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January 03, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-03

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River Seine Wets Paris After
Customary New Year's Revels




New School


University Accepts Scholarships From
Chinese Students, and

Paris, Jan. 2.-Paris and its sub-
urbs, recovering from the effects of
the New Year's frolic, awoke this
morning to realize that something ser-
ious was going on in the river Seine.
The heavy rainfall of the past fort-
night has swollen the river to such an
extent that this' morning the aspect
was one of seriousness. The officials
at the foreign office, arriving at their
desks today after the New Year's va-
cation, found that the water was seep-
ing into the basement of the building,
where important archives were stored. I
The fire department was immediately
called upon and brought pumps in the
hope of clearing the basement of water
and saving the valuable papers stored7
below. Fear was expressed that the
rise in the river might bring about1
such a situation as prevailed in 1910,

when the diplomatic staff of the for-
eign office had to go to their posts in
The suburbs immediately east and
west of Paris are largely under water.
They bear the aspects of a muddy
Venice; Boats have been brought into
use at Auteuil to move the inhabitants
from houses which have been sur-
rounded by water and to carry food
to people who have declined to move
The great truck garden area lying
along the river resembles a vast lake.
Only here and there is there any veg-
etation showing above the muddy wa-
ters. Army engineers are rushing foot
bridge materials to numerous suburb
an towns in order to permit the people
to circulate in the water covered







Senate Still Deadlocked Over
state Commerce


American Dialect Society Meets
Conjunction With Larger


Creation of a School of Business
Administration wth :Prof. Edmund
E. Day of the economtes department
as dean, was announced by the Board
of Regents at its meeting Dec. 22.
Professor Day came to the University
from Harvard last year as director
of the curricula in business adminis-
tration and the organization of the
new school was undertaken in accord-
ance with plans which he submitted
to the Regents at their November
The new school is the University's
response to the growing demand for
a course in business education which
will equip the granate with a more
comprehensive knowledge and a
broader vision than he obtains under
the present system. Harvard uni-
versity, Dartmouth College and the
University of Pennsylvania now have
schools of business administration
similar to Michigan's new one.
(Offer Five Year Course
The new department next fall will
affer a five-year course consisting of
three years of supervised work in
the literary college and two years of
highly specialized study in Dean
Day's school, the course ending with
the degree ofmaster of business ad-
cinistration. Under this plan, the
student will be under the control of
of the new school 'during , the
course, but will divide his time be-
tween cultural and professional work,
in conformity with the plan of busi-
ness training which is rapidly being
adopted throughout the country.-
About ten men will compose the fac-
ulty of the new department.
"Business long since has learned
how to profit from the application of
scientific methods to its engineering
problems; it is coming rapidly to ap-
preciate the possibility of a like ap--
plication of these methods to its man-
agement problems," declared Dean
Predicts Possibilities
"Sales promotion, permanent or
temporary financing, advertising cam-
paigns, labor incentives, these and
countless other phases of manage-
ment lend themselves to quantitative
analysis and more or less definite
measurement," he continued. "Busi-1
ness research has tremendous possi-
bilities which the next few years will
make increasingly evident.
Dean Day is desirous of correcting1
the common impression that the new1
department will turn out a two-year
product completely prepared for the 1
'practical" side of business. "We do
not plan to graduate expert techni-
clans, for other schools are prepared1
for that task. Ours is the task of
making business scientists and that
will require considerable time and en-
ergy. By requiring a three-year lit-1
erary course as a preparation for the
new course, we can rest assured that
the student has acquired a social at-
titude towards life that will equip
him to grasp the close connection be-i
tween the social and business worlds.";
Honor Retiring Regent
The Regents gave a dinner at the
Union in honor of retiring-Regenta
Frank B. Leland of Detroit who has.
served continously in this capacity
since 1908. Presdent Marion L. Bur-
ton addresed the guests and eulogiz-
ed Mr. Leland fqr his many and great1
services to the state and to the Uni-
versity. He state that during his in-
cumbency he has handled all of the
University's trust funds, investing
and reinvesting more than $50,000,
000, with rare good judgment. Mr.
Leland will be succeeded by Ralph
H. Stone of Detroit, president of the
Detroit Trust company who was elect-
ed last spring to the Board.
The Daughters of the American
Revolution informed the Regents that
they would establish a permanent
scholarship in memory of Michigan
soldiers who died during the World
war. The D. A. R. War Memorial
scholarship, as it will be known, will
consist of the income on a trust fund
of $5,000.
The Regents accepted a gift of
$500 from Mrs. Theodore Buhl of De-

troit for the maintenance of the Buhl
classical fellowships. A gift of $100
from Lawrence Buhl was also ac-
knowledged. Chinese students an-
nounced through the Board 'that they

Washington, Jan. 2.-(By AP)-
Congress will come back tomorrow
from its Christmas recess to begin theI

Expert Will Conduct Comprehensive
Investigation of Engineering
As a first step in the comprehensive
investigation of engineering education
in the United States which is to be
undertaken under the auspices of the
Carnegie foundation and the National
Society for the Promotion of Engi-
neering Education, Mr. W. E. Wick-
'enden, who has been placed in charge
of the work, will arrive in Ann Arbor
tomorrow for a visit of inspection of
the University.
This visit will mark the initiation of
a complete survey of the engineering
schools of the country which is being
undertaken by the society, and for
which the Carnegie foundation re-
cently voted the sum of $108,000 be-
cause they consider it a "real contri-
bution to the field of educational re-
Michigan Chosen
Michigan has been chosen as the
first college to investigate because of
the work of the local committee which
was embodied in a report presented at
the Cornell meeting of the society last
At noon tomorrow Mr. Wickenden
will meet the deans of the University
at a luncheon at the Union which will
be given by Dean M. E. Cooley of the
engineering college. At 6:15 o'clock
he is to have dinner with the members
of the local committee. Saturday the
engineering faculty will have an op-
portunity to hear Mr. Wickenden pre-
sent his plans at a dinner at the
Important Step
Dean Cooley, who is a member of
the executive board of the Society for
the Promotion of Engineering Educa-
tion, believes Mr. Wickenden especial-
ly well-fitted as the executive to carry
on the work which is considered by
him "the most important step in the
history of engineering education" He
expresses the conviction that nothing
in the hitsory of American education
has been undertaken that is apt to in-
fluence so profoundly the development
of our colleges.
Mr. Wickenden has been for three
years the assistant vice-president of
the American Telephone and Tele-
graph Co. in charge of the recruiting
and development of the supervisory
and technical personnel. In this ca-
pacity he has introduced into the bus-
iness more than 2500 graduates of
American universities.
Toledo Pastor
To Speak Here
Rev. Stephan K. Mahon, for eight
years pastor of the Epworth Memorial
church of Toledo, will deliver the
fourth lecture of the Wesleyan Guild
series of the the current year in the
Methodist church at 8 o'clock Sunday.
Reverend Mahon's subject is "A
New Road to an Old Morality." He
has been well received in many of the
larger cities throughout the country,
but will speak in Ann Arbor for the
first time on Sunday.

serious work of the session.
With comittees of the House and
Senate organized, the way is cleared
for Republican leaders to press for
enactment of legslation recommended
by President Coolid his first an-
nual message. They will seek to
wind up the work of the session in
"Grand Old Nan" Talks to Convention time for adjournment just before the
of American Football Coaches Republican National Convention meets
at Atlanta five months hence.
Still In Deadlock
"ACTION OF SPECTATORS IS While the Senate still is dead-lock-
AS IMPORTANT AS VICTORY ed over the election of a chairman or
the interstate comerce committee, maj-
Coach Fielding H. Yost has returned ority leaders are hopeful that this
to Ann Arbor from the annual conven-problem will be solved one way or
ton Annthe Abmrefricaomt alla cne an other within a few days. Ballot-
tion of the American Football Coacpes ing for a chairman will be resumed
ci , hld dsAtlanta durg tomorrow with little prospect of a de-
dressed the convention on "Sportsad- cision, but there appears to be a
dresseheonnio on "Sports- growing sentiment in favor of per-
manship," on Dec. 30. imitting the comnittee to function with-
"ootball players are infinitely out the formal election of a chairman
more sportsmanlike than are the so that the Senate may proceed with
spectators ,and before intercollegiate ' other business.
athletics can mean all that they The first important measures to
should, students, critics, school au- come before the House will be the
thorities, and spectators must accept annual appropriation bills on which
the word of officials as final," the sub-comittees have been working dur-
Coach said. "So long as spectators ing the holiday recess. Until the first
object to the rulings of officials, they of those is ready early next week the
are not educated to the proper degree House will mark time during prepar-
of sportsmanship. ed speeches by members.
Says Athletias Develop Democracye e Consider Tax
"Democracy is based upon respect Consideration f tax legislation
for opposition, respe t for law, respect the most important question that will
for authority and respect for govern- come before Congress at the session,
ment. Sportsmanship learned on the will be resumed tomorrow by the
playground and athletic field is a vital House Ways and Means committee,
stimulant to these ends, and for that which has agreed on a program of
reason if no other, athletics and coin-sprogramsof
studying administrative provisions of
petitive games deserve an important the Melon bill before acting on the
place in the program of education. soldier's bonus or rate schedules in
"There is no synonym for sports- i the revenue bill. Committee members
manship but if one were to be chosen said another ten days or two weeks
that might most nearly express its would be rquird to complete consid-
meaning, that word would be 'respect.' eration of the administrative features.
Sportsmanship is a quality of honor Revision of the House rules, de-
that desires always to be courteous, manded by the Republican insur-
fair, and respectful. In its applica- gents and agreed to by majority,
tiQn to intercollegiate athletics it is leaders as a way to the breaking of
interpreted in the conduct of players, the recent speakership deadlock, will
spectators, coaches, and school at betaken up again by the rules com-
thorities. Hence, the good sportsmah mittee with a view to a report to the
respects his game and his conduct; House by January 14.
the spectator, the student, and the f:Before this committee is pending
official must learn to uphold officials the resolution of Representative
and refrain from criticism.{ Frear, Rep., Wisconsin for the investi-
Sportsmanship Called Greatest gation of Governor-General Wood's
"Nations have succeeded in demo- administration in the Philipines.
cratic government in almost exact_
competitive games and athletics. As UIIR H B
ancient Greece was supreme in de-
mocracy, so was the she supreme in
games. Today Great Britain and
America lead the world in athletics
as they point the way to democracy.
"When two universities agree to Copy for the abridged announce-
meet each other in an athletic contest o
they agree to two tests-one to de- nent of the 31st Summer session of
termine which has the stronger team, the University will go to press at the
and the other to determine which has end of this week. Five thousand
instilled into its team and students the copies, for the use of students and
better quality of sportsmanship. It faculty, will be run off immedately
goes without saying that supremacy act will be runfoffdimmitely
in the latter is of much greater per- and will be ready for distribution
manent value than victory in the con- I within three weeks.
test itself." The 32 page edition of the announce
ment will contain a complete list of
all the courses to be offered in the
curricula of the Summer session.
1I. Details included with the mention of
INOeach course include the name of the
instructor and the number of hours
credit to be awarded.
The announcement is printed prim-
Two Ann Arbor clothing stores have arily for the use of students who are
suffered losses by robbery during the contemplating electing work in the
Christmas holidays. Thieves broke 1924 Summer session and wish to
into the store of Van Boven and Cress pla their secod semester work ac-
on South University avenue last Sun- cordigly.
day, securing approximately $2,500 in
suits and tuxedos. The same store Students Obtain
was the object of a second attempt at
robbery early yesterday morning Employment ere
when evimdnce of efforts to open the
rear door was discovered.
Wagner and Co., clothiers on State More than 75 students were given
st. were robbed of three overcoat: employment during the holidays
when thieves smashed the lock of a;
show case in which the coats were on through the medium of the University
display. employment service, according to Mrs.
Mary Stewart who is in charge of the
work. Although this large number
Ticket Requests were employed there were many more
Fo J-Hop Close who were unable to procure work.
or IIn most cases the work consisted of
odd jobs although there were not the


More than 500 noted professors and
linguists from the leading Univer-
sities and colleges of the country at-
tended the fortieth annual meeting
of the Modern Language association
of America which was held in this city
Dec. 27, 28, and 29. Literature of all
ages and methods for its teaching
were the pricipal topics of discussion.
Held in conjunction with this gather-
ing was the annual meeting of the
American Dialect society.
Group meetings were held Thursday
and Friday, with general gatherings
of the delegates as well, and the con-
vention closed with a general meeting
on Saturday. At that time officers of
the Modern Language association for
the next three years were elected.
William Allan Neilson, president of
Smith collge, was chosen president of
the association. On Thursday Pres-
ident Neilson had also been named to
head the American Dialect associ-
Prof. Moore Made Vice-President
Prof. Samuel Moore, of the English
department of this University, was
one of the three vice-presidents
named. Others were Prof. Rudolph
Schevill, University of California; and
Prof. George O. Curme, Northwestern
University. Dr. Carleton Brown of
Bryn Mawr college, was chosen sec-
retary and Prof. Edward Prokosch,
also of Byrn Mawr, treasurer.
A new editorial committee and an;
executive council were also named at
the final meeting of the association
on Saturday. Amendments to the
constitution were made to provide
for annual mettings to be held on al-
ternate years at points east and west
of the eastern line of Ohio and Ken-'
tucky; election of officers once every
three years instead of four; and they
holding of division meeting on petitiont
to and approval of the executive coun-
Discuss Literature,
The meeting of the associationopen-
ed Thursday with a discussion of
French literature of the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries. A Voltairef
exhibit showing etchings, engravings
and prints, as well as a number of
original editions of the French writ-
er was a feature of the program int
connection with the discussion the
French literature.
President Marion L. Burton was the
principal speaker before the associ-
ation at its Thursday afternoon meet-
ing. Prof Oliver Farrar Emerson of
Western Reserve University, address-
ed the meeting Thursday night. Prof.
Emerson has held the president's
chair for the past four years. Group
meetings were continued on Friday3
and officers were elected at Satur-
day's 'meeting.

Prof. Edmund E. Day
.Prof. Edmund E. Day who was
made dean of the newly created school
of business administration at a meet-
ing of the Board of Regents held Dec.
22. The new school will offer a five
year course that will equip a graduate
with a comprehensive knowledge of
business methods and theory.
French Belgian, Salvador Ministers
Present Credentials to Obregon
at Capitol
Washington, Jan. 2.-Official advices
to the Mexican embassy on military
and.other developments in connection
with the revolution in Mexico were
summaried in the following statement
today from the embassy:
"Governiment troops under General
Carazeo engaged in battle and com-
pletely dispersed rebel forces com-
manded by General Ronulo Figueroa,
forcing them to evacuate Harranca,
Blanca and Zazualdan and to retreat
to Cerro Alto.
"General Almazam's division is clos-
ing in on the rebels and has occupied
important positjns in the south.
"President Obregon returned to
Mexico City from Iratuato and it is
stated that he will return to the West-
ern front next week.
"Farmers in the petroleum region of'
Panuco, Vera Cruz have volunteered
their services to the government to
fight the rebellion in that state.
"Rebels under General Cavazos
clashed with members of the Atotoni-
alco, Jalisco social defense, at a point
near the Zoquitlam road and were se
verely defeated.
'"'he government has received thou-
sands of congratulations for its
promptness in meeting the first pay-
ment of $30,000,000 on the extern
debt. The last remittance was sent on
Monday last to New York bankers.
"The newly appointed ministers of
France, Belgium and Salvador pre-
sented their credentials to President
Obregon. The whole of the diplomatic
corps called at the national palace to
present to the president of the Repub-
lic their New Year's greetings.
"It has been announced that an ex-
tra session of the Senate will be called
to discuss the general claims conten-
tion entered into between the United
States and Mexico."
Final competitive examinations for
appointments as second lieutenants in
the various branches of the regular
army will be held at posts throughout
the country during the week of April
14, 1924, according to an announce-
ment made by the War department.
The examination will be open to
former officers of the regular army,
warrant officers and enlisted men in
the regular army having at least two
years of service, reserve officers and
enlisted reserves, officers, warrant of-
ficers and enlisted men in the National
Guard, and to graduates of technical
institutions. Students enlisted in the
University R. 0. T. C. units may take
the examination at Fort Wayne, Mich-
The final examination will be pre-
ceded by a short preliminary test to
be given shortly after the receipt of
the application. Applications and

Ames, Welch, Dresbach, and Hoffn
Are All Praised by News.
paper Critics
Completing the longest and r
successful trip in Michigan .U
opera history, "Cotton Stockings,"
eighteenth annual Mimes produc
played its final performance in De
last night.. The opera played fc
season of 20 days, touching the lar
cities of the east, where the extent
warmth of the reception passed
In its firsttshowing in Newat
City, where the opera played at
Metropolitan Opera house befor
packed theater, "Cotton Stockir
was exceptionally well praised by
large newspapers, and by all who
it. "The New York Times" sai
the show: "The audienceplaced
stamp of approval on one of
brightest and most sparkling col'
shows of the season. The costu:
were original and dazzling. The
hion revue in the second act made
audience gasp."
"TeConsidered Social Event
"The 'girls' were the best of an
the theater district of New York,"
The New Yoik Herald. The Phila
phia Public Ledger put the opera
the class of professional shows,
said that "It was one of the best m
ical comedies that ever played in
Pennsylvania metropolis.
Perhaps the most spectacular
dramatic appearance of the show'
at Washington, D. C. where Secret
of the Navy Edwin Denby, '96L,
other government officials saw'
performance from boxes. In this
the opera was considered a true so
In practically every one of the
cities where the opera played,
crowded house witnessed the show.
the majority of the cities the ho
was sold out days before the appe
ance of the production.
Players Receive Credit
Among the members of the o
those who received unusually wm
praise and attention in newspa
criticism were Lionel E. Ames,
Howard Welch, '24, James Dresbm
'24, and George Hoffman, '24. '
show as a whole seemed to be all t
it could and more, according to
writeups of newspaper critics.
The show in all gave 17 perfo:
ances, and traveled the majority of
itinerary by special pullman and b#
gage cars. Special parties and re<
tions were given for the opera pla3
at nearly all of the cities where
show appeared.
Howard A Donahue, '24 mana
editor of The Daily, is ill at his 14
in Lansing from trouble which ph
cians call pressure on the br
Feeling a sick spell coming .overl
Tuesday night he decided to tak
walk from his home to a relati
believing that the air would do-
good, but did not mention his c
dition to his family before seti
out. An hour later he was brou
home in a dazed condition by a a
who found him lying in the st
A letter in Donahue's pocket sho
his address.

The physician who was called fo
no bruises upon his body, and <
cluded that his condition was cau
by pressure on the brain. The
tient passed a very restless ni
I Tuesday talking incoherently int
. of the time, but yesterday shov
some improvement. He had exp
enced fainting spells during the c
ege year, but none of them were
serious as on this occasion. Dum
the vacation period he had b
working long hours in a Lanm
. . .................

Prof. Edmund E. Day, head of the
economics department, was elected
vice-president of the American Eco-'
nomic association at its annual meet-
ing held during the holidays in Wash-!
ington, D. C.
Professor Day, Prof. Z. C. Dickin-
son, Prof. C. E. Griffin, H. L. Caverly,
and R. G. Rodkey were also present
at the annual meetings of the Ameri-
can Statistical association, the Ameri-
can Farm Economics association, and
the American Association for Labor,
Legislation, all of which were held in!
The Michigan men took an active
part in the meetings, several of them
appearing on teh programs: Professor
Dickinson read a paper on "Quantitat-
ive Methods in Economic Psychology,"
Professor Griffin lead a discussion on
"Marketing," and Prof. I. Leo Sharf-
man, who is on a year's leave of ab-
sence, took an active part in several
discussions on "Railroad Problems
and Economics."
Prof. W. E. Paton attended the an-
nual meeting of the American Associ-
ation of University Teachers of Ac-,
countinng, which was held in Colum-!
bus, Ohio.
Washington, Jan. 2.-Nathan Bay
Scott, former United States Senator



A Happy
New Year
Jimmie the
A dtakor

Students who wish to try out on the
Businesq side of

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