THE WEATHER FAIR AND CONTINUED COLD TODAY 4107 ~, Ar, 414 Iaili ASSOCIATED P LEASED WIRE SJ MEMBER WESTERN CONFE EDITORIAL ASSOC VOL XXXIV. No. 70 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE C JOHNSON OB1ECT5 TO RESTORATI-ON O STRENGTH IN SOUTH CALIFORNIA SENATOR BRANDS PARTY ACTION AS RE* PUGNANT SITUATION PROMISES FIGHT IN CLEVELAND I. The Week's News In Brief The following is a survey of the news of the world during the past week, compiled from the press. An attempt has been made to. present the news as briefly and concisely as possible. NATIONAL The United States finally decided to participate unoffically in the repar- &ions IAquiry. This has cheered both French and British governments con- siderably. The decision came only fter France had changed materially her original firm stand. MODERN LANGUAGES IO CU 27 PROMINENT EDUCATORS WILL AD. DRESS FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING Committee AEtion Ads Only Nine Dlelegtes To Sothern States Quota F - - Washington, Dec. 13.-(By AP)- Restoration of the delegate strengt of southern states by the recent act- ion of the republican national com-- mittee drew fire today from Senator Hiram Johnson, himself a candidate for the presidential nomination. At the same time the restoration was de- fended, in a statement by chirman. John T. Adams, of the republican nat- ional committee. The situation thus brought about promises a fight in the Cleelnd. convention, and is the principal one growing out of the recent meeting of the national committee her'e. Senator Johnson characterized the comittee's action as beyond its powers and "repugnant to every cause of fair dealing and just representation." Chairman Adams on the other hand defended it as an act of "Justice to , congressional districts in the south r where the democratic party reinses' a free ballot and an honest. count to republicans both black and white.'" While Senator Johnson attacked ai restoration of a penalty upon repubi lican states and a reward for the southern states "Iwhere there is 'no republican party and where .dele- gations sometimes are a farce and a ; scandal." Chairman Adams defend- ed it by pointing out that: the com- mittees action only added nine dele- gates to the southern states . quota while It added 116 delegates as a re- 1 ward to the state which went for President Harding in 1920. HI CGTO TO LD FIR T O Plans have been completed to an Intercollegiate ball to be given Wed- nesday, Dec. 26, at the Drake hotel, in Chicago. The purpose of the ball is to unite the college students residing in the vicinity for the first of a seriesl of social events, and to promote inter- collegiate spirit. A wellknown Chicago orchestra has been engaged for the evening. Tickets to the ball, which is informal, may be. secured either from A. G. Spaulding, 211 South State street, or at the door. Yost Asks 20,000 0. S. U. Game Seats Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 13.-Athletic director Yost, of Michigan has written for a block of 20,000 seats for Michi- gan fans for the annual Ohio-Michi- gan football game here next Nov- ember 15, it was announced todday by University bdofcals. Oyn October 2, 1922, the Buckeyes and Wolverines engaged in dedicht- ing the new Ohio stadium, played be- fore the greatest throug that. ever saw a football game in the middle west-the oflicial figures showed an attendance of around 73,000. Buck- eye officials are hopeful that "history will repeat itself." It is pointed out that if Michigan can fill its block of 20,000 seats. it will establish a record for the Wes- tern conference. Army Will lay Boston In 1924 Boston, Dec. 13-West Point Will. play Boston University in football for k the first time next season, according to the 1924 schedule made public to-I day. The game will be played at West Point, Oct. 25.; GOOD-BYEY We desire that every one of you have a pleasant vacation-- A MERRY YULETIDE and X T?" / 1f TT* 't T A treaty of "friendship, commerce, and. consular rights"nwas completed betwen Germany and the United States. This marks the beginning of a program to make over all commer- cial treaties made before the war, in I the light of changed conditions. Ne- gotiations are going on at the present time with Spain, Turkey, and a nuni- ber of. Latin American countries. A I number of liquor treaties similar to the impending one between Great Britain and the United States are al- so contemplated. The Senate lies helpless in a dead- lock over the appointment of the chairman of the interstate commerce committee. The Senate insurgents want to give the job to La Follette, for it is through this committee that much of the progressive legislation will pass. Having the 'balance of power, they are able to prevent the appointment of either a republican or a democrat. - The Republican national conven- tion wil be held June 10 in Cleveland. Clevland is also bidding for the Dem- ocrat convention.f President Coolidge's candidacy for re-election has been officially an- nounced. The outstanding candidatesi are now: Coolidge and Johnson, (Rep) and .Underwood and McAdoo, demo crat. It was recominended that over 12, 000. government jobs, always regard- W as political spoils for the victor- ious party, be placed under civil ser- vice classification, This would mean appointment for fitness rather than, by political pull. The recommend- *tion - is made regularly every Con- gress., The wet armada is scattered all along the Long Island and New Jer- sey coast in an effort to land plenty of booze for the celebration of Christ-! mas. High powered speed boats are being turned out by the dozen for the purpose of aiding in landing the liq- uor. McAdoo disapproved of the Presi- dent's message. He called it a "coun- sel of dormancy. Quinn, head of the American legion. warned congressmen that they had! better vote for the bonus if they want re-election.M It was estimated that more than 10,000 persons were killed as a direct result if drinking poison liquor this year. This included deaths from fusel oil, wood alcohol and other volatile fluids. Senator Magnus Johnson introduc- ed a resolution authorizing the pres- ident to call a conference of countri- es to form new treaties which would eliminate war. The President sent a message to to Congress, favoring a special aeron- autics bureau in the department of commerce. FOREIGN Rebels have gained the upper hand in Mexico. At present they control the entire Mexican gulf coast, and are rapidly advancing from three di- rections toward Mexico City. They are! lead by de la Huerta, who would like to president. It is reported unoffici- ally that the United States will soon take official steps to stop the revolt. Even the Mexican Indians have join- ed the revolutionists against the est- ablished government. Rumors flew hither and thither re- garding numerous plans to solve the British political muddle. Meanwhile, the Baldwin conservatives remain In office. Chief Deskaheh of the Six Nations, an Indian tribe dwelling on the Cana- dian side of Lake Erie, picketted the meeting of the League of Nations council in an attempt to have them consider his grievances against Great Britain. He claims that the tribe is 1 PROF. FEUILLERAT OF FRANCE, FIRST SPEAKER Discussion of Philological Questions Will Occupy Three Day Session Prominent educators throughout the country will gather here in the for- tieth annual meeting of the Modern Language association of America which will be held Dec. 27, 28, and 29 in this city. There are more than 2000 memoers of the association, and about one third of them are expect- ed to attend the conference here. Ar- rangements have been made to house theta in fraternity and sorority houses. The three days session will be mark- ed by addresses of prominent author- ities who will attend the conference.' Most of the lectures will be given in I the Natural Science auditorium, which will be the general assembly place of all the conferences.{ President's Reception President Marion L. Burton will give the welcoming address at the first general session which is to be held Thursday afternoon, Dec. 27 in the Natural Science auditorium. At this session, Prof. Albert Feuillerat of the University of Rennes, France, will speak on "The Future of Ojritcism". Professor Arthur Lovejoy of Johns Hopkins university will also speak. Addresses by Professor Oliver of Wes- tern Reserve university, the presi- dent of the Associaoon, and Professor Charles Grandgett, and a reception at the home of President Burton and Mrs. Burton will close the .first day's sessions. The Association will hold its last three sessions on Friday and Satur- day, Dec. 28, 29, in the Natural Science building._ Fifth Session Friday For the fourth session the . Associ- ation will meet in three sections de- voted respectively to English, Ro- mance and Germanic Philology. Some of the important speakers are to be Prof. Henry Perry of Yale University who will address the English section and Professors Albert Schinz - of Smith College and. E. S. Hills of the University of California, who will give papers at the meeting of the Romance section. The fifth sesson will be held at 2; &clock ' Friday afternoon, December I 28. Speakers will be Prof. Tom Cross, and Prof. George T. Northrup of the University of Chicago. and Pro- fesors Louis I. Bredvold and Oscar James Campbell of this University. Dinner will be served to members of the association at 6:30 o'clock, Fri- day evening in the assembly hall of the Union. Following the dinner .all members of the association are invit- ed to attend a Smoker. The smoke-. talk, "Getting a Laugh", will be given by Prof. H. Grandgent of Harvard University. Central Division To Meet The final session at 9 o'clock Sat- urday morning, December 29, will consist chiefly of business reports and the elction of offcers. The meet- ing of the central division will be held at 11:30, Saturday morning, for the transaction of business of the, Central division. A large number of papers which are too lengthy or of too technical a nature to be read in the meetings will appear in the literature of the association under "Papers to be read by title only."C FORD PROPOSED OR - I DEMOCRATIC TICKT Lansing, Dec. 13-(By A.P.)-A petition proposing Henry Ford as a candidate on the Democratic ticket in the Presidential Primary, April 7 was filed with the Department of1 State today by James W. Helme, of Adrian, former state dairy and food commissioner. The petition was rec- eived by the Secretary of state, but will not be approved until Mr. Helme has corrected it or added more sign- atures. The law requires that 100 signa- tures are necessary. Mr. Helme, sub- mitted 107, but street addresses for 25 of them were not furnished. He will be notified of the discrepency and will probably either secure the re- WAYCLAEFO 'HOUSE COMMITTEES REPUBLICAN LEADERS APPROVE ASSIGNMENT GIVEN TO PARTY LONGWORTH WILL GET DEMOCRAT SELECTIONS Majority Leader Announces Plan For Recess From Dec. 21 To Jan. 3. Washington, Dec. 13-The way was cleared today for House action tomor- row leading to the organization of all' of its standing committees. The re- publicans in conference, over the pro- test of representative Nelson of Wis- consin, leader of the insurgents, ap- proved the assignment given repub- j licans. Democratic selections already have been made and the two slates will be presented to the House by Rep- resentative Longworth of . Ohio, the, majority leader. At the conference of House repub- licans today, Mr. Nelson said mem- bers of his group felt that they had not been given satisfactory repres- entation on the important committees. He insisted that the insurgents had a right to demand that they have a voice in the drafting of vital legislat- ion. In addition to approving the com- mittee slate, the conference endorsed the proposed creation of a veterans committee which would handle legis- lation effecting former service men. The proposal previously had been ap- proved by democratic members of the H-ouse. After adjournment tomorrow the House will , recess until Tuesday. Convinced that none of the committees will be able to organize and report' on important legislation before Christ- mas holidays, Mr. Longworth an- nounced to' the House tliat it was planned to rec9ss from December 21 to Januray 3. f Opera Proves That It Deserves Praise In Final Showing Here Playing for the seventh time last. The dance numbers executed, with a night before a capacity house in Ann grace commanding admiration accom- Arbor "Cotton Stockings" the eigh panied by pleasing music against a teenth annual Michigan Union opera setting that is vastly superior in ef- gave full evidence that it well de- fect to that of the first act catch the serves the praise that has been heap- fancy of the audience. ed upon it. In the course of the opera one is Lavish costumes, for which the I apt to forget that it is a college pro- Michigan opera has long been noted duction or that it is from Michigan. combine with a splendid cast, clever This might arouse some adverse crit- lines and dancing and good settings icism on the part of tihe loyal-minded, to effect a production which well up- but all this would be dispelled by the holds the standard set by previous finale when, with the chorus in maize operas.The work of Mike Ames needs and blue the entire company strikes ~no mention and his able supporting~ up in a rendition of the "Victors" cast deserve much credit for the suc- that is guaranteed to give anyone with cess that is achieved. Michigan affiliations, be he alumnus Comment in the intermission will or undergraduate, a thrill. It is then not do justice to the opera. It is in that one remembers that this opera the second act that one begins to re-, is a product of Michigan and worthy alize that here is something of more' to carry the name of Michigan to than usual merit. The effect on the far cities. OPERA CAST AND COMMITTEES WiL STARTTODURTODI SEVENTY FIVE TO GO ON LONGE TRIP IN HISTORY OF MIMES PRODUCTION ALUMNI GROUPS PLAN PARTIES FOR MEMBEF First Performance Will be Given Toledo, Troupe Will be Guests of Legion Seventy five members of the ca choruses and committees of the 1 Union opera, "Cotton Stockings" v house is marked. Applause increases. ..P COMMITTEE SETS TICKET PRICE Admission To Annual Class Ball' Be Seven Dollars; Price Of Booths Raised wil I The Day's News At j The Capitol Correspondence relating to the re- parations question was made public, by the state department. It was disclosed that the American' government is watching developments I in the Bergdoll kidnapping case but! has found no ground thus far to in- I tercede. With the Senate in recess, leaders tried in vain for a settlement of the deadlock over the chairmanship of;° the interstate commerce committee. The Coolidge administration, it was! annmounced, wants to encourage pri vate charity for relief of the German] people.;s Assignments given republicans to committees of the House were approv-' ed at a party conference, clearing the way for organization of all standing committees. The soldiers' bonus bill, vetoed by l President Harding, was reintroduced by Representative McKenzie, republi-I can, Illinois, on request of the repub- lican veterans bloc. Re-establishment of the American consulate at Newcastle, it was an- nounced, is awaiting exoneration by i the British government of Consul! Brooks and Vice-Consul Slater. Commerce department estimated that exports from the United States( in November, which were valued atl $404,000,000 gave this country a fav- orable trade balance of $112,000,000. The new apportionment plan for the 1924 republican convention was at- tacked in ja statement by Senator Johnson of California and defended in, a statement by Chairman Adams of the national committee. REPUBLICAN CLUB PLAs PRESIDEN1AL CAMPiGIN Plans for the coming campaign of the University Republican club in connection with the pending presiden- tial election were discussed yesterday PERCENTAGE PLAN WILL BE USED IN DISTRIBUTION' Tickets for the 1925 J-Hop that will be held Feb. 8 will be $7 it was dec- ided at a meeting of the hop com- mittee held yesterday afternoon in the Union. The price has been passedj upon by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs. It was also agreed at the meeting to raise the price of the booths for the Hop to 40 dollars. The booths last year were sold for 35 dollars. The' additional revenue from the advanc- ed price of the booths will be used to provide better music for the Hop this year, according to the plans of the committee.' Distribution of applications for tickets will continue from,. 2 to 5. o'clock this afternoon in the Union. They must be returned by the first monday after vacation to., be cone sidered. -T-dket distribution- will start at that time. Class dues must be payed before ap- plications for tickets, to the Hop will be considered. They may be mailed to the treasurers of the classes. The dues must be payed before distribu- tion -of the tickets is "begun. It is planned this year to arrange the allotment of tickets on a propor- tional plan that will allow a certain number from each college in the Uni- versity to attend. A percentage bas- is will be arranged by which the num- ber to receive tickets in each college will be determined. It is thought by members of the committee that a fair distribution will be effected in this way that will allow a representative body to attend the Hop. NAO ISHPMUST USE IHfl HIM RN MU"TII' .TAlI B. G. B. leave Ann Arbor at 1:10 o'clock tod on the first step of the longest t ever taken by a Union production. 'T I show will travel 2600 miles, play. in 15 cities, whose total populat exceeds 15,500,000 people. ThEEpFDL tilloniits first out MEET F DER Is towne rfomance tonight at Keitt theater in Toledo. Immediately I lowing the opera, the members of t Official Dispatches to Juarez Contain troupe will be guests at a dance g Reports of First en under the auspices of the Tol Clash Post of the American Legion at C lingwoods conservatory. HUERTA FORCES CLAIMour New York ACCESSIONS TO STRENGTH CATheopera will play at theMason ACC SSI NS TO TRE GT auditorium in Cleveland tomorrc - I night. A reception and dance for t Jaurez, Dec. 13--(By A.P.)-Official company willbe given afterthe sh dispatches received in Juarez late to- at the Masonic auditorium. Membe day contain reports of the first clash of the troupe will arrive in Buffa between the federal forces and those on Sunday morning. An auto t jj ~about Buffalo and to the falls will' of the rebel general, Estrada, in Jal- conducted for them during the d isco. The fight occurred today at Oc- After the performance at the Te otlan, according to the reports, and theater on Monday, Dec. 17, they w resulted in victory for the federals. be the guests at a dance at the St A rebel captain with 160 men and 125,- 1er hotel. 000 pesos in money deserted Estrada Michigan alumni of New York w during the fighting and joined the meet those in the show in New o federals. the next day. Busses from the B avenue line have been provided th Brownsville, Texas, Dec. 13-(By A. will carry them around the city P.)-Continued accessions of strengtha sight seeing trip. A reception a to the Huerta forces in Mexico were dance will be given in their honor claimed in an official report received the Pennsylvania hotel after the pe here today from therde la Huerta frmance at the Metropolitan ope government at Vera Cruz: - {house. In the state of Tasaulipas only three! Another auto ride given by the ,Ur points, Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo and versity of. Michigan club of Philadc Victoria, the capital were reported in phia will show that city to those in I the, control of federal troops. Revolts opera. The show. will be given in I were alleged to have occurred in all Academy of Music that night, We inland towns, and t'he greater part of ,0ec. 19, following which a recepti the state was said to be under the[ and dance will be staged in the Fo control of governor Lopez de Lara, er academy 1of .Music. who fled from Victoria. At Washington where the ope General Lara has crossed the bor- plays the next day- the University der from the United States and is re- Michigan club of that city are t ported with the revolutionary forces in Tasaulipas. He is expected to be t placed on the staff of Governor de La- ra, and may personally direct opera-, tions against points held by the fed-! eral authorities. In all the Huerta forces claim more than 1200 troops int Tamaulipas, and assert that hundreds of volunteers are arriving daily. Ship- ments of ammunition are being receiv- ed from Vera Cruz. Col. Grinaldo is in command of a - large detachment guarding the Mex-1 ican national lines between Monterey, and . Victoria. Colonel. Aguierre isI west of Tampico at Kicomtencatl where there are many,-American col-E hosts of another sight-seeing tour. ter- the show which will be held in President's theater, members of troupe will be the guests of Mr. a Mrs. John T. Adams at a debuta ball held in honor of their daugh Miss Elizabeth Adams at Rausche ballroom. Pittsburgh Performance, Dec. 21 Lunch and dinner and a recept and dance after the show will be g en the opera members by the Univ sity club of Pittsburgh where the era plays, Friday, Dec. g. The I formance will be held at the Schenl theater. An afternoon reception honour Vif the troUpJe Will be~ held aL IfLLIUIII UIV n1UflU I IU I lil onies.. Colonel Felicano Garcia com- .netycuef Cincinti by a.mands at Hidaldo and Colonel Gar- U -nivers.ty club of CnBennat 'y Washington, Dec. 13-(By A.P.)- cia Cavazoa of Matamoros commands and Mrs. Charles C. Benedict, 92. Instructions were sent to the naval a large detachment at San Fernando era w s d there that nighi Arctic air board - today by :Secretary sixty five miles below Matamoros. Col- t nay aitorium. Denby -to consider possible use of the onels Julio Davila and Camo are in Sunday will be spent in Indiana naval airship Shenandoah in the con- charge at Burgos, Cruillas and Nen- hs ein and te a b templated flight next summer to the dez, north of Victoria. - . nfo tthose in the show Sunday af North Pole only on the basis that the I noon at the Highland Golf and Col ship be inflated with non inflamable I try club. A dance at the Anthenae will follow the performance that helium gas for the trip. M RII He given at the Shubert-Murat t Secretary Denby's position is thatuegivenattheShubert-Mut ter there any increase in efficiency which might tr adre. result from substituting the more t hGrand Rapids the erform. buoyant hydrogen for helium would at the Regent theater. A dance In not warrant exposing the ship and her ballroom of the theater will fol people to the added dangers involv- Prof. Rene Talamon of the Romance the shaw. The opera will be gi ed in the use of an inflamable gas languages department, will cooper- at the Auditoriu in Saginaw Th like hydrogen. ate with other professors of ;eading tay, following which a reception The navy department, moreover, American universities in maintaining dance will be held at the Auditori has been satisfied with the tests of -in Paris this 'summer a school, the Tre ehhree Day Run in Detroit helium gas for aircraft inflation dur- College de la Seine, for American A tea dance in honor of the trot in.g and since the war. The secretary teachers of French and for others t611 be given by Mrs. C. S. Mott at had planned to confer with the board who desire facility in the use of the ;hoi in Flint on Friday, Dec. 28. today on the final phases of its pre-; French language. and first-hand con- show wi l be presented at the Pa liminary report but deferred the meet-i tact with things French. The College theater there e that night ing until tomorrow. Ide la Seine will offer courses in pro-ta The remaining tha e performa nounciation, conversation, grammar, Iof thet methods, French art and architecture opera will be given at Ore and te draa. Itra hall in Detroit on Dec. 31 andJ COMMITTEE DSand the drama. m1and 2. Those in the opera will n A party will sail the middle of June from the special cars that they and returns the latter part of August. on the trip to the Hotel Statler. The residence period in Paris will bee REPARATIONS UESTIONTheesidnceprbfrom July 10 to August 7. For suc-T cessful work, the University of Mich- nrA r 09 Paris, Dec. 13-(By A.P.)-How the igan and other universities will give; RONTOnr American representatives can best col- academic credit on the summer ses- laborate in the work of the two com- sion basis.PTNiEt5Qe mittees of experts who are to study -U ULqJ UU U UIIILIhII the German reparations question was Moscow, Dec. 13.-Ivan Yashinkin, the. subject of discussion at an inform- peasant in Tver province, beat his wife prof. Clifton Howe, dean of t o al