.r.Y.r rwri. y THE WEATHER FAIR AND CONTINUED COLD TODAY '.L Ar 4ir r t t n , I . :43 at ii LAST DAY FOR 'ENSIAN PAYMENTS AT $4.50 VOL. XXXIV. No. 69 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE MEXICAN FORlCES MUSTER TO CHECK, REBELS' ADVANCE Gargoyle Fulfills Promise By Distinctive Christmas. Issue FEDERAL GENERAL IS UNABLE TO CHECK PROGRESS OF REVOLUTIONISTS ARMS SUPPLIED MILITIA FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION West Coast Towns in Hands of Rebels; Invaders Rapidly Approach Federal Armies Chihuahua City, Dec. 12.-(By 'A. P.) -Governor Ignacio Enriquez today held a. conference with officers of the Chihuahua state militia, ordered mo- bilized several days ago to work in conjunction with federal troops. The state troops have been supplied with gdvern'nent arms and ammuni- tion and are in readiness for instant action. Governor Enriqune: was told that the state of Chihuahua is quiet, according to the executive officers but precautions are being taken. Vera Cruz, Dec. 12. (By A. P.)-A column of the revolutionary army has reached Apizaco, state of Tlaxcala (about 75 miles east of Mexico City) without meeting with resistance from the Obregon forces, according to rev- olutionary headquarters here. It is stated That the federal Gen. Fausto Topete was unable to tear up the railway lines and impede the reb- els owing to the rapidity of the ad- vance., The. rebel column is commanded by Gen. Pedro Gonzalez. Huert tas'Are Unopposed A staff correspondent of the Dicta- men, accompanying the advancing rebels, wires from Grueso that the in- surgent forces have already reached Esperanza, Puebla, from Boca del Monte without meeting the enemy. When the re olutionari s neare t Esperanza, the Federal leader, Cen. Fauf:o Topete (Who, Mei*;o city die' patches said, was heading a large government arntyj with about 20 men fled northward on a military train, the correspower.t 'ka probayI . with tb. inteution ui cut:tg the rain at a more opportuao pr:nt. Ile als- op;ne.1 .the faucets of ptrceum tanks to pevent the rebl frt i1 ttfiizing ti oil. Anoiier c(rrespondent, with teI rebel endmn vdancing a1ng the In- ter-Ocuaiic .iclaway, annor:ces tha; the jebets entered the Ociental sta- tionaf*.r xehlanging a few shotssith the (brego tyirccpsio ti back El Paso, )Dec 12.'Interest along the Mexican border incidenttothe upris-1 lug against the governnent.of Presi-i dent Obregon centers about.ne*s frim Nogales, Ariz., that ore than 2,00 armed insurgehts are marching from Tepic, west coast town, now in the hands of the rebels, to take the states of Sinaloa and Sonora. A general conflagration over the Mexican west coast is cy:pected. in view of the in- surgents' rapid advance. The international line runs between Sonora and New Mexico. and,fdr a short distance, Sonora' also meets Arizona. Calles Out for Good Gen. Die uez. is reported. to baye1 declared his forces would . remain in the field until Gen. Plutarco Elias. y Calles has been removed irrevocably fron the possible field of - Mexican presidential candidates. Having been advised that Gov. Ig- nacio Enriquez, of Chihuahua, has ar: rived in Chihuahua City, authorities at Juarez, across the line from.here, are concerned with a report that Juan Yutbaran, brtlher of Rafael Zubar'nu Capmany, provisional president of .the Vera Cruz goyern nen.tg ishere in the interest of the re illion^. 'there' had been ,rumors that Gpov.1 Enriquez was captured by rebels in Zacatecas. He' left "Mondiy for 'Mex - ico City, intending to'try t'sette the quarrel between Obregon and Adolfo de la Huerta, leader of the revolt, but was halted by the blowing up of rail- road, tracks._ Gargoyle promised a Christmas number for December and in its ap- pearance yesterday fulfilled the prom- ise. The December garg is distinct- ly a Christmas number from cover to cover and, incidentally it is a very good garg, as gargs go. Yule-tide in old England, picture- esque street minstrels, an old-world street with quaint, gabled houses, snow, holly and steaming plum pud- ding, all portrayed in a pleasing manner with a fine color scheme and painstaking attention to detail, that is the Christmas cover. Rising far above the mediocracy of the ordinary run of college . publication covers, it stamps this months garg at once as possesing unusual merit. Illustrations of a sort ever desir- able in a magazine of the nature of the Gargoyle are present in satisfy- ing numbers. Members of the opera cast seem to be the most prevalent subjects, fitly enough. Michigan's "prettiest girls" may well be repres- ented in every campus publication. An easy flow of humor to bear out some point, that is a garg editorial. One, we notice carries a promise of a girls' number in January. All power to you, garg. May the January num- ber be as good as the December one with its predominance of masculine contributors. Gargoyle throughout this issue pre- served the fine sense of proportion for which it has come to be known in presenting much the usual array of' humorous contributions. Of a good wholesome character are these contri- butions, possessing neither the low moral tone upon which similar pub- lications make their bid for popular- ity nor yet an air of prudary. Gar- goyle evidently appreciates that the student body as a whole is neither an aggregation of angels nor yet of moral perverts. B. G. B. POSSIBL LLIBERAL AND CONSERVATIlE COALITION HITE INTERESTED CENTERS EXCITED OVER CONFERENCE OF LEADERS ... _ HOUSE IS SWAMPED WITH AMENDMENTS MICHIGAN TO MEET M. A. C. AT LANSIN6 Liquor, Child Labor, Suffrage Inaugural Date Considered In Legislation And New Aggie Stadium Will ed In Game Oct. 11. WILL BE FIRST VISIT CAPITAL CITY Be Dedicat. "EQUAL RIGHTS" AMENDMENT TO BE GIVEN HOUSE MONDAY Washington, Dec. 12-Rep. Daniel R. Anthony, Jr. (Rep.), Kansas, an- nounced today he expected to intro- duce in the House the "equal rights" amendment to the Constitution, placed before the Senate Monday by.Senator Charles Curtis, of his state. The measure is sponsored by the National Woman's party. Many Before House Numerous proposed amendments to the Constitution already are before the House. Amendments calling for restriction of child labor have been introduced by Reps, Henry A. Coop er, Wis; J. 1. Rogers and F. W. Dall- inger, Mass; Albert Johnson, Wash- ington; Roy. S. Fitzgerald and Ellis Moore, Ohio and Nathan D. Perlman, New York, all Republicans; and Carl Hayden, Arizona and John E. Raker, Calif., Democrats. Children born of alien parents in the United States would not be con- sidered citizens under the amendments introducted by Reps. Johnson of Washington and Raker. The right of Congress to enact uni- form marriage and divorce laws is aslel in mend ients introduced by Reps. Louis W. Fairfield (Rep.), In- diana; I Alfred Taylor (Dem). West IVirginia and- Hayden. Rep Ro yC. Woodruff (Rep.), Mich iger would have the inauguration ofthe President advanced to the third Monday'in January and Rep. C. Will- iam Ramseyer (Rep.), Iowa, seeks to have the date set at Jan 24. Clancy Puts in Bill Sale and manufacture of beer con- taiihig not more than five per cent of alcohol and the levying of taxes upon it with which to pay adjusted compensation for World War veterans is asked in an amendment introduced by' Rep. Robert H. Clancy (Dem.), Michigan.> Rep. William R. Green, Iowa, act- ing chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has introduced an amend- ment to prohibit the issue of tax exempt securities. . Election of the President and vice president on popular vote is proposed by Rep.. Thomas D. Schall (Rep.), Minn., the nominee receiving the larg- est vote of all cast throughout the nation to be.- declared President. Rep Dallinger also asks amendment giving Congress power to regulate the nomination and election of Unit- ed States senators and representativ- es, and'to regulate the ixpenditures of candidates for nomination to these offices. Washington, Dec. 12.-President Cool- idge by a delegation representing *esternvheat states to order modifi- cation by the ' department of agricul- ture of existing wheat grades. TO SINCE 1914 Michigan will dedicate the new sta- dium of the Michigan Agriculture coll- ege at East Lansing on Oct. 11 next fall in the first Maize and Blue invas- ion of the Capitol City since 1914. This will be the first of three dedi- cation games that the Varsity will take part in next fall, the other two being at Illinois on Oct 18. and Min- nesota on Nov. 1 respectively. Coach Ralph Young, athletic dir- ector of M. A. C. completed arrange- ments for the Lansing game with Fielding H. Yost, director of intercoll- egiate athletics, yesterday afternoon. It was decided that Michigan will be given for the students and alumni a block of one half the seats- in the sta- dium which will seat a total number of 17,600 when completed. Michigan students will be admitted to these seats by the student coupon book, the same way as used at the lM. A. C. game when held at Ferry field. In speaking of the game Coach Yost said, "I will be very glad to take the team to East Lansing.next fall to dedicate the new stadium that Michi- gan Agriculture College is erecting, They have come .to Anma Arbo& for-:the annual game every year since 1914 and it is only right that we should return the courtesy on such an ocas- ion as this. We have made arrane- ments so that the students can at- tend the game-in the ame manner as at Ferry field." The M. A. C. game next season -is the second one -on the schedule, Mi- ami being the opening contest of the year. The Illinois game is on the next Saturday Oct. 18; followed in succession by the other five Confer- ence games EXTA UPERFORMAE:, f OPERA TO SHOW TONUGT A second extra showing of "Cotton Stockings" the eighteenth annual Michigan Union opera will be given tonight in the Whitney theatre.. Un- less it is decided to give another per- formance following the J-Hop this will be the last time the opera will be given in Ann Arbor. It was decided to add another ex- tra showing here to the schedule of performances -of the opera when t was discovered that .many students had been unable to obtain tickets for the regular performances or for 1 first extra showing. - All seats 'for thel seven performances of the opera Were sold out far in advance. A similar situation has developed in ltany' of the cities which 'the opera will visit on its road trip according' to messages received by Homer Heath, manager of-theUnion. Several cities have wired asking that an extra per- formance be scheduled for them. ItI is understood that the advance 'seat sale for houses in which the opera will play on its road trip has been much the same as in Ann Arbor. Some the- atres have added extra seats .to ac- commotlate the large numberof pat- rons desiring.to see the production.. Followng .the performance tnight the cast and members of the compay 'Will leave for Toledo where they will give the fi'rst showing-of he road trip. From Toledo the opera goes to FOREIGN POLICIES OF TWO PARTIES SIMILAR Political Writers Deny Contemplation Of "An Arrangement"; Factions Oppose Move London, Dec. 12--In view of the per- sistence, despite many denials of rum- ors that the Liberals were willing and had been agreed to give some sort of support to the Conservatives when Parliment meets next month, all cen ters of political interest were consid- erably excited yesterday when they learned that Prime Minister Baldwin and Herbert Acquith, the Liberal lead- er, had had an interview. Views Differ The London Daily Mail asserts that Mr. Asquith has offered his services to Prime Minister Baldwin in the "common interest," while the most I powerful Liberal paper In England, the Manchester Guardian, points out that the Liberals and Labor have most in common. It declares this is partic- ularly true of foreign policies, those of the two parties being "virtually the same." A majority of the political writers reiterate emphatically a denial that "an arrangement" was made or is con- templated. The Liberal newspapers say their party certainly will not give the least support to Mr. Baldwin and1 that neither Mr. Asquith nor Mr.j Lloyd George ever suggested such a" thing. The Conservative Morning Post is equally emphatic, asserting that both parties are hostile to any sort of an arrangement. The persistent char- acter of the rumor is ascribed in some quarters to the Labor politicians. The announcement of Mr. Baldwin's decision to hold on seems to have clinched labor's resolve not only to accept any offer to take up the gov-i ernment, but actively to seek that re- sponsibility. Then, as the Daily Her- aid says today, "labor's opportunity will have come." Things apparently will be more or, less at a standstill until Parliment assembles, Jan 8. It will be Jan. 15 before the House gets down to real business and is ready for the King's speech and the address in reply. L i ENs IAN ANNifUNCES LAT DAflY FOESR RDUCED RAlTS Today is the last day on which members of the Michiganensian staff will be at the .'Ensian office to take payments at $4.50 on subscriptions. Tomorrow will be the last day on, which payments may be made at the reduced rates. Payments will be taken after the holidays and up untiltMarc a1 at the rate of $5. Up to date more than 1000 subscrip- tions have been paid' for at the low rate The holders of..receipts. Issued1 frthepayments are urged to keep them. ' WARNING NOTICES TORSE . r MAILED TO. STUDENTS1 All students in the literary college whose standing is below the C grade in any of their courses will receive a notice today or tomorrow from the of- fice of XWilbur R. Humnphreys, assi 1 ant dean of the literary college.- The tnotice will signify in what cqurse or courses each. student is' ding failing work.. -Yesterday warn- ijg had been . sent to all. persons whose names begin., with letters A-O. C Washington,rDec. 12.-Sherman A. Cuneo, director of publicity for the prohibition unit, was found dead in his apartment here today. SUNG To the Tune of Bach's Concerto: Two mere days.to .aeation To stody we Jial e no Incliation, But want to go to the station, And back to civilization. The Republican national, committee selected Cleveland, June '10 for the 1924 convention and disapproved the reapportionment plan which would would have cut the delegate strength of the South. OF FINANCIAL RUPE IThe Day's News At I The Capitol Secretary Work's advisory commit- tee in Indian affairs began consider- ing problems affecting the 340,000 In- dian population of the nation. While the House was in recess members of the ways and means com- mittee discussed with Secretary Mel- lon plans for tax legislation by this Congress. A veterans' bloc in the'House ap- proved plans for a new committee to handle veterans' legislation and gave notice it would press for a bonus bill. President Coolidge regards unoffic- ial American aid in the reparations in- quiry as a long forward step in the national foreign policy. The Senate failed to break the dead- lock over the election of a chairman of the interstate commerce committee and adjourned until Saturday. Speedy Craft Help To Land Xmas Liquor Seabright, N. J., Dec. 12.-(By A. P.) --Seeking desperately to land before Christmas the stock of liquor that awaits them on rum row, Jersey run-' hers today were working at top speed to get into the water, the racing boats of ever increasing swiftneus that are. now being built for them along the coast. The yards are turning out speed boats driven by twin airplane motors whose builders now boast for them an ability to breast the waves at 40 miles an hour. The claim was made that on a trial run, the new boats can race to the proposed miles limit and back in 40 minutes. They look like lumbering old fishboats and trav- el like hydroplanes. State troopers are keeping sharp watch on these lat- est additions to the shore fleet. New Whimsies On Sale Today Chancellor ZIMB LIST SHOI SUPERB IRTIS ILIGHT PROG FAMOUS AUER BRILLIANT LOCAL' PUPrL C SUCCESS I DEBUT Marx Greets Foreign Rep- resentatives in Gloomy Mood SAYS COUNTRY IS STRONGLY IN FAVOR OF FULFILLAUENT Berlin, Dec. 12.-(By-A. P.)-The German chancellor's first reception of the foreign representative today was an occasion of unrelieved gloom and the keynote of his address was that Germany was absolutely at the end o9 her resources. In this, however, Dr. Marx did not differ materially fron the utterances of his predecessos in office on similar 'occasions. From motives of economy only a few lights were burning in the big reception room of the chancellor's official resi- dence, and the stockily built, spect- acled successor of Streseman spoke his first sentences in the semi-dusk, until someone turned on more light.: The chancellor's stern face hardly moved when he solemnly announced that Germany was now at the end of her tether, but he declared that his goverinmeit waswhole heartedly ;nf favor of a policy .of fulfillment. He Iadmpitted that many people in Germ.- any'.evenIyet didanot realize what the lost war meant to the country but the government would spare no efforts to meet its obligations. PI SIGMA I NITIATES FOURTEENAT AQET Phi Sigma, honorary biological fra- ternity, initiated -two faculty meinbers and fourteen students at the annual Initiation and banquet held last night at the Union. Dr. Frederick G. Novy, professor of bacteriology, was taken into honorary membership, and Prof. H. B. Lewis, of the chemistry depart- ment, into faculty membership. The initiates are; W. A. Archer, grad; D. S. Brown, grad; H. E. Blight, '25D; C. F. Byers, '25; C. M. Davis, '25; C. H. Fortune, '26M; T. H. Lang- lois, grad; A. L. Schultz, '26M; J. H. Nichols, '26M; W. J. Nungester, grad; C. L. Pannabecker, '25M; P. B. Pike, '26D; J. E. Saso, '24;' T. E. Schmidt, '25M. Dr. Emory W. Sink, assistant phy- sician of the University health 'ser- vice and past national president of the fraternity, and Dr. Lee R. Dice, cur- ator of mammals - for the University museum, were the priciple speakers. CONTINUE DI STRIBUTION OF 1J-HOPAPPLICATIONS Ticket applications for the 1926 J-hop will continue to be given out from 2 to 6 o'clock today and tomor- row in tfhe main lobby of the Union. After tomorrow no more applicationg will be issued. All the applications- must %e e turned to 'Willlani err, '25E, chair- man of the Hop ticket committee, at 604 -S. State St., by the first Monday affer' the' Christnias holidays. Work of answering them will begin immed- Whimsies 'is out today. It is a new and larger Whimises, one which is said to justify the title "cam'pus liter- ( ary magazine." The Whimsies staff has brought together in this, the first E issue of the year, an unusual group cf stories and verses. Chief among the stories is "The City," aclever picturization of the city from the small town point of view, by Paul Osborne, Grad. There are also several other well-handled 4 stories, among them being "The So- nata by Moonlight" by M. A. Butch- 'art, '26, "The Scythe of La Muerthe" by J. Breslin Behse, '27, and "From the Realm of Memories" by Elizabeth R. Powell, '25. Among the verses, there are four poems by Rosalie Dunlap Hickler that stand out especially. There are also verses by Marion Buck, '25, Mary Elizabeth Cooley, '26, and ,several others. "The Command, a one act play between a young man and an old Man, is well done and interesting. I The first number of the new Whim-' sies will be on sale today in the Li- brary and on the campus. The price is one dollar for the five copies which will be published this year, or 25 cents per issue. N. R. T I 'I Plan Holiday Hop For College Men Students at CornellYale, Purdue, Wisconsin Illindis,'Michigan, and also small nearby colleges will be sent bids for the intercollegiate holiday hop that is to be held, from 9 to 2 o'clock Friday evening, Dec. 28, in the ball .room, of the General Motors buiding in Detroit. The affair will be the first of its kind held in that city and is given in honor of the stu- dents that will be home for the holi- days..{ The committee in charge of the ball includes B. R. Kritz, '24E, Howard Reed, '25E, and R. C. Griffith, '24E. The affair though 'open to the public, is expected to be mostly a student's i event... The number of bids expected I to lie mailed will -be more than 1500. Applications for tickets may also be obtained from Kritz, at 2632 W. Grand Blvd;," Detroit. Hospital Asks For Christmas Trees More tees are needed for Christmas Day delebration by the University Hospital, and the fraternities, soror-| ities, house clubs and dormitories who I have Christmas parties are asked to give' their trees along with any other little gifts they can spre.- It,=is the aim to put one tree in each of the 40 or 50 wards as was done last year' through the help of the duff- erent organizations. Arrangements for having the trees called for can be made by calling Mrs. James Breakey at 2780 today. A truck will be sent for the donations Friday night - or Saturday, according to which the prefers. Dr. W. E. Forsythe To Attend Meeting MENDELSSOHN CONCI IS ADMIRABLY RENDEI Smaller Pieces of Tor AnUln, and Saratsate Find Favor with Audience By Edgar H. Aes The beautiful art of Efrem Zim was exhibited here for the first last night when the famous Ru violinist appeared at the fourth C Union concert in Hill auditoriun large audience, always enthusi indicated its pleasure by round round of applause and was rew by a program of light' and r trivial, though by no means uni' t esting, character. Plays Mende ssohn Concert Mr. Zimbalist followed his s rendition of the little 'Bach Pr iIn E major with the irrepres Mendelssohn concerto in E mina "wretched, unideaed" compoa whose saccharine sentimentality virtuoso fustian is redeemed ofll the masterly craftsmanship w seems never to have deserted th I thor. All violinists adore thew however, because of the unriv opportunities it offers for exploit of the artist and the public will p ably sanction this so long as ther 'violinists like Zimbalist to play i His interpretation exhausted possibilities of the concerto and a some which were probably there. Gifted as only a born vi ist is, his full, sonorous tone, intonation, clean, elastic bowing brilliant technic were finely. dei strated., His playing is remarl chiefly for its pure, artistic style ave and ingratiating tone and abs of sensationalism, possessing ne the magnificence of Kreisler nor prismatic brilliance of Heifetz, distinctly individual and engros He is an artist of the finer fiber; who can transmute into beauty merest trifle by the sheer lovel and perfection of his playing A virtuoso, he commands attention ecuting the most difficlt pas work and double stoppiag with summate ease. Aulin Pieces Interestlug An unconventional antidote o 1f'delsso hn was roide4 by tbiec pieces of Tor Ant 6,t'he Sa' violinist, vlhse c ,ili"?tlokli (uite unfamrnihar her". ' The 'Ga and Musette, Berceuse aud Impr tu are all charming works, reve e qiontaneity and autb-)ity of which Immediately caught and the attention of the most nu ear. Cyril Scott, known to mot us as the author of some moder inspired, Debussey-like piano p surprised us by the skill and be which distinguishe hi "Cherry I and a Danse. Mr l.. Zimbai hearers were particularly' deon tive after this group and he gene: ly responded with four encores. . Another warhorse of which vi fists. are inordinately fond is the men" fantasy of Sarasate an choosing it for his concluding ber, Mr. Zimbalist again conced the popular taste with happy re Out of their original setting, the banera, the Seguidilla and Gipsy sound strangely de trop but Saras arrangement is "effective" if no actly congruous with the spirit o zet's music. Mr. Zimbalist play with delightful sparkle and elan, l phasizing its musical qualities a I expense of the moere tiii lones. U iLL APPEAR 11N UUU Eleven Of Oberammergau Folk Arrive To Save Passion Play New York, . Dec. 12-Eleven of the simple folk of Oberanumergau .in the Tyrolese;:Alps, actors in the historic Passion play given each decade in the Bavarian village came to America .to- day on the steamship Alliaucefo earn' money for the salvation oid eir belov ed pageant. James and Emanuel Lange brother of Andreas, senior and, fellow traitor. of Judas in the pageant. . -The :others -were ;musicians and choristers: - Anton Lange is the .only Ilguist of the party, speaking good ,English .and acting as the interpreter for his.German speaking companions. These simple folk are wood carvers, Copy for the annual catalog the University is now being asse at the office of"Registrar Arti Hall. Fifteen thousand copies publication will be-published at be ready for use Apr. 1. Copy N sent to press Saturday. For the first time the list c dents in the University durir icurrent year will not be, inclun the general catalogue. This liE be compiled and with the list faculty, also included in the cat will -be issued' In aseparate later in the year. Changes to bE in the general catalogne are of nature, such as the omission o .Dr. Warren E. Forsythe of the Uni-1 velity..ealti seryice will." attend the convention of the American Students' Health Association which will be held Jan.22 -at ~-Cincinmiati; O. More than f6rty 'doctors' 'in charge of organi- zations 'similar to the health service will. be present. Matters regarding JI