THE MICHIGAN DAILY I s _ _ II REULE- CONLIN'S Clearance. Slashes All Prices! Thousandsrof Dollars, Worth of Finest Clothing at Sensational Prices! I . , ,l _ EI '4 .s ' 4 in * V4L:r~~~k. t _ ... Furnishings Cut! Bathrobes 1-4 Less Were $5 to $15 I L. r4 ' , pip, i All Hats 1-4 Less. Were $4 to $10 / ..'t .1 44 l" . c " i 'r= y rO t =i-' All Caps 1-4 Less Were $2 to $3 There's every new shape in hats for winter wear. At these low prices it will pay any man to buy a new one for the balance of the winter season. A The whole stock goes. Nothing is reserved in this Gigantic Clearance. Every new shape, color and pat- tern included. Real val- ues at these prices, If t: so M b 5-.... M1 r 'gz r ' , , i '' ;i . 3 iiar'k' ' I4i, bra , _ . , . i t { E .4, ; t:.~~' II 3~ 7.3 '' 7 ' i ' _ .* i, ' 4. 4s . A:' - '. Shirts Are 20% Less ~$*~4s ~ 4" 'V. ' 4,1 4' k ,I a! >u -, Except Work Shirts Now's the time, men,, to get in a good supply of shirts, for you need them the year 'round. Man- hattan and other makes. Regularly $1.50 to $7.50. Heavy Gloves 20% Less Were 75c to $5 This includes the fine, big, warm, fleece-lined gloves so many men like. And it includes the heavy work- ing gloves that are needed right now. What a chance this gives! T h e finest bathrobes you've ever seen, going now at this great sale re- duction. y Heavy Sweaters Special 'Way Underpriced The famous Keller slip- overs of purest wool. The $12 ones go at $9.65. $10 values 'are now $8.50. Sweaters regularly $8.50, are now only $6.75. Smoking Jack- ets, 1-4 Less Were $6 to $15 Here'ePchance for real coinftrt -:At mighty low pricesi. These are just the jackett, ll men need for wear aofind hom while °.}" g et your- self one! j-4' All Luggage 207% Less Regularly$2to $65 One of the sale's best events! For we're includ- ing wardrobe trunks, suit- cases, traveling bags, Bos- ton bags and every other piece of luggage in stock. Underwear 20% Less Regularly $2.50 to $5 We've taken our entire stock of Stephenson and Superior underwear and marked it for this great event at a reduction of 20%. The values are su- perb. 1. i ,1 Supreme Values in All Overcoat Prices i These, Suits! . , . Sharply Cut! Mostly Hart Schaffner Mostly HarTt Schaffner & arx & >7arx All $30 All $35 O'Coats O'Coats C C . " C '" " " s " " " " " s ..." .4 20.65 25.75 29.35 All $40 O'Coats All $45 O'Coats All $50 O'Coats All $55 O'Coats All $75 O'Coats . ..........."e"c"0"0 0 0 0 .. . ." 4 . ........c.. ...e... . ......... cc. ..... .. ......... ...... . All $30 Suits All $35 Suits All$40 Suits All $45 Suits All $50 Suits All $55 Suits All $60 Suits ........... e.. .c...... ... . ........ ... c . .... $21.55 26.35 29.65 32.55 38.50 41.25 47.50 . 0 ... .... ..... .. 33.65 39.25 42.35 58.35 All Neckwear 1-3 Less " " "" " " "". " e "e "" " " "" " g." "c"c"scf..".s" "c "Ccc" "" " "c"" "c Was 50c to $2 .. .c..e "..... ..........s There's no end to the as-. sortment of neckwear you'll find in this great sale. Choose any tie you want and save exactly one- third of its original price. I Here are suits for every business and school need. The newest, smartest styles in richest They're superb overcoats, all of them the finest Hart Schaffner & Marx can tailor. .Made of warmest, richest woolens in every colors. The superb woolens of which they're Warm Scarfs 1-4 Less Were $1.50 to $5 All Trousers made insure extremely long service. Men new color and style. A size for every man. 20% Less k of every size and build will find perfect fits. At prices astonishingly low! At savings you'll realize are tremendous! Some of these are of brushed wool. Others of finely knit wool. Still others of silk or silk and Were $3.50 to $12 Match up that coat of yours with a pair of trous- ers from this huge stock. ff, ,. fn rt rnN Ott ct /1 .&wv.. r..M w m A /" - -.& 1 I AJIJIfrorl1fnn-V /2r E I1' 1