WO'UR T THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..r , OFFICIAL 1NEWSPAPER OF TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. can deveopment. Michigan will at- tain her fullest maturity when this purpose shall have become an inte- ; T D ROLL gral part of the spirit of the people, and a guiding instrument in all the activities which in any way bear upon the formation of national character. ! ACID MOUTII CAMPUS OPINION Open OWM% 6 LaVeninks I -- IAs we were splurging merrily over Members of Western Conference Editorial THE SAME GOOD OLD SENATE tIy e , Association. Ito the office yesterday morning, we The Associated Press is exclusively en- The United States Senate continues reached, in due course of time, State i titled to the use for republication of all news to carry on the type of work for which street. And we crossed it and came dispatchies credited to it or not otherwise . rdiedhnrths paper and the local news pub it 'has become famous all over the to the other side, where there is a ] -- ----- - - ____"- world-that of spending days and days trick curb. We made the first halfs Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,' Michigan, as second class matter. Special rpte in session without accomplishing any- of the curb all right, but tripped on of postage granted by 'Third Asaistant esth l master General. thing. Of all the political bodies, ithe c Subscription by carrier, $3.so; by mail,h $4.0e: A seems that this particular body wastes perately sprawling for our balance,_ Ofli ce:Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nrard Sireet. more time and more of the public's who came to soothe and help us? Who Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; B mesr ul s ness, g6o. __money than any other, do you suppose? -, l A student. He leaned over, as wel Signed communications,not exceeding 300 At present, it is deeply interosted j lay prostrate on the trottoir, and said. words willbe pulishedinheDlya the tt ' tretton of the Editors Upon re st, and wrangled as to who is going to very kindly, "Gargoyle?"' the id, ntity of communicants will be re- garded as confidential. be elected chairman of the Interstate * * * EDITOIAL TAFFCommerce Committee. For several Ial -lEDITORIAL STAFF days it has done nothing but debate Dear Sir: Telephones, 2414 and 17-M ano s I understand the Polly Little Shoppel - back and forth in a deadlock on this is making a ten per cent surcharge MANAGING EDITOR particular question. Reports state on all goods, for the extra "pe" HOWARD A. DONArIUE that a break im the Senate oan soon a o rape." be expected if the present situation * * * News ?editor ............Juliano E. M4.k DaaI n c City Editor....................arry rey continues much longer. And that is! Editorial Board C hairan....R. C. Moriarty about the way things generally run. Drama In One Act Night Editors For weeks and weeks these bodies, SCENE: HEAVEN.- F . lI. Ailes A. B. Connable ! TM -NAFWYAS K. A. Billington 1. E. Fiske the Senate and the House, but the RTIME--IN A FEW YEARS. Harry C. Clark T.G. Garirighouse ISenate in particular, quibble over ex- HARACTERS: ST. PETER AND A 11, M. Wagner FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE .ditRalph N. Biers tremely unimportant things, and about FO E P SD TA. Womn' s Editor.........Winona Hlibbard the time they are ready to get down S. C. A. Telegraia itditor. ........R. B. i'a r ST. PETER: Well, how do you like I Sunday Magazine Editor ....F. L. Tilden o business, it is high time for ad-1 Music Editor.. .......Ruth A howell . Heaven, now ya bin here a coupla Assistaid City Editor.. Kenneth C. Kellar journment. Then after Congress is w Editorial Board once more in session, the old line ofw ks? Paul Einstein Rotert Ramsay arguments are all gone over again so PRES: Oh-I think It's a pretty Andrew Propper that "those who were not present at good place all right, St. Peter. . -I Assistantstht"oswh weentpeeta STPTRNohnwrgey B. G. Alsctcke sR. S. Mansfield the initial hearings may be able to ST PETER: Nothing wrong, hey? . N. B-rkman E. C. enack vote intelligently" on the' bill. It l PRES.: Well-I wouldn't go so far helen 11rown Verena Moran as to say there's nothing wrong, Saint Bernadette Cote Regina Reichmans really is a grand old game that thcy ai G. W. Dais 4V. 11. S"meman Peter,- wrold Ehrlicl IH. R. Stone play, much to their liking and much C. .Fingerle K. 1. tyer to the public's disgust. ST PETER: Call me Pete. . P. Henry N. R. 'ial PRES.: Ha, ha-all right. When I. >orothy Kamnin S. B Trembly The fault in this case seems to be Joseph Kruger W. J. Waitliour was down on earth we always thought Elizabeth Lieberman with the Republican insurgents who as n wel tog have thrown their support to Senator of you as kind of-well, too dignified BUSINESS STAFF Robert M. LaFollette, of Wisconsin, ST. PETER: Well, what were you Telephone 9J6O their leader. They object most stren- S uously to any plan which would make going to say was the matter with BUSINESS MANAGER the re-election of Senator A. B. Cum- heaven? f LAURENCE H. FAVROT I mins of Iowa possible, the result PRES.: Well, I've been here twoI ioabSundays now, and I haven't seen any -vrsn.......E. L. Dunrne which constitutes the deadlock. h Advertising.....................C. Purdy The insurgents have declared it to church services yet. I seen a couple Advertising ........... ... Roesserj Advertising ... W. K Scherer be their primary purpose to get from of archangels drunk the other day, Accounts. .......--....A S. Morton too. I don't want to seem to butt in, Circulation ........ ...Perry M. Hayden the Interstate Commerce Commtte e I've only bin here two weeks, Publi:ation.............Lawrence Pierce legislation either sharply modifying cause eos t wowe-s Assistants or repealing the Transportation Act. but it seems to me- G. W. Campbell ewI. . oelemakerln And until a chairman is elected to this ST. PETER: Ai, my boy, we tried t4ennxe Caplan N. E. olland. to have church services--tried all Chas. Champion M. L. Ireland committee, it is unable to function. loan Coulin Harold A. Marks This of necessity upholds any action kinds, starting with Baptist which Louis M1. Dexter Byron Parker hso eest uhlsayato Joseph J. Minn I. M. Rockwell h A s most of our people used to be, and David A. Fox I1. E. Rose on the Transportation Act which s an I Lauren llaight A. J. Seidman important measure and should have ending with Presbyterian-but they H. L. Hale Will Weise wouldn't come to none of 'em. R. E. llawkinWnn C. F. White been acted upon soe time ago. But PRES.: Oh, so that's it! Well now R.C.st ,PWi-nwhen the Senate will be the Senate,E and no matter how much the public is listen, Pete-I was president of the dissatified with the work of this body, S. C. A. when I was at Michigan, and it must take and abide with the Sepi- IIwas.faced with just your problem. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1923 ate's results until there comes a time What you need up here is an Angels' I ~ Christian association-with icommit- Night Editor-PHILIP M. WAGNER when that body will be composed of tees and everything! You could get ,.__-_-- -- a group of men who are interested in a.n rAWKY STAGE a few things other than petty politics. this old place just church-crazy if THE________S__GEyou'd go at it right! When the former president of Am- ST. PETER: Yuh think so? M k.,. r. Y l PRES: Sure! You could have an Editor, The Michigai Daily:i- I am certain that discussion of the League of Nations plan to prevent war has real value whenever it is taken up in the spirit of Mr. Clardy's communication printed in today's Daily. He has raised specific ques- tions of importance, but in number so many that I can deal with one or two only within the compass of my reply, B 0 T H E N D S 0 Mr. Clardy says, "The League idea i is to attempt to settle differences be- ' " "" tween nations just as individuals settle them within a nation." This is led to adopt it shows that the child is.# correct, save in one respect, namely, more attentive and possesses more in- that the tribunal of the League is sight than we believe. Certainly if it composed, not of jurists as is a law is a characteristic only of "saints and court, but of political appointees, each eccentrics", to be honest (and the representing his own government in 1 name of either saint or eccentric car- the tribunal of appeal. The Interna- ries with it a certain stigma in the tional Court, upon the other hand, is a grammar school and high school tribunal composed of jurists chosen world) we fear that the outlook for to represent no particular nation, and the future is not very bright. the idea of such a court is one toI which this nation has consistently Chinese Shipping Increasing given its support thrroughout a period Amsterdam, Dec. 11.-Oil circles are; uneasy over reports from Djambi that of some 40 years. It has always been the famous Dutch Indian field is far sfrom being as rich as it seemed at first. ternational peace machinery would be Chinese shipping competition has re- a development of this arbitration prin- duced the Singapore-Djambi steamship I ciple, but, no doubt because of Mr. service to where it is losing $4,000 a Wilson's oft-expressed contempt for I month. rstma raream' T 1- F DI A G O N A L W A L K ,, ,w..,._, a..w.. ._ , 4i Treat Yoursef o a .Tine New Shirt at Thse Prices $ 2.50 $3.00 $3.50 .$5.00 Colar-ttahedor Bands, Earl & Wilson and Cluett, Pea- body ake them. We sell them so you can save 50c to $1.00. save 50c to $1.00. 335 S. Main St. the lawyer viewpoint, the Hague idea was given so little importance in thei "Covenant" that Mr. Elihu Root scathingly declared, "It throws these conventions on the scrap heap." In my belief the International Court of Arbitration can prevent many wars, since it often happens, as, for example, in the Aland case, that both sides sin- cerely desire to avoid war, but have got themselves into an impasse from which neither finds it easy to retire. Each would gladly accept a decision from without which would save hisI face. But the League of Nations and the International Court of Arbitration, unlike courts of law within nations, are impotent in the case of any more ' serious quarrel, because both lack, j what in legal phrase is known as DECEiMBER S M T IV T F ,S 1 2 3 4 ' 6 7 S 9 10 1t 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 I)) 20 21. 22 23 24 25 2( 27 28 29 30 31 .. .. .. . . PRE-HOLIDAY SALE ON MEN'S fHAT1S , Hats that were $3.00, Now $ 3.00 Hats that were $4.00, Iow $3.5O Hats that were $4.50, Now $3.75 Hats that were $5.60, Now $4.25 Hats Cleaned and Reblocked at low prices for 11igh-Class Work. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. I. Stops at State) 11= - -- 1 . X,. . rwnin[ rw rrY~ ~rerr 1 S A CHR HARDWARE COMPANY A' SOE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS. 1, j . , ; l ' ! t t T i t f z herst college, Dr. Alexander e john, pronounced a critical diagnosis of the status of colleges and universi- ties throughout the United States, he stimulated the unquestioning support- ers of many an American institution of higher learning to a bit of intro- spective thought. -Even the most self- satisfied boosters of Michigan cannot but recognize the truth of the eminent professor's opinion when he likens us, along with our contemporaries to "gawky boys," still in the growing period, and without any immediate prospects of attaining niaturity. The University is at present mol - perceptibly in the "sprouting stage" than at any other time in her history. With new structures towering up in every corner of the campus, streets being torn up to provide for new walks, and old walks for new sewers and heating tunnels, Michigan is cer- tainly physically in a formative per- iod. While the annual annexation of new courses and discontinuation of old ones in the regular curriculumj disturbs what little permanence hast been allowed to exist in the purely academic side, these changes are not to be deplored. With less than a century behind her, the University cannot expect to have attained the same stability which marks Oxford and Cambridge as permanent institu- tions in which almost every constitu- ent part is a factor with centuries of standing. Dr. Meiklejohn has remarked that America has no "conscious purpose," and that until some such definite aim is formulated we cannot expect to see, the academic institutions of the coun- try accomplish their constructive pur- pose to the maximum extent. It is not so much the fact that America has not a conscious purpose as that she fails to realize the exact nature of her function among the nations of the world. The nation's purpose is. ade- quately codified in the broadest inter- pretation of Declaration of Independ- Twenty-Five Years1 Ago At Michigan From the files of the U..of M. Daily, December 13, 1898., According to Detroit papers, Gert- rude May Stein who has been fre-1 quently seen at May Festivals in AnnI Arbor, covered herself with glory in that city yesterday. She sang in "La c Mort de Jeanne D'Arc," by Bemberg, a difficult aria full of deep feeling. c It has in it a lingering strain ofi sweetness and pathos, mingling with1 strong contending passion.. She sang it with an accuracy and adequacy of tone coloring that raised her work toE a very high art level.E Professor Oscar l eSeure, who has been at Sternberg Hospital, Chicka- mauga Park as brigade surgeon has ; resigned and will return to his work1 as a member of the homoeopathic fac- t ulty of the University. Being given his choice between promotion and going to Cuba, or resigning and re-i turning to Ann Arbor, he preferred the latter.l A baby osirich, 35 days old, has been] added to the bird collection at the I Museum. Before it died the newcomer belonged on Belle Isle, Detroit, where1 it was hatched in an incubator. Professor McMurrich of the depart- ment of anatomy in the University1 has recently been asked by the author- ities of the Bremen museum to in- vestigate a collection of actinia, com-1 monly known as animal flowers or+ sea-anemones, obtained from the south Pacific Islands. This offer, hej was regretfully compelled to decline,- as he is at the present time engaged in a study of a similar collection from the .coast of Chile, made by the au-+ thorities of the Royal Museum ofj Angels' Service committee, and at Bible discussion group in the Upper Room, and- ST. PETER: What the dooce is the' upper room? - PRES.: Oh that's a, room in the A. C. A. Building where you can practice oratory, or do studying, or meditate, or have Bible discussions., ST. PETER: Oh, we have a building, hey? PRES.: Sure! Yuh gotta have head- quarters to. work from, or you don't get nowhere at all. And maybe you could pay Angel Kipke to be the di-I rector. He was All American in col- lege. . ST. PETER: All American? PRES.: Yea(h-great football play- er. They always make the best lead- ers, yuh know. ST. PETER: Yeah? PRES.: Yeah, and then we could organize a Freshair Camp in the summer-Must get kind of stuffy up here, doesn't it? For the pore kiddies-' ST. PETER: Gosh, you're spendin', a pile of celestia coin, here- PRES.: Well, the stu-pardon me, the angels oughta support worthy causes, hadn't they? And some of those State street angels surely need religion. . . We can get the inde- pendent angels all right, but some of these fratters- ST. PETER: Never mind the frat- ters, we ain't got the others packed into the churches yet. . . PRES.: Well, the way to get 'em in is to have a real live hustling preacher-I imagine we could hire one for about $5,000 a year- ST. PETER: Five thousand! Boy, the elevator is at yore left-and goin' down! Plato * * * We wish to reiterate the remarks we made a few days ago -about the overcoat that was stolen from a' friend of ours. It was stolen while he was in a class in Mason hall; and as he is worflkingf hisi wa'v througmph school, it sanction-the power to enforce a de- i cision when once obtained. Mr. Clardy as a student of law will understand, I am sure, this fatal weakness of the League of Nations. Its decision in a really serious international quarrel has about the same value as making a face in a quarrel between urchins. Without the "strong arm of the law," the ever-ready police power and the greater force behind it, our court de-' cisions would soon become a laughing stock. It is well known that when at the Paris Conference France was reluctantly compelled to accept the idea of a League-and then only on the promise fromy Mr. Wilson that he would use his power to secure a tri- I partite defensive alliance of America, Great Britain and France-Clemen- I ceau and Foch were insistent for at least an international general staff to afford the League some sanction. Against this Mr. Wilson set his face. In replying to this query of 'Mr. Clardy, I think I have also answered! another of his questions, why it is that in my "World War and Its Con- sequences" I gave approval to thee peace idea of the late John Fiske, namely, to have a preponderance of i military strength at the command of j the peace-loving, rather than the mil- itaristic, nations. William Herbert Hobbs. December 13, 1923. YESTERDAY By SMYTHE Have a Dime in Your jeans This Morning to Buy a Copy of The Michigan MONGREL. Skandel! Noos! Racey torees. All for But Ten Cents! On the Campus By the Campus For the Campus ...-w_- Give UsefulGifts, Afl-Wite Pastry Tables Tea wagolns Bridge lAtilps Teehn Stands Floor laps 'Frays Trivets Csse-oles Nut Bowls Nllt ('racks and( Picks Pyrex Glassware Aluminum Ware Roasters . Carving Sets Salad Sets Kitchen Cabinets Refrigerators Gas Ranges Clothes Hampers Bathroom Fixtures Medicine Cabinets I 308-10-12 SO. MAIN ST. PHONES 174-175M , I For Chrislhas Ginve Her a ,Cyia1 _...: ' AN ELASTIC CODE A teacher who interrogated pupils In three New York high schools gives the moral code which the pupils have worked out for themselves: " . . . they hold that stealing physical property is wrong, cheating in examinations and forging a par- ent's name are ideally wrong, but ex- cusable under stress of circum- stances; misrepresentation in busi- ness is normal, except as directed against one's partner or employer; cheating in school work, such as copy- ing another's composition or problem and handing it in as original, does not stamp a boy or girl as dishonest and is occasionally indulged in by all saints or eccentrics; a lie is wrong only when told to injure some one; it is right to tell a lie to save from f unpleasantness." * * * The code reveals several interesting facts. First, it is quite elastic and shows that the influence of increasing civilization has penetrated the child } mind. ;Civilization is a process where- by the friction of living with one's fellow man is eliminated as much as Appriate e ' , Kind thoughts for others are best shown in Gifts you make. Hence, a box of our tasty and wholesome Chocolates or Bon-Bons will certainly make a most acceptable and appropriate Gift for her. And then, too, it'll be more like Christmas to have a box or two confections on hand. Order today. of our tasty Try One of Our Fancy $1.50 Boxes for $100 114 E. Huron. an Milli 4+.s.. .. I Z' .. 4axY rJ eu .l, 4,1- a f 1111,10