TIHE MICHIGAN IDATILY DAIL FFICIALI O BULLETIN, Puiblication in the bulletin is constructive notice to all members of thie university., Copy received by th .ssstnt t( the Frsdat until 3:30 p. M. (11;30 a. M. Saturday.) iurne l To The Deans : T IIUBISIAY, JANUARY 3, 1924 Number 1 *The next conference ot the Deans will be hlcd on Wednesday, Jan 23. Tlhere will be no conferences on the intervening Wednesdays. N. L. Burton. To TJ14 'Fieinbers Of The University Faculty: Ani apIpeal has come to the Unive rsity of Michigan from the Tokyo Imperial Uniers.ity for contributions of books to replace in some measure the 700,000 volumes which the Tokyt Imperial University lost in the earth quake and fire of last September. The General Library on behalf of the U'niveity has responded to this appeal by sending to Tokyo certain dupli- cates and sets of University publications. The invitation is now extended to mjembekrs of the University Faculty to contribute whatever of their own 1,rblicat ion:, may be available for the purpose. Such contributions may be dent or ta~ken to the General Library and the General Library offers to soe that the y are transmitted to Tokyo. X. L. Burton: senatle Council: Thle next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday, January 14, 1924. F. 1E. Robbiins, Secretary. Tro New Memibers W ' The Faculties: The Division of Cllege and University Personnel of the American Council on Ed'_ucatin has requested the cooperation of this University in kee ping up to date their records. Registration :blanks with envelopes for return to the American Council on Education have been sent to each new miember of the Faculties. If any-other members of the ,Faculties who have not registered with ~ltlhe American Council on Education desire to do so, ad- diitional lianks m ay Ile obtained at this office; F. E. Itobhjus. F'acuilty Of College_ Of EngIneering: Mr. IV. E. Wickenden who is to direct the investigation of Engineering Educaticn under the auspices of the ( arnegie Foundation and the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education is to be in Ann Arbor for the next few days,. In order to give members of the engineering faculty oppor- unity to meet Mr. Wickenden and hear him outline heis plans, a dinner has been arranged ;for Saturday evening, January 5, at 6:15 P. M. at the Michigan Union at which all memibers of the engineering faculty are urged to be present. Tickets are $1.25. Send your acceptance to Professor J. Raleigh Nelson at once..I. Cooley. l : l4 :t" 1..wculd greatly facilitate the work of the Bureau of Appointments if all recommendations were returned to the office as soon as possible. Please WAWA BM ul fill in all the blanks you can now and keep only those for which you rneed further data. Mrar uet (~amwnron, Secrotary. Teachers Initerested In The Philippine Islands: Information has been received at the 'Bureau of Appointments conccrnr- ing openings 'for teachers in the Philippine Islands. If you are interested plase call at the office or the Bureau any morning from 10:30 to 12:00. 11argaret Camecron, Secretary. Students Enrolled With Bureau Of Appointmients: If you have not already taken the recommendation blanks to the mem- b ers of the faculty front whom you wilsh recommendations, you should do so at onte. The blanks can be socured at the office of thec Bureau, room 1 02, Tappan Hlall. Pictures should also be handed, in this week1. 3larga ret Camieron, Sec rotary. Comittee On The Study Of Engineer ing~ Educaltion: Tphe Committee on the studly of Engineering Edufeation will meet at dinner at the Michigan Union Friday, January 4, at 6:15 P. Mv., to discuss the result, of their investigations with Mr. *W. E.'Wicke-nden, thie newly ap- pointed Director of Investigations of the Society for the P'rom.otion of En- gineering Education. ,.laeg esu Philwoophy 19a, 10, and 18: Owing to sickness, P~rofessor 1). 11. Parker will be unable to re7umne his cla sses, till Monday, January 7th. It. 31. Wenley. 3ilitary Sciece i5: Section 1III, qdui7, Th. 9:00 A. M. will not meet this week. Section I, Laboratory Al1. 3-5 will mieet. lMoflday Jan. 7, 1924 in r om1 on 2nd floor, main entrance Old, Engineering Shops. Section I1, L1=. lrmatory Th. 3-5 will meet hereafter Tuesdays 3-5 beginn-. Ing Jan, 8, 1924, in room on 2nd floor, main eitrance Old E ngineerinig Shops. Geeorp'e W. Dunn, Jr., Capt, C. A. C'., DOT,. ' olcog carl ,ljoul Club: The Zoological Journal ClIub will meet Thursday, Jan. 3, at 7:30 1). M. in room 242, Natural Science Building. Reports by A. Franklin Shull on Bouile's, "Fossil Men", ?tapers on mnimicry and parthienogenesis, andl reports of cert.ain feature , of the business meetings of the American Society of Zoo- logists-. Peter Okkellwrg. Varsityy(Glee Club1t: The University of Michligan.,Glee Clubs will have the regular rehearsal to-night a~ 7:00 o'clock in the Union. John .11. Russehl Manager. Mexican Leader Put To J out B WHArl ,T';S GOING Re4'-'els In JalapaI _____ 'Union. 7:30 P. f-7 n n Bld neadling room, Ion. I VI DA y 12:10 P . 1.Lw ac v t . (Our mein ' hlfor This weeq will he held this e'vening. WI)tmprompt Speches w ill consiute the pim#;'a~m. The group) picture oru:the.Michign- t u siAlwill be tahwn Sat.Jan. 2rte t 2:00 P. AL at ,Spedi g. TER N tN As~ meas offacilitaing nO e- Slarging its service to the strdent Lody, 9 the XWestori U'nion telegraph corn- pany has opened a branch office withi - 11 ect ire service at the Bmu M'aize I .nshop in Nicel' arcade, Mv.igild;at the ne~w branch wilt * be t rsittedt promptly=, the delay lunch i in ide[t to te1Plephoning messalgesh) the (!: Li3wn town office thus beingove- wtee"S lit come. IMiss IEisie Petersoni, formerly nman- :_ rofVte Wstern Union brarlc i ' _icp at ,iurnising<, Mich,., will be plac- furbitc n 'eAin cl'a rgpof the,,new, office. Ser- lvice will 1e"given:: from 8 o'clock inl Mo. gnum eloloi :'Moriguntil 9 o'clok at night. Daily Want Ads always bring goodi rt+ ixrs. results, I u1ni on. iPatronize The Dully Adve No oth-1t/i vi t C;. ,,I Pascal Morale s se ems {.to have b) en ma4de imprjortant as a factor' in the Mexican upheavel, for a time at least,.lHe was in command of the fe.,deral army defeated by the rebels who capltured Jalapa. Uiversity Of Michigani Band: Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock. Band Hleadquarters. By orde Director. Bring racks and capes. William Granlich, Jr. Asst.r er of th Maniagei 1e Los Angeles, JIan. 2.--Skeletons of human beings buried for a period es- -timater to be between 7,000 and 10,' ''000 years were recently uncovered at __.- Point Magu, Ventura County, Calif- ornia, by a representative of the Smithson ian Institute, of Washington, D). C. Thi e seamless streamline That's what gives this new, Walk-Over, the Delmar, its thoroughbred look. It's Walk-Over craftsmanship that gives it thoroughbred fit. In Viking Calf, black or tan. 0T one ever INgets tired of ' Melaclirinos- their unfailing4 quality is a con, stant satisfaction, ORIGINAL A 4N "The One Cigarette Sold the World over" u,, BOARD (With out Breakfast) FOUR DOLLARS (IJI V'AST V;A S 1 Iro - Neaar liaue hAul a loant describing the hinged cap that can't get lost. Can you give it to us? Perhaps you shavewith Williams'and knowhow gentle and soothing its 0 quick-working lather is to,. thxe skin. Perhaps you Phaven't begun to use W il. R liarns' yet. Whichever the case, we'll pay real mxoney oP'I for your ideas. $250 in prizes K !For the best sont enciofen wordo orleB8on thevalue of the W illiams' Hiniged cap, we of- fer thefollowing prizes: et prize$100;2nd prize * $50;twotblrdprizes,$25each;two4thprzes,$10 ecpch;si x5thprlizes,$5 each. Any undergraduate brgradutatest ud ent is eligible. Iftwo or more per- sons submit identicaisloyansdeernedworthy of ^rizes,the full amount of the prize willbe award- ed to each. Contest cl.oses at midnight March 14, MV~k M1924. Winners will be announiced as soon there- after as possible. Submit any number of slogans but wiite on one side of paper only, putting name, addlress, college and class at top ofeach sheet. Ad-. dress letters to Contest Editor, The1. B. Williamns 4Co..Glastonbury, Conn. f rrtttrrrrtttrtrrt rtt n tsCIn ese R u g s aRecei vcj yesterday twenty-two °round and square Chinese Rugs, .$4 each, up. MRS.0.B. MERRICK 1-h1one 31241H ....,. . e _. I 29 OFF ICE SUPPLIES 1924 l / r vwnn[ naax AEG u S. PaT. CMS R. J. HOFFSTETR, 115 S. Main AHANDY CALENDAR and tan E.,XCELSIOR DIARY will keep you happy all the.'year through OFFICE SUPPLIES IN GENERAL. I Tvllj v 9 .. t}, E *i~ if' r,...___._._._. SHOWING CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN u f" tTh e U L S T E R To enjoy to the full the sting- !n out-of-doors days this winter, the warmth-without-weight of the niew ulster is essential. LUXENBERG tailoring and unexampled low prices provide these luxury coats at less than the cost of an ordinary coat. F r !## Y s / $32.50 to $47.50 I ) Manufdatured and sold exclusively b?. NATLUXENBERG& BRos. Ne'w address 841 Broadway N. W. Cor. 13th St, Stuyvesant 9898 New York City Branches STETSON 211 Water St. Exeter. N. H. E163 Broad St. Newark, N. J. Rats Stetson hats have that crispness of line which is so truly the hallmark of the smart hat. They are distinctly- Oius style-memo book will be . seat free. on re~quest STYLED V~ow YOUNG 1-Et E fF .... .141 1s. A S SIlh8b~lIsi04EE 9hhl h1IlllI