THE MICHIGAN DAILY m~.. .: : ) THI COLUMN CLOSE$ AT3 $P.M.1 LA3 I !sit COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. WANTED THE MAN who by mistake was sent, from our cleaning shop a blue coat. The same had a. faint pin stripe be-I Sport Snap Shots (Continued from Page Six) watch the work of one entrant close- ly. ADVETISINGI LOST LOST Sat. night near Unitarian church purple silk umbrella. Re- ward. Phone 3011-R. SILVER FOUNTAIN pen and chain. Sometime Saturday evening. Find- er please call, Bess Everett, 1070-J'' BEADED BAG at Union last Saturday night. Call 1958-W. A DUOFOLD Parker fountain pen. Name on pen. Please return to Jack .Jarf, 945 Dewey Ave. Phone 2230-J. CONKLIN fountain pen. Lost around Natural Science Building. Call 3302-R. LOG SLIDE rule Saturday in Eng. Building, finder please return to room 339, Prof Wilson's office. ON MONDAY or Tuesday, automatic Eversharp pencil with carved sil. ver barrell. Initials P. O. P. Phone 1560-J. MISCELLANEOUS MAH JONGG.. DIRECT from China. An exceptional- ly nice quality, dove tailed, and good bone, and bamboo at $16.50 Others from $18 to $35. Phone 265- J., TYPING thesis etc., neatly and reas- onably done. 687-M, evenings. TYPEERITING & MIMEOGRAPHING promptly and neatly done. BUSINESS SERVCE CO., 322 South State St., over "M" Lunch. Phne 993-M POBE GREEN. Hurry Up Baggage; and Transfer Line. Phone 3130. FOUNTAIN PENS THERE'S an advantage in buying your fountain pens at Rider's. The least little thing required to make it satisfactory in every way can be quickly and skillfully done after Christmas at Rider's Pen Shop. A RIDER "Masterpen" direct from the manufacturer is always the most, appreciated gift. Rider's Pen Shop, 302 State St. THOSE fine, large Wahl's "Signature''. Pens for Christmas at Rider's Pen Shop, 302 State St. We have a fine assortment of those all metal midget Wahl and Ever- sharp sets in gift boxes. Rider's Pen Shop. NATIONALLY advertised Fountain Pens of best makes priced from; $2.50 up. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. Open evenings until Christ- mas. CLOTHING , CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Your younger brother will appreci- ate most of all things a Gordon Cord- uroy Coat most reasonably priced at Surplus Supply Store. 213 N. Four- I th Ave. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Your younger sister will appreci- ate most of all things a Gordon Lea- ther Jacket most reasonably jriced1 at Surplus Supplies Store, 213 N. Fourth Ave. FOR SALE FULL blooded Airdale dogs, Fred Kleimschmidt, Salina. Phone 197 Ring 2-2. HAND WOVEN Beaded Bags right j from France. Make wonderful Xmas gifts for mother, sister or friend. Call and see ou±- supply at 702 Church St. Phone 1492-W.- XMAS TREES. Any size you want. The price is right. 632 Oakland, tween heavier, white stripes. Coat' bears trade-mark "Sold by Tinker, made by Kahn Tailorery Co. Cail Doe-Wah-Jack Cleaners 2650-J. We will call. THREE boys to work for your meals during the vacation. Call 349-R. TO RENT garage during Xmas vac- cation. Hicks, Phone 909. A SUITE of rooms for senior student and wife starting third of Januray. Box H. B. R. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING ALI MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown The athlete is Francis Hussey.! This lad created a sensation last summer by running 100 yards in J 3-5 seconds in a school meet. Ama- teur officials were so impressed with his work that he is being prepped for Olympic games next summer. If his showing this month is im',ressive he will be counted on to carey Amer-1 ica's colors in the dash events. Delta Upsilon added another firs place to its list in the plunge when Yerkes covered six feet, six inches. Tronieley was a scant foot behind in his try. Barnes and Beatty tied for third place and the points were split between them. Competition in the other events had not weakened Beta Theta Pi's strength and they won the relay in the fast timef of 1:33:5. Phi Sigma Delta gained second place and was hard pressed by Sigma Phi. Delta Upsilon was fourth. Paul Ellis a student at Morningside college finished the annual four mile cross country run of the North Central conference with a broken leg. Ellis fell and fractured a bone in his right leg. He finished the race and then collapsed on the field. FRATERNITY SWIM MEET GOES TO BETA TTHETA , Pi 1 (Continued from Page Six) PA.(:inrr ~~~~in i aninnnt T+ Phone 1496. HAND MADE Michigan ants, and pillow tops. Telephone 2384-M. banners, pen- 1341 Wilmot JLGa.Jcing Ji nis ~vUri evest, sti Moscow, Dec. 12.-Lee Kameneff in a tingham, won the 60 yard breaststrok- speech told the new Moscow Soviet in 45:6. Leonard was his closest riv- that relations with America are im- al with 46:5 to his credit. Jack Bow- tarov ainsiw of Ameida aim en, Sigma Pi, was awarded third place proving, in view of President Cool- when Mayer crossed his lane. idge's nessage, giving hope of a Rus- Seagears, Delta Upsilon, exhibitedI so-American conference on trade rela- the fact with distinction that he is tions. still the champion fancy diver of th4 frate~rnities. ndon hisP.vt a1 Berlin, Dec. 12.-A Prussian minis- ..~ ..*~. . . . '4 ..VLSL ~ b CORONA TYPEWRITER almost new.I Sacrifice $25. See Mayo 1015 Pack- ard. COMPLETE "Tux" outfit, excellent condition, medium size. Phone 776 -M, 540 Packard st. EFFICIENT regenerative radio set. May be seen evenings. Call 2134. Buying a more powerful one. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS of all makes Bought, Sold, Rented Exchanged. Cleaned and Repaired. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State Street,; over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-M TYPEWRITERS of all makes, bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. Dealer L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters. MUSICAL THE MICHIGAN SIRENS present Joe Sweeny and his five piece com- bination. Call Tustison, 1767-J. KEEP PHYSICALLY fit by the daily use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen, on Records. Complete outfits sold by Schaeberle & Son. FOR RENT GOOD ROOMS for men at Fletcher Hall, 915 Sybil. ROOM AND board for boys, ready to, be occupied, January 1st. 12051 Wright -St. or call 2993-WV. FRONT Suite on second floor, screen- ed porch for two or three students or student and wife. 429 S. Div- is ion. A LARGE room for two students, or will rent it as a single room. 425 S. Division. Phone 1565-J. SINGLE room with sleeping porch for second semester. Two blocks from campus. Address box 1. J. R. care Daily. TAILOR ChRISTMAS CLOTHING A small deposit will bring your Tail-I ored-To Measure suit or overcoat to your home in time for Xmas or New Years. Phone 123 and we will call with complete style and samples. Prices $29.50 and $37.50 INTERSTATE TAILORS American Hotel, 123 E. Washington CUSTOM MADE suits-Alterations Re- pairing. Albert Gansle, Tailor, 115 S. Main (updtairs). TYPEWRITERS of all makes clean- ed and Repaired. Leave your type- writer during Xmas vac.ion and have it cleaned and ready for your return. Experienced mechanics do the work. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nick- el's Arcade, Established 1908. Phone 1718. DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING I I comfortbale margin of points,. Jack Detarr won the approval of the audi- ence also, as did Hoad and Babcock SHAMPOOING PHONE 464-W for shampoos and manicure. First class work. Mad- am C. Blackburn, 331 Beakes Street. terial decree gives the former kaiser and the former crown prince each the title, "Prince of Prussia," on the the- ory that they were each entitled to tl:at designation at birth. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. Read the Want Ads Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needlework of all kinds. E xperienced workmanship. MRS. R. T. HEAM 411 ThompSon. Phone 2768-W. FOVND .. j r 1 . _; F~I A I II SILVER PENCIL with initials. Own- san obtain it by identifying it and paying for advertisement. Phone 2800-3. A "SOCIETY Brand" coat, blue with pin stripe, bearing label of "Lasalle & Koch.. Toledo, Ohio." The owner has a coat, .sent him by mistake from the Doe-Wah-Jack Cleaners. Phone 2650-J. TWO WEEKS ago, sorority pin. Own- er may have same by proving prop- erty and paying for ad. Phone 2115-J. COSMETIC SERTICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS permanently removed by electrolysis Electro Cosmetic Service 224 Nickels Arcade CARDS and STATIONERY GREETING CARDS AND CHRIST- MAq GIFT BOX STATIONERY reduced 24 to 50 per cent Stock includes best numbers of Crane's, Old Hanmpshire, Whiting's Hurd's and many others. 0.D. MORRILL 17 Nickel's Arcade Open evenings until Christmas CHINESE RUGS. READ Mrs. Merrick's article on "Why the Low Priceof Merrick-Fette "Chinese Rugs" on page 8. Take home to mother or sister a lbeautiful "Merrick-Fette' Chinese Rug. Priced $6.40, $12.00, $17.10 and up. Phone 265-J. THE GREY SHOP 6oo E. Liberty On Your Way to the Train, Stop for a Sandwich and a Cup of Coffee. 5 I -- -l 1111 Leather and Brass Goods Make Ideal Gifts! A GIFT of leather or brass will last indefinitely! We are displaying scores of practical and inexpensive suggestions. Early shoppers will be gratified to find such appropriate gifts at so small a cost! , A complete stock-Coin Purses, Bill Folds, Card Cases, Desk Sets, Bridge Sets, Correspondence Sets, Brief Cases, Portfolios, etc. The Mayer-Schairer Company STATIONERS-PRINTERS-OFFICE OUTFITTERS Phone 1404 112 S. Main St. 1111illiilllll i 1111 111fl 111Ig I Ii 1111f11111111H1113.116111111111111111111LIgIt 11."'i - - WALK-O0VER _ .. , vDLMAR * Blucher Oxford Plain grains for winter Plain toes in grain leathers are the thing in men's winter oxfords. These two models have the untipped toe of style-comfort, and the softer, more com- fortable finish that Walk-Over gives to grain leathers. You'll like them. COPLEY - Quarter Oxford $9.00 R. J. IIOFFSTETTER 115 So. Main. 1Ai . _ - MAVIS FRENCH CHOCOLATES An Ideal Christmas Box f kq , WHITNEY FIRST TIME HERE SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15 THE CROWNING JOY OF THE SEASON The Messrs Shubert (Are Sending You) Founded on The Life of The World's Greatest Composer Franz Schubert The Am. bassador Theatre New York Success When "The Michigan Maongrel" Barks This Morning, Buy One. Foot Troubles? Have your feet examined and diagnosed by a spec- ialist. Consultations Free. .t A Brilliant Cast of 46-An Augmented Orchestra of 12 A Boston critic said after seeing "BLOSSOM TIME"-"The most de- lightful musical play of years. Schubert himself lives before you- Youhear his music-all the best of it." PPICES-$2.705, $2.20, $1.65, $1.10-MAIL NOW U4 I IRVING WARMOLTS D. S.G. Chiropodist and Orthopedist Sold on Campus. 10 Cents. 707 North University Phone 2652 A 1 w -- .0-W - I I WHITE SWAN-The House of Cleanliness. a ssWare i' 0 l . 1 . t t: " _ y FF r::. . [[FFFFrtry, . r" 1 " ' ' f1 r / a . a t ° °i 7 1 . ,. 1 , " ' Y S " ' . . .Y " { 3 . _... ... , . : .:......... i Ufttlfflitillt iftttlt 1lfii ii1t 1111f liilt lilliliiillllti it tt~~~lU ; - IN HILL AUDITORIUMl Sunday, December 16, 4:15 P.M. Messiah Concert - wl SCHOOL CHORUS - under the direction of George Oscar Bowen- aSOLOISTS Mrs. William Wheeler, Soprano Miss Doris Howe, Contralto. E Mr. William Wheeler, Tenor. -l - R. Winfield Adams, Baritone. II Si Saving llI Smashes! -.4 I1 11 11 There is a touch of the prac- tical in giving glassware for 14 Christmas. It is, after all, the lasting gift that ,really 11 perpetuates the friendship. It will only take a few mighty dollars to receive good vine in this Sale of Sales' This is the event you have been 'aiting for. Every type of Overcoat. Take advantage For gifts of this kind see- iDegvre i au[14 i Leave s U If 11