___________________ TE MICHIGAN DAILY D AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by tv Assistant t the F-A!deret until {3:30 p. Tn. (11:30 a. in. Satu rday.1 Volume 4 THURSD}AT, DECEMBER 13, 192 Number 69 University Women: Girls who are to remain in Ann Arbor during the Christmas vacation are requested to leave their names in the office of the Dean of Women. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. By' action of the University Committee on Disiplne. Robert D. Aus- pach has been suspended from the University for the current semester be- cause of conduct unbecoming 'a gentleman. Jola B. Wate. 3Ich1g.ain Chapter of the American Association of University Professors: 'rhere will be a meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Associ- ation of University Professors on 'Thursday evening, December 13, at 7:30 in Room 304, Michigan Union, to hear reports of the delegates to the Annual meeting of the National Association at Columbus.. Charles B. Vibbert, Secretary. The Health Service Dispensary will be open only between 11 ad 12 o'clock during the Vacation period. Floyd P. Allen, M. D. Mtodiern Language Association Meeting: There will be a meeting of all intrested in the coming meeting of the Modern Language Association in room 203, Tappan Hall, Thursday, De- ember 1,3, at 5 p. in. The Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements will outline the program and plans for entertainment. A full attendance of mem- bers of the staffs of the Romance, English, Rhetoric and German Depart- ments and others Interested, whether members of the Association or not, is requested. Herbert A. Kenyon, General Chairman. >Empli cyrent: The Students' Employment Eureau will be open during Christmas Va- at ion in Rooni 2 University Hall at the regular hours. J. A. Bursley Chrtnias Vacation Courses: Civil Engineering 67, "Highway Transport Economics and Surveys" and Civil Engineering 72, "Gravel and Broken Stone Roads, Dust Preven- tion and Bituminous Surfaces", will be given during the period, December 117thr to 29th. Elach of these professional graduate courses count for two hours credit in the Graduate School and the College of Engineering, and consist of 30 lectures and not less than 45 hours of outside library research work and reading. Undergraduates in Civil Engineering, by action of the Faculty of the College of Engineering, may take either of these courses for credit towards the degree of B. S. E. Other students of the University are eligible to attend these courses but credit, except in the case of Graduate Students, cannot be obtained unless approved by the Faculty under which they are registered. The period from noon, December 22nd, to noon, Dec- ember 26th, will be 'allowed for the celebration of Christmas. The final examination in those courses will be held on December 29th. All students must register in Room 1026, East Enginering Building. No extra fees are charged University students. A. H. Blancihard. French lt : Reading reports are due December 14, but time will be extended till end of semester on account of lateness in getting started. J. R. Rein hard. M1asquWs' ryots: Tryouts for membership in Masques will be held January Rh, 10th, 11th from 3 to 5 p. m. Applicants for membership should come prepared to read or recite something of their own selection. All old members are ex- pec6ted to be present to 'assist the director. J. 'Rplegh Nelson. Hlifiiiray .Transport Clvii: There will beoa joint meeting of the Club and the Ann Arbor Branch ot the Detroit Automobile Club at 8:00 p. mn. on Thursday, December 13th, in Room 1213, East Engineering Building to discuss the Gas and Weight Tax on Motor Vehicles. All interested are cordially invited to attend. A.IH. :Blachard, Secretary. Gun and Blade Club:- 'rhe: Gun and Blade Club will hold its Aegu Ierr meetig on Thursday evenin g, December 13th, in room 304 at the Michigan .Union. The Presi- dent has many important matters to bring before the Club at this meeting and urges that every member be present. John A. Boyce, .President. 4Gegaphical Journal Club: There will be a meeting of the Journal Club at 8:00 p. m. Thursday, December 13th Subject is "The British Iron and Steel Industry". Dis- cussion by Mr. Hall. E. C. Prophet, Secretary Wl'omen's Educational (Club: Regular meeting will be held in Tappan Hall, Thursday at 4:0 p. M. Miss Edith Hoyle of Ann Arbor High School will speak. All, are urged to be present. Franes X. Speaker, President 12 Socledad Hispanics:r There will be no meeting of the-club as has been announced'until after the holidays. Mtilton Peterson, President. Alpha Nn; Our last meeting before the vacation will -be held this evening at 7:30. The final tryouts for our representation in the Mid-West debate will take place at this time. Elmer Salzman. President. Students' Recital: The following program will be given in the Auditorium of the School of Music by the advanced 'students of- the School, Thursday afternoon,. 4:15. The public is cordially invited to att end. Concerto, IE minor (Nardini) Pauline Kaiser; Somber Woods (Lolly), The Shadow of the Bamboo Fence (Fay Foster), Sing to Me, Sing (Sidney Homer) ]Helenf Martin; Prelude (Bach), Schon Rosmarin (Kreisler)' Margair-, et Shattock; Troika (Sleigh Ride) (Tschaikovsky) Ā°Poloniaise ^(Macl~ihieil), Rigauidon (Mac Dowell) Hjelen Blahnik; Etude,, Nd., 5 (Cho'p),' ;They Swan (Palmgren) Helen Jacobs; :Sonata, G minor (Nardini Gertrude Friedricli; Jeux d' eau (Ravel). Donna Esselstyn. Cliarl.s A. Sink, Secretary. SELF-'PRESERVATION WAS WATSGIGN MOTIVE Of COFRNL t hr he arch door on diagonal w alk. by R p e nt iv W lk n o , e u - T~ We~erer' (mlwil hldai licaneof Iowa. The rlease woulde givea dlance in 'the Barbour gymnasium control of the waterp~ower site at a from 9 to 12 Friday night, Decem- nominal rental with a reibate on all ber 19. power used in the manufacture of _____________fertilizer.I The stand taken by some men at =12:00dltk j~cii iil i11 1R11 l~ LH~lI U11 e icvr nTtsTm th nulinterfraternity conference A:00 ElecUng; oLJIIUUIComitteeillL Luxor, Dec. 11.- Between the first: in New York City against profession- room 308, Union. nri r n a u and second shrines in Tutankhamen's afraternities was purely one of self- - Won n''iilue1o11l 'lii t ULV tu I ( DIL tomb chamber was found among other 4:1 oe' dctoa lbpreservationaccording to J. A. Bur- thing a square alabaster box sur- sley, dean of students, who attended'- ;moeted yianroucinpfnguehofll. several of the sessions. 4,:i 0-.Miuhig:'neI Dec. editorial staff --hisoutedba chinedgodfigueahofn- The only reason given at the meet-'t meets in Press building. Wa:igoDc l(3 ..- s h aklhae o fdaho 4:14-3Musical recital In Sebool of Mus- Lease oif Muscle Shoals to Henry old Egypt. ing or his ttiude as he faric auditorium ,given by the advance; For'd wi a provision that he manu- that general fraternities will degen- tdns factures fertilizers is provided in a It's true efficiency to use Daily erate into organizations having as ac- bill-outy edrepscieyrener today for introduction Classifieds.-Adv. Live members only men in the lower ; * r o 31-20,eUia o.ciety____ ________d________ner,____________i_ classes. The tendency for upperelass- I:r)N,w 318-24,lUneion rom 2 men to ally themselves with a profes-1 Union ePr lbmes n.tlt35 sional group and lose all interest in+ their former association was believ- :30GuRanW LdLclbCmOtAI ed by the delegates to be imperilling'roo3 04, Ue11niofn. CORN WELL UP/meeL teftntin ofgnrlfaen in room 306, Union.3 Kentucky Egg and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump t"There were as many men who took 1:.30--Amiicand societyl inie i.) aleiiestn o rofessor's mecets inl room~ 323, Union. I Pocahontas and Coke a deinie sandforprofessional fra- 0:'0-(rotto party in -voembly hli1, ternities as there were antagonists,"1 Unon.IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY Dean Bursley said Yesterday, "These }___ were emphatic in their support of the organizations as being of a characters FRI DAY COMMON AND FACE BRICK which promotes the best interests of! 12 '4---Lii faculy lunch in J~n ion.! the profession which they represent, '5:(4- -('bristiutis recess officilly opelns. 1 and denied that they monopolized the CORNXV LL CO L attention of upperclassmen so as toj V-NOTICES detract from their interest in general 1.Y1iilwftoi of 1pliotog'raphs of 'works of{ fraternities." ~~~Prof. Eliel Sarrin en, in 'west archi- 1-E841ad20 Another phase of fraternity activ- tectuzral drafting room. Enteri Office -- Cornwell Block ity discussed which particularly was____________________ of interest to the delegates from Mich- igan was the report of several rep-' ______________________________________ resentatives with regard to the activ- - 2. . ities of the interfraternity councils in r their respective colleges. The dele- I '