakes.

Taki ag the kc
out of a beard

Through SCHOOL>
Throuq4 .COLLFGE-
Eversharp and. Wahl Pen are America's finest-
working and best-liked pencil and pen. When,
you, buy these two you acquire writing com~-
panions for life.
~versharp .was the first successful mechanical
pencil-and its features can't be copied. -' Ever~4~
sharp =lead- never wobbles-the, exclusive ',rifled
".tip' holds' it absolutely firm. 'the automatic
index always tells how much 'lead is in the barrel.
And Eversharp ceraftsmanship gives a balance'
to the' pencil that suits your 'hand perfectly.
Wahl Pen in all-metal is the outstanding _ .
fountain pen achievement. The all-metal barrel
cannot crack or split. You fill it less often,
because it holds more ink. And it will last a
Eversharp and Wahl Pen are essential in
school, in college and in business. Buy both, in
gold or silver. Eversharp, $1 to $10; Wahl
Pen, $4 to $10. Solid gold a~t higher, prices.
The New Wahl Pen, engine-turned in j et-
black rubber, is the best looking and most prac-
tical rubber fountain pen you have ever seen.
Price $2.50 up.
Made in U. S. A. by THE WAHL CO., Chicago 7Y f .Pe
ti iafched1by.

WhatThsSl Means To YOU
$25 Suits and Overcoats Now ......... .$8.75
$3o0Suits and Overcoats Now .......22.50
$35 Suits and Overcoats Now ........... 26.25

$40 Suits and 'Overcoats Now
$45 Suits-and Overcoats Now
$50 Suits and Overcoats Now
$55 Suits and Overcoats Now
$60 Suits and Overcoats Now

" " " " "." " " s.:"'" "
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"t ".".".". "t " s*""





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