SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Lieut. Alford J. Williams and Record Smashing Plane 774 *~ -. STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE 111 SOUTH UNIVESITY ATE. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos I 1 I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,.t ieut. Alford J. Williamis 1 Alford J. Williams, former big league ball player and now one of the U. S. navy's best aviators, is talked of as favorite in the coming Purlitzer Ward flying meet in St. Louis, Mo., as a result of his spectacular trial flight over the electrically timed course. He was clocked at a speed of 249 miles per hour, the fastest made under the conditions under which he flew. News From Other Co F'e artltquake Fatal to 125 lieges Teheran, Sept. 28-An earthquake at Khorassan, Sept., 25, killed 125 NEWS FROM OTHER COLLEGES--' Dartmouth-Four star debaters from this university will meet the Ox-. ford debating team at Hanover Satur- day. The question for debate will be,I "Resolved, that the French action in the Ruhr valley is justifiable." Illinois-Thirteen students, all can- didates for bachelor of science de- grees, have been approved for gradu- ation by the faculty of the Engineering college. California--As a result of the Berke- ley fire last Monday, President Emeri- tus Benjamin Ide Wheeler and his wife are living in a garage apartment owned by friends. The Wheeler resi- dence, including the president's li- brary, were almost entirely destroyed. Willams-Freshmen this year will find their life a much pleasanter one than lit the past. The administration requested that initiation activities be, limited to carpet cleaning and baggagef lugging. Indiana-All records for registra- tion were shattered during the past week at Indiana. Thomas A. Cook- son, assistant registrar, expressed the opinion that the total registration will exceed 3,300 by December 1 and it has passed the'3,100 mark already. Of this number 1,205 are freshmen. Pirdue-The campus is elated over the excellent performances of a num- ber of the football candidates in the scrimmages held so far. Gladders, Carlson, larieson and de Armand, es- pecially, have been ringing up long gains on offensive work llInois--The loss of V. W. Condon, who took second in the Conference swimming meet at Chicago last year, f will seriously weaken the Illini this year. Condon may, however, return to the university next semester. DIES WEALTHY BUT I ' HEARSE IS WAG0N' Carroll, Ia., Sept. 29-(By A. P.)-Drawn by a team of horses, a regular farm wagon carried I the body of Ethan Akin, 70 yearsI old, who left an estate valued at more- than $500,000, to its final resting place in a local cemetery today. The funerdl was conducted without prayer, hymn or sermon, as the will left by the man ex- pressly stipulated that there be no services of any kind and that his body be taken to the ceme- tery by a regular farm wagon drawn by a team of horses. person*. Copenhagen, Sept. 29-King Christ- ian of Denmark during a regatta yes- terday risked his own life to save a sailor in danger of injury. r. ' 3. " f -1 I y I ' ;I i. Q tJ O I .. o 1 .. I .:_ . . Made from Imported Mohair Yarns, in a Have you seen the new Leather Blouse? We are showing it for your approval. i . i . i SLEEP ANY3IVERE, BUT EAT AT REXVS THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street "Near State anid'Packard Streets TH E BUSY BEE PASSES WATCH FOR OPENING -EA OF THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN i . , ONE - SIX - FIVE An easy number to remember. It's worth while to do so SCHUMACHER HARDWARE COMPANY A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS 308-10-12 SO. MAIN ST. PHONES 174, 175-M Plan Now to Houseclean with TH E HO V Enr You are now facing another Hoisecleaning. How are you going to do it this time? Do you remember how tired and nervous you were last fall after 'every rug bad been carried outside, beaten and swept by hand, and carried in again? It 'was a hard and tedious job. Let us show you the easier way-with the HOOVER. We want you to see how all your rugs can be thoroughly beaten, sweptE,, and ,uction cleaned through and through, without removing thcm from the floor. The Hoover It Beats As It Sweeps As It Cleans A . A T HE -sneaks in late at night and does his damage, but rot and decay are not so timid-they work right in broad day-light, right in front of you, if you don't keep your home protected with good paint, stain or varnish. It may not be too late- put in the order NOW. Do your floors need ye-finishing? Remember we carry a complete line of varnish, stain, wax, polish, etc. Aon ay Secial on any Floor Wax 1lb. and2lb. cans .................70c 4 lb. and 8 lb. cans ........... ....65c At" VW a M ; , i - -- N I SHIRTS 131-2c Washd in soft water, with ca h card; call 1065 t.. I 5Z, i